There is no security. There is no game.

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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by Gamarr » #442112

Bottom post of the previous page:

Make the hop do his job and handle the roster for once in their fucking lives like they are supposed to.
Or maybe just not give them 'crew' positions. Tourists come to mind, and maybe other avenues such as not just letting new shuttle arrivals for a period.
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by Just L » #442114

somerandomguy wrote:
Gamarr wrote:Just fucking remove assistants already.
I want to hear why they're so goddamn tied to the games identity and mechanics that tg13 could not exist without the shitty little greybacks, and why there is some inability of the leadership to do even simple shit like keep Assistant maintenance access removed.

This has been a long time problem and this is just another convo about the same damn bullshit that revolves around a shallow pool, a heavy portion of each round being useless fucking shitlers, and how several mechanics of the game (too long to fucking list here) make dealing with them overall untenable to the point there's no captain and security often enough and the players IC response now is to just keep doing whatever in a round since you 'just know one of those assistants is stealing the all access ID, handing out freebies at immigration checkpoint in arrivals, and tying up/killing the one sec officer you got.'

Oh, and if we lose players who fuck off elsewhere because they can't play assistant anymore? We're not losing much unless this is what you Want the server to be like.
What happens if the other jobs are taken or there's a new player
Cargo tech and doctor are already better jobs for a new player.
confused rock
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by confused rock » #442130

Gamarr wrote:Just fucking remove assistants already.
I want to hear why they're so goddamn tied to the games identity and mechanics that tg13 could not exist without the shitty little greybacks, and why there is some inability of the leadership to do even simple shit like keep Assistant maintenance access removed.

This has been a long time problem and this is just another convo about the same damn bullshit that revolves around a shallow pool, a heavy portion of each round being useless fucking shitlers, and how several mechanics of the game (too long to fucking list here) make dealing with them overall untenable to the point there's no captain and security often enough and the players IC response now is to just keep doing whatever in a round since you 'just know one of those assistants is stealing the all access ID, handing out freebies at immigration checkpoint in arrivals, and tying up/killing the one sec officer you got.'

Oh, and if we lose players who fuck off elsewhere because they can't play assistant anymore? We're not losing much unless this is what you Want the server to be like.
I was going to ree at your argument but I decided to compare to my vague memory of lifeweb instead because I'm bored.
the closest thing to a job with no work in lifeweb is a bum, who wishes they had a job because they're so shit they have clothes that start out torn, start smelling bad and STARVING TO DEATH with usually nothing on them except some shitty weapon and maybe some heroin or something or maybe even carrying a disease. They also have low as fuck stats and very few teeth, making them incredibly poorly valued to the point where killing bums for sport is often reasonable.
Lifeweb bums are in such a bad situation that even surviving is a struggle, leaving them very little time to do crime outside of ones they need to survive. This makes me think if assistants were super fucked up then they'd be better.

Lifeweb also shows a reason why removing assistant is an awful idea. since bum is so crap, the default role people usually pick is cerberus, essentially security. cerberii are like greytide but worse- expect to have your neck snapped if you're a surgeon and the cerberus isn't interested in paying for treatment. Removing assistant will make people play security-the people who would've been playing assistant.
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by Gamarr » #442135

If shitlers get parceled out to different departments, where they do the same shit, then it's that much easier to deal with them due to the depts having actual limitations on personnel while also taking them out of the grey, anonymous mob. This is especially true for security who have a much more actual face before the station and admins themselves, so I find your comparison greatly lacking.

You can 'remove' assistants by making them pointless like they should be. No ID, no maint-access for no fucking reason, no rights. Right now they do nothing but get all the privileges of the station and we've seen repeatedly what they do with these perks to their living: be trash on the server.

Still very curious and want to hear an argument about what they really do for tg13 and what having them as they are is meant to accomplish.
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by PKPenguin321 » #442139

tinodrima7020 wrote:Fellas, does it really count as security if they're all 60 IQ and sometimes forget to breathe IRL?
Here is how we get more sec players and make sec great. We add an in-game IQ test. Score less than 100? Blacklist them from sec. Now we incentivize it. Give sec players antag rep. There. Less retarded sec players and more sec players (validhunters). Can I get a like, share, and subscribe?
Lumbermancer wrote:I'm not even security main anymore according to /playtime, but I'll bite.

In my opinion, from the perspective of a security officer, the station life should look like 50% civilians doing civilian stuff, 25% antags doing sneaky shit behind the curtains and 25% assistants not assisting but doing whatever.
But right now it's more like 25% civilians doing civilian stuff, 25% antags doing sneaky stuff behind the curtains and 50% assistants not assisting but breaking shit. That is until antags decide to murderbone, then it goes to 15% civilians, 50% antags, and 35% grey tide.

Do you understand what I'm saying? I don't want to remove assistants, I don't want to ban greytiders. My problem is that greytide takes way too much of the round. It's like for certain group of people, assistant mains, the game is not about doing jobs, interacting with other departments, light rp'ing. And this was always the case but It never bothered me so until recently.

And I can hear you already typing furiously "DO NOT TELL OTHERS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME". Well, I don't. That's why I don't really play sec that much anymore. Things I enjoyed the most about sec got brushed aside to make way for wanton grief, clown cars, and station exploding.

And I can hear you already typing furiously "THEN WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM". Well, I think all this negatively impacts how the round flows, not for me, but in general, for everyone who is not a greytide or an antag.

And I don't need security, I know the basics of CQC, I can just put people to sleep and toss them outside.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by wesoda25 » #442143

Gamarr wrote:If shitlers get parceled out to different departments, where they do the same shit, then it's that much easier to deal with them due to the depts having actual limitations on personnel while also taking them out of the grey, anonymous mob. This is especially true for security who have a much more actual face before the station and admins themselves, so I find your comparison greatly lacking.

You can 'remove' assistants by making them pointless like they should be. No ID, no maint-access for no fucking reason, no rights. Right now they do nothing but get all the privileges of the station and we've seen repeatedly what they do with these perks to their living: be trash on the server.

Still very curious and want to hear an argument about what they really do for tg13 and what having them as they are is meant to accomplish.
Im still mad about that shitter who did such and such 3 years ago.jpg

There’s plenty of assistants mains who never or rarely tide, just one reason itself. If you’d like I can start listing people.

Also right now economy is a large enough nerf all things considered.
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Re: There is no security. There is no game.

Post by Steelpoint » #442302

Comparing the Assistant situation to Lifeweb is not as clear cut since in Lifeweb you have multiple "assistant like" roles, such as Migrants which I think are far more popular than the Bum is.

Not to mention in Lifeweb that once the round starts, late joiner players can literally only pick either Bum or Migrants for the first half an hour (outside of specific circumstances like if the Merchant buys some Docker slots or its a Siege/OS13 round), as such I think most people either pick Migrant or swap servers. Not to mention playing as a Migrant is almost an entirely different game than playing in the Fort.

On topic, I think if the economy PR is sufficiently balanced out, it might serve a good disincentive to play Assistant in the long run.
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