An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

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Indie-ana Jones
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An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #523959

Basically, I'm looking to revamp the spawns contained within the gold slime reactions. My main goal is to see what currently constitutes as a good spawn, how bad mobs could be improved, and if new spawns could help make the overall pool useful to other departments. To note, I'd rather give mechanics to the current mobs before making a new one just for the gold slime pool. Anyway, to start, I went overboard and made a tier list of each spawn in the gold slime arsenal, judged by how useful they are (mostly for killing).


S-Tier is the best of the best, the mobs which every xenobiologist strives to get from the cores. These mobs usually contain unique mechanics which make them stand out from others, allowing them to do more than simply kill things at various levels of efficiency. Also note that every mob in this tier has no atmos requirements, letting them work in all environments.

MAGICARP- The best spawn, contains some insane abilities in its spell pool, from reviving any body from any state to full health to possibly transforming their target into some insane monster not available from the cores. While it's possible to get one with a bad spell, the chance for a good spell makes these guys the best the pool has to offer.

CHAOS MAGICARP- Not as good as the better magicarps, but good via virtue of consistency. Has revive shot in its pool, so if it continuously shoots a body, it will bring them back, making them very good.

MI-GO- The best of the unga-bunga melee mobs the pool has to offer. Dealing 25 to a whopping 50 melee damage (for reference, an ash drake bite is 40), having -0.5 speed, 80 health, along with sound memes, Mi-go is not only the best melee mob in the game, he also can serve a purpose similar to the clown. While this technically isn't useful, it can be entertaining, and certainly something more than most melee mobs.

LIGHTGHEIST - The only healer in the pool outside of the magicarps, lightgheists can heal targets with their melee attack. This can be extremely useful as an aide to medbay and the station in general, and they can travel across the station easily with vent crawl.

WUMBORIAN FUGU - The only mob in S-tier whose use is seen when you kill them. Their base gimick and stats are terrible, but their fugu gland will enlargen any simple mob in the pool, giving them 1.5x health and double damage. This used on mi-go gives him 120 health and 50-75 melee damage per hit, but certainly works well for other mobs as well. On top of that, it also lets the mob smash r-walls in one click, which can be station-ending in the hands of a smart player. The only drawback is that sentient variants can't attack targets hiding behind their massive sprite.

LUSTY XENOMORPH MAID - Cleans up tiles she walks over, very useful for keeping the lab and yourself clean of blood and gibs. Cannot attack, however.


These are the better choices of the unga-bunga mobs, usually by right of stats and perhaps space immunity.

MAGMGAWING WATCHER - More health than the default watcher (a nice 215) and the ability to shoot lasers which catch foes on fire and deals burn damage on contact. Overall, a very nice kit to make up for their less than stellar speed, which can be fixed by having a faster mob drag them.

CRATE - 250 health, a reasonable disguise, and stuns when it attacks 15% of the time with a 4-second stun. Not bad overall.

ICEWING WATCHER - While they only have 175 health, they shoot faster than their normal counterparts and freeze carbons in place for a bit, along with dealing even more cold damage than their regular counterparts as well.

WATCHER/BASILISK - Tanky, only takes 1/3 damage from bullets which deal 30 damage or less and don't do physical damage. Also have their freeze bolts, which can slow down targets to a screeching halt, important in a game where speed matters a lot.

FESTIVUS POLE/PINE TREE - A whopping 250 health, a 15% chance per melee hit to stun their target for 6 seconds, and only held back by bad speed and an air requirement, pine trees/festivus poles are much more threatening than you'd expect. If they get their stun, chances are it'll chain into another, and so on until their target dies.

BLOBBERNAUT - 200 health and a poor speed value upkept by the fact they only take 50% damage from melee attacks. Their damage is also an okay consistent 20, so while they're not great, they're not awful, either.

RED-EYED SPIDER - 200 health and poor movespeed brought up by the ultities of webbing and vent-crawling. Great for sudden attacks. Though most people don't know this, Red-Eyed spiders actually deal as much toxin injection as purple-eyed spiders, and the sentient versions are both the same speed. Ergo, red-spiders are simply superior.

