Kilo Station

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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #492602

Bottom post of the previous page:

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The work put into Kilostation looks astounding. It takes all the departments and makes them look and crummy backwater station that set somewhere off in a distant system in space. It's non-asymmetric look is something I've personally been looking for in a map for a long time. The detail of each room makes it totally unique. Maintenance is large and messy and filled with enemy mobs; A real occupational hazard. The general vibe of this station makes me happy and I would love to play it.

PS. Do you have an estimate when Kilostation be test merged?
I'm glad to hear you're liking it so far! I went for a much more lived in, second-rate "occupational hazard" approach and I'm happy to hear the style is giving you the intended impression! In terms of testmerging or PRing, I'm waiting for my shuttles PRto be finished up as it contains some relevant duplicate files that would also be PRed with Kilo Station. As soon as we're finished there, I'll be preparing the good ole' Kilo Station PR!

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How do people get out of the gulag? Usually, they get dumped out in a public hall, or a room with public access. If I recall correctly, only Donut has the gulag prisoners end up in brig, and that's in Brig Proper, so they can sit in front of the main doors until a security officer inevitably passes by. This Gulag room is off to the side in a place few travel outside of gathering additional sec equipment at roundstart. How many people are going to be stuck screaming over comms for release from their improvised brig?
Allow me to introduce you to my handy friend effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/unres. See those white lights coming from the interior side of the gulag doors, or the two main medical doors? These allow players to open the door as if they had access so long as they're opening it from this side. In the past, we used to use buttons to allow the players to open the door to get themselves out, in the case of maps such as boxstation or deltastation before this feature was introduced.

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On the topic of Gulag, why is it so far removed from the main brig? The two routes to gulag someone is either going through two equipment rooms or through the public hallway. It seems like it was placed wherever it could fit. Maybe move the console to brig proper?
May I interest you in taking a look at boxstation, deltastation, and other previous maps that have used this more "remote" style of placing the gulag? I personally prefer the gulag being more out of the way, as it allows you to process prisoners without interruptions from the main hall, and you don't have to worry about them trying to run away if you're in a more confined area. In addition, the positioning of the gulag allows it to serve as another back door into security.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by FloranOtten » #492610

Allow me to introduce you to my handy friend effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/unres. See those white lights coming from the interior side of the gulag doors, or the two main medical doors? These allow players to open the door as if they had access so long as they're opening it from this side. In the past, we used to use buttons to allow the players to open the door to get themselves out, in the case of maps such as boxstation or deltastation before this feature was introduced.
I always presumed that meant Unressurection. I've been using it to ensure all my maps have airlocks that stay dead!

Nice map, would send Facebook Friend request. Can we get a test merge?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #492613

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I always presumed that meant Unressurection. I've been using it to ensure all my maps have airlocks that stay dead!
Wouldn't want those doors becoming... unhinged!

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Nice map, would send Facebook Friend request. Can we get a test merge?

1. Hydroponics:
In response to a bit of feedback from a concerned botanist, I've configured hydroponics to include the standard amount of hydroponics trays (from 12 to 14) as well as an additional plant manipulator. I've also moved the biogenerator to the front and replaced the desk between the kitchen and hydroponics with a fridge.
Last edited by Okand37 on Tue May 07, 2019 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Nabski » #492614

It looks like you've still got a firelock under the biogen. Is there a wall under it, so people can just wrench it out and walk in?

Nice use of a fruit poster.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #492615

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It looks like you've still got a firelock under the biogen. Is there a wall under it, so people can just wrench it out and walk in?
The firelock was intention as it's not meant to be a "wall" per say. I took a quick look at pubby and noticed it did the same thing so I didn't much think to change it. Unless there's some hidden step I'm missing, you'd have to deconstruct it then unwrench the machine frame itself if you want to move it out of the way. I could add a windoor behind it so you'd still have to get past that too, if it helps.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by skoglol » #492616

Okand37 wrote:as well as an additional plant manipulator.
The disk compartmentalizer should be next to the manipulator. It stores the DNA disks, and any useful botanist will be juggling disks when using the manipulator. While I'd love to see two manipulators, I would rather one was replaced with the disk fridge. Alternatively move the seed thingy, as its used less often.

