[Necromancer Anne] Thunder12345 - Banned for leaving a stale round

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[Necromancer Anne] Thunder12345 - Banned for leaving a stale round

Post by Thunder11 » #559927

BYOND account: Thunder12345
Character name: Emily Vargas
Ban type: Head of staff jobban
Ban length: 1 week
Ban reason: "Suicided as a head of staff while admins were on the server. This was during a long rev round, but it was a rev round all the same. Even if it's late into a round, please just at least let us know and let us decide what happens to your body with an informed decision."
Time ban was placed: ~9PM BST, April 30
Server you were playing on when banned: Terry
Round ID in which ban was placed: 135920
Your side of the story: Gave my job to the most trustworthy sec officer and killed myself as HoS, as the round had been going for over an hour and was seemingly long stale, with the wizard killed in the first 10 minutes, and nothing happening apart from minor tiding.
Why you think you should be unbanned: 1: The ban reason has the entire argument centred about the fact there was a revolution. This has no bearing on what happened, as the revs were doing so little that nobody was aware they even existed, and it‘s patently absurd to base this decision on circumstances which were quite clearly outside of my knowledge. 2: Unless I somehow missed a complete u-turn in policy, it’s been precedent as per rule 5 for a long time now to only worry about heads leaving if they do it roundstart, not long into the round. Specifically, the requirement as stated is "generally considered to be not logging out at or near roundstart." Unless over an hour into the round can somehow be included in the definition of "at or near roundstart", this ban is not only dumb but directly contradicts the rules as explicitly written.
IcePacks wrote:
MrFoster wrote:Back in my day, we didn't complain about lag! We used it to queue attacks!
That's thinking on your feet, soldier!
Quality Paprika from #coderbus wrote:[11:35.52] <paprika> holy crap so yeah i don't care about your opinion at all
oranges wrote:
Excuse me? Thats for sensible and calm rational debate, not for senseless whining.
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Re: [Necromancer Anne] Thunder12345 - Banned for leaving a stale round

Post by LynxJynx » #559928

I would like to add the exact wording on 5.1 is "Minimum levels of effort for heads of staff, silicon roles, and team antagonist generally include not logging out/going AFK at or near round start due to the importance of those roles within the round for progression. Constant logging out or going AFK may be given warnings by admins, and may progress to jobbans." I would also like to point out it states CONSTANT logging out MAY progress to jobbans
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Re: [Necromancer Anne] Thunder12345 - Banned for leaving a stale round

Post by Arianya » #559930

For context, logs taken from https://tgstation13.org/raw-logs/terry/ ... 0/game.log (raw logs, not visible to non-admins, change to parsed-logs to see the parsed version)

Code: Select all

[2020-04-29 19:48:31.158] GAME: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) Client Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) has taken ownership of mob (/mob/living/carbon/human) (start area (8, 174, 1))
[2020-04-29 21:04:56.209] SAY: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) "Congratulations" (Head of Security's Office (118, 178, 2))
[2020-04-29 21:05:02.076] SAY: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) "Levi is the new HoS" (Head of Security's Office (118, 179, 2))
[2020-04-29 21:05:06.681] SAY: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) "I'm checking out from hotel life" (Head of Security's Office (118, 179, 2))
[2020-04-29 21:05:18.589] EMOTE: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) seizes up and falls limp, her eyes dead and lifeless... (Head of Security's Office (119, 181, 2))
[2020-04-29 21:05:18.601] ACCESS: Mob Login: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) was assigned to a /mob/dead/observer
[2020-04-29 21:05:18.624] GAME: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) Client Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas) has taken ownership of mob Emily Vargas(/mob/dead/observer) (Head of Security's Office (119, 181, 2))
[2020-04-29 21:08:10.735] GAME: Thunder12345[DC]/(Emily Vargas) Thunder12345[DC]/(Emily Vargas) is no longer owning mob Emily Vargas(/mob/dead/observer) (Prison Wing (92, 186, 2))
So the period between the user joining the game (as a latejoin HoS) and leaving was roughly an hour and twenty minutes.

A brief exchange between the banning admin and the player, on a different matter. The leaving was not discussed in a ticket for fairly obvious reasons:

Code: Select all

[2020-04-29 20:33:46.089] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: NecromancerAnne/(Candence Portland)->Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas): Wanna do me a favour. Rather than seal people into 2x3 rooms, just execute them? I'm not going to debate whether executing someone over that lawset is worth it or not but putting someone in gay baby jail is shitty.
[2020-04-29 20:34:09.261] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas)->NecromancerAnne/(Candence Portland): Can't safely do much else, one of the other prisoners trashed perma and I dunno if it's secure any more
[2020-04-29 20:36:36.399] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: NecromancerAnne/(Candence Portland)->Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas): They are already, as far as the rules go, dead. You might as well just go the distance at that point and make it a reality so they aren't trapped without any way out besides ghosting, which I'm pretty sure prevents ghost roles.
[2020-04-29 20:37:15.870] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: NecromancerAnne/(Candence Portland)->Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas): Same with suiciding. What you're doing is holding them hostage in a living corpse without any way of reentering the round if they so choose.
[2020-04-29 20:37:48.103] ADMINPRIVATE: PM: NecromancerAnne/(Candence Portland)->Thunder12345/(Emily Vargas): Unless you're working towards repairing perma, which I can understand.
For context, I will note that Thunder12345 has no notes or bans within the past 6 months relating to Rule 5.1 (or other head staff issues).
Frequently playing as Aria Bollet on Bagil & Scary Terry

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Re: [Necromancer Anne] Thunder12345 - Banned for leaving a stale round

Post by NecromancerAnne » #560045


Given reflection upon this, I'm almost definitely in error, and even if personally I think it would be a good courtesy gesture to ahelp you are going to suicide, no, you are right, you didn't do anything wrong and this was handled appropriately ic.

I'm just going remove the ban and note.

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