Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

General SS13 Chat

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #82373

Bottom post of the previous page:

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Steelpoint wrote:You would think the AI would be smart enough to assume that there is a good reason why someone is incarcerated.

Well whatever, release prisoners from Security at your own peril. Just don't lodge a ban request when you get a Ion Rifle shoved up your digital ass.
"A good reason" can sadly go to hell - They could be in there for stealing the entire contents of the bar and spaciing them, then incinerating every pet and welding down random walls and building windows in the corridors. If they haven't hurt anyone and you're too lazy to literally say ":s AI, do not release any prisoners unless their timer is done" at some point, the AI has no choice but to let them go.

Co-operate with your AI and never have to make stupid outlandish threats ever again.
Its one of the many implied OOC restrictions on Asimov, like not allowing AIs to shut down toxins and genetics and robotics at round start.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #82449

Space dust can piss me off royally.
Especially if it hits a solar. They're worse to repair than walls.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #82460

'Implied OOC restrictions' don't exist, and certainly don't let you break the server rules on not beating silicons to death for following law 2 orders.
Here's the relevant selections of The Rules governing silicons and prisoners.
Releasing prisoners, locking down security without likely future harm, or otherwise sabotaging the security team when not obligated to by laws is a violation of Server Rule 1. Act in good faith.

Intentionally acting without adequate information about security situations, particularly to hinder security, is a violation of Server Rule 1.

Nonviolent prisoners cannot be assumed harmful and violent prisoners cannot be assumed nonharmful. If you do not know the nature of their crime, see for details.

Releasing a harmful criminal is a harmful act.
Or in other words, if the AI is asimov and you can't be arsed to tell it to not tell the greyshits free, it's mandated to let them go.

Oh, and bolting toxin's ois specifically denied. Don't even compare it
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #82471

Go read the policy thread that wrote that doc you dweeb.
It was discussed and agreed that the AI shouldn't be releasing prisoners.

I personally make it a habit to execute any perma prisoner that the AI does let go, just so I can rub the fact the AI took an action that lead to harm in the AI's face.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #82473

Gee, I guess I should ignore the rules because you're lazy and want to get your validboner on. The AI, under official stated /tg/station rules and it's own laws, is unable to do anything but release nonharmful prisoners from the brig if you don't bother to tell it not to.

At least theoretically. In practice when this comes up, I just do the "Opening door X for assistant Y in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... routine, because it leads to less shitflinging from sec.

Bear in mind this discussion was started by Steelpoint declaring that any AI who did not break TG rules and it's own laws to acquiesce to his desires was rogue and he would murder them.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #82607

This thread is necro as fuck but I'm glad to see it back
Anyways, to be on topic:

When you have an IC interaction with another character, and then the next round they instantly PDA message you or something and try to metabuddy with you. Especially bad when they hang around you without consent. I hate it. It ruins muh immersions, looks really metagamey to admins, IS pretty metagamey, makes me totally paranoid of them since their character could essentially be an entirely different person since the last round, and makes me feel like a douche if I don't help them out since they trusted me. Special exception is if you're helping out a really new player with learning the ropes.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Cheimon » #82619

When you're a clearly subdued and harmless antag, but people go out of their way to harm you. I've had it as a cuffed, straightjacketed, and muzzled wizard, where a chemist broke into the bridge they were holding me in just to polyacid me to death. I've also had it as a nuke op where three people chased and tried to flash a borg all around the station just so they could kill me, when I was clearly cuffed and subdued, and the shuttle was almost docked.