Anyway, keep the firelock. If you dont, fires would just get in hydroponics?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #492622

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The disk compartmentalizer should be next to the manipulator. It stores the DNA disks, and any useful botanist will be juggling disks when using the manipulator. While I'd love to see two manipulators, I would rather one was replaced with the disk fridge. Alternatively move the seed thingy, as its used less often.

Anyway, keep the firelock. If you dont, fires would just get in hydroponics?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Nabski » #492814

For some reason I thought the biogenerator was one of those machines like the hydrotrays you could just unwrench and move. My bad. I appreciate that you took a second look at it anyways.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by confused rock » #492884

>hydroponics does their job and in about 20 minutes the biogen has 10,000 mass
>one assistant comes over and gets 50 monkey cubes
no this is public autolathe all over again
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by skoglol » #492889

confused rock wrote:>hydroponics does their job
Lets not pretend this happens.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #492921

confused rock wrote:>hydroponics does their job and in about 20 minutes the biogen has 10,000 mass
>one assistant comes over and gets 50 monkey cubes
no this is public autolathe all over again
Thought something was made to counter against this.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by confused rock » #492991

Might’ve been, point still stands about assistant wasting it all on flour or some shit
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by knacker48 » #492998

Lets be honest here, if an assistant breaks into botany at most he's there to make a toolbelt cause all the others are taken
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Mark9013100 » #493012

Map looks nice, can't wait to play on it.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by metacide » #493210

This is beautiful and I can't wait to give it a go. Absolutely stellar attention to detail.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by wesoda25 » #493411

I got to play on kilo the other day and it was awesome. Its like the perfect mixture of cozyness and danger, and embodies ss13 really well. Maint was really fun exploring, and after a brief tour the layout seemed pretty intelligent. Looking forward to playing on it.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #493423

Bit of an update on how we're doing:

So far we've ran our first test merge round and things went pretty well! There was a few things that warranted fixing, changing, or tweaking and they are as follows:

1. The Solar Arrays:
Despite local tests working, the solars proved to be uncooperative with their asteroid homes and have been opened up to space. After testing each solar array, they should all be receiving power. As much asteroid as possible was kept without seriously hampering the power generation capabilities of the solar arrays. You can see the changes with the new map render here:
2. The Captain's Office:
I've decided to take a second look at the captain's office. While I stay true with the theme of the map being more open with many rooms having multiple ways in and out, and lowering the overall security of some areas, the two maintenance doors was somewhat excessive for such a vital area of the station. I've opted to move one of the maintenance doors into the upload transit access foyer, and put a shutter that can be toggled infront of the "tactical relocation" escape door.
Minor Updates & Fixes:
Aside from the aforementioned changes, here are a few other small fixes or changes:
  1. The ORM has had its input and output directions set accordingly. It'll now take minerals from the inside (right side), and deposit them on the outside (left side) as intended.
  2. The camera in the supermatter engine's laser room has been moved so it is no longer destroyed by the emitters.
  3. As virtual reality has been removed, the virtual reality machines in the recreation area and the permanent brig have been replaced by arcade machines. Game on!
  4. The security maintenance door access has been fixed. There was an error in which it was set to req_one_access with maintenance or security access; it will now only respond to security access (63).
  5. Robotics and Research & Development were both missing windoors for their desks, this has now been corrected.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by SpaceManiac » #493426

I really like the look of the enclosed arrivals and gulag shuttle docks!

I was going to comment about it being weird that arrivals and escape are directly adjacent... but it seems like Pubby and Donut are like that too, so I guess it isn't a problem in practice? They're totally opposite on Box and Delta and at 90 degrees on Meta.

Be sure to check for atmos inconsistencies (Enable Debug Verbs and Show Roundstart AT Markers/List). In fact just going through all the Mapping verbs may help you spot minor issues.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Tlaltecuhtli » #493438

why have every maint tile filled with dirt janitor job is already busy with cleaning actual areas with ppl instead of remote areas which will end up flooded with deadly simplemobs 10 minutes in
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Dr_bee » #493724

I love how enclosed it is. It will be hell on highpop, but it really makes melee combat risky and ranged combat un-optimal. Overally looks like a fun map, cant wait to test it.

