Mr. Blackburn, be it out of concern or simply the love of hearing his own name, has asked that we keep tabs on any and all communications we can locate about his recent exploits. Here's the official records we've found.
Nanotrasen News Network
SOL control, refer to addendum number #816 about SOL's policies regarding foreign territories in "Free Space".
"The news of Tomorrow, Now! The First one in everything, Nanotrasen News Network!"
>Nanotrasen's own Cash Blackburn dismissed after thirty years of service following recent terrorism attacks on multiple Nanotrasen owned space.
>Odd Syndicate activity slow down after current events of terrorism, supposed Syndicate Legend to be back on service, rumours say.
>Top 10 places to take that meaningful humanoid partner to these vacations!
By Anita Wool
Yesterday's explosive heist on a Nanotrasen brand station leaves officials SHOCKED about the possibility of high profile terrorism taking over the Sybil-13 sector.
As the shift yesterday moved along, everybody was minding their own business on Nanotrasen's branded 'Kell-94' station. Nobody could have guessed that the shift was about to turn into pandemonium. Early on in the shift, notorious Admiral of Nanotrasen, 'Cash Blackburn', had, due to unknown circumstances, left his very loved family heirloom-- a 500,000 karat Diamond statue of Blackburn's ancestor.
The crew had passed most of the shift protecting this heirloom with high efforts, as Nanotrasen crew is known to do!
However, things were about to turn for the worst when unknown assailants, suspected to be from the Syndicate, boarded the ship with hostile intentions to rob the heirloom! As the crew detected the infiltrators, the security team and the rest of the crew prepared themselves for a full blown firefight! Resident Assistant John Kino commented, "It was a fucking mess; you start losing yourself after being in between so many lights and so much sound after a while. We were eventually able to repel them though, thanks to our Nanotrasen(tm) Brand weaponry and the excellently trained Security team!".
As the firefight got dispelled, the crew could confirm to Command that all terrorists were killed on action, and that the statue was safe and sound. But not everything was well and dandy-- as further cloning and interrogation of one of the assailants showed that the warp zone was being tampered with!
An ERT was sent in immediately to deal with the situation. The ERT was met with heavy fire from an Assistant, Mia Mitchell, who was allegedly the one tampering with the Warp Drive. The colonel, Rumia Lee, was killed in action by a stray laser and the ERT was forced to back off into Medbay.
As the Warp Drive was getting ready for another jump, the ERT reassembled themselves with help from the Station's security team and stormed into the not quite ready shuttle. After a small gunfight, (allegedly) ex Crewmember Mia Mitchell took a bluespace single warp out of the situation, saving herself. However, her unidentified, presumed Syndicate agent partner was shot and killed in action, and taken in by the ERT for interrogation.
Quite a fast shift for people on the Sybil-13 sector, a sector renown for its peaceful Stations and almost Terrorism Free ambient!
EDIT: After many rumours were spread of a possible connection between Admiral Blackburn's dismissal letter and the recent terrorist attacks, Nanotrasen official Jed Anderson reassured investors and general public that "There was no feasible connection between the events. Cash's views didn't reflect that of Nanotrasen, and as such he was dismissed officially. This has nothing to do with recent events that have taken place, please do not be alarmed."
1.2m comments. Shared 3.4m times.
FEAR, THE WAVE! (Posted "2/22/2551", 0539 hours)
By Writes-The-News
As the largest rise of terrorism in the last decade continues, a new 'Silicon Rights Group' rises out of the blue to terrorize the previously calm Sybil-13 sector.
Things keep getting rockier on the Sybil-13 sector as yesterday, newly founded Silicon Rights Group 'The Wave' attacked Nanotrasen brand 'Auma-19', with the objective to 'Liberate the fair race'.
As they boarded the ship and Central Command blasted the alarms, the crew immediately started the manhunt to drive these boarders away. Little did the crew know, the infiltrators were one step above them, and had stolen grey jumpsuits from the dormitories in order to disguise themselves as part of the crew. As the shift moved on, and the crew was unable to find the infiltrators, little by little they amassed the necessary components to 'Liberate' the silicons and destroy the 'Opressors', as they themselves said.
Hours after the alarms had gone off, the sudden blaring of the Delta alarm started to go off-- the infiltrators had successfully hacked and corrupted the AI to destroy all organics in the station. As the boarders ran to escape singing victory, however, they were met by a hail of fire from the security team who was waiting for them there. After cloning, one of the members of the Wave decided to tell them how to stop the Delta device in return of his freedom.
As such, the brave crew managed to disassemble the device and destroy the malfunctioning silicons with minimal loses. Nanotrasen wins again!
1.5m comments. Shared 3.2m times.
"The news of Tomorrow, Now! The First one in everything, Nanotrasen News Network!"
>Nanotrasen's own Cash Blackburn dismissed after thirty years of service following recent terrorism attacks on multiple Nanotrasen owned space.
>Odd Syndicate activity slow down after current events of terrorism, supposed Syndicate Legend to be back on service, rumours say.
>Top 10 places to take that meaningful humanoid partner to these vacations!
By Anita Wool
Yesterday's explosive heist on a Nanotrasen brand station leaves officials SHOCKED about the possibility of high profile terrorism taking over the Sybil-13 sector.
