[No longer host]Scaredofshadows

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[No longer host]Scaredofshadows

Post by ABearInTheWoods » #2332

Please post any positive or negative feedback for the administrator here.
This is not the place to discuss ban appeals, admin complaints, or ban requests.
This is for specific feedback for this administrator.
Forum/Wiki Administrator, Server host, Database King, Master Coder
MrStonedOne(!vAKvpFcksg) on Reddit(banned), Steam, IRC, Skype Discord. Don't click this
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by cultist-chan » #2452

You're the host. You give us a place to play free of charge. What else is there to say. If we were to complain it would be like complaining about free food. WHY WOULD YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT FREE FOOD?

Honestly you do alot of good things and behind the scenes things. Sometimes I don't know the full extent of what you do but I know for the most part you're a force for good.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Ikarrus » #2465

Could not ask for a more generous and understanding host.
Former Dev/Headmin
Who is this guy?
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Psyentific » #2466

Even though I never see him, SoS is pretty good.
I haven't logged into SS13 in at least a year.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by peoplearestrange » #2887

Always impressed that someone who runs a server manages to say well distanced from the drama and general nonsense that happens. (Seen to many server hosters get dragged into shit and generally try to play the "I RUN THIS PLACE" card. SOS is never one of those people, that, we are all grateful for.
oranges wrote:singulo.io is the center point of rational and calm debate, where much of tg's issues are worked out in a fun and family friendly environment
miggles wrote:it must have been quite the accomplishment, killing a dead butterfly
WeeYakk wrote:If you take a step back from everything watching the community argue janitor related changes is one of the most surreal and hilarious things about this game. Four pages of discussing the merits of there being too much or too little dirt in a video game.
Operative wrote:Vote PAS for headmin! Get cucked and feel good getting cucked.
TheNightingale wrote:I want to get off Mr. Scones's Wild Ride...
NikNakFlak wrote:Excuse you, I was doing intentional bug testing for the well being of the server. I do not make mistakes.
Fragnostic wrote:stop cucking the first shitshow ever that revolved around me.
This is my moment, what are you doing?!
Anonmare wrote:Oranges gestures at the thread, it shudders and begins to move!
Saegrimr wrote:
callanrockslol wrote:all you have to do is ban shitters until the playbase improves/ceases to exist, whichever comes first.
Screemonster wrote:hellmoo is the mud for grown adults who main reaper in overwatch
Kor wrote:
confused rock wrote:...its like if we made fire extinguishers spawn in emergency boxes and have them heal you when you put out fires rather than them being in wall storages...
Are you having a stroke
bandit wrote:you are now manually GLORFing
MrStonedOne wrote:The best part about the election is when I announce my pick because I'm just as surprised as everybody else.
PM:[USER]->IrishWristWatch0: Yeah, im make it on but how im make the station to to sun and not go to sun

OOC: Francinum: Five Rounds at PAS's
"You are destinied to defeat Dr. Uguu and his 5 Robot Masters
(All-Access-Man, ShootyBlackCoat Man, ChloralHydrate Man, Singulo Man and TeleportArmor Man)"
I'm a box
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by TheTerbs » #4372

sos is a pretty cool guy eh hates osu and doesn't afraid of anything
you're gonna carry that weight
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Helios127 » #5574

TheTerbs wrote:sos is a pretty cool guy eh hates osu and doesn't afraid of anything
I agree
just play on /vg/station, go have fun for christs sake
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Stickymayhem » #5636

Helios127 wrote:
TheTerbs wrote:sos is a pretty cool guy eh hates osu and doesn't afraid of anything
I agree
Oh god the pug is spreading

SoS is literally the only great server host I have ever known. Distanced from the community enough that he doesn't get pulled into drama but caring and close enough to quell big problems before they spiral out of control.

Pretty much perfect
Boris wrote:Sticky is a jackass who has worms where his brain should be, but he also gets exactly what SS13 should be
Super Aggro Crag wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:17 pm Dont engage with sticky he's a subhuman
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by danno » #5671

Bit too distanced, IMO. But he's super busy, so what can you do.
Hornygranny wrote: wtf i like danno now
I don't even play ss13 anymore, pretty much due to dannos stupid bullshit
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by paprika » #5931

Give headmins (read: good headmins) more power over the server like they used to have until the idiots fucked with shit.
Oldman Robustin wrote:It's an established meme that coders don't play this game.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Pandarsenic » #5954

>Having headmins
(2:53:35 AM) scaredofshadows: how about head of robutts
I once wrote a guide to fixing telecomms woohoo
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by mikecari » #50383

[Redacted]. Based as fuck, sorry for being a shithead. Best host I've seen in the year I've been playing.
Last edited by mikecari on Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Jeb » #50629

Glorycat calm your tits or take a short vacation. Literally no need to shit up every thread because you're mad.
Guy that made a thing that got put on the homepage of /tg/station13
Defeated in the Great Purge of 2014
[Security] Fiz Bump says, "Beats me, I'm not a scientist. But this is a problem that can be solved with harmbatons."
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by srifenbyxp » #50867

