Gamarr wrote:Just fucking remove assistants already.
I want to hear why they're so goddamn tied to the games identity and mechanics that tg13 could not exist without the shitty little greybacks, and why there is some inability of the leadership to do even simple shit like keep Assistant maintenance access removed.
This has been a long time problem and this is just another convo about the same damn bullshit that revolves around a shallow pool, a heavy portion of each round being useless fucking shitlers, and how several mechanics of the game (too long to fucking list here) make dealing with them overall untenable to the point there's no captain and security often enough and the players IC response now is to just keep doing whatever in a round since you 'just know one of those assistants is stealing the all access ID, handing out freebies at immigration checkpoint in arrivals, and tying up/killing the one sec officer you got.'
Oh, and if we lose players who fuck off elsewhere because they can't play assistant anymore? We're not losing much unless this is what you Want the server to be like.
I was going to ree at your argument but I decided to compare to my vague memory of lifeweb instead because I'm bored.
the closest thing to a job with no work in lifeweb is a bum, who wishes they had a job because they're so shit they have clothes that start out torn, start smelling bad and
STARVING TO DEATH with usually nothing on them except some shitty weapon and maybe some heroin or something or maybe even carrying a disease. They also have low as fuck stats and very few teeth, making them incredibly poorly valued to the point where killing bums for sport is often reasonable.
Lifeweb bums are in such a bad situation that even surviving is a struggle, leaving them very little time to do crime outside of ones they need to survive. This makes me think if assistants were super fucked up then they'd be better.
Lifeweb also shows a reason why removing assistant is an awful idea. since bum is so crap, the default role people usually pick is cerberus, essentially security. cerberii are like greytide but worse- expect to have your neck snapped if you're a surgeon and the cerberus isn't interested in paying for treatment. Removing assistant will make people play security-the people who would've been playing assistant.