FAITHLESS - A faster pine tree with no atmos requirements and less health. Faithless also has a 6-second stun, though it applies only 12% of the time opposed to the 15% chance of the tree and pole.

---------------------------------B -TIER/BEAR - TIER---------------------------------

The beginning of the mediocre. Most mobs from this point on can be mostly seen as bloat, and nothing more, but these ones have at least some decent stats.

SPACE SHARK - Randomized stats can either make this mob great or awful. However, along with free space movement, they regenerate health by themselves, being the only mob on this list to do so outside of lightgheists. However, it's so slow, it usually won't matter in a fight all that much.

ARMORED BEAR - A bear with armor. 120 health, good speed, okay damage, and the ability to move in space. This is one is better than the others since it has armor on it, which can be applied to other bears, a fruitless task unless you apply it to Terrygold.

TERRYGOLD - A regenerative bear who can slip people, but can't deal damage. Can be used in tandem with other animals to actually be a threat, but by itself, Terrygold is only a nuisance.

SPACE BEAR/HUDSON/SPACE POLAR BEAR - A bear without armor. Straight up a worse version of the armored bear.

PLASMA MINER W/ DRILL - 150 health and 25 damage, not bad overall, if a tad too slow to be entirely useful.

VISCERATOR - 25 health, 15 damage, but has the ability to cut off limbs when it attacks. For this reason alone, it can be pretty useful.

PURPLE-EYED SPIDER - Despite what the wiki says, they're just a worse version of the red-eyed spider. 80 less health, same toxin injection (might be a bug), however their AI version is slightly faster than an AI red-eyed spider.

---------------------------------C -TIER---------------------------------

Getting closer to the bottom of the barrel.

EYEBALL - 45 health, 20-25 damage. Pretty much the most forgettable simple mob in the game, but technically is a straight upgrade to space carp.

SPACE CARP - Low health and damage, but they're space immune and can move freely in 0 gravity. Other mobs here have everything they have and more.

DARK WIZARD - Just a worse watcher, albeit slightly faster.

HEAVY HIVEBOT - A hivebot with 80 health instead of 15. The bullets don't do much damage, but it's something.

COSMIC HORROR - Has the stats of Mi-go without the speed. There's no reason to use it when Mi-go exists to be a better version of it.

SKELETON - 40 health, 15 damage. Literally useless for mostly anything.

---------------------------------F -TIER---------------------------------

The bottom of the barrel. Most of these are literally useless, even if your goal is just to smash something.

ICE SKELETON - A 75 health skeleton, but has a speed stat of 5, making them move at snail's pace. Even worse than the base skeleton.

BLOB SPORE - a 5 health, 3-4 damage mob. Their zombie forms are better, but it all depends on the armor stat of the body they pick up. Damage still stays pathetically low.

HIVEBOT - 15 health, okay speed, and a weak projectile. Will die before any fighting ever happens.

BEE / QUEEN BEE - Serves no real purpose for a xenobiologist. You don't have the setup to utilize a queen bee, and a lone bee is generally useless. The botanist already has their own, they don't need yours.

GOOSE - Only serves to kill your other mobs or you if you don't pay attention. However, their pathetically low stats makes them easy to kill, and a threat to nobody. Since they aren't Birdboat, they can't even do funny vomit memes.

FROG - Probably in the pool by mistake.

CRAB/EVIL CRAB - Also likely in the pool by mistake.

So, if you read all that, congratulations for having excellent patience. Basically, what I'm looking for is ways to make the bad mobs have utility on the station, or possibly suggesting we cut most of the mobs on this list for new mobs/unincluded mobs with more utility, specifically for other departments. All feedback is welcome.
Last edited by Indie-ana Jones on Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #523960

I think you should bump up Viscerator a couple of tiers. It has low health, but it has a very high chance of delimbing since it's a sentient blade.

Fugu'd Viscerator is no joke. Also, I've had eyeballs stare at me doing some sort of weird ranged damage thing.

For better mobs, If we take a look at the fear that is a real-life bear. We very rapidly realize they can and often do decapitate humans in one fell swoop. Maybe some sort of short-term enraged mode would be good in exchange for lower accuracy.

Lastly, this can happen for some reason:


Magishark but it doesn't shoot any bolts! Don't lie to me /tg/!!!!