Papa Scardy is the only admin I rarely seen on, he pops in once every blue moon. Wish he'd play more often, the only good thing I can say about him is that I loved that "berlin wall" badmin thing he did. Did it ruin peoples rounds? Maybe. Was it creative? Indeed it was, and I applause creativity no matter how bad it ruins my round.
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by snayr » #51874

Fuck this guy he beat me at cards against humanity two times. I can't forgive him for this
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by Wyzack » #52011

Pretty sure he came on badger the other day and messed around as a monkey. It was pretty good fun, wish you could play more based Scaredy
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by QuartzCrystal » #52193

SoS has actually been playing a shit load more recently, especially on Sybil.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by WeeYakk » #52520

https://tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewtopic ... 389#p50389

Actually listened to the community and wasn't a total dick when people disagreed with him. Sets a good example for his admin team. A+ host.

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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by CreationPro » #52524

Basically, what WeeYakk just said: listens to community's opinions, his admins' opinions, tries his best to make everyone as happy as he can.

terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by mikecari » #53139

Banned me for saying "ayy man" in IC
10/10 would share a drink with.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by CreationPro » #53170

I actually say that all the time IRL :S
terranaut wrote:Scared? My stand 「CLOWN WORLD」 and it's 「FUNNY COMPANY」will defeat your weak stand in moments.
Terry the Moth, Melody Jean the roboticist and S.O.L. the cyborg.
I will not change my avatar but if I did I'd have this good KVADRATNIY boy.
IkeTG wrote:love is okay
CreationPro wrote: i love you
IkeTG wrote:love is no longer okay
Old quotes and stuff
obscolene wrote:I super glued my PC case shut please don't ask why.
<Pretendo> well Ia ksed in banbus

<scaredofshadows> I randomly take buttons away from people
<scaredofshadows> because I am now rogue
<hornygranny> host is rouge
<Ikarrus> blow the admins
trytryagain66 wrote: I accidently axed a guy said I was sorry to him, then he punched me so I axed his head off.
Hibbles wrote:Man, I love CP. I wish we had more CP on the server.
Antonkr wrote:<antonkr> tfw you will never lick hg|works delicious sexy mustache
<antonkr> ;_;
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by ColonicAcid » #53398

ayyy man that's tough.

yeah me too actually, there's probs more to the story since >mikecari but whatever.
crack is whack but smacks got your back
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by mikecari » #53427

ColonicAcid wrote: yeah me too actually, there's probs more to the story since >mikecari but whatever.
It's because scaredy has some sort of anti-meme autism where anything that even references a meme leads to a perma-ban. Of course he wont state this in public but loves to shadow ban people for it.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by bockman22 » #53505

I thank him for what he has done, but should really rethink his choices in descision making.
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A challenge for the Host (With respect)

Post by Falamazeer » #59776

PM to-Admins: I challenge that. Play security instead of assistant.
-- Administrator private message --
Admin PM from-Scaredofshadows: I have been

SoS has been under fire recently, and it seems to revolve around his attitudes towards security officers in general, I've had problems with admins in the past over this (Cannot link as the old forums are dead, Feel free to search it yourself if the old forums are in any way intact, old name for me was wootanon) Namely Uhangi, and a smaller problem with SoS himself.

So I challenge the host to play security officer with these simple rules in place to get the full experience.
-New name every round, this will ensure nobody fears you or fears being reprimanded above normal for being a shitlord IE: screaming that they are being murdered during an arrest to get you mobbed.
-No admin assistance, No heals no nothing
-Play consecutive rounds on the high pop server, and do your best to solve hallway disputes.
-Take stolen goods and lock them in evidence, This will ensure a small band of assistants who got their stolen head cleaver confiscated will be watching and waiting for revenge against you for meddling.
-Consider a new byond name, so you can get BOINKED! mid combat for daring to stand against the tide of assholes trying to free the mime who murdered medbay (All of it)
-Do not interfere with other officers unless you absolutely must, This is something uhangi did, he joined sec just to break it from the inside. Don't be uhangi.
-Play security officer only, Not warden, not HoS, and not detective, this is not the real experience, those jobs have better weapons, armor and access.
-Actually do your job to the best of your ability, See a crime? arrest a criminal.

I feel that playing under these circumstances will lead to a truer experience overall, and might lead to some understanding of the shitty thankless job that it is.
And you'll realize that security is the most bullied profession you can play. And even if you do your job, and manage to piss nobody off, you may very well get mobbed anyways because of some perceived slight another officer caused to bring righteous fury down upon your head.

Good luck, god speed.
Ham Sammich, beating a dead horse since 2010.
NikNakFlak wrote:....It's true...that is why I removed my forum avatar
lumipharon wrote:ass parasite was pretty meh when I tried it.
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Re: Scaredofshadows

Post by kevinz000 » #67925

Fun to play with although I rage a bit when he "Arrests" me, the HoS. :(
Also, hes been playing sec, good officer. :^)

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