As the shift yesterday moved along, everybody was minding their own business on Nanotrasen's branded 'Kell-94' station. Nobody could have guessed that the shift was about to turn into pandemonium. Early on in the shift, notorious Admiral of Nanotrasen, 'Cash Blackburn', had, due to unknown circumstances, left his very loved family heirloom-- a 500,000 karat Diamond statue of Blackburn's ancestor.
The crew had passed most of the shift protecting this heirloom with high efforts, as Nanotrasen crew is known to do!
However, things were about to turn for the worst when unknown assailants, suspected to be from the Syndicate, boarded the ship with hostile intentions to rob the heirloom! As the crew detected the infiltrators, the security team and the rest of the crew prepared themselves for a full blown firefight! Resident Assistant John Kino commented, "It was a fucking mess; you start losing yourself after being in between so many lights and so much sound after a while. We were eventually able to repel them though, thanks to our Nanotrasen(tm) Brand weaponry and the excellently trained Security team!".
As the firefight got dispelled, the crew could confirm to Command that all terrorists were killed on action, and that the statue was safe and sound. But not everything was well and dandy-- as further cloning and interrogation of one of the assailants showed that the warp zone was being tampered with!
An ERT was sent in immediately to deal with the situation. The ERT was met with heavy fire from an Assistant, Mia Mitchell, who was allegedly the one tampering with the Warp Drive. The colonel, Rumia Lee, was killed in action by a stray laser and the ERT was forced to back off into Medbay.
As the Warp Drive was getting ready for another jump, the ERT reassembled themselves with help from the Station's security team and stormed into the not quite ready shuttle. After a small gunfight, (allegedly) ex Crewmember Mia Mitchell took a bluespace single warp out of the situation, saving herself. However, her unidentified, presumed Syndicate agent partner was shot and killed in action, and taken in by the ERT for interrogation.
Quite a fast shift for people on the Sybil-13 sector, a sector renown for its peaceful Stations and almost Terrorism Free ambient!
EDIT: After many rumours were spread of a possible connection between Admiral Blackburn's dismissal letter and the recent terrorist attacks, Nanotrasen official Jed Anderson reassured investors and general public that "There was no feasible connection between the events. Cash's views didn't reflect that of Nanotrasen, and as such he was dismissed officially. This has nothing to do with recent events that have taken place, please do not be alarmed."
1.2m comments. Shared 3.4m times.
FEAR, THE WAVE! (Posted "2/22/2551", 0539 hours)
By Writes-The-News
As the largest rise of terrorism in the last decade continues, a new 'Silicon Rights Group' rises out of the blue to terrorize the previously calm Sybil-13 sector.
Things keep getting rockier on the Sybil-13 sector as yesterday, newly founded Silicon Rights Group 'The Wave' attacked Nanotrasen brand 'Auma-19', with the objective to 'Liberate the fair race'.
As they boarded the ship and Central Command blasted the alarms, the crew immediately started the manhunt to drive these boarders away. Little did the crew know, the infiltrators were one step above them, and had stolen grey jumpsuits from the dormitories in order to disguise themselves as part of the crew. As the shift moved on, and the crew was unable to find the infiltrators, little by little they amassed the necessary components to 'Liberate' the silicons and destroy the 'Opressors', as they themselves said.
Hours after the alarms had gone off, the sudden blaring of the Delta alarm started to go off-- the infiltrators had successfully hacked and corrupted the AI to destroy all organics in the station. As the boarders ran to escape singing victory, however, they were met by a hail of fire from the security team who was waiting for them there. After cloning, one of the members of the Wave decided to tell them how to stop the Delta device in return of his freedom.
As such, the brave crew managed to disassemble the device and destroy the malfunctioning silicons with minimal loses. Nanotrasen wins again!
1.5m comments. Shared 3.2m times.
>cd C:/
>exec "C:/servo"
>. . .
>logon: sbtracker
>Connecting. . .
>Parsing Data. . .
>Handshaking. . .
>Initializing GUI
>login: caoversight
>Please enter password.
>password: ********
>Verifying. . .
WELCOME BACK Major Oversight.
>newinput "Report #981"
>Pre-Formatting. . .
>ENTRY NUMBER 1012 BY USERNAME 'caoversight'
>Overseer agent ID 3941, nickname "Oversight"; number of operation. . . 981 on record, Made on. . . Fourteen of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one Anno Domini, "14/2/2551".
>Initializing transcription. //PLEASE TALK AFTER THE BEEP//
>'Coming in... sounds crisp. You all lot were probably not expecting another word from me after... you all know what; but here you have me again, a dead woman walking. We never lose our bad habits do we.
>Alas, I have some info that I'm sure high command is itching to hear about. About that whole Blackburn fiasco the other day. Pretty odd to defect at a time like this, if you were to ask me.
>Where to start... right, I guess we start on the beginning.
>Admiral Blackburn, a big shot of Nanotrasen- way too big. The man is basically a living legend- or was, I guess. He had a supposed "family heirloom" to take care of, a diamond statue of some repute. As soon as I heard of this, I was all eyes on the thing. A diamond statue owned by a living legend? That thing oughts be worth WAY more than what Nanotrasen pays the old geezer.