I guess I hadn't quite seen validhunting from that perspective before, but I'll try to be less dickish about it now because good grief, what was the point? Why? I don't have a problem with executions though, that's fair enough.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #82622

The point is people getting their kill counts.

non-lizard things:

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #83017

People that grief you or do obvious antag things, or both, then admin help when you kill them for it
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Konork » #83047

People critting others as a method of "non-lethally" subduing targets/threats/shitlers/whatever. The fact that there aren't really any other ways to do so that are commonly available doesn't really help much.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Babin » #83119

People who kill monkies for no reason because they can. Killing a confirmed ling is one thing. Killing a player-monkey that isn't a ling is another.
*antag geneticist sticks doctor with monkey injector
*non-antag assistant witnesses this happen
*assistant attacks monkey
The assistant should not be allowed to do this. AI has a technical pass for this but I'm also iffy about that, especially if a Borg unilaterally kills a known-formerly-human monkey when it doesn't have a law-related reason to. Remember that there is a player behind that monkey.
Also screaming LING at the first sight of a playermonkey is meta of the worst sort.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Rhisereld » #92076

People who just straight-up break into your department without asking for what they want when you're standing RIGHT THERE waiting to help them.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheNightingale » #92087

There's a special place in hell reserved for people who try and disarm you when you uncuff them in their cell.

And when you're fixing a breach, everyone is suddenly "Oh! What happened? Can I come and stand by the space tiles? No? How about in the doorway so I depressurise the adjacent room too?".
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #92088

It is for this reason that I propose giving all engineers a stun arm.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Ricotez » #92089

I hate people who try to forcefeed you or inject you without saying a word

especially if they then get pissed off when you run away because they were "trying to help you"
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Xhuis » #92091

People who kill simple animals for no reason. See a corgi? Kill. Crab? Kill. Player-controlled slime that clearly isn't hurting anyone? Kill. Hivelord who drags you to medbay and makes sure you get healed? Kill.
I'm an ex-coder for /tg/. I made the original versions of clockcult, shadowlings, revenants, His Grace, and other stuff.
I don't play, code, or participate in the community, but I occasionally post dumb stuff in the hut.
Kraso wrote:hi gay
wubli wrote:xhuis you said you were feeling better but every thread you make makes me worry more about your sanity
ExcessiveUseOfCobblestone wrote:Sorry I was making fun of xhuis' """""compromise""""" who insisted that was the correct term to use.
CitrusGender wrote:We've ended up disabling clockcult on sybil and bagil now (terry is having some problems.) We will give Xhuis some time until he wishes to work upon it again. As of now, please use this thread for ideas and not for bickering.
wubli wrote:you are a cultist of the gay
IkeTG wrote:It's a reflection of humanity, like all of man's creation. You cannot divorce this act from yourself, in a way there's a big titty moth inside all of us.
wesoda25 wrote:yeah no one was curious what it was from. Imagine choosing being a degenerate as your forum gimmick, LOL
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #92094

B-but muh valids!
(Another reason we need valids back for pet-killers. Also, Rule 1 those fuckers.)

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Anonmare » #92126

People who treat the AI as their personal doorman to every department on the station and start crying about it being rogue when it won't let them into the armouy or toxins.

Worse is when the captain one-humans it or someone on the Command staff fills it with a bunch of trash laws.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by bandit » #92128

Xenobiologists who beat up the monkeys for no reason. You're just fucking bloodying the place and making security beat down your door you fucks.
"I don't see any difference between ERP and rape." -- erro

admin feedback pls
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by EndgamerAzari » #92130

Asshole assistants who scream for access, attack a station head, steal their access, and then break into the armory just because.

Rollo Kinsman, you a shit.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Ricotez » #92141

EndgamerAzari wrote:Asshole assistants
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #92184

Ricotez wrote:
EndgamerAzari wrote:Assistants
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #92187

Losing connection to the server and being unable to reconnect during an antag round.
Bonus points if you are finally able to reconnect but the shuttle's already two seconds away from arriving.
Bonus points if it's a team antag.
Bonus points if you were a few steps away from the shuttle.
All of these have happened to me at least once. :(
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by invisty » #92211

People who don't know their nautical directions.

"Aft Starboard solars? Where are those again?"

