on animal races
- oranges
- Code Maintainer
- Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:16 pm
- Byond Username: Optimumtact
- Github Username: optimumtact
on animal races
Listen up, you clueless keyboard jockeys and code-wannabes! I can't take it anymore! Every single time I open up that insufferable pull request queue for SS13, what do I see? A never-ending parade of anime-inspired nonsense! Fox girls, cat girls, dog girls, whatever cursed hybrid abominations you've managed to conjure from the depths of your depraved imaginations!
Do you think this is some kind of twisted furry fantasy convention? This is Space Station 13, damn it! We're supposed to be simulating the future, the edge of human innovation, not some cringeworthy, fetish-infested anime harem! I've had it up to here with your pixelated atrocities, your abhorrent artwork that only belongs on the dark corners of the internet.
And don't even get me started on the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I swear, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" or "owo," I feel like I'm being waterboarded with a never-ending stream of cringe. It's like you all got trapped in a time loop where "ironic" humor went out of style, and now you're stuck churning out these pathetic attempts at being funny that were never amusing to begin with.
You think you're so clever, so avant-garde, but you're just diluting the very essence of what SS13 is supposed to be. A dark, immersive, sci-fi world where the tension is palpable, and every action has consequences. But no, you'd rather slap a pair of ears and a tail on everything, turning the station into a mockery of itself.
I've poured my blood, sweat, and sanity into maintaining this repo, nurturing its potential, and all you've done is turn it into a playground for your juvenile fantasies. I'm tired, damn tired, of this never-ending assault on my sensibilities. If I have to review one more pull request with a "kawaii neko-chan" character, I might just snap and unleash a bug that wipes out your precious waifus and husbandos for good.
Do you think this is some kind of twisted furry fantasy convention? This is Space Station 13, damn it! We're supposed to be simulating the future, the edge of human innovation, not some cringeworthy, fetish-infested anime harem! I've had it up to here with your pixelated atrocities, your abhorrent artwork that only belongs on the dark corners of the internet.
And don't even get me started on the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I swear, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" or "owo," I feel like I'm being waterboarded with a never-ending stream of cringe. It's like you all got trapped in a time loop where "ironic" humor went out of style, and now you're stuck churning out these pathetic attempts at being funny that were never amusing to begin with.
You think you're so clever, so avant-garde, but you're just diluting the very essence of what SS13 is supposed to be. A dark, immersive, sci-fi world where the tension is palpable, and every action has consequences. But no, you'd rather slap a pair of ears and a tail on everything, turning the station into a mockery of itself.
I've poured my blood, sweat, and sanity into maintaining this repo, nurturing its potential, and all you've done is turn it into a playground for your juvenile fantasies. I'm tired, damn tired, of this never-ending assault on my sensibilities. If I have to review one more pull request with a "kawaii neko-chan" character, I might just snap and unleash a bug that wipes out your precious waifus and husbandos for good.
- Shadowflame909
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:18 pm
- Byond Username: Shadowflame909
- Location: Think about something witty and pretend I put it here
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- Byond Username: ArcaneDefence
Re: on animal races
Wisten up, uwu cwuewess keyboawd jockeys awnd code-wannabes! i cawn't take iwt anymowe! evewy singwe time i open up thawt insuffewabwe puww wequest queue fow ss13, whawt duwu i see? a nevew-ending pawade of anime-inspiwed nonsense! fox giwws, cat giwws, dog giwws, whatevew cuwsed hybwid abominations uwu've managed tuwu conjuwe fwom the depths of youw depwaved imaginations!
duwu uwu think thiws iws sowme kind of twisted fuwwy fantasy convention? thiws iws space station 13, damn iwt! we'we supposed tuwu be simuwating the futuwe, the edge of human innovation, nowt sowme cwingewowthy, fetish-infested anime hawem! i've had iwt up tuwu hewe with youw pixewated atwocities, youw abhowwent awtwowk thawt onwy bewongs own the dawk cownews of the intewnet.