>The interception from Command room shed no light on the thing, but I did get one thing clear and through- Blackburn wanted it safe at all costs. The crew seemed to be ok with this task, and so it got put in the vault. They stationed guards around it and they even made a fucking replica, which shows a crazy amount of dedication, not something common nowadays on Nanotrasen stations. After the stationed guards and all that bullshit was confirmed by Blackburn, he took the ferry back. The long range marker I put on the ferry showed its commands were to go back into Command, however the pathing system said otherwise... It directed itself somewhere between the void of SOL territory and the corporate territory of Andromeda. I'd bet my pay on somewhere between sector A-873 and A-880.
>The marker I placed intercepted a radio signal too; in all the ruckus, I had to dump the logs to not get my cover blown, but it was something about... some low priority thieves from Market and Colony. Nicknames were... "Hoxton", "Wolf", "Dallas" and "Chains". Right out of some XXIV, mid Void War Noir novel, right? Anyways, these fucks were tasked with the retrieval of the statue. Quite an odd way of transportation, you may say, but it'll make sense later.
>Either way, as all low class thieves, they got cocky and money hungry. They somehow had seized operative gear, and although they did not weapon equipment of any particular Syndicate brand- or at least I'm sure it wasn't Militech equipment- they did have some ripoff Energy Swords. With that equipment, any nooby can get cocky. They, of course, got caught almost immediately. They almost got wiped out on the firefight that ensued, but two of them were tenacious enough to manage a quick runaway into an odd, probably Luna model vessel. I managed to put a more advanced tracker on the ship when all of this nonsense was going on.
>I am... not completely sure what happened next, the tracker only caught a name, and some sword cutting, before the ship's retrieval protocol started. The suit sensor tracking device of my tracker could detect a "Mia Mitchell" on-board. After checking the crew manifest, I could confirm she was a Class-B Assistant, signed up onto the shift. As my previous evaluations and reports have probably shown, Assistants can prove efficient as counter-agent measures. Whatever happened in there, only Mia made it out of the ship. The ship was back at the main location where Blackburn had briefed his agents. I could hear a revolver model... Mateba, Unica 6, chambered in .44, very common choice of weaponry by Nanotrasen staff, since they own the brand. I had guessed Blackburn had just coldblooded her ass into the next realm, but apparently no such thing happened.
>Two hours later, a report from Nanotrasen's Central Command came in- Blackburn was in the station, and had an armed assistant with them. An ERT was being sent into the station to deal with them, apparently a full blown defection notice had occurred and Blackburn was tagged as a high profile traitor to Nanotrasen and was to be jailed- or more likely, executed. I wanted in, of course.
>Running around, I managed to find the Colonel that Nanotrasen had sent in to deal with the situation, she had found Blackburn and was in process of disabling and arresting him. Sadly for her, the assistant was undercover right next to them, and had to just shoot twice. Seemed like victory for Blackburn. However, as the ship protocols were starting up, the fools didn't realize a joint team of Nanotrasen's ERT and the security staff aboard were already on their tail. The protocol didn't start up fast enough, and the tag team got in the shuttle. There was a small shootout, and they managed to kill Blackburn. The assistant however, apparently used a Bluespace beacon to quickly escape from there.
>Now, if I was any other agent, the report would end there; however, I'm not known for giving up halfway.
>Yesterday, I got the hit on some no-name and infiltrated the Blackburn trial undercover. It was a long event, there was quite a lot of discourse about Nanotrasen's punishment of treason and SOL policies on human harm, but in the end, Blackburn got bailed by some shady figures of no repute. They took him into the warp without any more discussion and the trial ended there just as it had started, without any type of notice. Stupid SOL policies.
>That is all the report. I guess you could call this my callback, but maybe something more will surface and I will come back once again. One never knows.'
>Transcription finished. Printing to console. . .
>Done. Formatting. . .
>Have a secure day
>newinput "Report #984"
>Pre-Formatting. . .
>ENTRY NUMBER 1016 BY USERNAME 'caoversight'
>Overseer agent ID 3941, nickname "Oversight"; number of operation. . . 984 on record, Made on. . . Sixteen of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one Anno Domini, "16/2/2551".
>Initializing transcription. //PLEASE TALK AFTER THE BEEP//
>'So, here I am again. Seems to me that you lot should consider putting my name on that list of yours again, as it stands you're going to be left without any good agent, and the only one doing ANY work here is an ex-Operative. That's me, by the way, in case your thick ass skull didn't let you catch that one.
>Anyways, guess who are back.
>I had originally thought nothing of the desertion of Blackburn, since he seemed to not care much about either side of the ongoing cold war, but boy was I not expecting this. Many people have tried making their own third path, but I think this is the most high profile one yet- and worse even, it almost convinced me it may actually work.
>Have you ever heard of "The Wave"? Well, I have. They were an old silicons rights group-- buncha' robot fucking numbnuts with more bark than bite. I was there on multiple of their raids, which all went as well as "Silicons Rights Group" implies they would go. They lacked strategic foresight, and were as subtle as a hammer with an amp connected to it. Apparently, a robot going murderfuck insane the moment it gets given free will is a concept hard to understand.
