Bottom post of the previous page:
In recent time I've noticed a major trend of Wizard players rushing to commit suicide as fast as possible. This extends usually out of a desire to attain a "top score" for fastest suicide, or out of other desires such as a dislike of the round type.I believe that round start suiciding as a Wizard, or any antagonist in general, is in poor form to the game and should not be something that people do. The ultimate objective of an antagonist is to drive the events of the round, but by killing themselves before the round has even had a chance to start, they rob the round of any interesting events, waste everyone's time, but they also deny other people the opportunity to take the place of that antagonist that was taken for a bad joke.
(A older Headmin ruling did technically state that round start suiciding as a important role is a bannable offence, though I think that is more in relation to Head of Staff roles, nonetheless I think it is worth mentioning.)
While Antagonists are, under the rules, allowed to do (almost) anything, I nonetheless believe that this act is in poor form and should be heavily discouraged, such as the individual losing their access to that antagonist for a short period, as it does not serve to be conductive to an interesting game.