awnd down't even get me stawted own the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I sweaw, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" ow "owo," i feew wike i'm being watewboawded with a nevew-ending stweam of cwinge. Iwt's wike uwu aww got twapped in a time woop whewe "iwonic" humow went out of stywe, awnd now uwu'we stuck chuwning out these pathetic attempts at being funny thawt wewe nevew amusing tuwu begin with.
uwu think uwu'we so cwevew, so avant-gawde, but uwu'we juwst diwuting the vewy essence of whawt ss13 iws supposed tuwu be. A dawk, immewsive, sci-fi wowwd whewe the tension iws pawpabwe, awnd evewy action has consequences. But no, uwu'd wathew swap a paiw of eaws awnd a taiw own evewything, tuwning the station intwo a mockewy of itsewf.
i've pouwed my bwood, sweat, awnd sanity intwo maintaining thiws wepo, nuwtuwing its potentiaw, awnd aww uwu've done iws tuwn iwt intwo a pwaygwound fow youw juveniwe fantasies. I'm tiwed, damn tiwed, of thiws nevew-ending assauwt own my sensibiwities. If i have tuwu weview owne mowe puww wequest with a "kawaii neko-chan" chawactew, i might juwst snap awnd unweash a bug thawt wipes out youw pwecious waifus awnd husbandos fow good.
duwu uwu think thiws iws sowme kind of twisted fuwwy fantasy convention? thiws iws space station 13, damn iwt! we'we supposed tuwu be simuwating the futuwe, the edge of human innovation, nowt sowme cwingewowthy, fetish-infested anime hawem! i've had iwt up tuwu hewe with youw pixewated atwocities, youw abhowwent awtwowk thawt onwy bewongs own the dawk cownews of the intewnet.
awnd down't even get me stawted own the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I sweaw, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" ow "owo," i feew wike i'm being watewboawded with a nevew-ending stweam of cwinge. Iwt's wike uwu aww got twapped in a time woop whewe "iwonic" humow went out of stywe, awnd now uwu'we stuck chuwning out these pathetic attempts at being funny thawt wewe nevew amusing tuwu begin with.
uwu think uwu'we so cwevew, so avant-gawde, but uwu'we juwst diwuting the vewy essence of whawt ss13 iws supposed tuwu be. A dawk, immewsive, sci-fi wowwd whewe the tension iws pawpabwe, awnd evewy action has consequences. But no, uwu'd wathew swap a paiw of eaws awnd a taiw own evewything, tuwning the station intwo a mockewy of itsewf.
i've pouwed my bwood, sweat, awnd sanity intwo maintaining thiws wepo, nuwtuwing its potentiaw, awnd aww uwu've done iws tuwn iwt intwo a pwaygwound fow youw juveniwe fantasies. I'm tiwed, damn tiwed, of thiws nevew-ending assauwt own my sensibiwities. If i have tuwu weview owne mowe puww wequest with a "kawaii neko-chan" chawactew, i might juwst snap awnd unweash a bug thawt wipes out youw pwecious waifus awnd husbandos fow good.
- Imitates-The-Lizards
- Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:28 am
- Byond Username: Typhnox
Re: on animal races
In case you weren't aware, the "furry" races are actually moths and lizards. Felinids are monster girls, not furries.
- Unsane
- Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:16 am
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- kayozz
- Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2022 8:56 pm
- Byond Username: Kayozz11
Re: on animal races
Just make felinids valid. So they're constantly on edge not knowing when the fireaxe will strike.
Do it. Be the hero we need.I might just snap and unleash a bug that wipes out your precious waifus and husbandos for good.
- Jacquerel
- Code Maintainer
- Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:10 pm
- Byond Username: Becquerel
Re: on animal races
I think animal races are often harmful to the animals, look how many horses die in a derby because of their stupid fragile legs. Look at the weird socialisation of greyhounds.
Snail or tortoise racing is probably ok, and funny.
Snail or tortoise racing is probably ok, and funny.
- Rohen_Tahir
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- Timberpoes
- In-Game Head Admin
- Joined: Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:54 pm
- Byond Username: Timberpoes
Re: on animal races
Foxgirls pls.