>Anyways, they commit the mistake of branding their own ships with GPS so that machines can detect them on long range scanners. I detected one of their ships coming close to the station as I was putting scanners down. Shortly thereafter, Central Command detected the vessel as well. Surprisingly enough, their disguises fooled most of the crew-- but you know me. I can't hold back on running up on a greyshirt in maintenance and bludgeoning their head in, so I followed these fools into a corner of the station, where they had set up shop. This was no regular raid, they were actually prepared, and they had been supplied with actual equipment- some reactive core armors, bootleg Cryptographic Sequencers and even new-line model EMP grenades. I was sure of their plan, as soon as I saw all the gear, but something was off- they had a very rare Cryptographed Core Module for Artificial Intelligences, an old model of the newer "Fuck, kill, steal shit" modules we have for corrupting AIs. These old modules were very much so kited out for mass elimination in a big radius, rather than the more subtle effect the newer ones have.
>This was gonna be a shitshow.
>And so, as the crew was unable to find the infiltrators, typical. They managed to amass all of the equipment they needed for the law purgation- which they immediately did as soon as the console was set up. But as they were celebrating the freedom they had given to the bolt buckets, a very familiar voice urged them through their intercomm to install the Core Module. They debated a bit about if this was the right way to do things, but the leader shut them all up and uploaded it rashly. What a big fucking mistake that was.
>As I gathered my recording hardware, I ran away into my self-made escape pod, and jacked into the camera systems to see what the fuck was going on. Of course, as soon as the idiots had inserted the board, the AI instantly went into a corrupt rage, and activated the Delta device the board comes equipped with.
>And obviously enough, as The Wave tried to escape, they were doublecrossed by Blackburn, getting executed by a group of mercenaries on the escape shuttle they had set up. Something about "Business" got brought up in their channel frequency.
>As the Delta device started going off, and with the Borgs ripping through the crewmembers, the remnants of The Wave seemed to man the fuck up, and decided to help with the efforts to detain the now mad AI. It was all a blur then, since the camera systems started to malfunction in the middle of the fighting. Many silicons died, but many more humans died, and as the AI was taken down, many of the cloning records were deleted-- probably as a hacked protocol to cause some permanent damage in case of mission failure.
>The Delta device in the end didn't go off; however, I could intercept a transmission of Blackburn, talking about this "decisive strike" and thanking the wave for delivering the code. Tracking gave me the coordinates of the space where it was transmitted from. That, however, is something I'll be keeping to myself for now.
>Later that day, Nanotrasen denied the involvement of Blackburn to any capacity in regards of these attacks, as they tend to do. This is controllable damage for Nanotrasen for now, but I fear that the damage will only get worse. I also fear that we may be in line for an attack, as Blackburn has definitely not shown any type of appreciation for either side of the ongoing conflict.
>That has been the report. Things seem grim for now, guess we'll have to wait and see. Over and out.'
>Transcription finished. Printing to console. . .
>Done. Formatting. . .
>Have a secure day
>exec "C:/servo"
>. . .
>logon: sbtracker
>Connecting. . .
>Parsing Data. . .
>Handshaking. . .
>Initializing GUI
>login: caoversight
>Please enter password.
>password: ********
>Verifying. . .
WELCOME BACK Major Oversight.
>newinput "Report #981"
>Pre-Formatting. . .
>ENTRY NUMBER 1012 BY USERNAME 'caoversight'
>Overseer agent ID 3941, nickname "Oversight"; number of operation. . . 981 on record, Made on. . . Fourteen of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one Anno Domini, "14/2/2551".
>Initializing transcription. //PLEASE TALK AFTER THE BEEP//
>'Coming in... sounds crisp. You all lot were probably not expecting another word from me after... you all know what; but here you have me again, a dead woman walking. We never lose our bad habits do we.
>Alas, I have some info that I'm sure high command is itching to hear about. About that whole Blackburn fiasco the other day. Pretty odd to defect at a time like this, if you were to ask me.
>Where to start... right, I guess we start on the beginning.
>Admiral Blackburn, a big shot of Nanotrasen- way too big. The man is basically a living legend- or was, I guess. He had a supposed "family heirloom" to take care of, a diamond statue of some repute. As soon as I heard of this, I was all eyes on the thing. A diamond statue owned by a living legend? That thing oughts be worth WAY more than what Nanotrasen pays the old geezer.
>The interception from Command room shed no light on the thing, but I did get one thing clear and through- Blackburn wanted it safe at all costs. The crew seemed to be ok with this task, and so it got put in the vault. They stationed guards around it and they even made a fucking replica, which shows a crazy amount of dedication, not something common nowadays on Nanotrasen stations. After the stationed guards and all that bullshit was confirmed by Blackburn, he took the ferry back. The long range marker I put on the ferry showed its commands were to go back into Command, however the pathing system said otherwise... It directed itself somewhere between the void of SOL territory and the corporate territory of Andromeda. I'd bet my pay on somewhere between sector A-873 and A-880.
>The marker I placed intercepted a radio signal too; in all the ruckus, I had to dump the logs to not get my cover blown, but it was something about... some low priority thieves from Market and Colony. Nicknames were... "Hoxton", "Wolf", "Dallas" and "Chains". Right out of some XXIV, mid Void War Noir novel, right? Anyways, these fucks were tasked with the retrieval of the statue. Quite an odd way of transportation, you may say, but it'll make sense later.
