kevinz000 wrote:OOC: Francinum: There are three types of HoS
OOC: Francinum: Adolf Hitler, Police Chief, and Kevinz
>not franz, kevinz and rin
You mean JLP, Kevin and literally whoever else.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:34 am
by kevinz000
[21:33] <+KorPhaeron> mekhi is pure
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:25 am
by PKPenguin321
kevinz000 wrote:[21:33] <+KorPhaeron> mekhi is pure
This is the memorable quotes thread not the incorrect statements thread
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:08 am
by MimicFaux
(F)[Common] Dark Efencee says, "THERES SO MUCH SPACE FOR ACTIVITIES"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:38 am
by kevinz000
[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:42 am
by DemonFiren
Ah, the cancer that is killing /tg/.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 2:57 pm
by MimicFaux
DemonFiren wrote:Ah, the cancer that is killing /tg/.
My current favourite wayto root out valid hunters is with the Syndicate Trader 'event'. Here's an 'npc' that trades rare goods for generally, cash only; so right off the bat it's not easy to get a lot of stuff, and weapons are very expensive. Most often, people end up walking away with a Mulligan, a syndie dufflebag, cigarettes or if they scrounge enough, a stetchkin without extra ammo. (which is acquirable elsewhere).
The event usually ends when security decides to raid the shop for those sweet sweet valids, at which point the Trader hosts a clearance sale, and heads home.
EDIT to avoid unnecessary post: Yes, I equip them with an explosive in case of full on shitlers. Otherwise Security is going to be roaming the halls with sniper rifles and elite hardsuits. And no one wants that.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:03 pm
by DemonFiren
You are giving the trader a macrobomb implant just in case, right?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 4:33 pm
by Not-Dorsidarf
DemonFiren wrote:You are giving the trader a macrobomb implant just in case, right?
Please, a macrobomb and a few syndiecores in their backpack. Nobody gets the goods.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:32 pm
by IcePacks
kevinz000 wrote:[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
so a murderous traitors good to go, right
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:52 pm
by kevinz000
IcePacks wrote:
kevinz000 wrote:[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
so a murderous traitors good to go, right
Read security policy discussion thread for full story
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:19 pm
by IcePacks
i don't have the time to scroll through malkevin idealogically masturbating to facism can you give me the abridged version
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:21 pm
by Screemonster
kevinz000 wrote:[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 5:44 pm
by kevinz000
IcePacks wrote:i don't have the time to scroll through malkevin idealogically masturbating to facism can you give me the abridged version
tl;dr ran into science just to shoot a golem doing science and nearly executed them but I stopped them, gigantic piece of shit who should not be allowed anywhere near security or the servers.
I am security.
He is security.
Round about to end shuttle is 2-3 minutes away
He walks into science and into a lab
Tasers and cuffs a golem and drags them to interrogation
Tells me he's going to kill them for being nonhuman
>I told him to stop and fuck off
>He doesn't listen
>I go to uncuff the golem
>He shoots me
>I call security
>He gets cuffed, I get uncuffed, he gets uncuffed in that order
>Golem already went catatonic because they can't deal with his shit
>We all go to shuttle
>He taunts me over the radio and starts attacking people that are helping security
>I shoot and cuff him and he starts bawling and crying and calling me a shitter
>Next round
>He's officer, no hos, he convinces captain to make him HoS
>Wants to perma clown over walking into the brig (not breaking, walking)
>Captain denied him
>Makes snarky comment about me thinking "nonhumans are people" good thing it doesn't apply to hostile mobs etc tec
>etc etc I gave up on the round traitor emagged it and I barely gave a fuck so there.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:27 am
by kevinz000
PM: Kevinz000/(Mekhi Anderson)->[REDACTED]/[REDACTED]: Why did you use a maximum yield explosive to destroy a single tree?
PM: [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]->Kevinz000/(Mekhi Anderson): I wasn't told to cut down a tree
PM: [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]->Kevinz000/(Mekhi Anderson): I was told to remove tree
PM: [REDACTED]/[REDACTED]->Kevinz000/(Mekhi Anderson): I removed tree
Shenzi Brouwers is trying to put handcuffs on Santa Claus!
