inspired by this thread: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=36188 - a common argument of why not to play a job with responsibility during lowpop is "why would i play this contributing job when there's 15 assistants looking for something/someone to fuck with?"
a solution to that could be..limiting when the round can have assistants.
lower-population hours on lrp tends to result in a ratio of assistant-to-jobbie that wind up with the entire station being tided by bored people that joined the round afraid of having any kind of responsibility, which results in lower quality shifts, which results in lower population, which loops us back to square one.
i'd like to experiment with requiring a station population/player ready count of 20-30+ before assistant is able to be roundstarted as, or latejoined as. the goal of this is to inspire a little more cohesiveness of shifts in lowpop rounds, and to drive a little more engagement out of people who otherwise join as assistant, get bored, and leave after having no 'team' to work with and no 'goal' to meet.
common point raised against this:
while this is a valid concern, before vocalizing it, you should understand that people that would do this, are already doing it.won't people will just join as engineer or paramedic to do their tiding instead?
it won't, and we do not force anybody to accomplish their departmental duties as-is. what would change is the ratio of people who will be joining a lower-pop round and having a team, and a home department. that alone is likely to inspire a large chunk of people that play this game in good-faith to contribute more to the shift than it would for that same player who joined as a grayshirt to goof around before getting bored and logging will making someone pick a job slot force them to do that job?
the psychological effect of a player joining a job that they don't intend to participate heavily in suddenly hearing over the radio "hey i need an engineer over in X" and having a call to action to engage with the shift shouldn't be underestimated.
a short-staffed station full of lone wolves with no ties to anybody or anything just feels completely stagnant and empty. there is nobody to blame when something isn't done, there is nobody to ask to perform tasks, there is nobody to work alongside.
thanks for reading.