(Remember when Statues and headslugs were in the gold slime pool. Shadowflame remembers.)
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by nianjiilical » #523980

i actually went through the code a few days ago gathering raw stats and whatnot

not really organized but
space carp: 25 health, 20 damage, 50 obj damage, spacewalk, flying
mega space carp: 30-60 health, 2-20 damage, 80 obj damage, spacewalk, flying
killer tomato: 30 health, 8-12 damage
frog: 15 health, 5 damage, ventcrawls
faithless: 80 health, 15 damage, 50 obj damage, spacewalk, knockdown attacks, slow
evil crab: 20 health, 0 damage (?), ventcrawls
blob zombie: 40 health, 8-11 damage
blobbernaut: 200 health, 20 damage, 60 obj damage, brute resist,
hivebot: 15 health, 2-3 damage, 10 ranged damage, unhealable
strong hivebot: 80 health, 2-3 damage, 10 ranged damage, unhealable
wumborian fugu: 50 health, 0 damage, fast, can inflate
inflated fugu: 15-20 damage, 60 obj damage, invincible
reanimated skeleton: 40 health, 15 damage, unhealable
ice skeleton: 75 health, 15 damage, snow immune, slow
shambling miner: 150 health, 15-20 damage
jackhammer shambling miner: 185 health, 20-25 damage
basilisk: 200 health, 12 damage, 60 obj damage, harmless slowing ice projectile
watcher: 200 health, 15 damage, flying, harmless slowing ice projectile
magmawing watcher: 215 health, 5 ranged damage burning projectile
icewing watcher: 170 health, 15 damage, 5 damage slowing ice projectile
space bear, polar bear, hudson: 60 health, 20-30 damage, 60 obj damage
combat bear: 120 health, 25-35 damage, 20 armor pen, armored
terrygold: 60 health, 1 damage, 11 obj damage, fast regen, feeds crewmembers who attack it, attacks can slip targets
lusty xeno maid: 125 health, 0 damage, fast, cleans targets
goose: 25 health, 5 damage
mimic crate: 250 health, 8-12 damage, knockdown attacks
creature: 80 health, 25-50 damage, 100 obj damage
mi-go: 80 health, 25-50 damage, 100 obj damage, fast
viscerator: 25 health, 15 damage, 0 obj damage, flying, destroys limbs
bee: 10 health, 1 damage, 0 obj damage, flying, random chemical
queen bee: 10 health, 1 damage, 0 obj damage, flying
giant spider: 200 health, 15-20 damage, 60 obj damage, ventcrawls, poison bite
hunter spider: 120 health, 10-20 damage, 60 obj damage, ventcrawls, poison bite
lightgeist: 2 health, 0 damage, flying, ventcrawls, healing attacks

butterfly: 2 health, 1 damage, flying, ventcrawls
crab: 20 health, 0 damage (?), ventcrawls
snake: poison bite
fox, sloth, goat, lizard, penguin, cockroach, mouse, cats, dog, parrot: default stats
only a few xeno mobs have interesting/unique traits and id love to see a lot of them be either pruned for better/more unique mobs or given more interesting mechanics

it might be a good idea create xeno-specific versions of mobs with multiple types, ie replace normal and strong hivebots with 'lost hivebots' that can have their own stats and basilisks/watchers with a xeno specific subtype

and maybe cut basic magicarps in favor of new mobs for each of their projectile types
human: ramon chivara
ai: shitpost generator
borg: shite-115
clown: donk tonkler
mime: beautiful noise

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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by D&B » #523983

Remove magicarps
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Indie-ana Jones
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #523993

nianjiilical wrote:i actually went through the code a few days ago gathering raw stats and whatnot

