Crew members should have goals!!

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Crew members should have goals!!

Post by RocKeD » #86401

Hello, I have recently joined the forums and have been reading a lot about the game, specifically feedback. I believe I have an idea that will solve so many problems and make the game a lot more fun and seem like there are goals.
My idea is that crew members should get objectives!

A few examples are:
Station Engineer:
-Set up the singularity.
-Set up the solar panels.
-Make sure the station is kept repaired.

-Create a pill that will stop deadly toxins.
-Make sure the crew is supplied with healing medications.
-Help the Roboticist by making sure he has sulfuric acid.

-Get your gear from your locker.
-Patrol the station and ensure everyone is kept safe.
-Gather information and evidence on any crimes.

-Be a good citizen of -insert space station name here-.
-Help out people when they ask or need it.
-If you see someone dying take them to Medbay for help!

These are just a few example that should show what I have in mind. I believe this will increase overall fun of the game and give people something to shoot for, especially newcomers. I was thinking about whether or not these should be displayed at the end of the round as it might cause a lot of clutter, but let me know what you guys think about all this and throw in some feedback as well! One other thing, I have not learned SS13 code if someone is willing to add this, then by all means go ahead! Please let me know if you do and if you need some more ideas or feedback let me know!
Last edited by RocKeD on Mon May 11, 2015 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Septavius » #86436

those objectives sound like they'd be hard to track if you've completed them or not.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by RocKeD » #86438

Septavius wrote:those objectives sound like they'd be hard to track if you've completed them or not.
That would be true on some of these, but that is not the main point. The only reason we would need to track them is to display whether or not that person completed his objectives at the end of the round. The main goal with this is to give each job role more direction and also gives them something to shoot for or accomplish.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by TheNightingale » #86459

Add it to their notes rather than their objectives: that way it won't display at the end of the round, but will still be shown if they look (optionally, display the notes at roundstart, like with syndicate PDA codes).
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #86478

Protip: If you want non-antag objectives, copy and modify existing antag objectives. Those are already tracked and would be easy(heh) to transmute into non-antag objectives. The objectives you've listed are, as far as I know, very difficult it not straight up impossible to track without a human intervening.

Let's come up with ONE good, easily tracked objective for each department:

Engineering: Leave the station at or above 100% integrity
Atmospherics: Leave the station with zero active atmos alerts
Genetics: Make sure that every corpse that gets scanned is cloned
Medbay: Update X number of medical records
Chemistry: Leave the station with X units of Y chemical
Botany: Leave the station with X units of Y plant
Science: Leave the station with X blueprint on a disk
Security: Leave the station with all crew marked as wanted or incarcerated in custody on the shuttle brig
Cargo: Earn X cargo points
Captain: Leave the station with the nuclear disk on your person
Head of Personnel: Leave the station with at least X% of all departments staffed

Randomly assigned to one round-start member of a department (or not at all).
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Shaps-cloud » #86488

Why isn't the HoP's objective to extract Ian on the shuttle, CMO can do the same with Runtime

The CE's pet objective would be to feed Poly to the singularity
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #86492

Shaps wrote:Why isn't the HoP's objective to extract Ian on the shuttle, CMO can do the same with Runtime

The CE's pet objective would be to feed Poly to the singularity
Ian meat is still a tator objective AFAIK. These objectives I've listed are specifically designed to minimize unduly putting someone in harm's way.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Shaps-cloud » #86497

Well the HoP should have some motivation to protect Ian and not just abandon him, considering getting corgi meat is basically the easiest objective outside of stealing plasma. If it puts the HoP in a situation where he has to decide between his own safety/taking a bribe and protecting his little buddy, then cool, making crucial decisions is interesting and fun

The only issue I see is us going back to how things were before the "killing pets doesn't make you valid" rule, where people killed Ian FNR to provoke the HoP into attacking them

