[noxvs] - empressmaia -

Appeals which have been closed.
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Byond Username: EmpressMaia

[noxvs] - empressmaia -

Post by EmpressMaia » #735131

BYOND account:empressmaia

Ban/note type (Check what applies):
(X) - Server Ban

Ban/note length: 30 Days
Ban/note reason: "After repeatedly being warned by admins about this in the past, told a player to kill themselves IC."
Time ban was placed: 2024-07-06 23:49:29
Server you were playing on when banned: el manuel
Round ID in which ban was placed: 231722

Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):
was told i could request a reduction, so i am requesting a reduction since ive been hanging out in other non spessstation groups(been trying my hand at making music,,, its hard!!!), and i had a engineering project pop into my head that i wanna put to practice

Why should this appeal be accepted?:
i understand that my next, even minor rule break will likely place me on grounds for a QB/Permanent ban. i apologize for my previous actions and hope i can make up for them.
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Byond Username: NoxVS

Re: [noxvs] - empressmaia -

Post by NoxVS » #735157

There's not really much time left to reduce it without just lifting it entirely, but I'm perfectly fine with doing that.

It felt a little excessive when I placed it, but I also couldn't think of another way to convey how serious of an issue it was. You seem genuinely apologetic, so I've reduced the ban down to the point where it has already expired now.

Let me know if you have any issues joining the server.
The weak should fear the strong
thehogshotgun wrote:How does having jannies like you, who have more brain tumor than brain benefit the server
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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:22 pm
Byond Username: EmpressMaia

Re: [noxvs] - empressmaia -

Post by EmpressMaia » #735171

it wasnt excessive you're good

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