Minor Suggestions

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Spacezenegger » #49984

Bottom post of the previous page:

Re-add syndicate uplinks to revs.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Saegrimr » #49997

Spacezenegger wrote:Re-add syndicate uplinks to revs.
Wrong thread ---> https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=32
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by soulgamer » #50039

Give slimes a very small chance to spawn a slimeperson when split. It should be braindead but resemble the person who fed them last.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #50345

Upgrading a laser pointer with an ultra-laser should allow you to light cigs with it.

Additionally, I believe riot shotties should be orderable by Cargo.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by SirMalcolm » #50630

An ore box that can be purchased with miner points that can only be opened by the buyers ID.
And also either an ore box that can be purchased with miner points or TC that can hold gibtonite.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #50637

Cargo being able to order a second box of shotguns with a different sprite and two less ammo capacity seems kinda pointless.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #50640

Wyzack wrote:Cargo being able to order a second box of shotguns with a different sprite and two less ammo capacity seems kinda pointless.

Well, you're forgetting the fun part.
Riot shotties can be sawn-off.

And maybe the riot shotty crate could hold more guns than the combat shotty one.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Peble » #50851

have a miner suggestion minor suggestion

a default pda cartridge that tracks points and ores redeemed on your id
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #50908

Have some Baygotry: Their reptile race has a horn style selection in the hairstyle menu, and we clearly do need horny lizards back. I therefore suggest that this be shamelessly ripped.
And yes, we do need lizard horns back.

Oh, and while I'm on it, can we remove reptits?

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by miggles » #51117

but my lizard er- oh wait
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Scones » #51143

Give us an antag enabling panel under setup like job prefs - Or some similar UI so I don't accidentally uncheck the ones I thought I had checked

Just for clarity's sake
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by kosmos » #51174

Giving some CPR to a dead patient should up the chances of the defibrillator working. That way we can have awesome cinematic scenes of "Live, damn you... *sob* CLEAR!"
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by soulgamer » #51214

Add a briefcase full of cash to the uplink options. I want to RP buying the blueprints off the CE goddamn it.

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #51239

Guess a big red and black secure briefcase with a big 'S' on it, full of syndi bux, would be fitting under the pointless badassery section.
Should be cheap enough that you can buy a chameleon jumpsuit, or atleast come with a fancy suit... or yarmulke
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Drynwyn » #51691

Briefcase full of cash should be a pretty easy code, too.
In game, I play the A.I Firmware, the French cyborg C.U.R.I.E, Aubrie Allen, and the lizard scum Skulks-Through-Maintenance.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by dezzmont » #51693

At most it should be a second smart fridge. Theoretically chemists should be supplying medical, who applies the drugs, not skipping the middle man.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #51695

Malkevin wrote:Guess a big red and black secure briefcase with a big 'S' on it, full of syndi bux, would be fitting under the pointless badassery section.
Should be cheap enough that you can buy a chameleon jumpsuit, or atleast come with a fancy suit... or yarmulke
I really like that idea. Sadly, I've been told we've basically hit our limit for in-hand sprites, so it'd just look like a regular briefcase on the character, if implemented right now.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Phalanx300 » #51705

fleure wrote:
Malkevin wrote:Guess a big red and black secure briefcase with a big 'S' on it, full of syndi bux, would be fitting under the pointless badassery section.
Should be cheap enough that you can buy a chameleon jumpsuit, or atleast come with a fancy suit... or yarmulke
I really like that idea. Sadly, I've been told we've basically hit our limit for in-hand sprites, so it'd just look like a regular briefcase on the character, if implemented right now.
Personally I see no problem with this. Traitor items aren't supposed to stand out. I'd make it so a E-Mag looks like a ID card.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #51707

Phalanx300 wrote: Personally I see no problem with this. Traitor items aren't supposed to stand out. I'd make it so a E-Mag looks like a ID card.
Yeah but it's pointless badassery like the balloon, I figured the idea behind Malk's suggestion was you could walk around like a boss with it.

If it isn't, yeah, I could code that tonight with an object sprite.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #51793

So I went through the suicide list. Guns aren't on it. At least not as far as my CTRL-F skills are concerned.