Other random objectives
Engineering: End the round with solars wired/charge in the solars' SMES' (for solars being wired, just check if like half the solar panels wired up, not all of them)
Engineering: End the round with the singularity contained/no singulooses (good fucking luck)
Mining: End the round with X amount of mining points on your ID on you (like 2000?)
Mining: End the round with an alien toy on the escape shuttle
Warden: End the round while wearing riot gear/some other armory gear
Security: End the round carrying a bloody stunstick
Medical: End the round addicted to a drug (or clean of any addictions)
Medical (Alt to the above with a time factor): Nurse an addiction for at least ten minutes straight and end the round with that addiction active
Chemistry: End the round with narcotics in your bloodstream
Genetics: End the round with some form of genetic disability
Genetics: End the round with some form of super power
Chef: End the round with pizza on the escape shuttle
Botany: End the round high/smoking a joint
Cargo: End the round with X supply points in the budget
Cargo: End the round while wearing a collectible hat from a collectible hat crate (the antithesis to the above goal)
Cargo: End the round with a foam force gun
QM: Ship at least X plasma sheets to Centcomm (like 25?)
Assistant: End the round in crit
Assistant: End the round while overdosing on a drug
Assistant: End the round with at least X space dollars (like 1000?)

I'll think of more later
Last edited by Shaps-cloud on Thu May 07, 2015 6:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by MeatShake » #86504

I've wanted this for a really long time, Goon has a system like this but it's practically retarded. Either the objective is impossible and usually luck based like finding some random npc that spawns in maint somewhere, or it's brain-dead-easy like "escape, but as a black dude" or some other funny/random thing that has no seat in reality.

I thought a better system would be a central motivation factor that all or a majority of crew members share- like currency. This would open up criminal opportunities that weren't necessarily antagonistic but still malicious or at the very least designed to get you ahead of the rest of the crew. We already have a goal as normal crew members- fuck over the antags. It's just an unspoken goal but you see it at the end of every round "The crew has managed to 'x' !" Crew objectives should be much more open ended and based on roleplaying rather than greentexting. Being the richest fucker on the station could be totally valid and achieved so many ways, but also hindered by currency being a necessity. Payrolls are affected by job performance either automated or decided by the HoP. If 70% of the crew has a disease then your pay gets cut by so-and-so but the HoP can bump it up on their own if its found to be a beneficial virus made by the virologist and left untreated by medbay staff on purpose. I dunno how you'd make money a necessity without added dumb stuff like starvation and practically turn the game into "The Ship" where you explode in a swarm of flies if you don't shower every 5 minutes.

This would change a lot of stuff, though, so I'm sure it goes in the fuck it bucket.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Lumbermancer » #86523

I suggested something like this long time ago, when people discussed in game money, to give non-antag jobs some motivations beyond doing their job. I think it would be cool if done right.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by RocKeD » #86527

Shaps wrote:Why isn't the HoP's objective to extract Ian on the shuttle, CMO can do the same with Runtime

The CE's pet objective would be to feed Poly to the singularity
I'm liking the feedback guys, this would most definitely be possible and I think this would be a good idea. It would just be added to a pool of objectives, kinda like how the traitors get random ones, the crew would too.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #86559

Some of these other objectives are good, but I think the key to making this work is avoiding undue conflict as much as possible. These need to be secondary, totally 100% optional objectives that do nothing more than encourage players to play their roles correctly.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Ezel » #86566

-If you see someone dying take them to Medbay for help!
> strip him first then go to medbay!

-Create a pill that will stop deadly toxins.
> goes to medbay vendor grabs anti toxins goes to chemmaster creates pill

-Help the Roboticist by making sure he has sulfuric acid.
>dont worry rnd will do it for you!

Do we really crew objectives why dont yoy make your own ibjectives and add it in your notes
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Luke Cox » #86586

It'd be kinda cool if we had protagonist objectives of some sort.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by PKPenguin321 » #86599

this has been an idea for ages and ages and i dont see why we dont just have cosmetic objectives that arent tracked at all, literally just have a little bit of text at the beginning of the round and maybe add it to your notes
Ezel wrote:Do we really crew objectives why dont yoy make your own ibjectives and add it in your notes
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by onleavedontatme » #86605

I think stationwide objectives with some kind of story behind them would be fun. Like Nanotrasen is at war with the Syndicate in [location], build X number of mechs to help them.

