vektor - CheSquatt - Admin investigating/closing own thread.

Joined: Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:10 am
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vektor - CheSquatt - Admin investigating/closing own thread.

Post by chesquatt » #54240

Byond account and character name: CheSquatt - Tommy Chav
Admin: vektor
Time incident occured: couple days ago.
Detailed summary: I made an appeal related to the Race war that happened on the station between humans and lizards, I sorta started it, I got banned from Chaplain and Assistant for it. I am not here to argue that case though. I made the appeal thread, to which vektor replied, i was like "okay, sure, but hopefully players and other admins will chime in and at least discuss." But after a single other player chimed in, vektor closed the thread since they are also forum mods.

TL:DR seems to me like a trial admin investigated their own ban, then after little to no discussion closed the thread. I ask the thread be reopened and left open for discussion between admins and players as to give a fair assessment of the ban.
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Re: vektor - CheSquatt - Admin investigating/closing own thr

Post by Vekter » #54242

I'm fine with this. If there's something I missed in protocol I have no problem lifting the ban.

I have no forum power in FNR, but I did admittedly ask it closed as resolved. I'll admit that might have been a mistake. I'll ask a headmin to re-open the thread and chime in on it of you wish.
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: vektor - CheSquatt - Admin investigating/closing own thr

Post by Hornygranny » #54244

Main FNR forum rule 2: "If you are not an admin or directly involved with the appeal (You are the guy who was banned, you saw what happened, you were his victim, etc.) then do not post in the appeal. Repetitive ignoring of this rule will lead to your FNR posting privileges being revoked until further notice." If you want to discuss the rules, make a thread in the Policy Discussion subforum.

I don't see anything wrong with the ban, though the thread was locked quickly. Vekter has been instructed to allow a longer period for review.
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Re: vektor - CheSquatt - Admin investigating/closing own thr

Post by peoplearestrange » #54246

If you think a thread's been closed to quickly or incorrectly you can always PM a moderator. I can restore the thread if needs be, but it seems as if HG suggests that's not needed.

Lemme' know.

EDIT: Topic restored as requested

EDIT 2: Seeing as the other ban request is open again and all seems to be resolved with that, I'm gonna close this. PM me if this was in error etc.
Last edited by peoplearestrange on Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Edit
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