No fun allowed.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:31 pm
by kevinz000
Adamantine Pahoehoe says, "Listen here, you piece of fucking retarded ass shit. I am Adamantine Pahoehoe. Leader of golems. Owner of goliaths. begger of admins. abductor of xenobiology. go fuck off, you nerd."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 11:22 pm
by IcePacks
MimicFaux wrote:Shenzi Brouwers is trying to put handcuffs on Santa Claus!
No fun allowed.
there is literally no other way this could end
remember when i was father griffmas?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 3:42 am
by MimicFaux
OOC: Shaps: maybe if you rub your pubes on unwashed bats maybe
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:25 am
by Kjolstet
That's a syndicate bomb.
A large and menacing device. Can be bolted down with a wrench.
It seems pristine and undamaged.
A digital display on it reads "33".
Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns says, "Shit"
Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns says, "Shit"
Bredden Butter says, "GODSPEED"
Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns says, "WHAT DO I CUT"
Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns says, "OH GOD OH GOD"
Bredden Butter yells, "PURPLE!!"
Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns gasps!
An alarm sounds! It's go-
You're set on fire!
Your eyes sting a little.
Bredden Butter has died at Telecoms Control Room.
You have given up life and succumbed to death.
(F) DEAD: Im Sad So Im Gonna Build Guns says, "I SHOULDN'T OF CUT PURPLE"
rollercoaster of emotions
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:57 pm
by DemonFiren
>not pulsing
lmao git gud
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:59 pm
by Anonmare
Shoulda pulsed lad, less chance of failing that way.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:03 pm
by Kraso
Everyone knows it's always the wire within a shade of red.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:23 am
by Kjolstet
Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:27 am
by Armhulen
Kjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
this angers me in many ways
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:49 am
by DemonFiren
Armhulen wrote:
Kjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
this angers me in many ways
I know, right?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:39 am
by IcePacks
Armhulen wrote:
Kjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
this angers me in many ways
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:37 am
by PKPenguin321
So this one is actually memorable because I have it memorized completely and it's one of my personal favorite Lauser moments. It requires some context.
It was a rev round and I was an assistant that got converted. I quickly built a baseball bat from wood in the library and saw the captain alone in the kitchen trying to cook. I hopped the desk and assured him I was a professional chef and announced a cooking show over the radio. I was completely bullshiting and improvising, and was planning on beating the captain over the head with the bat as soon as he started to even remotely believe it. I placed the bat on the table to calm his nerves and carefully made a bun. At this point a crowd had formed at the desk to watch my cooking show so the pressure was high. I started getting nervous once the warden and some sec officers showed up to watch the commotion and put the bun on top of the bat on the table, and declared the brilliant new invention: The home run baseball burger. The captain was confused and as he started to question my hastily improvised weapon, I quickly grabbed the bat and beat the shit out of him in front of most of sec and other various crew.
I narrowly survived a horrible beating from the captain's sword and sec's everything, and much later in the round this exchange happened
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift was pretty long"
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift hasbeen about an hour and five minutes"
[Common] Braids Grenades says, "AN HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES HE SAYS"
It's seriously one of my fondest memories of this game because I just can't deal with the absolute absurdity of a professional cooking show just being a guy putting a bat on a bun and beating up the confused onlooker
I love this game
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:14 pm
by delaron
PKPenguin321 wrote:So this one is actually memorable because I have it memorized completely and it's one of my personal favorite Lauser moments. It requires some context.
It was a rev round and I was an assistant that got converted. I quickly built a baseball bat from wood in the library and saw the captain alone in the kitchen trying to cook. I hopped the desk and assured him I was a professional chef and announced a cooking show over the radio. I was completely bullshiting and improvising, and was planning on beating the captain over the head with the bat as soon as he started to even remotely believe it. I placed the bat on the table to calm his nerves and carefully made a bun. At this point a crowd had formed at the desk to watch my cooking show so the pressure was high. I started getting nervous once the warden and some sec officers showed up to watch the commotion and put the bun on top of the bat on the table, and declared the brilliant new invention: The home run baseball burger. The captain was confused and as he started to question my hastily improvised weapon, I quickly grabbed the bat and beat the shit out of him in front of most of sec and other various crew.
