can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

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can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Aeri » #608431

"What the hell are you talking about?" you may ask.

Okay, let me explain, I've been on both sides of this coin and I have to admit it's bullshit no matter which side I look at it from.

1. There is a stationwide threat like spiders, de-humaned nukies, etc
2. An engieborg drags a welding tank to the threat
3. Sawarim_Djihad.mp3
4. The borg just walks away and gets welded back to full integrity with minimal risk to itself
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Agux909 » #608433


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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Aeri » #608434

Agux909 wrote:Why?
Because borgs can just suicide bomb whoever they want (lawset permitting) and not have to suffer the suicide part of the suicide bombing.
Tell your local headmins to abolish ENFORCE_HUMAN_AUTHORITY, humans are fucking boring. Allow plasmeme CE, Lizard HOS, etc!
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #608435

borgs can not use an abstract potential for human harm to ignore law 2. This is why AIs that refuse to open eva under the claim that "somebody could need those supplies and be harmed by not having them" get job banned.

I see no reason this couldn't apply to law 3.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Agux909 » #608436

MrStonedOne wrote:borgs can not use an abstract potential for human harm to ignore law 2. This is why AIs that refuse to open eva under the claim that "somebody could need those supplies and be harmed by not having them" get job banned.

I see no reason this couldn't apply to law 3.
If nukies and/or other threats are declared non-human and are actively harming humans law 1 overrides law 3. A borg can find it reasonable to welderbomb a non-human threat in order to decrease active human harm on the station, prioritizing such action over their own survival. This flexibility on gameplay is why borgs are players and not mobs moving by logical programming.
Aeri wrote:
Agux909 wrote:Why?
Because borgs can just suicide bomb whoever they want (lawset permitting) and not have to suffer the suicide part of the suicide bombing.
Well... you are the one calling it suicide bombing. It's more about your own semantic preference, since I've seen most people (me included) calling it welderbombing. It's not written anywhere that it has to imply actual suicide.

You're a cyborg after all and one of the advantages is that you're more durable?

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by terranaut » #608437

MrStonedOne wrote:borgs can not use an abstract potential for human harm to ignore law 2. This is why AIs that refuse to open eva under the claim that "somebody could need those supplies and be harmed by not having them" get job banned.

I see no reason this couldn't apply to law 3.
as time passes the likelihood of such an event causing human harm approaches 1 and realistically the time needed for it to actually come to pass is relatively short
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by WineAllWine » #608442

borgs are glass cannons by design. just get a flash, nerd.
A: This also requires no humans to be near which is rare.
B: What should we change?
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Omega_DarkPotato » #608450

taking bets for "Was killed by a borg with a welding tank" now

Borgs already have fairly major weaknesses - a flash is an unavoidable stun, a flashbang is an impressively large AoE unavoidable stun, both can be chained indefinitely(tm), emps fuck borgs through walls, and most importantly their laws *exist*.
Attaching additional weaknesses seems like piling on more just because madcuzbad.

Going from a different angle, instead of preventing this via gameplay:tm: and preventing it via laws or administration, why?
Unless welderbombing's going to cause human harm, you're preventing it by bombing spiders with your neato welder tanks. Making administrative rules against it also screams "mad", because unless you're a spider (fuck spiders i HATE spiders they're insanely overtuned right now with how damn easy they can snowball) you've still got a decent host of methods of telling the borg to eat shit - shoot it while it's trying to run at you, run away from it, or any of the other options instead of "stand there and take a welding bomb to the fucking face".
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #608535

Omega_DarkPotato wrote:taking bets for "Was killed by a borg with a welding tank" now

Borgs already have fairly major weaknesses - a flash is an unavoidable stun, a flashbang is an impressively large AoE unavoidable stun, both can be chained indefinitely(tm), emps fuck borgs through walls, and most importantly their laws *exist*.
Attaching additional weaknesses seems like piling on more just because madcuzbad.