not really organized but
space carp: 25 health, 20 damage, 50 obj damage, spacewalk, flying
mega space carp: 30-60 health, 2-20 damage, 80 obj damage, spacewalk, flying
killer tomato: 30 health, 8-12 damage
frog: 15 health, 5 damage, ventcrawls
faithless: 80 health, 15 damage, 50 obj damage, spacewalk, knockdown attacks, slow
evil crab: 20 health, 0 damage (?), ventcrawls
blob zombie: 40 health, 8-11 damage
blobbernaut: 200 health, 20 damage, 60 obj damage, brute resist,
hivebot: 15 health, 2-3 damage, 10 ranged damage, unhealable
strong hivebot: 80 health, 2-3 damage, 10 ranged damage, unhealable
wumborian fugu: 50 health, 0 damage, fast, can inflate
inflated fugu: 15-20 damage, 60 obj damage, invincible
reanimated skeleton: 40 health, 15 damage, unhealable
ice skeleton: 75 health, 15 damage, snow immune, slow
shambling miner: 150 health, 15-20 damage
jackhammer shambling miner: 185 health, 20-25 damage
basilisk: 200 health, 12 damage, 60 obj damage, harmless slowing ice projectile
watcher: 200 health, 15 damage, flying, harmless slowing ice projectile
magmawing watcher: 215 health, 5 ranged damage burning projectile
icewing watcher: 170 health, 15 damage, 5 damage slowing ice projectile
space bear, polar bear, hudson: 60 health, 20-30 damage, 60 obj damage
combat bear: 120 health, 25-35 damage, 20 armor pen, armored
terrygold: 60 health, 1 damage, 11 obj damage, fast regen, feeds crewmembers who attack it, attacks can slip targets
lusty xeno maid: 125 health, 0 damage, fast, cleans targets
goose: 25 health, 5 damage
mimic crate: 250 health, 8-12 damage, knockdown attacks
creature: 80 health, 25-50 damage, 100 obj damage
mi-go: 80 health, 25-50 damage, 100 obj damage, fast
viscerator: 25 health, 15 damage, 0 obj damage, flying, destroys limbs
bee: 10 health, 1 damage, 0 obj damage, flying, random chemical
queen bee: 10 health, 1 damage, 0 obj damage, flying
giant spider: 200 health, 15-20 damage, 60 obj damage, ventcrawls, poison bite
hunter spider: 120 health, 10-20 damage, 60 obj damage, ventcrawls, poison bite
lightgeist: 2 health, 0 damage, flying, ventcrawls, healing attacks

butterfly: 2 health, 1 damage, flying, ventcrawls
crab: 20 health, 0 damage (?), ventcrawls
snake: poison bite
fox, sloth, goat, lizard, penguin, cockroach, mouse, cats, dog, parrot: default stats
only a few xeno mobs have interesting/unique traits and id love to see a lot of them be either pruned for better/more unique mobs or given more interesting mechanics

it might be a good idea create xeno-specific versions of mobs with multiple types, ie replace normal and strong hivebots with 'lost hivebots' that can have their own stats and basilisks/watchers with a xeno specific subtype

and maybe cut basic magicarps in favor of new mobs for each of their projectile types
I see I missed a few, but they weren't that important. Yeah, I think making xeno subtypes of mobs with specific stats and unique (station-assistive) abilities would be a great step forward. I'll probably start working on it tonight, maybe have a PR for it by the weekend.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Critawakets » #524154

Reminder that magicarps also have bolt of death which is an INSTANT RANGED KILL. Im surprised you didnt mention it considering how much you abused it in the past.
am gud enineering
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524159

Critawakets wrote:Reminder that magicarps also have bolt of death which is an INSTANT RANGED KILL. Im surprised you didnt mention it considering how much you abused it in the past.
Not any more.

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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Taylork2 » #524179

Shadowflame909 wrote:
Critawakets wrote:Reminder that magicarps also have bolt of death which is an INSTANT RANGED KILL. Im surprised you didnt mention it considering how much you abused it in the past.
Not any more.

Yeah it's a real shame too, it's such a blast insta killing shitters who would try to kill magicarps for no reason and the borgs who had an autistic fit over any greytide Mcgee that goes horizontal.
It's a crying shame.

Also Fugu isn't complete garbage before being dead, thank you, it's immortality, wallbreaking, and high levels of object damage allows it to make some pretty clutch plays such as assaulting the Nuke Ops shuttle, making antag-tiders who don't know better waste bullets and ammo, pursue people through explosions/deadly conditions, and prevents it from damaging itself despite having it's Sprite cover half of it's melee targets(unlike some others, such as Migo, who'll off itself without people fighting back).
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by knacker48 » #524200

I really like the idea have having atleast one mob that could be useful for each department. I'd like to brainstorm a bit for what you could add that wouldn't be overpowered or invalidate a department for just existing.