Granted, I'm a sailor.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Ricotez » #92330

I am not a sailor and it took me only a few weeks to learn the nautical directions from SS13
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Anonmare » #92336

Assistants will always be a pet peeve of mine. I know they're necessary for new players but god can they shit things up if they're assholes. It's like grey jumpsuits connect you to the shitler hivemind
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheNightingale » #92352

Anonmare wrote:Assistants will always be a pet peeve of mine. I know they're necessary for new players but god can they shit things up if they're assholes. It's like grey jumpsuits connect you to the shitler hivemind
They do. When you join as Assistant and are wearing a grey jumpsuit, a gas mask and either budget insulated gloves or boxing gloves, you're connected to a special radio channel, :a. It's how they coordinate their roundstart assault on the spare ID.
Either that or Skype.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by capi duffman » #92359

People breaking in my kitchen, I go ballistic REALLY fast when that happens. If you need NOW something to eat, ask and receive, but do not enter, grab the first thing you see, especially if it's a rare treat, or you see it on the table, and then eat it raw or mess my recipes.
The worst it, it's bound to happen more often when you latejoin just to see the kitchen in a really awful state with nothing to cook, you make effort into getting everything back in order... and then some engineer walks in, grabs half of the meat (that you needed to make that meatbread) and goes away.

And let's not get started with shitters who get their kicks from messing your round just because.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #92372

Ricotez wrote:I am not a sailor and it took me only a few weeks to learn the nautical directions from SS13
Always remember that the term starboard comes from the norse word 'steerboard', which means the hand you steer the rudder with - your right.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Ricotez » #92383

I thought it was from the Dutch word "stuurboord"? We also have "bakboord" for port side.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Shaps-cloud » #92393

Malkevin wrote:
Ricotez wrote:I am not a sailor and it took me only a few weeks to learn the nautical directions from SS13
Always remember that the term starboard comes from the norse word 'steerboard', which means the hand you steer the rudder with - your right.
I remember it as the sun is a star, and it rises in the east, hence the starboard is on the east
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #92405

Consider that a port is where a ship docks. The port side is where the majority of the shuttles dock (admin, ERP, arrivals).

Now all you have to do is get aft and fore straight, which better not be that hard.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by EndgamerAzari » #92473

Shaps wrote:I remember it as the sun is a star, and it rises in the east, hence the starboard is on the east
Well shit, that's clever. I'm adding that to my mental mnemonics registry.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by newfren » #92486

Port has the same number of letters as left so they're the same.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by cedarbridge » #92487

Anonmare wrote:Assistants will always be a pet peeve of mine. I know they're necessary for new players but god can they shit things up if they're assholes. It's like grey jumpsuits connect you to the shitler hivemind
Did rainbowtide get reverted when I wasn't looking?
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Wyzack » #92494

Rainbowtide has been gone for a long ass time dude
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
certified good poster
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by invisty » #92502

The ship has left port.

Easy :shades:
Mime: Depresso
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #92527

invisty wrote:People who don't know their nautical directions.

"Aft Starboard solars? Where are those again?"

Granted, I'm a sailor.
People who refuse to use North, East, South, and West.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Byond Username: Amnestik

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Amnestik » #92565

That bug when your screen freezes and you're forced to reconnect, enduring the terrible BYOND ads and hoping you won't return to find yourself dying
People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
Security who follow space law to the letter instead of valuing the player's time and giving reasonable sentences based on how many people were put out by the crime
Clowns who feel entitled to all-access
When admins start off with a greeting and ask you if you have time to talk to them (like I have a choice) when you just want to know why they're messaging you
People who can't admit they were wrong, even in OOC after the round, even when they beat you
Security who try to arrest you for shooting people who won't leave your line with disablers as HoP
Synthetics who selectively follow their laws
The gradual influx of OOC in IC over this past month or so. I don't mind memes or acronyms, because it's possible to use those verbally, but talking about the game from an OOC perspective is pretty annoying.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #92571

Amnestik wrote:The gradual influx of OOC in IC over this past month or so. I don't mind memes or acronyms, because it's possible to use those verbally, but talking about the game from an OOC perspective is pretty annoying.
Unfortunately, summer is coming, and with it there will likely be a lot of new worthless fucking greyshirts players who need a little bit of ooc in ic so they know how to play.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Byond Username: MosquitoMan

