Stories of rage, tears and regret

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Armhulen » #364858

Bottom post of the previous page:

>try to have fun with deitus

>it's a jail sentence

dammit i shoulda read space law
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by delaron » #364865

Deitus wrote:
delaron wrote:
Deitus wrote:>get tator tot

>LITERALLY next round after that
>be botanist again
>get stuff
>only one chemist

Incorrect. I was getting the Cyro beakers to set up medical. Two chemists and Im sorry you had a bad day. I sent over 20 Mutagen bottles.
ah, i came over fairly quickly and the other chem didnt say anything about a partner ("since you're the only chem can i have that one?")

my mistake. still shitsec though.
No worries I felt bad you even got arrested I tried to tell them it was a misunderstanding. I wasn't even mad just annoyed.
I'm not smart enough to meme.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by InsaneHyena » #368108

Happened a few months ago, but I'm still mad.

>Walk around the station for quite some time, consider suiciding out of boredom
>Suddenly, cult!
>Time to be useful
>Bless a water tank, drag it to the brig
>There's nobody in there, and there's no AI either, so I have to wait some time
>Finally HoS arrives, thanks me and advises me to get security access
>Great idea, I'll be able to grab some weapons too, to defend myself
>Go to HoP
>It's some shitmin's character
>He seems to be in the...
>Roleplaying mood
>Denies the existence of the cult outright, laughs at me for believing in "fairy tales", ignores the screams about the cultists on the radio
>Fucking hell, it's going to be this kind of a round
>Fine, I'll have to make do
>I don't make do
>At all
>With barely any access, my ability to help security or fight cult is absolutely minimal
>I call for captain and HoS to help me get through the bureaucracy
>They tell HoP to cut this shit out
>He doesn't
>Half the station is either dead or culted at this point, security team is decimated
>HoP is busy shitposting on the announcements about how magic doesn't exist, and we're all lazy fags looking for an excuse not to work
>Still refuses to give out access
>After a while, situation stops being dire - it becomes an outright fucking nightmare, with constructs roaming the station unopposed
>Standing in the HoP line again
>Screaming at HoP for being an incompetent fucktard
>He's still pretending that cult is not a thing
>Literally get murdered by the cult while standing in the HoP line
>Finally, the sweet release
>Get sacrificed, soulstone is put in a construct shell
>Now is the time of vengeance
>I will kill that fucking HoP
>By the time I get to him, he's already dead
>Scream at the cult to not sacrifice him, I want to space the body
>Wew, too late, he's already a wraith
>HoP IMMEDIATELY drops any pretense of roleplaying and starts murderboning
>Nar'Sie is summoned, major cult victory

I was so fucking mad, I wanted to scream
Bring back papercult.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by CPTANT » #368137

When the gulag water bottles were still a thing and everyone escaped by running across the lava and extinguishing themselves I replaced the water of the bottles with salt.

it was glorious.
Timberpoes wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:21 pm The rules exist to create the biggest possible chance of a cool shift of SS13. They don't exist to allow admins to create the most boring interpretation of SS13.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Denton » #368292

>notice that the Free Golem ship has a teleport beacon up
>shove in a bunch of machinery and supplies so I can set up an aux base and chill with golems
>every golem in there is dead, everything smashed
>turns out that a golem used the Gluttony syringe on himself and then killed everyone
>then I die to that morph
I was a little upset.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by factoryman942 » #369128

>be nuke ops
>leader names us Pai because fuck net neutrality I guess
>put forward plan to declare war, then spend all the credits on reinforcements and double eswords
>declare war
>crew is simply confused rather than panicked

>check discounts
>a 35tc mauler
>a 52tc mauler
>a 24tc assault borg
>7tc macrobomb
>buy all of them

>by the end of buying we have 9 operatives, 2 mechs, and 2 borgs, as well as sentient/macrobomb cayenne
>all ops have suits and guns

>in transit to station
>guy in mech accidentally shoots cayenne
>cayenne explodes, leaving just one op and assault borg alive on shuttle, and one that presumably got flushed into space but got to the station anyway
>station op rushes cap and crits him, getting the disk
>a guy with genetics powers tries to stop him, as well as someone with a lava staff, but borg and other op arrive and they get cap's corpse out
>they get the nuke from the wreck of the shuttle, and start setting it up in sec
>suddenly, a syndibomb goes off
>killing them both
>seconds before the nuke would be armed

and that's how the repeal of net neutrality went
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by CitrusGender » #369157

factoryman942 wrote: >in transit to station
>guy in mech accidentally shoots cayenne
>cayenne explodes, leaving just one op and assault borg alive on shuttle, and one that presumably got flushed into space but got to the station anyway

