Conveyor Cooking + Baking Tray Loading

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Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:38 pm
Byond Username: Ophaq

Conveyor Cooking + Baking Tray Loading

Post by ophaq » #723149

Hey guys, had some ideas on some good cooking features we really need and would save a lot of time in the kitchen.

1. This one is a gimmicky idea but it also made me realize how lame it is that you can't transfer food onto a griddle via conveyor belt. You have to physically place the food onto it. If griddles could automatically could food by detecting an object placed on top without that manual placement, I'd be able to do some factory cooking. The same could also be applied to deep fryers and ovens. I would try to do this but I have no idea where to start and my coding knowledge is limited to very simple things. Bonus points to this idea if there was a machine that was like a robot arm that could load things from a nearby table into something like a grinder/gibber but that is way more complex. I just really want to make a semi automated burger factory. In the end you would still have to craft the burgers yourself unless of course, there is a machine made that can make foods for you.

2. On the topic of ovens and such, baking trays seriously need a QoL. You have to manually place things onto them which can be very slow. Making them work like serving trays and be able to be loaded onto via serving trays would save a ton of time in baking tray loading/unloading.
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Re: Conveyor Cooking + Baking Tray Loading

Post by bingusdingus » #731875

I saw this idea months ago and I've been thinking about it since. I really like the idea of the Chef being able to pump out industrial quantities of food with some good set up and knowledge of cooking. Something akin to what the service plumbing constructor is for the bartender. An optional method of upping your service game if you can apply parts of other jobs or get help from others. It fits within the scope of the food industry as well because creating food on an industrial scale is a thing. I could see a fun gimmick where the chef hires assistants to cook assembly line style like a fast food joint. Plus opening the doors for more Industrial Engineering stuff to create assembly lines for all sorts of items would be a fun addition to the game. It would give engineers something to do other than fix breaches and be power jockeys.
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