Remove the moonlight sword though. or make it not a child of the null rod. I dislike cult but having a free null rod is kind of lame.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #493738

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Remove the moonlight sword though. or make it not a child of the null rod. I dislike cult but having a free null rod is kind of lame.
It has already been changed into a subtype of a different weapon. Glad to hear you like the map though!
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Kenteko » #493954

I love Kilo Station and I think the hostile maint is a good thing, but I'd make a little bit of a suggestion:

Instead of using normal means of defense, like say R walls, it wouldn't be bad to see some more active defenses that looked like they were put together by the lowest bidder. As an example, stick two nested turrets outside of the armory in space, if only to make it a hostile area to maneuver, but then make it so that the walls themselves are a bit less reinforced (and maybe even stick a window there). This would make the armory a kinda "no pass zone" in space due to the turrets, but also make it hilariously vulnerable to things like a meteor.

Give the cap office a blatant entry from maint as you had, but stick a turret at the end of the hallway to make it more like a "Do not pass here"

You have a bunch of awesome active defenses/hostilities, but none that seem put together by the crew. I love that feel, but even if we moved into this beat up station, we'd likely jury rig our own stuff too.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by JedediahJameson » #494524

Like it overall, but Hydroponics feels *really* cramped. Constantly running into the other two botanists and scrambling for the seed generator way at the bottom was common. The windoors on the side they're on blocking the starting produce and the biogenerator being public feels off, too. The kitchen also felt a bit cramped, but I didn't spend much time in there besides being dragged by cannibalistic chefs who tried to convince sec I committed suicide.

Starting with a pack of strange seeds was nice, and two DNA manipulators is cool for not having to fight the others for use of the one.

Maybe cut out the windows with the display plants and use that space to expand the department a bit?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Jegub » #494533

Just getting my first chance to wander now, enjoying it so far!
Got on okay in Hydro by myself for as long as that lasted.
There's a missing wire in chem, under the glass table by the bin:

The door into chem from the lobby is a bit of a liability, and medbay's reception could use a bit of tweaking though I don't have any specific suggestions there as of now.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #494581

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Like it overall, but Hydroponics feels *really* cramped.  Constantly running into the other two botanists and scrambling for the seed generator way at the bottom was common.  The windoors on the side they're on blocking the starting produce and the biogenerator being public feels off, too. 
I've adjusted the position of the seed extractor to be more accessible without having to enter the little cubby desk area. In terms of the produce and seeds, they're meant to be publicly accessible for the chef or someone else to take if no one is making any ingredients in hydroponics. I'd like to see how the public biogenerator plays out, as it seems to work on pubby station and the idea is neat.

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Starting with a pack of strange seeds was nice, and two DNA manipulators is cool for not having to fight the others for use of the one.

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Maybe cut out the windows with the display plants and use that space to expand the department a bit?
When it comes to the size of the map, having an upwards of three botanists is always going to be a little cramped barring radical restructuring of the room due to the single-width hallways. Although it shares that similarity with Metastation, the design is more shapely. It isn't necessarily something I plan on doing as of now.

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There's a missing wire in chem, under the glass table by the bin:
I've placed the wire and it'll be added with the next update. Thanks for letting me know!

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The door into chem from the lobby is a bit of a liability, and medbay's reception could use a bit of tweaking though I don't have any specific suggestions there as of now.
The lobby door plays into the theme of much areas being more open and having a multitude of entrances and exits. The lobby shutters does close over the door as well, but I could add a separate shutter if needed. Feel free to let me know if you think of any adjustments in specific that you feel the lobby could use!
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #494809

A bit of a quick update. I don't have much in the way of internet, so pushing the new updates to the PR may be delayed. In the mean time, here's what we got so far:

Updated Map Image:
1. Prison Wing:
The Prison Wing has been one of the most debated areas, and is brought up rather frequently. Initially, the intention was to replace the prison yard with VR sleepers, and have the cells easier to break out of with co-operation but harder without. As VR was chopped days after the PR was put up, this left the prison in an odd spot. I've taken the time to remodel the prison entirely, adding a small yard with a garden, some arcade machines, and a library console. The hallway has also had some renovating, and the airlock plus justice vent now face aft towards the solars.
2. Atmospherics Gas Chambers:
There's been some concern over the viability of the atmospherics gas chambers. While having them more in line with the station was an intended design choice, I can understand the concern the gas miners bring with it being easy to sabotage or flood the station. As a result, I've done what I can with the space available to fortify them and add some space inbetween the station and the gas chambers. The gulag area and its surrounding maintenance has been slightly altered and compressed because of this.
Minor Updates & Fixes:
Some small changes:
  1. The AI Chamber APC has been moved towards the interior side of the chamber, infront of the door where the newscaster was previously.
  2. Virology and Xenobiology disposal bins now go to space, and have been renamed to "deathsposal bin" respectively.
  3. The exterior Apiary door now responds to chapel or hydroponics access.
  4. The medical desk now has a door button to open the front medical doors. It has no access restrictions.
  5. The Vault's spidery guardian has been removed as to no longer trigger the motion alarm for an eternity.
Last edited by Okand37 on Tue May 21, 2019 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated map image
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by RaveRadbury » #495037

Any chance there could be 1 or 2 chairs in the library? I've got a quirk in the works that requires the player to buckle themselves in the library for a minute to gain a mood boost. Alternately, if the brary half of the barbrary is defined as a library area that's fine, too. Just matters what area they are in when they buckle (also making a corresponding quirk for sitting in the bar)
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Nervere » #495064

It's been said before, but there's way too many warning stripes on this map. It makes the map just... hard to look at.
I removed all of the warning stripes on a round on Sybil and it looked much better to most people.
I encourage you to replicate my results on a testing server for yourself.
Using the SDQL2-Query verb under the Debug tab, input this block of queries:

Code: Select all

CALL RemoveComponent() ON /datum/component/decal WHERE pic.icon_state == "warningline";
CALL RemoveComponent() ON /datum/component/decal WHERE pic.icon_state == "warninglinecorner";
CALL RemoveComponent() ON /datum/component/decal WHERE pic.icon_state == "stand_clear"
This removes all warning lines, warning line corners, and "STAND CLEAR" markings under firelocks. Overall, I think the map looks smoother and nicer.
A few quick screenshots:

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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Mickyan » #495090

There's tiles with a yellow border trim that I think would look better used in place of the warning lines, and a bit more sparingly

I don't know how they're actually called but I noticed the icon for them some time ago and were used to make the border of the pool here
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by FloranOtten » #495097

We need to talk about the warning stripes. Most of the people I have talked to about Kilo have commented on their dislike of the stripes. This is an intervention.
I went ahead and bundled these two messages together as they are similar: Noisy is what I do boss. I enjoy the intricacy and detail personally, though I understand that's not for everyone. I do think it helps to combine with the rest of the map to give it a very unique vibe, however. I primarily use them for segmenting colours, but I enjoy the contrast they give as there's no other "full border" type decal as of now. I'd be more than willing to use another type of full border if we had them, but we don't.
I can see how you'd like design and the amount of detail but it really isn't for everyone. Have you ever heard of the saying 'adding by removing'? Sometimes less is more, as too much detail can make it very hard to look at. As nervere pointed out, the map looks fine without them.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by wet socks » #495111

Bots like beepsky and medibots don't currently patrol the station because there are no bot beacons underneath the floors!
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Atlanta-Ned » #495123

Kilo station is now on renderbus
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by oranges » #495134

stop posting about the warning stripes you feral mongrels, it only needs to be said once, if the map maker doesn't want to take your feedback on board, too fucking bad, it's a design and aesthetic decision. Suck it up.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by NoxVS » #495464

Chaplains don't have access to the doors above the mass driver despite having access to the maintenance on both sides of them.

Also at EVA, the door into maint uses lowercase letters (e.v.a. maintenance)
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #496179

Swarmers can flood plasma from atmos
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Dr_bee » #496215

Yakumo_Chen wrote:Swarmers can flood plasma from atmos
Last I checked swarmers cant open up windows to space, which there is one between atmos and the plasma tank.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by confused rock » #496218

It’s the designer’s choice, yeah oranges, but if almost everyone fucking hates the aesthetic choice, guess what? They’re going to have to play the map. They’ll be stuck with the warning lines. If everyone hates something that they’ll have to see then they can complan.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #496258

confused rock wrote:It’s the designer’s choice, yeah oranges, but if almost everyone fucking hates the aesthetic choice, guess what? They’re going to have to play the map. They’ll be stuck with the warning lines. If everyone hates something that they’ll have to see then they can complan.
Confused, you're right. We shouldn't be forced to look at design choices that we don't like.