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by mosquitoman » #92576

Amnestik wrote: People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
if you're randomly tabling people you deserve to be shot with 50u of morphine and left in a locker in maintenance for the rest of the round
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #92577

mosquitoman wrote:
Amnestik wrote: People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
if you're randomly tabling people you deserve to be shot with 50u of morphine and left in a locker in maintenance for the rest of the round
Don't be so lenient, they deserve at least a hundred u
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Byond Username: Amnestik

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Amnestik » #92605

mosquitoman wrote:
Amnestik wrote: People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
if you're randomly tabling people you deserve to be shot with 50u of morphine and left in a locker in maintenance for the rest of the round
Do people really get this upset about being put on a table? It consumes like five seconds of your time, and you can always do it back to them.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #92609

It's annoying AF, is what it is.

It also leaves you vulnerable AF, especially to chaintabling and further shittery.

non-lizard things:
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Byond Username: TheNightingale

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheNightingale » #92622

PKPenguin321 wrote:
invisty wrote:People who don't know their nautical directions.

"Aft Starboard solars? Where are those again?"

Granted, I'm a sailor.
People who refuse to use North, East, South, and West.
People who say up, down, left and right. "Go up from the Bridge to reach Sec", for example... where do I go? Into the ceiling?
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Byond Username: MosquitoMan

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by mosquitoman » #92624

Amnestik wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:
Amnestik wrote: People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
if you're randomly tabling people you deserve to be shot with 50u of morphine and left in a locker in maintenance for the rest of the round
Do people really get this upset about being put on a table? It consumes like five seconds of your time, and you can always do it back to them.
how do I know you won't try to steal my shit immediately afterwards and run away? or keep tabling me because lel so randum? whenever somebody is being shit to me for because they find it randumb XD funny, i always retaliate in even shittier ways, like injecting them with a lot of sedatives or stabbing them in the eyes repeatedly, or flushing their id/pda down disposals etc. if you're making it clear you don't want to be a productive and friendly player, don't expect me to be nice to you either
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Byond Username: Amnestik

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Amnestik » #92634

mosquitoman wrote:
Amnestik wrote:
mosquitoman wrote:
Amnestik wrote: People who can't handle being randomly tabled and either have to beat the shit out of you or steal from you, instead of just sticking to tabling and maybe disposalling
if you're randomly tabling people you deserve to be shot with 50u of morphine and left in a locker in maintenance for the rest of the round
Do people really get this upset about being put on a table? It consumes like five seconds of your time, and you can always do it back to them.
how do I know you won't try to steal my shit immediately afterwards and run away? or keep tabling me because lel so randum? whenever somebody is being shit to me for because they find it randumb XD funny, i always retaliate in even shittier ways, like injecting them with a lot of sedatives or stabbing them in the eyes repeatedly, or flushing their id/pda down disposals etc. if you're making it clear you don't want to be a productive and friendly player, don't expect me to be nice to you either
There's no malicious intention behind it, it's just a bit of fun. But sure, take it as a threat, I can't stop you.
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Byond Username: Miauw62

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Miauw » #92635

"lol i hate it when people are shit to me when im shit to them"
<wb> For one, the spaghetti is killing me. It's everywhere in food code, and makes it harder to clean those up.
<Tobba> I stared into BYOND and it farted
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Byond Username: Amnestik

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Amnestik » #92637

Miauw wrote:"lol i hate it when people are shit to me when im shit to them"
People get really upset when they get tabled, it seems. I personally find it pretty fun, provided they aren't trying to steal your shit.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #92648

We need a config option that makes it immediately obvious on examine whether or not you like getting randomly fucked with, apparently.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Anonmare » #92673

PKPenguin321 wrote:Unfortunately, summer is coming, and with it there will likely be a lot of new worthless fucking greyshirts players who need a little bit of ooc in ic so they know how to play.
I had to learn without OOC because I took no IC in OOC quite literally. I spent about 2-3 weeks no knowing how to take my backpack off or how to eat
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