I'm not sure how hard it would be to record the results of the previous round and read them next game during setup for rewards/penalties would be but that'd be interesting as well.

In the above example starting with illegal tech and a "due to the efforts of scaredy fort 17, the syndicate were beaten back in [location]. We've sent you some of the spoils of war.

Or "Due to the failure of Scaredy Fort 17 to supply mechs to our soldiers, they were massacred by the syndicate in [location]." And have the morgue start full of NPC bodies or part of the station damaged or something. I think people might dislike rounds impacting each other though so maybe just fluf displayed at round end on whether or not your mechs carried the day.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by MisterPerson » #86636

PKPenguin321 wrote:this has been an idea for ages and ages and i dont see why we dont just have cosmetic objectives that arent tracked at all, literally just have a little bit of text at the beginning of the round and maybe add it to your notes
Ezel wrote:Do we really crew objectives why dont yoy make your own ibjectives and add it in your notes
That'd be the direction I'd take it.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Remie Richards » #86678

Kor wrote:I think stationwide objectives with some kind of story behind them would be fun. Like Nanotrasen is at war with the Syndicate in [location], build X number of mechs to help them.

I'm not sure how hard it would be to record the results of the previous round and read them next game during setup for rewards/penalties would be but that'd be interesting as well.

In the above example starting with illegal tech and a "due to the efforts of scaredy fort 17, the syndicate were beaten back in [location]. We've sent you some of the spoils of war.

Or "Due to the failure of Scaredy Fort 17 to supply mechs to our soldiers, they were massacred by the syndicate in [location]." And have the morgue start full of NPC bodies or part of the station damaged or something. I think people might dislike rounds impacting each other though so maybe just fluf displayed at round end on whether or not your mechs carried the day.
For "Round 321 effecting round 322" just abuse the savefile system, we use it currently for player preferences, when really all it is is a fancier text file we can store variables in.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by 420weedscopes » #86703

i'd be all for this being like a code thing. for now, just ask any admins online and hope.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #86706

I might actually consider adding whole-crew objectives. Like "Deliver 100 sheets of plasma to central command", or "ensure [research] is above tech level 5", or "Ensure station integrity is above 80% at the end of your shift".
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
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Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by 420weedscopes » #86734

dew it
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Alex Crimson » #86738

Id prefer departmental objectives that give some kind of cash reward. /tg/ could really use a currency system, and i know its been discussed a lot in the past.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Ikarrus » #86742

Why not just leave it open ended by expanding the round-end report to include statistics for every department?


Tech Levels Achieved:
Slimes Bred:
Cyborgs Created:

Station Integrity:
Stored Power:

Plasma Shipped:
Minerals Processed:
Points Accumulated:
Points Spent:
Orders Approved:

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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #86744

Ikarrus wrote:Why not just leave it open ended by expanding the round-end report to include statistics for every department?


Tech Levels Achieved:
Slimes Bred:
Cyborgs Created:

Station Integrity:
Stored Power:

Plasma Shipped:
Minerals Processed:
Points Accumulated:
Points Spend:

Bingo. That's a fantastic idea.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Cheridan » #86752

>sandbox game that gives people freedom to play how they want, can make different things in their job and interact with people differently every round
>wow this sucks, if only there was someone telling me how I should have fun

I just don't understand this mentality.

Station-wide objectives are better I guess, as sort of an "this is how much the crew didn't suck" gauge.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by onleavedontatme » #86776

Cheridan wrote:>sandbox game that gives people freedom to play how they want, can make different things in their job and interact with people differently every round
>wow this sucks, if only there was someone telling me how I should have fun

I just don't understand this mentality.

Station-wide objectives are better I guess, as sort of an "this is how much the crew didn't suck" gauge.
It's not a sandbox though. We have very strict rules in place on what you can and can not do, and pretty strict in game limitations to make sure the roundtype functions.