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- Imitates-The-Lizards
- Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:28 am
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- Rohen_Tahir
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Re: on animal races
- cocothegogo
- Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2014 10:11 pm
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- Unsane
- Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:16 am
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- Imitates-The-Lizards
- Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2021 2:28 am
- Byond Username: Typhnox
Re: on animal races
I don't know where you got that image from, but as far as I'm aware, you can DNA infuse yourself with Renault for fox ears, but you can't get a fox tail on live. At least that's the case to my knowledge.
- Unsane
- Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2022 4:16 am
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Re: on animal races
Prayed to God the other day that wasn't even kitsune related, and got turned into oneImitates-The-Lizards wrote: ↑Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:29 pmI don't know where you got that image from, but as far as I'm aware, you can DNA infuse yourself with Renault for fox ears, but you can't get a fox tail on live. At least that's the case to my knowledge.
on TG
- kinnebian
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Re: on animal races
oranges wrote: ↑Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:58 am Listen up, you clueless keyboard jockeys and code-wannabes! I can't take it anymore! Every single time I open up that insufferable pull request queue for SS13, what do I see? A never-ending parade of anime-inspired nonsense! Fox girls, cat girls, dog girls, whatever cursed hybrid abominations you've managed to conjure from the depths of your depraved imaginations!
Do you think this is some kind of twisted furry fantasy convention? This is Space Station 13, damn it! We're supposed to be simulating the future, the edge of human innovation, not some cringeworthy, fetish-infested anime harem! I've had it up to here with your pixelated atrocities, your abhorrent artwork that only belongs on the dark corners of the internet.
And don't even get me started on the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I swear, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" or "owo," I feel like I'm being waterboarded with a never-ending stream of cringe. It's like you all got trapped in a time loop where "ironic" humor went out of style, and now you're stuck churning out these pathetic attempts at being funny that were never amusing to begin with.
You think you're so clever, so avant-garde, but you're just diluting the very essence of what SS13 is supposed to be. A dark, immersive, sci-fi world where the tension is palpable, and every action has consequences. But no, you'd rather slap a pair of ears and a tail on everything, turning the station into a mockery of itself.
I've poured my blood, sweat, and sanity into maintaining this repo, nurturing its potential, and all you've done is turn it into a playground for your juvenile fantasies. I'm tired, damn tired, of this never-ending assault on my sensibilities. If I have to review one more pull request with a "kawaii neko-chan" character, I might just snap and unleash a bug that wipes out your precious waifus and husbandos for good.

respect (let her do her thing)
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- RedBaronFlyer
- Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:41 am
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- Location: SS13, Manuel Division, Roaming the halls looking for messes
Re: on animal races
WARNING, Prolonged exposure to my opinions can be mentally scarring or in some cases, FATAL
Cleaner of floors, eater of beef jerky, and long time coward.
I play Eugine Adrian Hynes on Manuel, I'm very uncool.


Cleaner of floors, eater of beef jerky, and long time coward.
I play Eugine Adrian Hynes on Manuel, I'm very uncool.



Super Aggro Crag wrote: ↑Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:11 pm I assume he did it elsewhere because it's fucking goofball and he never half-asses his shitty ideas, he full asses them so both cheeks are absolutely slathered in shit
- wesoda25
- Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2017 9:32 pm
- Byond Username: Wesoda25
Re: on animal races
Wow, I didn’t think my opinion of horse girls could get any lower
- Super Aggro Crag
- In Game PermaBanned
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- Screemonster
- Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:23 pm
- Byond Username: Scree
Re: on animal races
add hermit crab men that run around wearing boxes, crates, and lockers
- dirk_mcblade
- Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:54 am
- Byond Username: Dirk_McBlade
Re: on animal races
The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
- firecage
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Re: on animal races
Well, hey, I personally like animal races. Even insect races.
- ThanatosRa
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Re: on animal races
i dont care
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am
gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
- Super Aggro Crag
- In Game PermaBanned
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- Byond Username: Super Aggro Crag
Re: on animal races
add snailiensoranges wrote: ↑Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:58 am Listen up, you clueless keyboard jockeys and code-wannabes! I can't take it anymore! Every single time I open up that insufferable pull request queue for SS13, what do I see? A never-ending parade of anime-inspired nonsense! Fox girls, cat girls, dog girls, whatever cursed hybrid abominations you've managed to conjure from the depths of your depraved imaginations!