Lets go through the major departments for a sec.
  • Security
  • Medical
  • Engineering
  • Cargo
  • Service
  • Science
For some of these we already have useful mobs that help certain departments e.g. lightgiest with medical, xeno maid for the janitor.

For mining I could see something like a sandworm that breaks through rocks and swallows mats that can be later spit out at the base, maybe it even moves faster on lavaland to make it more appealing.

Engineering could use something that helps with plugging up breaches, I'm thinking some kind of gelatinous monster that makes gelatinous walls, similar to the ones that atmos makes.

I think that security is both the easiest and the hardest to brainstorm for due that fact that whatever they could use could also be used by antags. Sure you can make them a big dumb monster and call it a day but thats not particularly interesting.

I dunno, this is just off the top of my head but I think there are many thing we could do with this to make xenobio just a little bit less of a 'sit it a room for an hour without talking to anyone' job and more of an active benefit to the station.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524202

Your mining monster already exists in the gold grub but it's not optimized for players, as it automatically burrows then deletes itself.

Would need a spitting function, changing burrowing into more of a jaunt limited by walls and rocks, and being able to eat rocks to get them ores.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by knacker48 » #524207

Shadowflame909 wrote:Your mining monster already exists in the gold grub but it's not optimized for players, as it automatically burrows then deletes itself.

Would need a spitting function, changing burrowing into more of a jaunt limited by walls and rocks, and being able to eat rocks to get them ores.
Oh yeah I guess your right.

Actually now that I think about it the gold grub is pretty basic as is. Most of the time if I'm mining I don't even bother killing them since they don't have much on their own and it rarely feels worth it trying to feed it ores and whatnot.

If we updated it a bit and added it to gold slime spawn we could probably improve both mining and xenobio at the same time.
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Indie-ana Jones
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #524253

My ideas so far:

Mining: Basilisks and Goldgrubs. Re-working sentient goldgrubs to be able to mine ore efficiently and haul it back seems like a pretty good idea. Could give them a variant of jaunt which lets them come up from specific surfaces, such as the lavaland and asteroid turfs. I always loved the Basilisk's design, and since only xenobio and Kilo show them off anymore, I want to update them to assist moreso with the mob fighting aspect of lavaland.

Medical: As mentioned before, the lightgheist serves this purpose very well.

Engineering: While a slimey wall maker could work, I'm actually looking into creating a new Hivebot type exclusive to xenobio, the hivebot mechanic. The idea is that his main attack basically allows him to fix up most machines on the station, and I could also allow him to create foam walls to help seal up breaches as well. It'd also have decent stats, the ranged gun attack, and would replace the other two hivebots currently in the spawn pool. Pine tree could probably be updated to help create a breathable atmos in whatever room it is as well, perhaps sort of a natural air purifier.

Cargo: Not sure what Cargo would want out of an assistive mob. If we do something based around transport, it could also be used to let a xenobiologist send various produce to other departments too. Maybe the crate could be useful here?

Service: Lusty Xeno Maid assists the janitor, Mi-go is basically as annoying/entertaining as a clown with its goofy noise stuff, could probably come up with other mobs for the service roles, though it's likely not required.

Science: Science is sort of an odd one, since technically all of these mobs are loyal to the xenobiologist already, making them all science assets. One idea is having a mob that could generate research points, but how it would do that would require some thought.

Security: Perhaps the eyeball can be overhauled to serve a purpose here. My idea is that the eyeball can "stare down" a target, which would then let the eyeball know where that person is for a short period of time. An alternative idea is to let eyeballs see through walls akin to xenos, letting them be a sort of bloodhound for scouting out hiding threats aboard the station. Viscerators could also be useful to security and could stay in the pool for that reason. Maybe make the ones from xenobio have a different color scheme?

Other ideas I had for extra tweaks are as follows:

- Allow bears to be rideable, allowing xenobio to produce mounts for more upstanding crew, such as the Captain. Since bears are faster than humans, this would be favorable. We could probably cut down on the number of bear types available as well, and as much as it hurts me to say it, maybe Terrygold should be removed since that is more of the chef's thing. Alternatively, keep Terrygold in because he's basically an assistant to the chef by keeping people fed.