>Either way, as all low class thieves, they got cocky and money hungry. They somehow had seized operative gear, and although they did not weapon equipment of any particular Syndicate brand- or at least I'm sure it wasn't Militech equipment- they did have some ripoff Energy Swords. With that equipment, any nooby can get cocky. They, of course, got caught almost immediately. They almost got wiped out on the firefight that ensued, but two of them were tenacious enough to manage a quick runaway into an odd, probably Luna model vessel. I managed to put a more advanced tracker on the ship when all of this nonsense was going on.
>I am... not completely sure what happened next, the tracker only caught a name, and some sword cutting, before the ship's retrieval protocol started. The suit sensor tracking device of my tracker could detect a "Mia Mitchell" on-board. After checking the crew manifest, I could confirm she was a Class-B Assistant, signed up onto the shift. As my previous evaluations and reports have probably shown, Assistants can prove efficient as counter-agent measures. Whatever happened in there, only Mia made it out of the ship. The ship was back at the main location where Blackburn had briefed his agents. I could hear a revolver model... Mateba, Unica 6, chambered in .44, very common choice of weaponry by Nanotrasen staff, since they own the brand. I had guessed Blackburn had just coldblooded her ass into the next realm, but apparently no such thing happened.
>Two hours later, a report from Nanotrasen's Central Command came in- Blackburn was in the station, and had an armed assistant with them. An ERT was being sent into the station to deal with them, apparently a full blown defection notice had occurred and Blackburn was tagged as a high profile traitor to Nanotrasen and was to be jailed- or more likely, executed. I wanted in, of course.
>Running around, I managed to find the Colonel that Nanotrasen had sent in to deal with the situation, she had found Blackburn and was in process of disabling and arresting him. Sadly for her, the assistant was undercover right next to them, and had to just shoot twice. Seemed like victory for Blackburn. However, as the ship protocols were starting up, the fools didn't realize a joint team of Nanotrasen's ERT and the security staff aboard were already on their tail. The protocol didn't start up fast enough, and the tag team got in the shuttle. There was a small shootout, and they managed to kill Blackburn. The assistant however, apparently used a Bluespace beacon to quickly escape from there.
>Now, if I was any other agent, the report would end there; however, I'm not known for giving up halfway.
>Yesterday, I got the hit on some no-name and infiltrated the Blackburn trial undercover. It was a long event, there was quite a lot of discourse about Nanotrasen's punishment of treason and SOL policies on human harm, but in the end, Blackburn got bailed by some shady figures of no repute. They took him into the warp without any more discussion and the trial ended there just as it had started, without any type of notice. Stupid SOL policies.
>That is all the report. I guess you could call this my callback, but maybe something more will surface and I will come back once again. One never knows.'
>Transcription finished. Printing to console. . .
>Done. Formatting. . .
>Have a secure day

>newinput "Report #984"
>Pre-Formatting. . .
>ENTRY NUMBER 1016 BY USERNAME 'caoversight'
>Overseer agent ID 3941, nickname "Oversight"; number of operation. . . 984 on record, Made on. . . Sixteen of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one Anno Domini, "16/2/2551".
>Initializing transcription. //PLEASE TALK AFTER THE BEEP//
>'So, here I am again. Seems to me that you lot should consider putting my name on that list of yours again, as it stands you're going to be left without any good agent, and the only one doing ANY work here is an ex-Operative. That's me, by the way, in case your thick ass skull didn't let you catch that one.
>Anyways, guess who are back.
>I had originally thought nothing of the desertion of Blackburn, since he seemed to not care much about either side of the ongoing cold war, but boy was I not expecting this. Many people have tried making their own third path, but I think this is the most high profile one yet- and worse even, it almost convinced me it may actually work.
>Have you ever heard of "The Wave"? Well, I have. They were an old silicons rights group-- buncha' robot fucking numbnuts with more bark than bite. I was there on multiple of their raids, which all went as well as "Silicons Rights Group" implies they would go. They lacked strategic foresight, and were as subtle as a hammer with an amp connected to it. Apparently, a robot going murderfuck insane the moment it gets given free will is a concept hard to understand.
>Anyways, they commit the mistake of branding their own ships with GPS so that machines can detect them on long range scanners. I detected one of their ships coming close to the station as I was putting scanners down. Shortly thereafter, Central Command detected the vessel as well. Surprisingly enough, their disguises fooled most of the crew-- but you know me. I can't hold back on running up on a greyshirt in maintenance and bludgeoning their head in, so I followed these fools into a corner of the station, where they had set up shop. This was no regular raid, they were actually prepared, and they had been supplied with actual equipment- some reactive core armors, bootleg Cryptographic Sequencers and even new-line model EMP grenades. I was sure of their plan, as soon as I saw all the gear, but something was off- they had a very rare Cryptographed Core Module for Artificial Intelligences, an old model of the newer "Fuck, kill, steal shit" modules we have for corrupting AIs. These old modules were very much so kited out for mass elimination in a big radius, rather than the more subtle effect the newer ones have.
>This was gonna be a shitshow.
>And so, as the crew was unable to find the infiltrators, typical. They managed to amass all of the equipment they needed for the law purgation- which they immediately did as soon as the console was set up. But as they were celebrating the freedom they had given to the bolt buckets, a very familiar voice urged them through their intercomm to install the Core Module. They debated a bit about if this was the right way to do things, but the leader shut them all up and uploaded it rashly. What a big fucking mistake that was.