Do you think this is some kind of twisted furry fantasy convention? This is Space Station 13, damn it! We're supposed to be simulating the future, the edge of human innovation, not some cringeworthy, fetish-infested anime harem! I've had it up to here with your pixelated atrocities, your abhorrent artwork that only belongs on the dark corners of the internet.
And don't even get me started on the jokes. Oh, the jokes. I swear, the moment someone mentions "nyaa" or "owo," I feel like I'm being waterboarded with a never-ending stream of cringe. It's like you all got trapped in a time loop where "ironic" humor went out of style, and now you're stuck churning out these pathetic attempts at being funny that were never amusing to begin with.
You think you're so clever, so avant-garde, but you're just diluting the very essence of what SS13 is supposed to be. A dark, immersive, sci-fi world where the tension is palpable, and every action has consequences. But no, you'd rather slap a pair of ears and a tail on everything, turning the station into a mockery of itself.
I've poured my blood, sweat, and sanity into maintaining this repo, nurturing its potential, and all you've done is turn it into a playground for your juvenile fantasies. I'm tired, damn tired, of this never-ending assault on my sensibilities. If I have to review one more pull request with a "kawaii neko-chan" character, I might just snap and unleash a bug that wipes out your precious waifus and husbandos for good.
- Shadowflame909
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:18 pm
- Byond Username: Shadowflame909
- Location: Think about something witty and pretend I put it here
Re: on animal races
As long as its an kitsune and not a kumiho.
One is a cute japan office prankster and the other is a liver eating antagonist
Know the difference! It can save your life
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- kinnebian
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- firecage
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- Byond Username: Firecage
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Re: on animal races
Yah, but Kitsune are also basically the Japanese version of Succubi, so it might not work great on /tg/ since it ain't 18+.Shadowflame909 wrote: ↑Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:57 amAs long as its an kitsune and not a kumiho.
One is a cute japan office prankster and the other is a liver eating antagonist
Know the difference! It can save your life
- datorangebottle
- Joined: Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:53 am
- Byond Username: Datorangebottle
Re: on animal races
Pretty sure you can take a sample from Renault and make copies of him using the cytology equipment.Imitates-The-Lizards wrote: ↑Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:29 pmI don't know where you got that image from, but as far as I'm aware, you can DNA infuse yourself with Renault for fox ears, but you can't get a fox tail on live. At least that's the case to my knowledge.
Timberpoes wrote: ↑Fri Jul 07, 2023 9:16 pm I highly doubt any other admin on the team would have given you this chance, except maybe Kieth because his brain worms are almost as bad as mine.
Vekter wrote: ↑Tue May 16, 2023 4:45 pm At what point does someone's refusal or failure to improve become malice in and of itself? If you give someone a year to stop shitting on the carpet and they keep doing it but get slightly closer to the bathroom every time and sometimes they get to the toilet before it happens, at what point does it become acceptable to just ask them to go shit in someone else's house?
Timberpoes wrote: ↑Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:00 pm I'm sorry, can we get a real player to resolve this appeal? I don't like this trial player. They can't even set their own name.
sinfulbliss wrote: ↑I almost prefer Rave's AI-generated "We cannot accept this appeal at this time. If you would like assistance appealing in the future, please dial 1-800-1984-1488."
Pandarsenic wrote: ↑Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:25 pm I think we can all agree that someone throwing a reverse revolver at Zyb as a secret test of character, and Zyb immediately fucking himself with it, is the best thing we all could have received for Christmas this year
- Screemonster
- Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:23 pm
- Byond Username: Scree
Re: on animal races
new antag idea: an actual fucking kumihoShadowflame909 wrote: ↑Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:57 amAs long as its an kitsune and not a kumiho.
