[<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

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[<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726297

BYOND account: Brickleebale

Ban/note type
() - Server Ban: manual
() - Note attachment below
() - Forum Ban no
() - Discord Ban no

Ban/note length: permenant
Ban/note reason: alt account explain why in forums
Time ban was placed: 4/12/2024
Server you were playing on when banned: manual
Round ID in which ban was placed: #70374

Why are you making this appeal?(Check what applies):
() - The ban/note is factually incorrect
() - The ban/note is not against the rules
() - The ban/note needs modification this
() - The ban was unjustifiably harsh
() - I was permabanned and I want another chance this

Why should this appeal be accepted?: made new accoutn due to the old account osump was hijacked i couldnt use it to play at all, and sadly dont have any evidence to provide for this reason, but i am 70% sure i told one of the staff, i dont remember the name, i think it was on discord, and i apologize for making the new account and due admit i had fun playing antag a bit and non antag and found ways to have fun as non antag and made good rp interaction and the people loved it, anyways i know this is not an excuse to do this, and apologize very much id like to continue playing on the server and thinking of new things to do and enjoy with the people
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Jackraxxus » #726316

Ok so let me get the big time story straight:
You have an old account under the Ckey Soulsruined, which gets banned twice for antag rolling, once for 30 days then permanently. You then lose this account and move to Osump.
On Osump, your notes and bans are transferred from Soulsruined, and eventually through play without antag your perma antag ban gets lifed. You manage to accrue 24 notes on osump, including notes transferred from Soulsruined but not including the permaban for evasion or the note stating your previous account. Though in your defence many of these notes are for exceptionally minor things like OOC in IC/IC in OOC. Eventually you get permabanned from antag again and "lose" (I'm not entirely convinced about this) the Osump account.
You then come back under the Ckey Brickleebale, this time without telling admins that you're an alt. Manage to get 4 notes in 12 days, one of which being a week ban from antag roles for antag-rolling, and then I perma you for evasion.
I guess you've got the triple-permaban, triple-perma-antag-ban hat trick, but despite this honestly impressive feat I'm not sure you're the calibre of player we're looking for here on /tg/ station.
For a few reasons I dont think I should get into like I said I dont believe you really lost Osump, but even if I were to believe it it's still incredibly dishonest for you to come back on an alt, not tell anyone, and continue the antag-rolling that got you mega banned on Osump and Soulsruined. You'd think you'd've learned a lesson by now.
As an idea for your reply to this, I feel like if I reject this appeal you're just gonna keep evading (Intentionally this time, if I choose to believe Brickleebale was a coincidence) so I'd like to hear what you think can be done to reform you into the kind of player we want on /tg/.
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by PapaMichael » #726346

As a point of fact, the screenshot that was posted was the ban for the "Osump" account, so it is impossible that he lost it.
Last edited by PapaMichael on Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726385

I dont know what to say i screwd up multiple times, managing to break rules in the past and now and I keep doing mistakes, I want to have fun and make fun rp interactions with others but i seem to screw it up once a while from breaking rules to other things i really dont have any other server to go except for TG and i dont know what to say, i dont have that much backing me up except for little stories of things i did in the server like playing as Chuckles and passing balloons or just go around the station doing a slip n' slide, I'm in a lost for words, I ask for forgiveness if that is even possible
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Isratosh » #726422

PapaMichael wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 5:21 pm As a point of fact, the screenshot that was posted was the ban for the "Osump" account, so it is impossible that he lost it.

Code: Select all

Terry 227089 | [2024-04-12 15:02:56.489] SUSPICIOUS_LOGINS: Failed Login: brickleebale CID IP - Banned (#70374)
This is the only failed login I can see in the logs related to this ban. I have removed the CID and IP, but the details mean that the screenshot was taken while logged into and attempting to connect with "brickleebale" but the game matched them to the ban on "Osump" based on the CID. "Osump" has not connected to the server since 2024-03-22 and "brickleebale" first connected on 2024-04-01. This does not mean they are different people.
Bartholomew Martins
conrad wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 6:22 pm Image
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Jackraxxus » #726434

