[CLAIMED] Revert foodening (for my downstream)

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Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:14 am
Byond Username: Zeckle

[CLAIMED] Revert foodening (for my downstream)

Post by Zeckle » #765837

(Dunno if getting something for a TG downstream is against the rules or whatever but I genuinely cannot find rules on bounties, so I'm throwing my hat in)

100 USD through Paypal if you can do this. I'll mark it as claimed once someone has agreed to do it.

Contact me on Discord (zeckle) to discuss/for link to codebase.
I want food to be the same as it was pre-foodening, but keeping the QoL changes that have come along the way.

In more detail I want food complexity, food quality, food purity, food reagent quality, food/drink price, food buff/debuffs, et al, gone. I also want food moodlets commented out, not removed.
As well, it'd be great if in the crafting menu, food would display its averaged "nutrition" or reagent contents on craft. Can discuss more in Discord.
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