Bottom post of the previous page:
Overview: Toss MRP/LRP tags into the trash, and instead grade the servers based on the threat level setting that dynamic will throw at them on an average basis. Overall goals would be getting the community to mingle more between servers depending on what kind of shift they want to play. You want high-octane chaos? You got it. You want chill spess vibes and project building sectors? You can have it.Terry/Sybil - High Danger Sectors
Basil - Medium Threat/Wildcard Sector
Manuel/Campbell - Low Threat Sectors
Q: What about the MRP ruleset on Manuel?
Most people who shift between Manuel and the other servers will already tell you that the line between /tg/'s "LRP and MRP" experience is already almost indistinguishable in regards to the quality of RP offered, with the MRP rulesets as they are being used currently mostly acting to amplify an already existing rule infraction you're doing in instances of a bwoinking.
I'd like to trim down and adjust the RP ruleset to what's being realistically enforced as the rules that promote good-faith gameplay, and then apply that ruleset universally between all servers - bringing us back to one community with one ruleset. Overall, this would raise the floor of RP on Sybil/Terry/Basil, (to essentially raise it back from the perception that they're the 'NRP' servers) and allow the higher-level of RP people anticipate from Manuel to be sourced from a position of lower station-ending threats to deal with, as opposed to strictly enforced regulations on how they're allowed to RP.
I'd like to hear the general perception on this idea from the community before I get ahead of myself and begin drafting the roleplay rules adaptations.
I was going to scrap this as a concept, but some folks prompted me to share it and see if it was worth workshopping some more. I've already had some very valid concerns over this shared with me by some people of whose opinions I respect very much, and am likely not to press this as a goal without taking both community and administrative feedback deeply to heart.