I think that in order to do this, we'll have to basically come up with an argument on so many things that people don't like such as 3/4 sprites, the clashing color schemes between all our sprites, and so much more if a man went through the effort to catalogue all of this.

Confused, the point isn't "you are bad for not liking map design" however the point is that this argument won't work as long as shit, like what I just mentioned, is an issue.

Also, it is true that removing stuff from a map is easier than spriting, but that doesn't mean it will be removed just because you or multiple people dislike it. It depends on coderbus' opinion or if almost everyone agrees. If we relied on the word of a single person, even if it was fucking MSO himself, who said other people disliked something then Pubby would be fucking gone right now. I bet only boxstation would be around if that was the case.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #496281

Dr_bee wrote:
Yakumo_Chen wrote:Swarmers can flood plasma from atmos
Last I checked swarmers cant open up windows to space, which there is one between atmos and the plasma tank.
they were managing it last night, so I assume there's something preventing the message.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #503996

So why isn't this getting merged? I am pretty excited and surely I'm not alone with this. MERGE
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Ayy Lemoh » #504025

Tarchonvaagh wrote:So why isn't this getting merged? I am pretty excited and surely I'm not alone with this. MERGE
The mapmaker hasn't come back yet.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by pubby » #504211

kilo stands for killed okand

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I Will Get A Darwin Award

Post by Tarchonvaagh » #504907

Ayy Lemoh wrote:
Tarchonvaagh wrote:So why isn't this getting merged? I am pretty excited and surely I'm not alone with this. MERGE
The mapmaker hasn't come back yet.

EDIT: Okay, so for some reason i was unable to see the later posts, maybe some eu shit since i am on a holiday in another continent i can see it now sorry for the "shouting".

EDIT2: im an ape because i haven't noticed that i am on the second page ples disregard my idiotism
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #517435

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Episode V


It is a dark time for the Syndicate. Although Kilo Station has been destroyed, Nanotrasen Private Security Forces have driven the Syndicate forces from snowdin base and pursued them across the galaxy.

Evading the dreaded Nanotrasen Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Verena Knox has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of snowdin 2.0.

The evil lord Boxstation, obsessed with finding young Knox, has dispatched thousands of github complaints into the far reaches of space.....
Now that I have the time to continue working on Kilo Station, I'll be updating it and grinding out what issues I can. I'll update the map overview images when possible, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on what could be changed or improved in the coming updates!
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Mickyan » #517436


Looking forward to it being finished, current maps have gotten really stale
ImageI play on Manuel as Swanni, the brain-damaged moth.
Be nice to each other.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #517440

Mickyan wrote:?

Looking forward to it being finished, current maps have gotten really stale
limitless power
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by SpaceManiac » #517441

which map are you going to highlander out
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Okand37 » #517442

SpaceManiac wrote:which map are you going to highlander out
oranges initially suggested boxstation
Are you being the neighbour Mr. Rogers would've wanted you to be?
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Sandshark808 » #517446

Okand37 wrote:
SpaceManiac wrote:which map are you going to highlander out
oranges initially suggested boxstation
>tfw not donut
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Iatots » #517470

Much like Delta, this station has a spawling maint city but no actual crew recreational area apart from dorms and arguably the bar, which by the way I love being split from the cafeteria. Open mingling areas are in short supply on every station and IMO it makes RP more difficult because it forces every interaction that's too roomy for a workplace into stab-alley. More experienced players have no qualms about navigating the dark corridors around the station but the combined janky navigation, isolation and all around feeling of illegitimacy of the area disencourage substantial commitments by the crew to most RP driven group activities.
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Re: Kilo Station

Post by Reyn » #517489

I really want to see this in action, but at the same time I know that, at least on bagil, we're never going to fucking see this map because everyone votes fucking bagil.

Good work though!

Also, is it really the best idea to have the captain's office that close to botany?
I play Trevor Fea on Bagil, And Giorno Giovanna on terry. Yes, I'm THAT raging asshole. Sorry for being such a cunt.
Have I told you how much I hate engineering, by the way?
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