[Vekter] Joe Shadings - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

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[Vekter] Joe Shadings - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by thedude » #690492

Game Server-Sybil
The1dude, Joe Shadings
Admin: Vekter
Round 208392

A clown got pushed onto a table by a miner in my kitchen (I was indeed chef) and gets back out and then enters my kitchen and so I grab him, and throw him out and take his shoes. Then someone asks me to deepfry the clown's PDA which i do so because i believe the miner killed him. Right as me and my sous are making donk pockets, i get bwoinked for "ASSAULTING THE CLOWN" and "DEEPFRYING HIS SHIT" which 1. I harmlessly grabbed the clown and threw him out of my kitchen and 2. I only deepfried the PDA because someone told me to AFTER the incident, which is completely unrelated to DURING the incident. But the admin kept on insisting that I assaulted the clown and that I should have just told him to leave when I simply just tossed him out, nobody hurt.

He says I put them into a chokehold when all I did was single grab. And at the time I already knew my CQC and how it worked, so I knew what I was doing.
Now here's the coup de pouce:

but violent grabs are the second stage?
the1dude ➡ vekter
No, they're the third stage. I'm not going to sit here and argue minutae with you. I'm going to bed. Don't be a dick to people just for walking into your workplace.
vekter ➡ the1dude

In that same round, I tested grabbing my sous chef once IN the kitchen, and it said I Violently grabbed them, level 2 grab.
Last edited by thedude on Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Vekter] Joe Coolius - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by Archie700 » #690500

Round ID: 208392

Attack logs:

Code: Select all

05:40:26	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) shot Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana (NEWHP: 88)	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:26	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) slipped on the [floor] (SLIDING)	(141, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:28	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) fired at Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana from Bar Lounge (NEWHP: 88)	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:28	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) shot Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana (NEWHP: 88)	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:28	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) slipped on the [floor] (SLIDING)	(141, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:30	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) attacked Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with �Russian revolver (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 83)	(141, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:39	ATTACK	*no key*/(�Medibot) tended the wounds of Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with internal tools (BRUTE) (NEWHP: 85.5)	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:41	ATTACK	*no key*/(�Medibot) tended the wounds of Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with internal tools (BRUTE) (NEWHP: 88)	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:43	ATTACK	*no key*/(�Medibot) tended the wounds of Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with internal tools (BRUTE) (NEWHP: 90.5)	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:43	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) shot Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana (NEWHP: 90.5)	(138, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:43	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) slipped on the [floor] (SLIDING)	(141, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:43	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) kicked Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 90.5)	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:43	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) got a stun punch with their previous punch Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 75.5)	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:44	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) slipped on the [Pickle Pete (Clown)]	(137, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:50	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) attacked Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with �Russian revolver (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 70.5)	(140, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:51	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) is stripping Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) of the clown shoes.	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:51	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) is stripping Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) of the clown shoes.	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:52	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) attacked [bar stool] with the �Russian revolver	(138, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:53	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) is stripping Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) of the clown shoes.	(137, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:40:56	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) attacked Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) with �Russian revolver (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 83.7)	(133, 131, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:00	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) fired at Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana from Bar Lounge (NEWHP: 70.5)	(134, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:03	ATTACK	Mr Hat.PNG/(Marisa Stealington) shot Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with the banana (NEWHP: 70.5)	(137, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:03	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) slipped on the [floor] (SLIDING)	(134, 131, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:05	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) is stripping Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) of the clown shoes.	(135, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:05	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) has stripped Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) of the clown shoes.	(135, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:23	ATTACK	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) attacked Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with �Russian revolver (COMBAT MODE: 1) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(137, 125, 2)	Kitchen
05:41:27	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) grabbed Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) passive grab (NEWHP: 65.5)	(136, 125, 2)	Kitchen
05:41:27	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) grabbed Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) aggressively (NEWHP: 65.5)	(136, 125, 2)	Kitchen
05:41:31	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) thrown Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) grab from tile in Bar Lounge (135,129,2) towards tile at Bar Lounge (135,134,2) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(135, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:41:31	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) has thrown Pickle Pete	(135, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:42:10	ATTACK	Derpman3/(Samuel Taloon) is putting the envelope for Pickle Pete (Clown) on Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete)	(139, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:42:16	ATTACK	Anubisgaming66801/(Lou Rogers) shoved Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) with onto the reinforced table (table) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(140, 130, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:42:19	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) grabbed Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) passive grab (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:19	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) grabbed Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) aggressively (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:20	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) restrained (CQC) Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:21	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) disarmed (CQC) Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:21	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) knocked out (Chokehold)(CQC) Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:22	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) disarmed (CQC) Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(140, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:22	ATTACK	The1dude/(Joe Shadings) shoved Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(140, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:23	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) thrown Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) grab from tile in Kitchen (141,127,2) towards tile at Theater (144,132,2) (NEWHP: 65.5)	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:23	ATTACK	KyroIsHere/(Dino Moretti) has thrown Pickle Pete really hard	(141, 127, 2)	Kitchen
Logs of clown ghosting after the incident:

Code: Select all

05:42:45	GAME	*no key*/(Pickle Pete) *no key*/(Pickle Pete) is no longer owning mob Pickle Pete(/mob/living/carbon/human)	(143, 132, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:42:45	ACCESS	Mob Login: Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer		
05:42:45	GAME	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) Client Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) has taken ownership of mob Pickle Pete(/mob/dead/observer)	(143, 132, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:42:52	SAY	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (DEAD) "chefs fucking asshole"	(140, 123, 2)	Kitchen
05:42:56	SAY	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (DEAD) "fucking hell"	(140, 123, 2)	Kitchen
05:43:11	SAY	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (DEAD) "WHY DOES THE FUCKING CHEF CHOKEHOLD LAST THIS LONG"	(141, 128, 2)	Kitchen
05:43:18	SAY	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (DEAD) "30 FUCKING SECONDS"	(141, 128, 2)	Kitchen
05:43:20	SAY	Purotozilla/(Pickle Pete) (DEAD) "FOR REAL"	(141, 128, 2)	Kitchen
Say logs of someone ordering the chef to deepfry something (probably the PDA):

Code: Select all

05:44:17	SAY	Anubisgaming66801/(Lou Rogers) "gonna ask chef to deepfry it!!"	(133, 151, 2)	Locker Room
05:44:40	SAY	Anubisgaming66801/(Lou Rogers) "HEY CHEF!"	(139, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
05:44:50	SAY	Anubisgaming66801/(Lou Rogers) "can you deepfry this??"	(140, 129, 2)	Bar Lounge
Note that order to deepfry was AFTER clown ghosted.

I believe he mistook you for the other chef, who grabbed him in a chokehold.
Was there any note resulting from this incident?
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Re: [Vekter] Joe Coolius - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by Timberpoes » #690501

This is going to be fairly arbitrary, but because this incident resulted in a note there must first be a successful appeal before a complaint can be placed.
MrStonedOne wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 3:40 am ...

New host ruling: Admin's banning conduct can not be the subject of an admin complaint. That is what appeals are for, and the appeal leading to the ban being overturn is the minimum bar required before a complaint can be filed that references the ban conduct.

In this context, notes and bans are treated the same.

You can find your note in-game under the OOC tab then View Admin Remarks option.

So I'm going to have to direct you to appeal your note first at viewforum.php?f=7 - We can revisit this complaint after the appeal to see if there's still any need for it.

You should be able to re-use most of your complaint post in the process of appealing your note.
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Re: [Vekter] Joe Coolius - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by thedude » #690529

Thanks, will do.
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Re: [Vekter] Joe Shadings - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by thedude » #690547

The problem wasnt really that big, he just mistook me for my sous chef who really did do all the harming. All has been made right
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Re: [Vekter] Joe Shadings - admin mistook lvl 2 grab for lvl 3 grab?

Post by Timberpoes » #690550

Appreciated, thanks! Glad to see it resolved happily in the end! o7
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