oranges wrote:to buff surgery to match chems would have made it so absurdly overpowered that it would have made medical even more of a joke than it was.
The nerf was necessary, because of how simplified the trekchems had made tg med.
Honestly, i agree with this. With olD chems you could ahve everything to heal the station 4 times over in 4 minutes without any effort (Tricord was brain-dead and Perfluoro
was easy as well); at least with this there is more effort required for Chemistry to actually pull their weight.
I have been testing how fast you can get going in Chemistry right now, and I was able to get Oxan, Saly, Pentetic and Salbu in like 10 minutes,
specially since Salbu comes very effectively from sali production, so Chem can still get everything, it just takes a bit more work.
Pentetic removes all other chems so it's already quite a lmited chemical that has to be used properly to do anything. Oxandrolone and Rhigo/Trop have
risky OD rates, so they become slow healers with a high chance of poisoning if the person doesn't know what he's doing, which deterrs people form med raiding/self healing,
which we can agree was a big reason why med players were undervalued.
Salbutamol, salicylic and oxandrolone work well as panic heals, but are slow as molasses at topping people off. Since surgery takes more time for healing the more hurt you are,
it creates a nice combo; panic heal first, then top off with surgery/Food/bruise pack/ointment while it's going or afterwards. of course, I understand there will be
more changes, but right now it seems this is where we stand. Maybe a toxin panic med like Oxandrolone? It could need toxin bottles, which would cause
interesting crew interactions. (I refer to my preivous post; where I mentioned sending asisstants to find the abandoned clinic, as an example)
I'm interested on seeing the botany-chemistry meds: it'll be nice for the botany-chem relationship to be two-ways. Although i always leave three bottles of mutagen/cleaner on the fridge
by principle, I imagine seeing Chem and botany actually exchanging stuff would be interesting. Just make sure that, in the event no botanist is on-station, that chemists can enter
Hydroponics (Or depend on Cook/bartender, which would be a rare case of a cook/bartender interaction).
In short, I reserve my judgement until the changes are finished, but I don't think cobbychems are a dealbreaker at all, and it is only an inconvinience to med raiders
who'd rather ignore the whole medical process to keep turning spacemen horizontal. Of course, this assumes Chemistry actually does his job, and I don't know how
common that is, can anyone with more experience illuminate me on this point? Thanks. Also, sorry for long post, I wanted to have all my thoughts in one go for
easier understanding.