Whenever someone holding a gun is hitting suicide they should, of course, use that gun. In the event that the gun is out of ammo or charge the game should also tell them how silly they are.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #51814

^^^i have been pushing for this for a long time. D20 station has it and it is awsome.
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #51817

Of course this also means that final-breath soliloquies in suicide mode should be possible. As opposed to whispered quips.

Anyway. If multitooling an esword makes it rainbow mode, let screwdrivering it change the colour normally.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wizardjenkins66 » #51818

Yes please, I want to put a doublebarreled shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes.
Violaceus wrote: Mining smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to man- and lizard-kind. Katanas are thrice as sharp as eswords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything an esword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a durand mech with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why Syndicate never bothered conquering Mining? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined miners and their katanas of destruction.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #51822

Please, you circ-saw it first.

Which reminds me, more suicide.
Suiciding with an energy axe flavourtexts as self-decapitation. Let's do the same for fire-axes and maybe circsaws. Oh, and instead of 175 bruteloss, maybe an actual beheading.

Somehow I'm hitting a morbid streak.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by kosmos » #51981

The new hunger-bar looks good, but I'd like it to have the same approach we have with pressure and temperature.

How about "Hunger 100%" doesn't show, if you can't see your hunger, it means everything is good. And same with health. Much like in muh realisms irl we don't notice pressure until it changes. This would also lessen the clutter on the screen.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Balut » #51983

Add the chaplain's hood to the clothesmate and the costume vendor.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
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No no, I don't want to be surrounded by spergs
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by oranges » #52059

Reimoo wrote:When you are selected for antagonist you should be given a final accept/deny prompt before you receive your antag info in the chat. Probably impossible to do but whatever.
Why don't you just turn it off in your settings?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Remie Richards » #52063

oranges wrote:
Reimoo wrote:When you are selected for antagonist you should be given a final accept/deny prompt before you receive your antag info in the chat. Probably impossible to do but whatever.
Why don't you just turn it off in your settings?
"I usually want to play antag rounds 9/10 times but right now I really don't feel like it and I don't want to mess with my settings so I'll just turn down this one chance."
Hypothetical, but there you go.
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Byond Username: Soulgamergod

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by soulgamer » #52078

Remie Richards wrote:
oranges wrote:
Reimoo wrote:When you are selected for antagonist you should be given a final accept/deny prompt before you receive your antag info in the chat. Probably impossible to do but whatever.
Why don't you just turn it off in your settings?
"I usually want to play antag rounds 9/10 times but right now I really don't feel like it and I don't want to mess with my settings so I'll just turn down this one chance."
Hypothetical, but there you go.
This me for half the rounds I do get antag. Sometimes I just dont feel like it. I usually get an admin to take my tc and either help the other antags or cause some chaos to make up for the fact that I wont be doing my share. An option to accept/deny would be great. It would also help people notice they are a traitor when they miss the antag text.
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Byond Username: Soulgamergod

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by soulgamer » #52079

fleure wrote:
Phalanx300 wrote: Personally I see no problem with this. Traitor items aren't supposed to stand out. I'd make it so a E-Mag looks like a ID card.
Yeah but it's pointless badassery like the balloon, I figured the idea behind Malk's suggestion was you could walk around like a boss with it.

If it isn't, yeah, I could code that tonight with an object sprite.
Actually it was my suggestion. I was wanting a briefcase full off cash to RP buying the item I out to steal.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Balut » #52094

How about scabbards you wear on your belt slot that enable it to hold a bigger item or something?

...Basically I just want to be able to put away my weapons when I loot the roman shield, a spear and a bedsheet cape.

A-also some stupid primitive weapons. Swords, maces, axes, fuckin' whatever. Gotta be the glorious space-knight.

Put a toggle for the PDA light in the upper left thingy.
"Yeah, they're kick-ass robot pilots!" "But they sing and dance!" "They launch from a secret base..." "...that's right under the opera house!"
Sakura Wars
Malkevin wrote:
No no, I don't want to be surrounded by spergs
An0n3 wrote:
Why are you here then?
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Mindustry » #52102

Detective needs his own winter coat, or at least make the one he gets capable of carrying his gun.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by fleure » #52113

soulgamer wrote:
fleure wrote:
Phalanx300 wrote: Personally I see no problem with this. Traitor items aren't supposed to stand out. I'd make it so a E-Mag looks like a ID card.
Yeah but it's pointless badassery like the balloon, I figured the idea behind Malk's suggestion was you could walk around like a boss with it.