And when you discover a weird interaction or something bizarre and clever it often gets removed for being a bug. I guess that's what happens when you have dozens of different people changing the game and another dozen people with little connection making the rules though, different people will pull the game in contradictory directions.

I agree that it should be more sandboxy though.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Cheridan » #86782

Kor wrote: We have very strict rules in place on what you can and can not do
No we don't? Unless the contraption you're making is going to kill or dramatically hinder people, you can do whatever you want without admins breathing down your neck.
Adding crew objectives isn't going to change that, at any rate. It won't let you do more things. You have exactly the same about of things that you could have done before, except now they're actually being limited by a message saying that if you don't grow 100 tomatoes or whatever you'll have "failed" at something.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by onleavedontatme » #86794

Cheridan wrote:
Kor wrote: We have very strict rules in place on what you can and can not do
No we don't? Unless the contraption you're making is going to kill or dramatically hinder people, you can do whatever you want without admins breathing down your neck.
Adding crew objectives isn't going to change that, at any rate. It won't let you do more things. You have exactly the same about of things that you could have done before, except now they're actually being limited by a message saying that if you don't grow 100 tomatoes or whatever you'll have "failed" at something.
Oh yeah I don't think crew objectives will change that I was going off topic, sorry.

And I got chewed out for accidentally starting a fire in misc research, despite it killing nobody but me because it "wasted the time of the atmos department" (the hell else are they gonna do but fight fires?) and made the room unusable (and I'm pretty sure misc research exists to be destroyed by dumb shit anyway).
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by DemonFiren » #86795

Whoever chewed you out for that needs a chill-pill and a post stating so on their admin thread.

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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Scones » #86799

iirc he did it in the misc testing chamber with blast doors closed like a responsible suicidal scientist

and then someone came and opened them despite kor having told them over sci that they shouldn't do so and toasted the entire misc area (and maybe themselves, this was a while ago)
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by onleavedontatme » #86802

DemonFiren wrote:Whoever chewed you out for that needs a chill-pill and a post stating so on their admin thread.
I purposefully did not name them. It was months ago and not worth starting public drama over. I dont think the admin who gave it to me is a terrible person either, just a bit overzealous in that case. Was just meant to be an example of how I've managed to get 9 notes in 2 months since coming back vs 2 bans in the first 3 years I played
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by MeatShake » #86819

Cheridan wrote:>sandbox game that gives people freedom to play how they want, can make different things in their job and interact with people differently every round
>wow this sucks, if only there was someone telling me how I should have fun

I just don't understand this mentality.

Station-wide objectives are better I guess, as sort of an "this is how much the crew didn't suck" gauge.
I just wanna see IC motivations, however that's achieved, to make your actions more rational. Money just seems like the easiest way rather than shaming the department alongside the greentexts. Not looking like a shitter shouldn't be the motivation. We already have the concept of escalation in the rules for violence why not broaden it to all actions?
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Shaps-cloud » #86836

MeatShake wrote:
Cheridan wrote:>sandbox game that gives people freedom to play how they want, can make different things in their job and interact with people differently every round
>wow this sucks, if only there was someone telling me how I should have fun

I just don't understand this mentality.

Station-wide objectives are better I guess, as sort of an "this is how much the crew didn't suck" gauge.
I just wanna see IC motivations, however that's achieved, to make your actions more rational. Money just seems like the easiest way rather than shaming the department alongside the greentexts. Not looking like a shitter shouldn't be the motivation. We already have the concept of escalation in the rules for violence why not broaden it to all actions?
Yeah, it's more a matter of having something to work towards and be motivated to do than anything else
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by RocKeD » #86848