I narrowly survived a horrible beating from the captain's sword and sec's everything, and much later in the round this exchange happened
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift was pretty long"
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift hasbeen about an hour and five minutes"
[Common] Braids Grenades says, "AN HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES HE SAYS"
It's seriously one of my fondest memories of this game because I just can't deal with the absolute absurdity of a professional cooking show just being a guy putting a bat on a bun and beating up the confused onlooker
I love this game
And now I get to hide my goofy ass smile at work as I read this shit. Stifled my laughter as a cough... Thanks!
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:23 pm
by confused rock
This is how to be funny on spacemens, not saying honk over and over
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:41 pm
by DemonFiren
confused rock wrote:This is how to be funny on spacemens, not saying honk over and over
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:06 pm
by Anonmare
DemonFiren wrote:
confused rock wrote:This is how to be funny on spacemens, not saying honk over and over
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:25 pm
by peoplearestrange
The Demon Of Ian barks, "THERE IS" Security Officer Guess says, "Yer goons almost killed all of us" The Demon Of Ian woofs, "A FIREBALL THROWING" The Demon Of Ian woofs, "WASHINGMACHINE" The Demon Of Ian barks, "AND YOU CALL ME" The Demon Of Ian woofs, "A DEMON" Security Officer Guess says, "What is this fucking station"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:34 am
by kevinz000
ADMIN LOG: A singulo exists and a containment field has failed.
HELP: [REDACTED]/([REDACTED]) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (FLW) (TP) (REJT): This is my first time as engineer and I'm solo. What I'm doing right now isn't going to kill us all, is it?
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:22 pm
by DemonFiren
Well, technically it won't.
Not necessarily.
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:38 am
by BeeSting12
Francis Gallyus says, "Yo sloanboy."
Edward Sloan says, "Yo"
Francis Gallyus says, "Toss me the training bomb."
Francis Gallyus says, "I'm bored."
...a few minutes later, Francis runs in and bolts down the already ticking training bomb.
Edward Sloan asks, "You put a real bomb core in, didn't you?"
Edward Sloan yells, "EVACUATE!!"
Edward Sloan says, "IT'S PROBABLY REAL- *BOOM*"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:48 pm
by Saegrimr
Theres like 3 threads I could post this but it's mostly the deadchat banter that's funny.
>Clown gets executed for slipping the HoS
>Get an ahelp I may or may not have reordered the chat a bit for comedic purpose
HELP: RainofSpades/(Ziggs Pippbottom) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (FLW) (TP) (REJT): Okay, idea. Let me summon the vengeful spirit of the clown as KILLER QUEEN, so we can leave explosive pies sitting around to bait the HoS.
DEAD: ADMIN(Saegrimr) says, "CLOWN"
>That's a clown's dufflebag.
(F) Honking Queen: what did it contain
(F) Ziggs Pippbottom: MANY pies.
(F) Honking Queen: AHAHAHAHA
(F) Honking Queen: let me convert the pies into bombs
(F) DEAD: Ulric Owen asks, "but can ziggs touch bombs without blowing up?"
(F) DEAD: Raphaella Beckett says, "his honking queen has already touched that banana pie"
(F) DEAD: Grady Dimeling says, "My Honking Queen can turn any pie into a bomb"
(F) DEAD: Grady Dimeling says, "Once it hits you every atom in your body explodes"
(F) Honking Queen: bomb rearmed
Fionia Hope's right leg has been violently dismembered!
(F) DEAD: Raphaella Beckett says, "honking queen's third bomb"
Fionia Hope seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless...
(F) DEAD: Grady Dimeling says, "First one to bite the dust"
(F) DEAD: Fionia Hope says, "the banana cream pie was boobytrapped"
(F) DEAD: Fionia Hope says, "my sides"
(F) DEAD: Fionia Hope says, "are in orbit"
(F) DEAD: Darren Briner yells, "What the fuck is the honking queen ?!!"
