1. Anyone is allowed to post with information relating to the episodes that lead to the ban, relevant past unaddressed rule-breaking or borderline behavior by the appellant, or to provide positive feedback giving proper examples of good conduct. Opinions without concrete examples that can be verified through logs or other means are not appreciated.
2. You must wait until the end of the round, to avoid breaking the IC in OOC rule.
3. Use the template.
4. Try to keep your ban appeal calm, concise, to the point, and properly formatted. Permaban appeals are encouraged to be longer and more detailed than regular appeals.
5. The minimum time between re-appealing any kind of ban is 30 days from the day the appeal was denied, unless specified otherwise.
The process itself
After you post your ban appeal, the administrator that banned you will respond, posting the relevant logs from the round you were banned in if requested. If said administrator is retired or unavailable for any other reason, another one will take over the appeal. During this entire time anyone is free to contribute according to the posting rules described above. After either everything has been said or enough time has passed from the date of the logs being posted, a ruling will be made by the administrator handling it and your ban will either be removed, reduced, or stay as it is. The headmin can overrule this decision if they think the decision was incorrect and may even extend the original ban if they see fit. Extending a ban will be an extremely rare occurence and will be done only in very severe rulebreak scenarios (including but not limited to DDoSing, doxxing, ban evading) so don't be afraid to post an appeal.
Post template
Copy this template into your post. Replace the portions surrounded with <angle brackets> to complete your appeal.
Post title/subject:
Code: Select all
[BAN] [<Admin Name>] <Player Name>
Code: Select all
[b]BYOND account:[/b] <BYOND account.>
[b]Character name:[/b] <Character name at time of ban.>
[b]Ban type:[/b] <Server/Role[s]/OOC/etc.>
[b]Ban length:[/b] <Permanent, 5 days, etc.>
[b]Ban reason:[/b] <Copy this from the server. If this is a server ban, attempt to connect. If it is not a server ban, view your notes with "View Admin Remarks" button under OOC tab in-game. An image is suitable, but do **not** paraphrase or otherwise modify the reason.>
[b]Time ban was placed:[/b] <Try to get this from the server when you get the ban reason. If it was a note, the note has a timestamp. If it was a server ban, it will also have a timestamp. Both of these times are in UTC.>
[b]Round ID in which ban was placed:[/b] <Round ID, should be present in ban reason from server. Can be excluded if it cannot be found. Example: 101235.>
[b]Your side of the story:[/b] <Explain what happened in your own words.>
[b]Why you think you should be unbanned:[/b] <Why should you get this opportunity to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it.>
[b]References of good conduct:[/b] <If serverbanned and **especially** if permabanned, have you played on other servers during the time you were banned? Name them here, in many cases good references of conduct and character can be crucial to a successful appeal. Otherwise, feel free to remove this portion.>