- If we were to go through with making basilisks useful mining compatriots in combat, the watchers could probably be cut from the pool, though I'm not sure if people would object to that.

- Rubbing a festivus pole could charge up the room's APC very slightly. Not entirely useful, but basically it could be an emergency backup generator in cases of an extreme power outage.

- Faithless could probably have some cool interaction with the Chaplain, though both are basically opposites. Could also interact uniquely with cultists, just not sure how.

- Move snakes, frogs, geese, the bees, and both crabs to the water reaction, as them being in the blood pool feels more like an error than an intentional choice.

- Remove purple-eyed spiders and red-eyed spiders from the pool, create a xenobio variant of the red-eyed spider with different eye color (yellow?) to replace them both

- Remove skeletons and plasma miners from the pool. The only thing I could think of giving them is the ability to wield objects, but that would make them worse golems.

- Let the crate open and close itself, allowing it to store things inside of it.

- Rideable space shark? Could prove a fun alternative to only being able to ride bears.

- Give the cosmic horror something fun or remove it.

- Also perhaps remove the blob spore if nothing fun could be added to warrant its inclusion.

- Dark Wizard could also go, sort of weird to have a human mob in the gold slime pool, especially one that doesn't serve a purpose.

- Space carps can stay, since they're space carps and while not entirely useful, they're the flagship simple mob.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Sandshark808 » #524256

What if xenobio could make MULEs, or another simplemob that extends the MULE type and can carry crates? Like say a bear that lifts crates. Move Terrygold to the chef's recipe table using a fuckton of milk, enzyme, and some organs, sort of like the Cak.

I agree with removing blob spore, wizard, and some of the others, but maybe Cosmic Horror could be given a cult connection. Like for example what if it could draw a random rune at creation, or use a random blood magic spell (maybe from a reduced pool)?
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Indie-ana Jones
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #524257

Sandshark808 wrote:What if xenobio could make MULEs, or another simplemob that extends the MULE type and can carry crates? Like say a bear that lifts crates. Move Terrygold to the chef's recipe table using a fuckton of milk, enzyme, and some organs, sort of like the Cak.

I agree with removing blob spore, wizard, and some of the others, but maybe Cosmic Horror could be given a cult connection. Like for example what if it could draw a random rune at creation, or use a random blood magic spell (maybe from a reduced pool)?
Terrygold is already a chef recipie animal, it's just that all bears inherit from the base space bear, who is blood spawnable. An animal which can move crates is entirely plausible, I just want a good idea for what it should be (don't really want to straight-up let them spawn MULEs, as that would be weird). As for the Cosmic Horror idea, that's also entirely plausible, though how useful such a thing would be in practice might be up for debate.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Sandshark808 » #524261

Indie-ana Jones wrote:
Sandshark808 wrote:What if xenobio could make MULEs, or another simplemob that extends the MULE type and can carry crates? Like say a bear that lifts crates. Move Terrygold to the chef's recipe table using a fuckton of milk, enzyme, and some organs, sort of like the Cak.

I agree with removing blob spore, wizard, and some of the others, but maybe Cosmic Horror could be given a cult connection. Like for example what if it could draw a random rune at creation, or use a random blood magic spell (maybe from a reduced pool)?
Terrygold is already a chef recipie animal, it's just that all bears inherit from the base space bear, who is blood spawnable. An animal which can move crates is entirely plausible, I just want a good idea for what it should be (don't really want to straight-up let them spawn MULEs, as that would be weird). As for the Cosmic Horror idea, that's also entirely plausible, though how useful such a thing would be in practice might be up for debate.
I might be retarded. I never saw the butter bear on the cooking list even though I've played cook pretty frequently.

As for the MULE/Cosmic Horror, I'm not sure they need to be extremely useful all the time, just situationally useful. Like you would totally sentience a magicarp even if the spell it had was bad, because they're fun and neat. That said, cult is currently the most unbalanced antag role so the spell you get would either be shit or god-tier. Spawning runes IMO would be useful for culties on a cult round, or for traitors trying to freak the station out and fake there being a cult. Along those lines, the cult metal golem is often used during cult rounds so making cosmic horrors also have some synergy might give xenobio cultists a reason to spawn simplemobs instead of rushing adamantium.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524262

It's the wizard base pet...

