[an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

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[an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Skyglazer » #57585

Byond account and character name: Skyglazer, character name Norman Phelps
Banning admin: An0n3
Ban reason and length: 'GreyTiding during an extended round. Ruining rounds. Appeal this on the forums please.' EDIT : This is a permanent ban.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 5:11 PM EST, 2014-11-08
Your side of the story:
Hello again, /tg/. I took a little vacation, and I've definitely had time to reflect on how much of a shithead I was. I totally greytided, yes, agree, I was a dick in OOC after round, too. The thing his, most of the 'tide was collateral damage after I accidentally shot someone in the hallways, intending to shake them up because they had slipped. They cried wolf over common even though I didn't knock them into crit, and being a huge dick for absolutely no reason, I said something like, "Keep running your mouth and I'll make it count next time," or something equally stupid back at them. The shuttle was about to dock anyways, so I used my engineering gear that I had powergamed the shit out of from cargo to break into the security pods, thinking I might not have enough time to get to the shuttle. Unluckily for me at least, the head of security and a few officers were in the break room and they quickly dispatched me, throwing me into perma.

Why you think you should be unbanned: Onto the appeal rather than the story, I believe that the damage I caused during the round was not big enough grounds for a permanent ban, in fact, I was unaware that the round-type was extended, as normally that doesn't happen. In my absence I now understand why what I did made me a huge shitter, and why I was banned because of it, I can assure it will not happen again. If unbanned, I promise to respect the rules of the server to a T. I assure you that if I were just some griefer, I would not be making an appeal. I am looking to play again as a normal player, and I renounce my ways of shitlery that caused me to get banned. No matter your decision, thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
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Re: [an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Timbrewolf » #58331

Cargo had armed up with shotguns and a few other effects. When I questioned some other players about it they all pointed to you as the major instigator. I believe one or two other people were also perma'd from playing in cargo as a result of their cooperation with the shitstorm you were leading.

You were playing Guncargo Nations, you were actively warring with security, you were firing your shotgun off down the hallways, threatening to kill other players over the radio, etc. No matter what you think the scale of the effect you had on the round, your individual conduct was a checklist of things we have asked players not to do. Your attitude was pretty proud of things at the time

[17:11:12]OOC: Thurgatar/Thurgatar : Skyglazer what do you expect breaking into Sec and firing at the HoS who's trying to apprehend you.
[17:11:27]OOC: Norman Phelps/Skyglazer : I expect people to shower me in praise

When we questioned you about what was going on you immediately jumped to assuming the HoS was an admin and accused us of covering for him/only investigating the situation because he was our friend?
We couldn't have any kind of rational discussion about what you had done at the time, you kept spouting racial slurs and inviting me to "fite" you in pm's.

I'm going to talk to some others for a second opinion but my initial consideration isn't very positive.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno
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Re: [an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Skyglazer » #58731

Not sure if it's in my place to say, an0n, but if you do come to a census to unban me from the server, I would be happy with a permanent jobban from any cargo position as long as I can still play on the server.
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Re: [an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Vekter » #58743

I don't think the issue was your activities as cargo, but your awful attitude towards the admin staff.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: [an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Skyglazer » #59105

Vekter wrote:I don't think the issue was your activities as cargo, but your awful attitude towards the admin staff.
You are absolutely right. I was a lot newer to SS13 when I was banned, but experience on other servers has taught me that shitlery such as my own can have long-lasting effects on the round, and I was treating it all as a joke, because that was all I thought it was at the time, a game. I didn't understand the consequences of my actions and blew the admins off, because I thought it didn't matter. I've given the ban a while, a couple months actually, and I think I'm ready to re-join, this time with manners and a firm understanding of the rules.
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Re: [an0n3] Skylgazer - Man I was a jackass. Permaban Appeal

Post by Timbrewolf » #60084

After some deliberation I'll remove the permaban but leave the cargo ban for now. If you play for a bit without any incidents appeal that too and I'll remove it.
Shed Wolf Numero Uno

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