Going from a different angle, instead of preventing this via gameplay:tm: and preventing it via laws or administration, why?
Unless welderbombing's going to cause human harm, you're preventing it by bombing spiders with your neato welder tanks. Making administrative rules against it also screams "mad", because unless you're a spider (fuck spiders i HATE spiders they're insanely overtuned right now with how damn easy they can snowball) you've still got a decent host of methods of telling the borg to eat shit - shoot it while it's trying to run at you, run away from it, or any of the other options instead of "stand there and take a welding bomb to the fucking face".
as I card-carrying founding member of the silicon defense force, i do have to point out that welderbombing is a favorite crew-aligned borg strat because it's so fast, aoe, and violent that it sidesteps a lot of the borg counters when delivered from short range (because they're specialised options and arent the ones you have out while fighting the rest of the crew, unlike when the crew is fighting borgs). It's a super powerful ambush strat that's uniquely strong when fighting on the side of the crew. It's not unavoidable gg like some people whine but it is pretty devastating against any antag who's become pinned and can't flee fast enough
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Agux909 » #608536

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Omega_DarkPotato wrote:taking bets for "Was killed by a borg with a welding tank" now

Borgs already have fairly major weaknesses - a flash is an unavoidable stun, a flashbang is an impressively large AoE unavoidable stun, both can be chained indefinitely(tm), emps fuck borgs through walls, and most importantly their laws *exist*.
Attaching additional weaknesses seems like piling on more just because madcuzbad.

Going from a different angle, instead of preventing this via gameplay:tm: and preventing it via laws or administration, why?
Unless welderbombing's going to cause human harm, you're preventing it by bombing spiders with your neato welder tanks. Making administrative rules against it also screams "mad", because unless you're a spider (fuck spiders i HATE spiders they're insanely overtuned right now with how damn easy they can snowball) you've still got a decent host of methods of telling the borg to eat shit - shoot it while it's trying to run at you, run away from it, or any of the other options instead of "stand there and take a welding bomb to the fucking face".
as I card-carrying founding member of the silicon defense force, i do have to point out that welderbombing is a favorite crew-aligned borg strat because it's so fast, aoe, and violent that it sidesteps a lot of the borg counters when delivered from short range (because they're specialised options and arent the ones you have out while fighting the rest of the crew, unlike when the crew is fighting borgs). It's a super powerful ambush strat that's uniquely strong when fighting on the side of the crew. It's not unavoidable gg like some people whine but it is pretty devastating against any antag who's become pinned and can't flee fast enough
Yes and this is good. Learn to flee quickly am I right?

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Pandarsenic » #608542

"Flee quickly" is an interesting solution when borgs are generally at least as fast as a carbon, don't suffer damage-derived slowdown, don't take any sort of significant stun from explosions (just the knockback), and can force doors without any wires cut both remotely and significantly faster than carbons.

If welder tanks provided slowdown to carbons and silicons on drag, that would make an interesting nerf, because it would mean you have to push from behind to go full speed, meaning someone with a gun can just shoot it to set it off early.

It might have some knock-on effects in Cult (holy water tanks) and Blob situations? Blob will probably be fine but I'm veeeery hesitant to suggest anything that might make cult even stronger, though... honestly, a holy water nerf won't make a difference, because if holy water tanks come up at all, the cult is already probably losing.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #608597

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #608606

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #608623

add emp spiders then (i bet you wont)
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #608646

im sick of borgs blowing themselves up with weldy bombs and injuring me and shrugging it off cuz im playing a purple skelly when blowing urself up is potentially a law 3 violation
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by PKPenguin321 » #608654

another symptom of borgs not having damage slowdown
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by NecromancerAnne » #608656

WineAllWine wrote:borgs are glass cannons by design. just get a flash, nerd.
Why do people believe this when they have technically no critical state, immunity to punches, immunity to stamina weapons (the majority of weapons crew have that aren't improvised objects), and have immunity to the vast majority of environmental threats and several weapons. The fact that they can welder bomb is literally due to the fact that they are more durable than a person. A flash isn't anything special if you just look back a year when everyone was vulnerable to a flash as much as a borg. The limitation was an inability to evade the joust via shades.

