Scriptis Bigsteve_63 - Perma antag ban

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Scriptis Bigsteve_63 - Perma antag ban

Post by bigSteve63 » #654151

BYOND account: bigsteve_63
Character name: spike wise (?)
Ban type: Antag roles
Ban length: permanent
Ban reason: Banned from Roles: Brainwashed Victim, Deathsquad, Lavaland, Mind Transfer Potion, Sentience Potion Spawn, Abductor, Xenomorph, Blob, Blood Brother, Changeling, Cultist, Heretic, Hivemind Host, Malf AI, Space Ninja, Operative, Syndicate Mutineer, Revolutionary, Revenant, Head Revolutionary, Sentient Disease, Spider, Syndicate, Traitor, Wizard permanently - Flagrant antag rolling; logged into Basil, Sybil, and Manuel concurrently, dropping from the other servers because they "don't like the map." This isn't your first warning; appeal this ban in a month's time or more when you can demonstrate continuous faithful play as a nonantagonist. Disconnected in ahelps.
Time ban was placed: 2022-09-08 02:40:00
Server you were playing on when banned: Bagil
Round ID in which ban was placed: Round 190074
Your side of the story: I was playing on Bagil but I saw it was (I think either tram station or icebox station) and so i left and joined Sybil, but it was icebox station. Then I joined Manuel and it was a map that i really liked.
Why you think you should be unbanned: I have antag rolled in the past but this time it was because i really do not like tram station, and I wanted to go to another map. I don't read the maps when i join because i use the tg station website to join rounds. The ban was fair but i don't think it should have been permanent because i was just switching maps and i had only been warned once for something that wasn't even what I was doing.
References of good conduct: I have only been playing on tgstation and my only warning the past month was today for making an admin help and leaving before an admin got the chance to respond, but later it turned out that the person I made an admin help against was a rev.
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Re: Scriptis Bigsteve_63 - Perma antag ban

Post by Scriptis » #654154

Sorry, but no. You have one living shift since this ban was placed. The ban I gave you explicitly states that you should appeal when you can demonstrate continuous faithful play as a nonantagonist. The reason for this is to prevent you from simply waiting out the ban. Again, play the game regularly with hours I can track for a month's time as a nonantagonist, and then I will consider lifting the ban.


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Re: Scriptis Bigsteve_63 - Perma antag ban

Post by Vekter » #654266

Going to give Bigsteve 24 hours to respond to this before moving it. Keep in mind that you do have the right to request a headmin review if you disagree with Scriptis' judgement.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.

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