This was going to be a PR, when to my shock and awe, movespeeds are a CONFIG issue in config/game_options and thusly on the admin side of the separation between church and state.
Code: Select all
## The variables below affect the movement of specific mob types. THIS AFFECTS ALL SUBTYPES OF THE TYPE YOU CHOOSE!
## Entries completely override all subtypes. Later entries have precedence over earlier entries.
## This means if you put /mob 0 on the last entry, it will null out all changes, while if you put /mob as the first entry and
## /mob/living/carbon/human on the last entry, the last entry will override the first.
##MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/carbon/human 0
MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/silicon/robot 0.1
##MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/carbon/alien 0
##MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/simple_animal/slime 0
MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/simple_animal 0
Code: Select all
MULTIPLICATIVE_MOVESPEED /mob/living/silicon/robot 0.1
Don't get me wrong I love cyborgs and I love playing cyborg. But having no damage slow down and being as fast as any one else makes them a PITA to fight against.
It's entirely unfair that carbons powergaming mood will still only wind up being on equal footing with a cyborg, and even then only until they're hit a few times and slowed down.
I LIKE having no damage slowdown, I think the flavor of unfeeling tank that pushes on until physically disabled is EPIC. But we're having our cake and eating it too by being a tank that is also as fast as the cavalry.
How does it play?
Too much of a decrease would be very annoying. I don't want that. The idea isn't to make cyborgs bulky juggernauts that take 5 years to get anything done. But a full speed human should be able to outpace them.
I've tested the value of 0.1; I think it works and works well. It isn't overtly noticeable on the cyborgs end.
Here's a video of what it looks like:
As you can see, it's not a dramatic change, but the monkey is now able to catch up and land hits on the cyborg (mind, my pathing isn't ideal but you can see even on the straight-aways, he's gaining on me.)
If that monkey had a flash, I'd probably be in some serious trouble here.