Maybe have it scream, that'll give one person in hearing a magical or Special trauma.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by nianjiilical » #524342

Indie-ana Jones wrote:- Dark Wizard could also go, sort of weird to have a human mob in the gold slime pool, especially one that doesn't serve a purpose.
dark wizards are explicitly a runescape joke, they're the wizards outside the summoning circle by varrock and on tgstation they throw earth bolts

imo instead of removing them give them more runescape spells, the lv20 wizards use earth bolt and weaken and we could also give them silly stuff like bones to bananas

also i was thinking about adding a mob thats extremely fragile and has no hands but can use wizard blink and jaunt on low cd, maybe some kind of mist creature that can more or less get everywhere on the station but cant really interact with much

the most notable thing about the green blob creatures is that they have obscenely high obj damage from what i can see, maybe add a bulldozer mob that specializes in destroying walls

maybe make pine trees rare but be able to give every crewmember one present each like normal xmas trees, for maximum chaos

also i assume it's unintentional but if you summon a goose via 'peaceful hostile mob' summons the goose will promptly murder a lot of the other mobs, and i feel like that should stay as a feature
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524344

gooses are like lavaland gibonite

a feature to troll you amd waste your effort
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by deedubya » #524417

Giving the base bear the ability to pick up and carry items - large or small - seems like a good idea, in concept. You and I both know that nobody would ever accept a sentience pot spawn just to ferry crates around the station, but it's certainly a neat idea with no reason not to do it apart from effort vs reward on a coder's part.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by nianjiilical » #524457

Shadowflame909 wrote:gooses are like lavaland gibonite

a feature to troll you amd waste your effort
implying bringing gooses into the station is ever a wasted effort
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #524493

Current changes:

- Goldgrub added to the gold slime pool. Can eat and vomit up consumed ores. Also has a custom version of the demon's jaunt ability which allows it to travel like the demon does on asteroid turfs (basically the dirt ground on Lavaland, and any asteroids)

- Basilisk given the ability to draw thermal heat from lava. Doing so heals them completely, speeds them up, changes their bolt to a physically-damaging one on par with the base KA, and changes their sprite to the red one that sentient basilisks currently can't access. This boost lasts for 5 minutes, after which they will cool down and revert back to their cooled-down form. They cannot heat up again while currently heated up, and have to wait for it to wear off to do it again. Watchers removed from the gold slime pool, and watchers cannot use the basilisk's lava ability.

- All 5 hivebots removed from the pool (4 of them looked identical, sad!), replaced with one hivebot called the hivebot mechanic, who is uniquely made for xenobio gold slime pool. Has the ability to repair any machine with its attack after a time, and can repair any hivebots, including itself. It also has the ability to place foam walls down to help deal with breaches.

- Eyeballs now have true vision, and can see everything (sans the dead). Intended to act like hound dogs for security.

- Skeletons and plasma miners have been removed from the gold slime pool.

- Sentient bears are now rideable. In programming this, I realized simple mobs have no way to dismount unwanted passengers, so simple mobs can now spin like borgs to throw off riders. I did this in mind for bears, but it should apply to tame sentient cows as well, along with any other rideable sentient mobs.

- Festivus poles have had their health nerfed to 200, but no longer have atmos requirements. They also no longer process CO2 to O2, but have a new unique ability. Rubbing a festivus pole (help intent) creates static electricity, charging any nearby batteries by 75. Batteries inside of cyborgs and APCs will also gain charge by doing this.

- Frogs, bees, and crabs have been banished to the water reaction.

- The purple giant spider has been removed from the gold slime pool.

- The crate mimic now actually works as a functioning crate, with some liberty in allowing it to store more mobs and items than regular crates. A unique feature is that anyone without internals inside the crate will begin to suffocate. This allows you to put unconscious people inside your crate slave to kill them.

This is what I have done so far, with more to come. Might have a PR ready to go by tonight.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524494

Amazing work.