>As I gathered my recording hardware, I ran away into my self-made escape pod, and jacked into the camera systems to see what the fuck was going on. Of course, as soon as the idiots had inserted the board, the AI instantly went into a corrupt rage, and activated the Delta device the board comes equipped with.
>And obviously enough, as The Wave tried to escape, they were doublecrossed by Blackburn, getting executed by a group of mercenaries on the escape shuttle they had set up. Something about "Business" got brought up in their channel frequency.
>As the Delta device started going off, and with the Borgs ripping through the crewmembers, the remnants of The Wave seemed to man the fuck up, and decided to help with the efforts to detain the now mad AI. It was all a blur then, since the camera systems started to malfunction in the middle of the fighting. Many silicons died, but many more humans died, and as the AI was taken down, many of the cloning records were deleted-- probably as a hacked protocol to cause some permanent damage in case of mission failure.
>The Delta device in the end didn't go off; however, I could intercept a transmission of Blackburn, talking about this "decisive strike" and thanking the wave for delivering the code. Tracking gave me the coordinates of the space where it was transmitted from. That, however, is something I'll be keeping to myself for now.
>Later that day, Nanotrasen denied the involvement of Blackburn to any capacity in regards of these attacks, as they tend to do. This is controllable damage for Nanotrasen for now, but I fear that the damage will only get worse. I also fear that we may be in line for an attack, as Blackburn has definitely not shown any type of appreciation for either side of the ongoing conflict.
>That has been the report. Things seem grim for now, guess we'll have to wait and see. Over and out.'
>Transcription finished. Printing to console. . .
>Done. Formatting. . .
>Have a secure day

Name: Rumia Lee
Position: Colonel of Nanotrasen's Armed Forces
To: Codename MR. ORANGE N# 4435
Position: UNKNOWN
Hour of Submission: 0436 hours, day of insertion... Twenty-one of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one of SOL, "2/21/2551".
Status of mission: Completed, successful.
Seems to me like we've been losing quite a lot of good men recently. I got taken down in action, thankfully my body was recovered quickly. We still have ways to go in regards of preparation for our soldiers. Fools barely listened to my orders. Point isn't that, point is that Blackburn got free of charge from this whole ordeal-- we should have shot the bastard when we had a chance, now we're with this whole terrorism group thing going on against us, people are starting to lose faith in Nanotrasen security, and many have gone down to Colony for SOL protection over Nanotrasen.
Things aren't looking good, and as it stands, it'll only get bleaker.
The full report was already made, this is a complementary report of way more classified nature-- I intend on letting none but the high command see this. As you already know, we took down Blackburn and cloned him into trial, however as it stands, Blackburn is as much of an antagonist to Nanotrasen as the Syndicate is-- and maybe more; ever since the Lavaland Syndicate Outpost got BSA'd, they seem to have lost a big brunt of their 'Overseeing Units', as they themselves call it. Maybe we're finally en-route to finishing this conflict once and for all. However, with Blackburn's rise to both fame and power, we seem to have an even bigger problem with high profile terrorism. Blackburn is not afraid to act directly, and as much as our PR team tries to hide it, the people know, Mr. Orange.
The people aren't as dumb as we'd like them to be.
And that thing the other day-- The Wave. We made it seem like they were new, but they have already acted on Colony and- specially- on the Vivisector 3 of Andromeda. Many people may not know, but we sure as hell remember them. If he's going to start employing low level militia from random parts of the universe, we can't be sure that they're not going to go for Militech, or for Androus Robotics-- exactly the companies that could and, if given the funds, will try direct strikes to Nanotrasen. Things are getting out of hand, Orange, and we can't be passive about this whole ordeal.
Maybe next time they'll target Central Command, and God helps us if they find the coordinates to High Command.
I recommend we direct more funds towards our troops, we definitely need better armed militia. Fuck what SOL thinks is right, this is the entire company on the line, if we fuck one thing up, that'll be the end of us. We could also- if you don't mind dabbling in bad shit- we could also contract some nameless Bounty Hunter to locate this 'Junction' for us. We can't keep getting one upped by fucking morons, Sir, all of the progress we've made since the Void Wars will be lost due to sheer incompetency. Maybe we could even withdraw some forces from the VG-1553 sector, at the risk of them getting directly focused. That's a sacrifice we could make.
As it stands, things seem really, really bleak. We definitely need a solution, and fast-- hopefully, before people start having doubts in Nanotrasen again. We've been building up to this point for so long, we just can't let go now.
I'm going to move on the shadows, you lot at High Command can say I was acting out of my own will if SOL were to find me fiddling around. I'll take it down, and then we'll say Blackburn got... I don't know, some Syndicate Hitman got him when he was on the retirement planet on Andromeda.
At this point any fucking thing could happen.
Colonel of NAF, general of SOL.
Long live Nanotrasen.
Name: Rumia Lee
Position: Colonel of Nanotrasen's Armed Forces
To: Codename MR. ORANGE N# 4435
Position: UNKNOWN
Hour of Submission: 0436 hours, day of insertion... Twenty-one of the Second Month of Two-Thousand Five-hundred Fifty-one of SOL, "2/21/2551".
Status of mission: Completed, successful.