If it isn't, yeah, I could code that tonight with an object sprite.
Actually it was my suggestion. I was wanting a briefcase full off cash to RP buying the item I out to steal.
Ah my bad, didn't read the previous page. Well I'll put it on my todo list, with a standard briefcase sprite for now. Probably won't get done until January, I'm disappearing over the holidays.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #52141

I find it funny that we can't select the fancy leather satchels at character creation, only backpack or normal satchel.

I believe this needs fixification.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by MisterPerson » #52160

Balut wrote:How about scabbards you wear on your belt slot that enable it to hold a bigger item or something?

...Basically I just want to be able to put away my weapons when I loot the roman shield, a spear and a bedsheet cape.

A-also some stupid primitive weapons. Swords, maces, axes, fuckin' whatever. Gotta be the glorious space-knight.

Put a toggle for the PDA light in the upper left thingy.

We should increase the number of available of item sizes so we can have things you can wear on your belt but not put in a backpack (larger guns, spears, swords, that kind of thing). Not a minor suggestion sadly. Some kind of clip or something wouldn't be too bad but it would basically be a one-slot toolbelt that can hold a weapon. Sure, that's an ok idea I guess.

The PDA's in general need a better interface.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Wyzack » #52181

Xenobio would be so much easier if you could hold your fire extinguisher in a belt slot. Like really, safety on backpack gets pretty damn annoying. Also Bay has a nice PDA interface we could swipe
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by litmeuplol » #52438

Syndicate combat knife.

2-4 TC?

It's a small knife that when bought, comes with a scabbard that can be strapped to a players leg (or somewhere else?) and cannot be seen unless the character has no clothes on (or maybe they have to have no clothes on + be examined?).
The knife can be removed from its scabbard with a verb (or emote, or both?) possibly with an emote? It's a knife meant to be used for stealth, so maybe there shouldn't be a message?
I'm not well-versed on damage values like a turbonerd so it should probably be equal to something painful, probably equivalent to the TC cost.
Sorry for having such a poorly-written post, but it's late and I'm bad at explaining.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #52442

Today I Learned.

Bowman headsets stop flashbangs.
Unfortunately they are still vulneHONK
I believe this requires fixing.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Drynwyn » #52462

DemonFiren wrote:Today I Learned.

Bowman headsets stop flashbangs.
Unfortunately they are still vulneHONK
I believe this requires fixing.
Looking into this now- in the future, issues should go on our Github page, not the Ideas forum.

FAKE EDIT: Yep, the HonkerBlast only checks for the wearing of earmuffs, not ear protection in general- the flashbang checks an ear_safety var. Should be an easy fix.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #52468

I wasn't entirely sure whether that was a bug, so I posted here, first.

Since, you know, earmuffs block all sound as opposed to bowies.

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Fragnostic » #52471

litmeuplol wrote:Syndicate combat knife..
NoX had an energy dagger. It looked like a kitchen knife, at a glance, but when you click the item's sprite and it is energised. Sort of like a tiny esword. I think it dealt 20 damage, and was green when energised, bit that was a nice little feature. I think it was 3 TC, but since we now scale our TC to 20 for a broader range of value and items, I'd expect it to cost 5-7 TC.

What if we had a biological subversion implant?
One would buy the implant and find a way to implant a person of their choice. The implantee would then have to obey whatever orders are given to them. It would include others in the round and encourage teamwork. Maybe you'd implant your target and order them to go on a killing spree and then kill themselves if captured or about to captured.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by litmeuplol » #52567

Fragnostic wrote:
litmeuplol wrote:Syndicate combat knife..
NoX had an energy dagger. It looked like a kitchen knife, at a glance, but when you click the item's sprite and it is energised. Sort of like a tiny esword. I think it dealt 20 damage, and was green when energised, bit that was a nice little feature. I think it was 3 TC, but since we now scale our TC to 20 for a broader range of value and items, I'd expect it to cost 5-7 TC.