(F) DEAD: Darren Briner says, "WHAT THE FUCK"
(F) DEAD: Darren Briner says, "DUDE"
(F) DEAD: Darren Briner says, "THAT GUY KILLED ME"
(F) DEAD: Darren Briner says, "AND HE TURNED INTO A MONSTER"
(F) DEAD: Raphaella Beckett says, "his honking queen turned you into a bomb"
(F) DEAD: Raphaella Beckett says, "fry jager bites za dasto"
(F) [Medical] Medibot declares, "Medical emergency! Fry Jager is in critical condition at Fore Primary Hallway!"
(F) DEAD: Jazmin Malcovich says, "HERE COMES THE MEDIBOT"
(F) DEAD: Grady Dimeling says, "HE GOT FOUND"
(F) DEAD: Grady Dimeling says, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
(F) DEAD: Jazmin Malcovich says, "WARDEN SAW THE BLOOD"
Sam Lineman has stunned Zigga Pippikage with the stunbaton!
(F) Zigga Pippikage stammers, "KIR-RA Q-QUEEN-N"
Sam Lineman has stunned Zigga Pippikage with the stunbaton!
(F) Zigga Pippikage stammers, "B-B-B-BITE ZA D-DUS-S-ST-T-UGH-H"
Sam Lineman fires the laser gun point blank at Honking Queen!
Blood sprays from Zigga Pippikage as Honking Queen takes damage!
(F) Zigga Pippikage whispers in his final breath, "Normal-.."
Zigga Pippikage seizes up and falls limp, his eyes dead and lifeless...
(F) [Security] Fry Jager says, "Zigga is to be killed on sight"
(F) [Security] Sam Lineman says, "Zigga is dead"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:35 pm
by D&B
Daisan no pie-kudan
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:31 am
by MimicFaux
grey adult slime (764) telepathically chirps, "It's a good house."
Marvin Ocelot says, "And you'e getting a foot up your ass if you don't get out."
grey adult slime (764) telepathically chirps, "No need to be hostile, sir."
grey adult slime (764) telepathically chirps, "Just let us live here, please. ."
Marvin Ocelot says, "You jello ass motherfucker."
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:57 pm
by kevinz000
CHAPLAIN PRAYER (to God): Arzion/(Colby Eckhardstein) (?) (PP) (VV) (SM) (FLW) (TP) (SC): The heretic who broke the lights stole my null rod, and I am quite salty right now because it is a hotkey-fag!
ADMIN LOG: SubtleMessage: Kevinz000/(Skylar Lineman) -> Arzion/(Colby Eckhardstein) : god uses hotkeys
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:19 pm
by DemonFiren
>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:12 pm
by confused rock
DemonFiren wrote:>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 5:51 pm
by Armhulen
confused rock wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 7:11 pm
by calzilla1
Armhulen wrote:
confused rock wrote:
DemonFiren wrote:>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Yeah...that's the only reason he should be deadmined
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:06 am
by kevinz000
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 1:28 am
by PKPenguin321
kevinz000 wrote:
context: i told OOC to ahelp "MEKHI GET ON THE TABLE" if they wanted mekhi to fuck a table
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:14 pm
by Armhulen
ShadowDimentio wrote:Nobody plays sec because it's a thankless job. The only reason I play it is because I've managed to create a opioid-like drug extracted from the salty tears of dunked antags, and am addicted.
lifting shadow's forum ban was a good idea and you cannot deny
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:16 pm
by kevinz000
(F) DEAD: Jamal Jones says, "what is a power gamer"
Re: Memorable Quotes
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 10:35 pm
by Digdugxx
Raymond Magor/Kyriece777 : I like my self some
WHISPER: Raymond Magor/Kyriece777 : furry ass
EMOTE: Kyriece777/(Raymond Magor) : <b>Raymond Magor</b> Penetrates Paperworks asshole with enthusiasm