[shaps] Mirukihoshi - Permaban Appeal

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Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:15 am
Byond Username: Mirukihoshi

[shaps] Mirukihoshi - Permaban Appeal

Post by Mirukihoshi » #595378

BYOND account: Mirukihoshi.

Character name: I think it was probably Buddy Loraine?

Ban type: Server ban.

Ban length: Permanent.

Ban reason: Well... The ban reason is literally just, "asdf", however, I looked on statbus, and found this: "Banned from the server permanently - Banned from the server permanently - As nonantag cargo tech, rustled up a whole bunch of shit with buying guns and getting into shootouts with sec. While I was messaging them, they died in perma trying to break out, and took over the warden's body who had to leave. They proceeded to claim their last character was innocent at great lengths over sec radio. I began yelling at her for this and said I would apply a one day ban (very lenient!) for self antagging and egregious OOC in IC, to which they replied "Okay retard." and began killing the nearby captain. Congrats on escalating your way from a warning note to a permanent ban!"

Time ban was placed: 05:14:48

Server you were playing on when banned: Manuel, but I was banned on all /tg/ servers.

Round ID in which ban was placed: 127828.

Your side of the story: I'm gonna be completely honest. I don't remember it at all, but the note is probably accurate.

Why you think you should be unbanned: I've mellowed out a lot since I last played, and am not nearly as much of a bitch as I was when I used to play here, and I just want to play on a server I used to play on a lot. The ban was completely fair, and I don't blame anyone but myself for being permabanned, but I would just like to prove that I do not really act like that anymore, and I hope to get a second chance. Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your time!
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Re: [shaps] Mirukihoshi - Permaban Appeal

Post by bobbahbrown » #595390

to clarify this ban was placed on january 10th, 2020.

best wishes,
bobbah 'bee' brown
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Re: [shaps] Mirukihoshi - Permaban Appeal

Post by Shaps-cloud » #595409

ja sure why not, lifted
P.S. Shoot Dr. Allen on sight and dissolve his body in acid. Don't burn it.

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