Jackraxxus wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 4:22 pm Though in your defence many of these notes are for exceptionally minor things like OOC in IC/IC in OOC.
Lemme go over some history that isn't just the exceptionally minor stuff (But some of it is)
On the 26th of November you are banned for a week for humping a player in maint.
Then, on the 18th of December you are given a 'final warning' 2-week ban for asking other players to join your 'nazi group'.
Inbetween these two bans you are noted for being named Leroy Jenkins. Valid moth name tbh.
after your ban on the 18th you receive 5 notes on Osump, 1 for emptying the armoury with a bluespace launchpad as a non-antag on MRP as a prank, 1 for IC in OOC, 1 for accidentally dusting someone (Accidents happen I dont mind this one!), 1 for overescalation, and then a permanent antag ban + 1 day server ban for antag rolling.
Then, you come back on Brickleebale after failing to appeal your antagonist ban. You first connect with Brickleebale on the 1st of April, and are banned on the 12th. In that time you accrue 4 notes, 1 for IC in OOC, 1 week antag ban for antag rolling, 1 for overescalation, and 1 for an accident with a welding tank (Which, again, I don't mind. Accidents happen.)

If you were a good player, who just made an unfortunate mistake cuz you really wanted those antag rolls, I'd reduce it to a week. But at the moment what I see is a less-than-stellar player who is sorry they got caught.
I've spend a while trying to convince myself to unban you, but between your not quite ideal history and the at best incredibly dishonest action of coming back on an alt without telling anyone, I cannot in good conscience choose to unban you at this moment. Unless you can convince the head admins otherwise, consider this appeal denied. You will have to come back in a year (The standard minimum time for re-appealing a permanent ban), I wont ask you to come back with a vouch (Cuz I know you're banned from most other major servers, including evading those bans. Which I should note didnt factor into my decision to keep you banned as I don't think other server's admins keep the same standard as /tg/) and will probably give you another chance then. (If I dont I get deadminned between now and then, in that case it'd be up to some other admin) Rhetorically, which number chance would that be? Third? Fourth?

Ofc if the headmins want u back i dont mind at all, keeping ppl banned sucks bro. Like if the headmins believe / find testimony that says you're a good player who consistently improves rounds then I'd want them to remove it.
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Byond Username: Osump

Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726439

I guess its understandable, i screwd up so much that i cant be forgiven, what do you recommend me to possibly to do? I really dont have anywhere to go, if it helps my situation(i dont think it will) i have some posts of rp things i done for another server, paradise, I know rules are placed for a reason to not break but i keep breaking them in time for either silly to major things and well I beg to be well, unbanned I dont think i can wait a year let alone a year with no SS13 since i fell in love with the game a long time ago and I know im supposed to take the rules seriously, i really dont know what to say, and i dont think any headmin would vouch for me, during those peroid of me having antag i realized that its not all about antag and well played withought antag and actaully found ways to make it fun, I.E circuits, like i didnt know you can make a SENTIENT FLASHBANG and that crap hurts my eyes during 3 am, anyways besides the point i hope you can forgive me, probably its a no but its worth a shot to ask
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Jackraxxus » #726449

I'll give u that if u can find a vouch (Someone from another server who can tell our headmins that you're a cool dude who follows the rules) u can come back sooner then a year.
IDK where you'd get that vouch from tho. Maybe TGMC? I dont think we mirror our bans there. Maybe goon if you're not banned from there?
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726450

no first ever ban was goon lol, and arent i banned from tgmc??? i never played it but doesnt the bans get shared between servers, i can try cmss13 since i play it for some time and never got a punishment there
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Jackraxxus » #726452

tgmc is different from /tg/ so the ban shouldnt be mirrored there
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Byond Username: Osump

Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726456

id like to play tgmc but when im on i barly see any people on like 30 people max everytime, alien vs human needs more so i just dont join it
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Osump » #726457

can cm vouch work IF i get one?
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Jackraxxus » #726543

i'd accept a vouch from cm
iamgoofball wrote:Vekter and MrMelbert are more likely to enforce the roleplay rules Manuel is supposed to be abiding by than Wesoda or Jackraxxus are.
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Re: [<Jackraxxus>] Brickleebale - ban evassaion missunderstanding

Post by Justice12354 » #727330

Unless Osump wants to request a Headmin Review or argue any further, this will be closed in roughly 48 hours.
yttriums wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:13 am borg players shouldn't be able to ahelp. you signed up to play as a piece of equipment. this is like a table ahelping you for wrenching it

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