Spacezenegger wrote:nsos wrote:paprika wrote:Ricotez wrote:The goal of these riots is not to loot business, or to cause violence. The goal of these riots is to create change, to let the world know that these people are completely sick of the way the entire judicial system is biased against them. I'm sorry if they inconvenience you, maybe you'll finally pay some attention to these people's issues now.
im too much of a child to have a remotely serious discussion
i understand you have a reputation as le epik coder trole xD to uphold though
How do you even respond to such liberal ignorance? If I were to say the opposite of what Ricotez said was true I'd be labeled as a racist and ignored.
i dont think anyone here would label you a racist for having a differing opinions; this isn't actually tumblr and we can discuss differing viewpoints without being retarded.
i don't fuck with modern liberals as they're part of the inherently flawed "us vs them" two-party system that has done a great job in fucking over a great deal of modern government, so there's that then.
but anyway, i'll try to humor the response, because it would be silly for me to say what i've said and then not actually add to the conversation.
suppose we go back to ricotez's post for example: it would be absolutely short sighted/blind for me or anyone else here to suggest that there weren't obviously a bunch of chucklefucks from both within the ferguson community and from the st louis area that were looting. we can obviously even go so far as to suggest that regardless of the indictment decision there were going to be people who were going to break shit and loot/riot anyway. i will never justify the theft from your own community in the guise of "well now you're listening lmao".
moving on, though: it's certainly not surprising these riots were happening, as i've already stated in a previous post that, for how long it was building up, it was absolutely going to happen: you had a whole black population in ferguson in close proximity and up close and personal with real live representation from the same police department they've been up in arms about even way before the Michael Brown incident. the NG blew it for not getting in there immediately from the start, and thinking that the ferguson PD was remotely equipped to deal with the situation that they were inevitably going to cause.
does it justify looting? fuck no, and again, i've not seen anyone actually suggest that the
looting itself, the action of it, was justified, outside of reactionaries on tumblr and the high school aged internet anarchists who are all like "YEAH FUCK PRIVATE PROPERTY I'M VICARIOUSLY USING THIS AS A WAY TO STICK IT TO MY BOSS BECAUSE I WORKED OVERTIME AND HE DIDN'T TELL ME GOOD JOB".
does it justify rioting? idunno. most certainly, there’s people running on instinct (or past experience) and making assumptions who are ust going to take it at face value 'white person killed one of my boys and now i gotta get mad about it' type deal because that's the type of person that the mainstream media and al sharpton's ilk prey on. But just as definitely there’s people who have followed the case closely and believe the verdict is wrong, and they feel like their nonviolent methods or going through the "official" channels have been ignored. they're pissed, it's a pressure cooker, people were going to lash out. it's up to the outside viewer to make their own conclusion if that's okay or not. and most of the responses here have been "it's not, but i understand
but i can't say that the same organization tasked with protecting, serving and upholding the peace didn't actually exacerbate the situation. i ca't say that the media both within and outside ferguson didn't stoke the flames up to this moment.
The end of story is that: Wilson walked because, in the minds of the jurors, his behavior didn’t fall outside protocol. We can argue for not on whether or not the jurors were right, or was Wilson justified in refusing to actually detail what happened in the incident report
back in august, or is Darren Wilson a good cop (we've already seen multiple news reprots of evens prior to the Michael Brown event that suggest that he had some issues) or whether this may have been avoided altogether (probably, either by Michael Brown not trying to steal shit in the first place or Darren Wilson actually carrying a taser). But the decision is the decision.
Regardless of the decision it would be a good idea for police departments to realize that maybe repeated events like this shows that protocol needs to be examined. That's my stance on the actual incident. That's my "politically correct" stance on the incident anyway, I could write a whole page worth of arguments about why I personally don't buy Darren Wilson's testimony and my opinions on the public's reaction to the decision. I certainly have a lot more to say about how it was handled by the media and the public outside of the situation, and the aftermath, but this post is getting longwinded as it is.
paprika wrote:nsos wrote:paprika wrote:Ricotez wrote:The goal of these riots is not to loot business, or to cause violence. The goal of these riots is to create change, to let the world know that these people are completely sick of the way the entire judicial system is biased against them. I'm sorry if they inconvenience you, maybe you'll finally pay some attention to these people's issues now.
im too much of a child to have a remotely serious discussion
i understand you have a reputation as le epik coder trole xD to uphold though
i understand you have a reputation as a stick up ass retard who gets off discussing things that will never affect him in his retarded suburban home on the forum for a 2d spaceman game you actual retard
and i'm the child?
get slaughtered you armchair politician piece of garbage :^)
yeah bruh you sure did show me with your hot projections
nothing you've posted to me or in this thread in general has changed my opinion that you're a fucking moron more concerned with being an epik memer that puts on his "i'm too cool and contrarian to be bothered with not being a shitposting retard" when other people get tired of his shtick regardless of it being a discussion about RL issues or your changes to a 2d spacemen game
and you must understand how much of an actual moron you just be to be called a shitposting retard by me