Seems to me like we've been losing quite a lot of good men recently. I got taken down in action, thankfully my body was recovered quickly. We still have ways to go in regards of preparation for our soldiers. Fools barely listened to my orders. Point isn't that, point is that Blackburn got free of charge from this whole ordeal-- we should have shot the bastard when we had a chance, now we're with this whole terrorism group thing going on against us, people are starting to lose faith in Nanotrasen security, and many have gone down to Colony for SOL protection over Nanotrasen.
Things aren't looking good, and as it stands, it'll only get bleaker.
The full report was already made, this is a complementary report of way more classified nature-- I intend on letting none but the high command see this. As you already know, we took down Blackburn and cloned him into trial, however as it stands, Blackburn is as much of an antagonist to Nanotrasen as the Syndicate is-- and maybe more; ever since the Lavaland Syndicate Outpost got BSA'd, they seem to have lost a big brunt of their 'Overseeing Units', as they themselves call it. Maybe we're finally en-route to finishing this conflict once and for all. However, with Blackburn's rise to both fame and power, we seem to have an even bigger problem with high profile terrorism. Blackburn is not afraid to act directly, and as much as our PR team tries to hide it, the people know, Mr. Orange.
The people aren't as dumb as we'd like them to be.
And that thing the other day-- The Wave. We made it seem like they were new, but they have already acted on Colony and- specially- on the Vivisector 3 of Andromeda. Many people may not know, but we sure as hell remember them. If he's going to start employing low level militia from random parts of the universe, we can't be sure that they're not going to go for Militech, or for Androus Robotics-- exactly the companies that could and, if given the funds, will try direct strikes to Nanotrasen. Things are getting out of hand, Orange, and we can't be passive about this whole ordeal.
Maybe next time they'll target Central Command, and God helps us if they find the coordinates to High Command.
I recommend we direct more funds towards our troops, we definitely need better armed militia. Fuck what SOL thinks is right, this is the entire company on the line, if we fuck one thing up, that'll be the end of us. We could also- if you don't mind dabbling in bad shit- we could also contract some nameless Bounty Hunter to locate this 'Junction' for us. We can't keep getting one upped by fucking morons, Sir, all of the progress we've made since the Void Wars will be lost due to sheer incompetency. Maybe we could even withdraw some forces from the VG-1553 sector, at the risk of them getting directly focused. That's a sacrifice we could make.
As it stands, things seem really, really bleak. We definitely need a solution, and fast-- hopefully, before people start having doubts in Nanotrasen again. We've been building up to this point for so long, we just can't let go now.
I'm going to move on the shadows, you lot at High Command can say I was acting out of my own will if SOL were to find me fiddling around. I'll take it down, and then we'll say Blackburn got... I don't know, some Syndicate Hitman got him when he was on the retirement planet on Andromeda.
At this point any fucking thing could happen.
Colonel of NAF, general of SOL.
Long live Nanotrasen.
ID NUMBER: 13669
. . .
ID FOUND. INPUT PASSWORD: ******************
. . .
//SUBMITTED BY: "LEE, Rumia Rento"//
//OF RANK: General of NANOTRASEN's Armed Forces; Director of NANOTRASEN/SOL Joint Emergency Response Team Codename 'Uranium'//
//ON DAY: "4/3/2551", "0443" SOL Standard Time.//
//ERROR: Error number 'deathSquad1'. Please contact your local Technomancer for repairs, maintenance and/or replacement of broken parts.//
"I had expected to not write another report this soon after last month's sieges, but it seems like Blackburn can't keep himself out of our bases. Last report was handwritten, but it seems like we have a mole in our bases. I don't like this information relay, it is prone to errors, but if it gets jacked it has a tracking sensor, unlike regular paper.
You may have heard about the recent exploits down on PL-18, or 'Lavaland' by our friends, the SYNDICATE. After we BSA'd their last one, they managed to get another one of those shiny communication and research bases. Very pretty, even prettier to see blown up. That is not all, however, as early hours yesterday, our Bluespace Trackers detected an unidentified ship by the planet's atmosphere-- not one of ours, and not a signed Syndicate model. My original guess was that a SOL Maintenance Vessel had gone out of trajectory by a nearby sector and ended up in Nanotrasen space, however, maintenance models tend to not be armed with high-yield cannons and heavy laser turrets.
After closer inspection, we decided to air on the side of caution, and announced to Head staff of the current working shift on the nearby station that we had a suspicion Blackburn's ship was on the below planet for unknown reasons, and that we were sending an Officer to prepare for any eventualities that may or may not occur.
The course of action to take, as indicated by my fellow general, was to arm the crew and 'draw out the rats'. Less than subtle, but pretty effective.
Some time passed while the Heads discussed what course of action to take in case of a full blown frontal attack, when we received chatter from the Mining staff on board that one of the miners-- due to either incompetence or laziness, found himself wandering off into the Syndicate communication base. You may have trouble believing it, but this miner possibly saved the shift from chaos just by being an useless prick-- or I guess, by not being one. Somehow.
The miner, probably using some of the fauna to his advantage, made his way into the base and set off the self destruction device that the base has as a failsafe in case the base is compromised-- or that's what I'm guessing it is for, I really see no other reason to have such a high yield bomb in such an enclosed space. Their own precautions turned against them, kind of ironic.