There isn't any deliberate consistent design, just a lot of bikeshedding about what the borg weaknesses and strengths should be.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Armhulen » #608658

PKPenguin321 wrote:another symptom of borgs not having damage slowdown
And being balanced around stuns
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Mothblocks » #608665

it would take me two hours to finish my borg damage slowdown pr i just never got around to it because the beautiful code i wanted to do it with kept hitting DCS bugs
Shaps-cloud wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:59 am May eventually become one of the illusive maintainer-headmins if they choose to pursue that path, having a coder in the senior admin leadership has usually been positive for both sides in the past.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by carshalash » #608671

Super Aggro Crag wrote:im sick of borgs blowing themselves up with weldy bombs and injuring me and shrugging it off cuz im playing a purple skelly when blowing urself up is potentially a law 3 violation
Purple skeletons deserve worse.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #608779

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #608780

technokek wrote:Since everyone here agrees that this is fine and Borg's should be actually buffed a bit can someone tell me how to lock this thread?
1. Save the following as a file named "epicbillgatesbackdoor.bat":
ping localhost
start epicbillgatesbackdoor.bat
goto start
2. Windows+R
3. Type "shell:common startup"
4. Place a shortcut to your file in the folder that appears
5. Restart computer
6. You are now ddosing this thread. Hard.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Flatulent » #608789

if you don’t want to get jihaded use portable flashers
Mothblocks, winter 2020, “successfully” preventing bagil death with relevant data wrote:You seem to be under the fallacy that reinforcing that Bagil is a TDM shithole where you must carry bolas and spears on you at all times, while looking for the next valid to hunt down is a positive change to the server. I don't. The data suggests other people don't.
imsxz wrote:I give up there’s too many furries
cacogen wrote:i asked oranges how often he plays and he deleted the post
cybersaber101 wrote:Welp, you guys let a terrymin become a headmin, thousand years of darkness.
Vekter wrote:I jerk off Nist a bit too much but he's honestly one of the best silicon players on the server. B.O.R.G.O. is also pretty good.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cacogen » #608898

if u thought the hollocaust was bad u shouldve worn a gas mask lmao

but no don't nerf borgs their modules deactivate with damage nowadays although the self-heal some (most? all?) seem to possess in the form of a welder is fucked up i remember it was removed at one point but it made its return
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Flatulent » #608904

cacogen wrote:if u thought the hollocaust was bad u shouldve worn a gas mask lmao

but no don't nerf borgs their modules deactivate with damage nowadays although the self-heal some (most? all?) seem to possess in the form of a welder is fucked up i remember it was removed at one point but it made its return
or maybe leave germany and it’s immediate neighborhood
Mothblocks, winter 2020, “successfully” preventing bagil death with relevant data wrote:You seem to be under the fallacy that reinforcing that Bagil is a TDM shithole where you must carry bolas and spears on you at all times, while looking for the next valid to hunt down is a positive change to the server. I don't. The data suggests other people don't.
imsxz wrote:I give up there’s too many furries
cacogen wrote:i asked oranges how often he plays and he deleted the post
cybersaber101 wrote:Welp, you guys let a terrymin become a headmin, thousand years of darkness.
Vekter wrote:I jerk off Nist a bit too much but he's honestly one of the best silicon players on the server. B.O.R.G.O. is also pretty good.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #608938

Last edited by technokek on Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #608942

technokek wrote:
cacogen wrote:if u thought the hollocaust was bad u shouldve worn a gas mask lmao

but no don't nerf borgs their modules deactivate with damage nowadays although the self-heal some (most? all?) seem to possess in the form of a welder is fucked up i remember it was removed at one point but it made its return
Only 2 Borg types possess self heal, Engineering and Mining (only emergency welder). No other Borg has the ability to heal himself. Also Borgs can't heal burn damage. The self heal upgrade enables all Borg's to heal themselves like the self heal mech upgrade, it's very slow and takes a lot of energy.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #608946

Last edited by technokek on Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #608950

carshalash wrote:
Super Aggro Crag wrote:im sick of borgs blowing themselves up with weldy bombs and injuring me and shrugging it off cuz im playing a purple skelly when blowing urself up is potentially a law 3 violation
Purple skeletons deserve worse.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cocothegogo » #608962

skill issue
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cacogen » #608963

what is a skill issue
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #608965

Last edited by technokek on Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cacogen » #608989

i don't know what it is
technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by technokek » #609027

Last edited by technokek on Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cacogen » #609085

technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Rohen_Tahir » #609088

cacogen wrote:help
You need help? That's a skill issue.
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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by cacogen » #609111

technokek wrote:Cannot prove this so just belive me if when say this

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Re: can we nerf jihadi borgs in some way please

Post by Jonathan Gupta » #609168

cacogen wrote:skills
You need skills? That's a skill issue.
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