Cheridan wrote:Adding crew objectives isn't going to change that, at any rate. It won't let you do more things. You have exactly the same about of things that you could have done before, except now they're actually being limited by a message saying that if you don't grow 100 tomatoes or whatever you'll have "failed" at something.
That's not the point of this at all, the point is to give people who don't have a "I need to do this, now that" mentality or someone who is bored a goal to achieve. We do not need to display a YOU FAILED message at all, this can be a system that is completely optional. I'm fearing the growing mentality that just because its there means you have to use it. If you don't want to go for the objective then don't, go do whatever you want, I mean who really cares?
MeatShake wrote:I just wanna see IC motivations, however that's achieved, to make your actions more rational. Money just seems like the easiest way rather than shaming the department alongside the greentexts. Not looking like a shitter shouldn't be the motivation. We already have the concept of escalation in the rules for violence why not broaden it to all actions?
I believe this is a good idea as well, it would be a good system to implement along side the objectives. It gives a reward for doing those objectives which I think is great. This could also be expanded in a huge way down the line.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by bandit » #86851

I like the idea of cash, as long as it's redeemable for something else. Maybe Nanotrasen company-store-esque shit like costumes and balloons that's technically worthless but that people will shell out for anyway. Happens with syndie balloons.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by ClumsyAlcoholic » #87038

How about this: 4-10 players get tasks to be obnoxious and weird, like leaving passive-aggressive notes or starting rap careers.
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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by DemonFiren » #87042

All players already do this, anyway.

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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by Ezel » #87052

ClumsyAlcoholic wrote:How about this: 4-10 players get tasks to be obnoxious and weird, like leaving passive-aggressive notes or starting rap careers.

Sounds very familar hmmmm

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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by John_Oxford » #87108

The idea was presented before by someone, not sure who it was, but goonstation has the same representation of this idea.

Every crew member gets one objective

Mining: Mine X amount of Y ore / process X amount of Y ore
Miner: Mine X amount of Y ore / process X amount of Y ore

Security: Stop X ammount of Y threats
Security Officer: All mobs set to arrest are in perma/dead/on shuttle brig at round end
Detective: Use Scanner X amount of times / Trace X amount of finger prints
Warden: Have less than X ammount of total prisoners at round end

Research: Reach X level on Y research type
Scientest: Create X amount of bombs / Create X amount of Y type of slimes / Create X with E.X.P.E.R.I.M.E.N.T.O.R
Roboticist: Create X type of mech / Create X number of droid shells
Geneticist: Discover X power / Clone X amount of people / Clone less than X amount of prisoners

Medbay: Heal X ammount of Y damage type
Chemist: Create X amount of Y Chemical
MD: Heal atleast X amount of damage points / Revive X amount of people

Cargo: Order X amount of crates / Gather X amount of points
Cargo Tech: Complete X amount of orders / Send back X amount of incorrect orders

Captain: Exit the station with X item / Have X Head complete Y objective
HoP: Staff X amount of Y job
HoS: Stock X amount of Y gun in armory / Have X amount of security officers
RD: Have X amount of total research levels
CMO: Total damage for everyone on the station does not go above X number
QM: X amount of resources mined / X amount of crates ordered


Every department gets one goal as a whole, and every person in that department gets a individual objective.

When you first spawn in, you would get prompted as follows;

Department Objective: Output 100,000,000 units of power overall
Objective #1: Set up the singularity
Objective #2: Prevent Singularity Containment Failure

Or if you are a traitor...

Company Objective: Remain hidden, do not expose yourself (Shows what Syndicate faction traitor is playing as, for example, MI13)
Objective #1: Assassinate Bill Rowe, The Chief Engineer
Objective #2: Prevent Bill Rowe, The Engineer, from setting up the singularity
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: Crew members should have objectives!!

Post by RocKeD » #87236

John_Oxford wrote:The idea was presented before by someone, not sure who it was, but goonstation has the same representation of this idea.