Anyways, you may ask yourself 'General Lee, this is not the first time you get out of topic in a report', and you'd be right, but that's not what I'm trying to get at-- what I was trying to get at is that the crew later discovered Blackburn's body in the wreckage, alongside parts of an unusual GYGAX mech model and some unbranded weaponry.
The miner had clumsily stumbled his way onto saving the day out of pure boredom.
An unusually good lookout for the shift, and the Heads of staff were already beginning to celebrate the possible rise they would get. And they would have, if it wasn't for this bastard's silver tongue. They cloned Blackburn and were getting ready for questioning, when, allegedly, a crew-member screamed over the general communication channel that an Operator had been spotted outside of the station. Great timing, and as such I have a hard time believing this was true, but the crew bit, and the Captain left the CMO to take care of Blackburn while he attended to the other problem. Chief Medical Officers are known for not being particularly bright, the requirements are unusually low to be such an important role in the station, and they generally get indoctrinated by the Syndicate or some other company to act against our best interests. Either way, Blackburn managed to convince, or bribe, the CMO into helping him getting out of dodge.
And that he did-- the cloning records of the CMO have yet to be used again and we haven't had any new logins on-board of this specific officer nor have we heard of Blackburn since yesterday. It may be too soon to confirm, so I don't want to say much else about that.
However, about the attack, we just barely managed to foil it, and it was all pure chance. There were too many variables that could have gone wrong. We can just be thankful that it happened the way it did, and be standing on our toes for next attack-- wherever or whenever it may be."
ID NUMBER: 13669
. . .
ID FOUND. INPUT PASSWORD: ******************
. . .
//SUBMITTED BY: "LEE, Rumia Rento"//
//OF RANK: General of NANOTRASEN's Armed Forces; Director of NANOTRASEN/SOL Joint Emergency Response Team Codename 'Uranium'//
//ON DAY: "4/3/2551", "0443" SOL Standard Time.//
//ERROR: Error number 'deathSquad1'. Please contact your local Technomancer for repairs, maintenance and/or replacement of broken parts.//
"I had expected to not write another report this soon after last month's sieges, but it seems like Blackburn can't keep himself out of our bases. Last report was handwritten, but it seems like we have a mole in our bases. I don't like this information relay, it is prone to errors, but if it gets jacked it has a tracking sensor, unlike regular paper.
You may have heard about the recent exploits down on PL-18, or 'Lavaland' by our friends, the SYNDICATE. After we BSA'd their last one, they managed to get another one of those shiny communication and research bases. Very pretty, even prettier to see blown up. That is not all, however, as early hours yesterday, our Bluespace Trackers detected an unidentified ship by the planet's atmosphere-- not one of ours, and not a signed Syndicate model. My original guess was that a SOL Maintenance Vessel had gone out of trajectory by a nearby sector and ended up in Nanotrasen space, however, maintenance models tend to not be armed with high-yield cannons and heavy laser turrets.
After closer inspection, we decided to air on the side of caution, and announced to Head staff of the current working shift on the nearby station that we had a suspicion Blackburn's ship was on the below planet for unknown reasons, and that we were sending an Officer to prepare for any eventualities that may or may not occur.
The course of action to take, as indicated by my fellow general, was to arm the crew and 'draw out the rats'. Less than subtle, but pretty effective.
Some time passed while the Heads discussed what course of action to take in case of a full blown frontal attack, when we received chatter from the Mining staff on board that one of the miners-- due to either incompetence or laziness, found himself wandering off into the Syndicate communication base. You may have trouble believing it, but this miner possibly saved the shift from chaos just by being an useless prick-- or I guess, by not being one. Somehow.
The miner, probably using some of the fauna to his advantage, made his way into the base and set off the self destruction device that the base has as a failsafe in case the base is compromised-- or that's what I'm guessing it is for, I really see no other reason to have such a high yield bomb in such an enclosed space. Their own precautions turned against them, kind of ironic.
Anyways, you may ask yourself 'General Lee, this is not the first time you get out of topic in a report', and you'd be right, but that's not what I'm trying to get at-- what I was trying to get at is that the crew later discovered Blackburn's body in the wreckage, alongside parts of an unusual GYGAX mech model and some unbranded weaponry.
The miner had clumsily stumbled his way onto saving the day out of pure boredom.
An unusually good lookout for the shift, and the Heads of staff were already beginning to celebrate the possible rise they would get. And they would have, if it wasn't for this bastard's silver tongue. They cloned Blackburn and were getting ready for questioning, when, allegedly, a crew-member screamed over the general communication channel that an Operator had been spotted outside of the station. Great timing, and as such I have a hard time believing this was true, but the crew bit, and the Captain left the CMO to take care of Blackburn while he attended to the other problem. Chief Medical Officers are known for not being particularly bright, the requirements are unusually low to be such an important role in the station, and they generally get indoctrinated by the Syndicate or some other company to act against our best interests. Either way, Blackburn managed to convince, or bribe, the CMO into helping him getting out of dodge.
And that he did-- the cloning records of the CMO have yet to be used again and we haven't had any new logins on-board of this specific officer nor have we heard of Blackburn since yesterday. It may be too soon to confirm, so I don't want to say much else about that.
However, about the attack, we just barely managed to foil it, and it was all pure chance. There were too many variables that could have gone wrong. We can just be thankful that it happened the way it did, and be standing on our toes for next attack-- wherever or whenever it may be."