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by huehuehue » #369171

factoryman942 wrote: >in transit to station
>guy in mech accidentally shoots cayenne
>cayenne explodes, leaving just one op and assault borg alive on shuttle, and one that presumably got flushed into space but got to the station anyway
factoryman942 wrote: accidentally
how do you accidentally shoot something here
feem wrote:wtf i like fwooshposts now
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Doctor Pork » #369233

>holidays 2017
>finally have time to sit and PLAY spacemen
>first time basically all year
>late join station a shit
>5 minutes in
>gearing up to start greytide shenanigans
>cutting a hole into engi storage
>progress stops
>sound cuts
>server borked

oranges wrote:pork, the nondescript, commoner king, literally so stealth you could just your normal name in OOC and nobody would know, long may he reign as the secret commander
Deitus wrote:If your signature is scrollable it's too long and fucking obnoxious and you should feel bad
Link to my feedback thread. Go there.
PKPenguin321 wrote:I've been had by yet another tg boondoggle
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Nabski » #369348


Random geneticist, get a syndicate minibomb from the chrismas tree. NICE! I have an easy plan now.

OP shoots me, the shot hits the syndicate minibomb. It explodes in my hand. Fucking what?
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Byond Username: Cuboos

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Cuboos » #369889

>See new server called Terry
>Euro server
>sounds interesting
>Join as captain.
>It's only me, HoP, an engine and a miner.
>assume it's going to be a quiet round.
>engie and miner request all access
>HOP runs it through me first
> they're the only two players so i okay it.
>inexperienced engie delaminates the super matter in less than five minutes.
>call him out over comms but eventually forgive him because he's new and the damage was minimal.
>miner starts getting sassy over comms.
>have mild banter with him over comms.
>miner gets unreasonably pissed.
>miner uses all access to break into cap's office and tasers me then sends me off to gulag.
>HoP sets my limit to only 1000 points at gulag so my sentence isn't too harsh.
>miner deconstructs stacking machine so i can't accumulate points.
> WhatTheFuckDude.jpg
> HoP comes down to gulag after a few minutes to check up on me.
>notices the stacking machine is gone but doesn't think it's a big deal
> AreYouFuckingSerious.png
> try to escape on the gulag shuttle as HoP leaves.
>lags out and walks into lava.
> managed to make it back into the gulag before dying.
>Engie comes back and drags my body to cloning.
> get cloned
> Engie gives me the captains spare ID and redresses me.
>miner learns i'm back on the station and goes fucking berserk.
>sets whole station against me for some reason.
>Some dude named Mat tries to weld me in a locker and space me
>escape and laser him a couple times.
> he gets away and i don't pursue
>HoP against me now, claiming i tried to kill Mat
> "He tried to space me what fuck is wrong with you people?"
> Seriously what the fuck is wrong with everyone?
> Whole station out to get me for some reason.
> engie is the only dude i can trust
> station going insane, HoP trying to track me down with a fucking PHASON.
> engie lets a singulo loose on the station.
> good, you guys shouldn't fucking exist anymore.
>singulo only eats engie and a small portion of the station then fucks off.
> so much for that plan.
> find a strange device that explodes if you use it.
> escape shuttle called.
> bum-rush miner and blow him and the HoP up.
> they were auto cloned
> life is unfair.
> shuttle arrives and leaves with the newly cloned miner and HoP on the shuttle.
> round ends.
> engie was the only traitor.
> the fucking engine that released the singularity was the only reasonable person on the station.
> The fucking engie that released the singulo was the only reasonable person on the station.
> That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
> TL;DR have some mild banter over comms, miner got pissed because he's got paper thin skin.

Seriously i let that guy have all access and he tries to get me killed while he wasn't an antag. What the fuck did you want, a reach-around with your all access golden ticket?