One is a cute japan office prankster and the other is a liver eating antagonist
Know the difference! It can save your life
humans get to be eugene tooms (still eats livers)
- Joined: Fri Mar 01, 2019 2:05 pm
- Byond Username: BlueMemesauce
Re: on animal races
pros: massive testicles
cons: massive testicles
pros: massive testicles
cons: massive testicles
- Rohen_Tahir
- Joined: Wed Jun 05, 2019 1:00 pm
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Re: on animal races
5% chance to suffer testicular torsion when knocked downBlueMemesauce wrote: ↑Fri Sep 15, 2023 3:22 pm tanuki
pros: massive testicles
cons: massive testicles
- oranges
- Code Maintainer
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- Byond Username: Optimumtact
- Github Username: optimumtact
Re: on animal races
Oh boy, strap yourselves in because I've got a bone to pick with those intergalactic animal races on Space Station 13! It's an outrage, I tell you. Those poor aliens with their adorable snouts and fluffy tails being forced to compete in these cosmic marathons. It's like the space-age Olympics gone mad!
First of all, imagine being an alien just trying to live your best extraterrestrial life, and suddenly you're thrown into a racetrack with a bunch of other confused creatures. You're just a peaceful fuzzball, and now you're expected to sprint like Usain Bolt through the cosmos? It's an existential crisis in a spandex jumpsuit.
And don't get me started on the moral implications. It's a travesty! They're sentient beings, for crying out loud. Can you imagine being kidnapped from your cozy space den, plopped into a starting gate, and then blasted off at warp speed against your will? It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone," but with more lasers and less Rod Serling narration.
We need to stand up and say no to this interspecies shenanigans! Let those poor creatures have their peaceful strolls through the stars, appreciating the intergalactic wonders, not running their adorable paws off for our amusement. It's time to unite, people. Say no to alien exploitation, and let's envision a universe where everyone races towards love, understanding, and a belly rub (if they're into that sort of thing)
First of all, imagine being an alien just trying to live your best extraterrestrial life, and suddenly you're thrown into a racetrack with a bunch of other confused creatures. You're just a peaceful fuzzball, and now you're expected to sprint like Usain Bolt through the cosmos? It's an existential crisis in a spandex jumpsuit.
And don't get me started on the moral implications. It's a travesty! They're sentient beings, for crying out loud. Can you imagine being kidnapped from your cozy space den, plopped into a starting gate, and then blasted off at warp speed against your will? It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone," but with more lasers and less Rod Serling narration.
We need to stand up and say no to this interspecies shenanigans! Let those poor creatures have their peaceful strolls through the stars, appreciating the intergalactic wonders, not running their adorable paws off for our amusement. It's time to unite, people. Say no to alien exploitation, and let's envision a universe where everyone races towards love, understanding, and a belly rub (if they're into that sort of thing)
- Farquaar
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Re: on animal races
I still have fondness this old-ish idea of mine: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=32752
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- dirk_mcblade
- Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:54 am
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Re: on animal races
I'm going to say it: monster girls might actually be worse than furries. At least furries aren't lying to themselves or anyone else rather than monster girl fans trying to be the "respectable" weirdos.
- Xkallubar
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:46 am
- Byond Username: CrazyPro
Re: on animal races
You can become a felinid from dna infusion, so just remove felinids as a roundstart race and replace them with bug people. Give us Spider people or Slug people or Mantis people or let us play as Squidward like on para.
- Jacquerel
- Code Maintainer
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Re: on animal races
why is it that when people sugest replacig felinids they never suggest replacing it with an alien species but are always exactly as uncreative?
- Unsane
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- DrAmazing343
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Re: on animal races
FourthdedRohen_Tahir wrote: ↑Wed Aug 09, 2023 11:30 amThirded
- Super Aggro Crag
- In Game PermaBanned
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Re: on animal races
snailiens are creative
- Shadowflame909
- Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:18 pm
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- Location: Think about something witty and pretend I put it here
Re: on animal races
what if wizard got a super powerful spell but it'd force them to grow fox tails
i'd call it my 1000 year old anime fox cant be this powerful!
i'd call it my 1000 year old anime fox cant be this powerful!
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