What if we had a biological subversion implant?
One would buy the implant and find a way to implant a person of their choice. The implantee would then have to obey whatever orders are given to them. It would include others in the round and encourage teamwork. Maybe you'd implant your target and order them to go on a killing spree and then kill themselves if captured or about to captured.
Oh yeah, the word I was thinking of was dagger, not knife.
But having a way to conceal it (the scabbard, again) is still my main suggestion.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Vekter » #52579

Steelpoint wrote:There is a rare chance of finding a AK-47 spawned somewhere on the Asteroid/Whatever. Its broken down and rusted over. Apply space lube to it and it will work flawlessly. Ammo not included.
also fuck that it should come with a few rounds
Vekter wrote:You should be reporting problems because you're wanting to keep the game fair/server healthy, not because you want to see the people who wronged you punished.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Killerz104 » #52598

The brig should get this tree put into the main area:

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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Cipher3 » #52623

The HoS's HuD-eyepatch should get flash protection. I know it doesn't look like it covers both eyes, but it's relatively impractical otherwise and makes an otherwise very distinguishing piece into a vulnerability on the most robust man on the station.
Nathanael Greene has made a woman of Bryce Pax!

Valerie Sinnet says, "Nathaniel Greene charged the brig with a fucking HONK."

[Common] Assists-the-Crew hisses, "Walker Quinn s-s-s-ss-stole the HoP's-s-s-ss-s door"

OOC: HotelBravoLima: I literally can't be removed from power.

I demand this ban be lifted right now. ~Bibliodewangus

Erin Wake whispers, "You should ready up on Badger and boink with me..."

"I think you guys are just tired of drinking hitler and now you want diet hitler.
I've got all that great hitler flavor but only half the hitler calories." - Anon3

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that PR matters. ~MisterPerson

DEAD: Ichigo Momomiya says, "Coravin's just an ass."

Linus Johnson says, "Hey you know I got this game Skyrim last week"
Linus Johnson says, "I have a level 19 ranger and its so fun"
Weston Zadovsky says, "did he just"
Weston Zadovsky says, "fucking hell"

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:
Coravin, just Coravin.

Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Fucking get out."
Coravin Vattes asks, "Please?"
Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Please get the fuck outta my lab."
Coravin Vattes exclaims, "Okay!"
[Common] Beryl Nyuphoran {RD} asks, "WHO GAVE CORAVIN ALL ACCESS?"

Lindsay Donk stammers, "L-Luc-ck w-was-s-s s-s-such-h a beaut-tifu p-p-p-pr-r-rom-m q-q-q-queen"

Ty Andrews curls up in a ball on the floor and purrs.

by oranges » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:15 pm
Get out bluespace, you've not been relevant since you lost the elections

That said, I think there are a shitton of degenerates here and I'd probably gas the lot of you if I had the chance. ~Loonikus


Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Malkevin » #52633

A hand flashers are shit now, they don't stun people so the HoS isn't going to get knocked down from someone stealing one.
Flash protection is only really useful vs wall/porta flashers.

So the eyepatch getting flash protection isn't exactly a great advantage, nor is not having it a huge advantage.
So just add it for the sake of consistancy
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by lumipharon » #52640

litmeuplol wrote:Syndicate combat knife.

2-4 TC?

It's a small knife that when bought, comes with a scabbard that can be strapped to a players leg (or somewhere else?) and cannot be seen unless the character has no clothes on (or maybe they have to have no clothes on + be examined?).
The knife can be removed from its scabbard with a verb (or emote, or both?) possibly with an emote? It's a knife meant to be used for stealth, so maybe there shouldn't be a message?
I'm not well-versed on damage values like a turbonerd so it should probably be equal to something painful, probably equivalent to the TC cost.
Sorry for having such a poorly-written post, but it's late and I'm bad at explaining.
Somewhat related, but I was more thinking not a concealed version, more of a TACTICOOL combat knife, with a exosuit/jumpsuit accessory sheath, so you can whip out your knife as a nuke op/deathsquad/shitcurity and stab fucks. Would be pretty neat.
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Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by DemonFiren » #52781


Return to us the crew manifest option on the lobby menu.

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Byond Username: Whodaloo

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by whodaloo » #52799

Malkevin wrote:A hand flashers are shit now, they don't stun people so the HoS isn't going to get knocked down from someone stealing one.
Flash protection is only really useful vs wall/porta flashers.