>Tfw the captain sees my crate full of gold and becomes crate food.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by ATHATH » #524526

I think that you should bump Terrygold up a tier or two. Not only can you hit him to gain some nutriment and vitamins (which can slowly heal you, by the way), but if you can give him some bear armor and a fugu gland, he becomes a combat MONSTER.

If you use the fugu gland on him first and then use the bear armor on him, he'll deal 15 damage per attack and have a maxHealth of 150. If you use the bear armor on him first and then use the fugu gland on him, he'll deal 12 damage per attack and have a maxHealth of 180. Each of his attacks will have 20 armor penetration and knock down any standing targets they hit for 2 seconds (and I think that he'll be able to break down walls too), but most importantly, he'll regenerate 10 brute damage every two seconds. Unlike sharks, this regen isn't halted for a few seconds whenever Terrygold takes damage. While he isn't as strong in combat as, say, a mi-go, Terrygold makes up for his lack of good DPS (and hefty setup requirements) with his ability to disarm victims (without relying on RNG to do so), his ability regenerate at very fast speeds (so you don't need to use meds on him), and his ability to serve the crew in a non-combat role while he's not hunting valids/protecting his master.

Also, a nice QoL improvement for simplemobs would be to add a button or verb or something that would make your sprite look transparent to yourself (and yourself only) and make all of your clicks ignore your own body. In other words, you could toggle whether or not your sprite is going to block your clicks on people to the north of you. You might want to restrict this button/toggleable mode to simplemobs only, since it's funny to watch sec officers stun themselves with their own batons.

Alternatively, you could just add a system that automatically adds that really nice xeno queen feature that lets you shrink how big your sprite is from your point of view to any sapient creature with a sprite above a certain size.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Shadowflame909 » #524533

fugu gland makes light geists heal you and do 5 brute damage

thus making them useless for both jobs.

Dont do that
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #524536

ATHATH wrote:I think that you should bump Terrygold up a tier or two. Not only can you hit him to gain some nutriment and vitamins (which can slowly heal you, by the way), but if you can give him some bear armor and a fugu gland, he becomes a combat MONSTER.

If you use the fugu gland on him first and then use the bear armor on him, he'll deal 15 damage per attack and have a maxHealth of 150. If you use the bear armor on him first and then use the fugu gland on him, he'll deal 12 damage per attack and have a maxHealth of 180. Each of his attacks will have 20 armor penetration and knock down any standing targets they hit for 2 seconds (and I think that he'll be able to break down walls too), but most importantly, he'll regenerate 10 brute damage every two seconds. Unlike sharks, this regen isn't halted for a few seconds whenever Terrygold takes damage. While he isn't as strong in combat as, say, a mi-go, Terrygold makes up for his lack of good DPS (and hefty setup requirements) with his ability to disarm victims (without relying on RNG to do so), his ability regenerate at very fast speeds (so you don't need to use meds on him), and his ability to serve the crew in a non-combat role while he's not hunting valids/protecting his master.

Also, a nice QoL improvement for simplemobs would be to add a button or verb or something that would make your sprite look transparent to yourself (and yourself only) and make all of your clicks ignore your own body. In other words, you could toggle whether or not your sprite is going to block your clicks on people to the north of you. You might want to restrict this button/toggleable mode to simplemobs only, since it's funny to watch sec officers stun themselves with their own batons.

Alternatively, you could just add a system that automatically adds that really nice xeno queen feature that lets you shrink how big your sprite is from your point of view to any sapient creature with a sprite above a certain size.
It's actually impossible for Terrygold to do damage. His attack proc literally doesn't run any prior code. Therefore, you can make him a giant tank, but he can never hurt people.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by ATHATH » #524540

Indie-ana Jones wrote:It's actually impossible for Terrygold to do damage. His attack proc literally doesn't run any prior code. Therefore, you can make him a giant tank, but he can never hurt people.
Oh shit, really? Oof.
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Indie-ana Jones » #524543

I've created a PR based on the ideas drawn from here. Link:
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Re: An Autistic Look at Gold Slime Spawns

Post by Sandshark808 » #524550

Stealth buff to sandstone floors. You can make a worm pipeline from mining to the ORM.
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