Every crew member gets one objective

Mining: Mine X amount of Y ore / process X amount of Y ore
Miner: Mine X amount of Y ore / process X amount of Y ore

Security: Stop X ammount of Y threats
Security Officer: All mobs set to arrest are in perma/dead/on shuttle brig at round end
Detective: Use Scanner X amount of times / Trace X amount of finger prints
Warden: Have less than X ammount of total prisoners at round end

Research: Reach X level on Y research type
Scientest: Create X amount of bombs / Create X amount of Y type of slimes / Create X with E.X.P.E.R.I.M.E.N.T.O.R
Roboticist: Create X type of mech / Create X number of droid shells
Geneticist: Discover X power / Clone X amount of people / Clone less than X amount of prisoners

Medbay: Heal X ammount of Y damage type
Chemist: Create X amount of Y Chemical
MD: Heal atleast X amount of damage points / Revive X amount of people

Cargo: Order X amount of crates / Gather X amount of points
Cargo Tech: Complete X amount of orders / Send back X amount of incorrect orders

Captain: Exit the station with X item / Have X Head complete Y objective
HoP: Staff X amount of Y job
HoS: Stock X amount of Y gun in armory / Have X amount of security officers
RD: Have X amount of total research levels
CMO: Total damage for everyone on the station does not go above X number
QM: X amount of resources mined / X amount of crates ordered
This would be good if we were trying to track objectives at the end of the round but I think the better way to go about this is to have more laid back objectives. Instead of calling them objectives I have changed the title to goals as I think this fits better. Instead of saying make X many of Y chemicals or order X amount of Y crate, just say create a new healing medication or order some materials for the crew. This will be more laid back and not stress over the fact and that you need to do this and that.
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Re: Crew members should have goals!!

Post by iamgoofball » #87246

Why don't we just scrap the entire greentext redtext aspect of this

And instead where it would say "Success!/Fail!" It would say "Maybe!" In bold.

That way we don't have to track it, you don't feel like you failed, the people who like doing them can do objectives, the people who don't can just ignore it.

Hell, we could do some non specific stuff like goon's miscreant system, where you get a random RP related objective like start a jazz band, put on a play, become a traveling snake oil salesman, become spess hamburglar, stalk a crewmember for the round, run a boxing tournament, etc. We could quite literally stick anything in there, make it use the Maybe system for accomplishment, and BAM! We have RP encouraging objectives for people who want to roleplay.

But what if I don't want to do my miscreant/job objective?
Just don't do it then. It's optional. You aren't harmed at all by choosing to not do it.
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Re: Crew members should have goals!!

Post by PKPenguin321 » #87247

that's what me and mr p have been saying, just make the objectives cosmetic
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Crew members should have goals!!

Post by John_Oxford » #87508

That, or we could have a preference button, on if you want round-start non-antag objectives. People who don't want to RP, and don't want objectives can turn it off, people who want to be hyper productive can have objectives, the people who want to RP, can have the previously mentioned non specific goals.
Bill Rowe - Used for everything // SYS-OP - AI // SYS-USR - Cyborg

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TechnoAlchemist wrote:you where always right john, you where always right
>implying the admin conspiracy wasen't just confirmed by a admin.
see, i told you motherfuckers.
NikNakFlak wrote:this isn't a game you can't just post whenever you want
I don't even know what the fuck tg is.


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Re: Crew members should have goals!!

Post by RocKeD » #87525

iamgoofball wrote:Why don't we just scrap the entire greentext redtext aspect of this

And instead where it would say "Success!/Fail!" It would say "Maybe!" In bold.

That way we don't have to track it, you don't feel like you failed, the people who like doing them can do objectives, the people who don't can just ignore it.

Hell, we could do some non specific stuff like goon's miscreant system, where you get a random RP related objective like start a jazz band, put on a play, become a traveling snake oil salesman, become spess hamburglar, stalk a crewmember for the round, run a boxing tournament, etc. We could quite literally stick anything in there, make it use the Maybe system for accomplishment, and BAM! We have RP encouraging objectives for people who want to roleplay.

But what if I don't want to do my miscreant/job objective?
Just don't do it then. It's optional. You aren't harmed at all by choosing to not do it.
Haha I like this, this would be so diverse and I think it will add a lot to the rounds. We would see more interesting people for example or see a lot more random shit. We should come up with a more RP-like answer to the green text / red text component though, I'm thinking something relating to Centcom or Nanotransen. One that I can think of would be like "Start a jazz band: Nanotransen experiment!".
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