How would you folks feel about making taggable areas constrained to adjacent territories that are already controlled by your gang, and the leader can place one unremoveable/unreplaceable unique sign as a base (optionally, painting over the opposition's base sign itself could be a new primary objective, similar to how cult has two different primary objectives [narnar/escape with x] for variation)? Everything else would be the same.
As-is we have a bunch of folks just waddling around and spraying over tags, typically without need for contention in any stage of the game, unless another gangster actively sees someone paint over their own tag, without a sense of 'territory'. Heck, gangs rarely form up for any reason, since time spent together means less time spent painting over territory. Forcing gangs to interact along the midline of the station, with the actual gangs forming up to protect their own territory, since there is an active 'front of battle', seems more up the alley of the gamemode than the current rendition.
Also, mirroring my post on git here as well, for ease of discussion.
> Increased pen cooldown to (15*Gang size)+45 seconds
What was it previously, for scale? I've found that very little of the station actually winds up in a gang even with zero implanting going on based on rounds yesterday. Reducing the availability of implants is a whole new can of worms and would be entailing entirely stripping rev, so let's not even consider that. Optimally, the two gangs together should have the numbers and the strength to fight on par with security in the midgame (by then everything is tagged, borders drawn, etc.) if they become an obstruction/forceimplant folks.
Constraining the paint to 15/per purchase without lowering the price in proportion, will excaberate this further, as paint will accelerate victory AND provide additional/protect your income, whereas, say, a pistol is almost completely useless at such a high price, being able to kill/protect you from 2~ people, when a slip/stunbaton and saw or welder fluid + lighter would be just as effective, or one of the billion other combat options.
Optimally, taggers should be the most expensive items, by far, whereas consumables (syndicate pistols with limited ammo and switchblades esp.) should be markedly cheaper. There isn't much you can do with a pistol with no extra ammo, and, unless the switchblade is markedly better than normal melee units, you're better off not buying it and using a station-available item instead. Perhaps, if switchblades do not have an onhand sprite and have saw-level damage, that might be enough to justify purchase and opportunity cost.
Just my 2 cents.