So the eyepatch getting flash protection isn't exactly a great advantage, nor is not having it a huge advantage.
So just add it for the sake of consistancy
>what are flashbangs
If you take the eyepatch as HoS you lose your single most powerful room clearing weapon in exchange for... looking a little better.
i love public logs
SAY: Kolt Saudwell/RedMcCloud : Beacuse
SAY: Kolt Saudwell/RedMcCloud : ((im banned))

SAY: Zack Bodast/Logman : Hos
SAY: Zack Bodast/Logman : Can i bang you]
SAY: Zack Bodast/Logman : ]plras


Lusty Xenomorph Maid begins to clean the telescopic baton with the soap...

[Common] Garrett Larson says, "How do i shot pod"

OOC: Zoey Webb/Firecage : WHodaloo, why are you so fucking aggressive against me
OOC: Engineer Donkin/Whodaloo : i have no idea what you're talking about chief
OOC: Zoey Webb/Firecage : Cuck sucking dick wanking piece of cock shit head
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Byond Username: Cipher3

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by Cipher3 » #52850

whodaloo wrote:
Malkevin wrote:A hand flashers are shit now, they don't stun people so the HoS isn't going to get knocked down from someone stealing one.
Flash protection is only really useful vs wall/porta flashers.

So the eyepatch getting flash protection isn't exactly a great advantage, nor is not having it a huge advantage.
So just add it for the sake of consistancy
>what are flashbangs
If you take the eyepatch as HoS you lose your single most powerful room clearing weapon in exchange for... looking a little better.
This, basically. Especially against greytiders, flashbangs are super useful.
Nathanael Greene has made a woman of Bryce Pax!

Valerie Sinnet says, "Nathaniel Greene charged the brig with a fucking HONK."

[Common] Assists-the-Crew hisses, "Walker Quinn s-s-s-ss-stole the HoP's-s-s-ss-s door"

OOC: HotelBravoLima: I literally can't be removed from power.

I demand this ban be lifted right now. ~Bibliodewangus

Erin Wake whispers, "You should ready up on Badger and boink with me..."

"I think you guys are just tired of drinking hitler and now you want diet hitler.
I've got all that great hitler flavor but only half the hitler calories." - Anon3

You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that PR matters. ~MisterPerson

DEAD: Ichigo Momomiya says, "Coravin's just an ass."

Linus Johnson says, "Hey you know I got this game Skyrim last week"
Linus Johnson says, "I have a level 19 ranger and its so fun"
Weston Zadovsky says, "did he just"
Weston Zadovsky says, "fucking hell"

The emergency shuttle has been called. It will arrive in 10 minutes.
Nature of emergency:
Coravin, just Coravin.

Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Fucking get out."
Coravin Vattes asks, "Please?"
Beryl Nyuphoran says, "Please get the fuck outta my lab."
Coravin Vattes exclaims, "Okay!"
[Common] Beryl Nyuphoran {RD} asks, "WHO GAVE CORAVIN ALL ACCESS?"

Lindsay Donk stammers, "L-Luc-ck w-was-s-s s-s-such-h a beaut-tifu p-p-p-pr-r-rom-m q-q-q-queen"

Ty Andrews curls up in a ball on the floor and purrs.

by oranges » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:15 pm
Get out bluespace, you've not been relevant since you lost the elections

That said, I think there are a shitton of degenerates here and I'd probably gas the lot of you if I had the chance. ~Loonikus

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Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:46 pm
Byond Username: Litmeuplol

Re: Minor Suggestions

Post by litmeuplol » #52861

lumipharon wrote:
litmeuplol wrote:Syndicate combat knife.

2-4 TC?

It's a small knife that when bought, comes with a scabbard that can be strapped to a players leg (or somewhere else?) and cannot be seen unless the character has no clothes on (or maybe they have to have no clothes on + be examined?).
The knife can be removed from its scabbard with a verb (or emote, or both?) possibly with an emote? It's a knife meant to be used for stealth, so maybe there shouldn't be a message?
I'm not well-versed on damage values like a turbonerd so it should probably be equal to something painful, probably equivalent to the TC cost.
Sorry for having such a poorly-written post, but it's late and I'm bad at explaining.
Somewhat related, but I was more thinking not a concealed version, more of a TACTICOOL combat knife, with a exosuit/jumpsuit accessory sheath, so you can whip out your knife as a nuke op/deathsquad/shitcurity and stab fucks. Would be pretty neat.
Maybe have a tacticool knife with suit sheath for like, nuke ops and squids and also mad as fuc traitors. But the dagger still should be available.
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