Don't go to Terry, 'tis a silly place.
/TG/ First and Only Sound guy
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by BeeSting12 » #369890

I had a good laugh at that story. Classic.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
hows my driving?
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Doctor Pork » #370065

BeeSting12 wrote:I had a good laugh at that story. Classic.
oranges wrote:pork, the nondescript, commoner king, literally so stealth you could just your normal name in OOC and nobody would know, long may he reign as the secret commander
Deitus wrote:If your signature is scrollable it's too long and fucking obnoxious and you should feel bad
Link to my feedback thread. Go there.
PKPenguin321 wrote:I've been had by yet another tg boondoggle
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by calzilla1 » #370218

Life is too short for anything meaningful and too long for anything memeingful
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy

do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
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Byond Username: Newfren

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by newfren » #370276

sign up late as a geneticist
get murderboned by a random impersonating the captain
cloned after a slime notices me
captain comes round again, fighting me and the slime
kills me, slime kills him
tfw he was the last person alive
the station is now inhabited solely by an oil black slime
no admins on
have to go bug sticky on bagil to reboot the server

haha love late night murderbones
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Alipheese » #370278

Cuboos wrote:
>See new server called Terry
>Euro server
>sounds interesting
>Join as captain.
>It's only me, HoP, an engine and a miner.
>assume it's going to be a quiet round.
>engie and miner request all access
>HOP runs it through me first
> they're the only two players so i okay it.
>inexperienced engie delaminates the super matter in less than five minutes.
>call him out over comms but eventually forgive him because he's new and the damage was minimal.
>miner starts getting sassy over comms.
>have mild banter with him over comms.
>miner gets unreasonably pissed.
>miner uses all access to break into cap's office and tasers me then sends me off to gulag.
>HoP sets my limit to only 1000 points at gulag so my sentence isn't too harsh.
>miner deconstructs stacking machine so i can't accumulate points.
> WhatTheFuckDude.jpg
> HoP comes down to gulag after a few minutes to check up on me.
>notices the stacking machine is gone but doesn't think it's a big deal
> AreYouFuckingSerious.png
> try to escape on the gulag shuttle as HoP leaves.
>lags out and walks into lava.
> managed to make it back into the gulag before dying.
>Engie comes back and drags my body to cloning.
> get cloned
> Engie gives me the captains spare ID and redresses me.
>miner learns i'm back on the station and goes fucking berserk.
>sets whole station against me for some reason.
>Some dude named Mat tries to weld me in a locker and space me
>escape and laser him a couple times.
> he gets away and i don't pursue
>HoP against me now, claiming i tried to kill Mat
> "He tried to space me what fuck is wrong with you people?"
> Seriously what the fuck is wrong with everyone?
> Whole station out to get me for some reason.
> engie is the only dude i can trust
> station going insane, HoP trying to track me down with a fucking PHASON.
> engie lets a singulo loose on the station.
> good, you guys shouldn't fucking exist anymore.
>singulo only eats engie and a small portion of the station then fucks off.
> so much for that plan.
> find a strange device that explodes if you use it.
> escape shuttle called.
> bum-rush miner and blow him and the HoP up.
> they were auto cloned
> life is unfair.
> shuttle arrives and leaves with the newly cloned miner and HoP on the shuttle.
> round ends.
> engie was the only traitor.
> the fucking engine that released the singularity was the only reasonable person on the station.
> The fucking engie that released the singulo was the only reasonable person on the station.
> That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
> TL;DR have some mild banter over comms, miner got pissed because he's got paper thin skin.

Seriously i let that guy have all access and he tries to get me killed while he wasn't an antag. What the fuck did you want, a reach-around with your all access golden ticket?

Don't go to Terry, 'tis a silly place.
putting a part of this in my signature, this is golden

PKPenguin321 wrote:holy shit that engineering setup
that man deserves a medal
Anonmare wrote:Gee Engie, why does your mom let you have TWO singulos?
The Legend of Scrubs, MD
You are a traitor!
Your current objectives:
Objective #1: They mocked you in life, a lesser janiborg they said. Now they shall know terror.
Objective #2: Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
Cuboos wrote: > That god damn engineer who let the singularity loose was a traitor and the only reasonable person on that whole entire station.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by teepeepee » #374913

>Be antag
>Get dunked before doing antaggy stuff
>Body outside cloning
>Chef waltzes in, grabs fresh non-cloned bodies
>I'm victim no1
>Server crashes
Pretty sure he wasn't antag :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:
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Byond Username: Anonmare

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Anonmare » #375518

>Go to Terry
>Play Chaplain
>Retarded Chaplain because memes
>Go to bar to drown out my sorrows
>Accidentally break a glass
>Bartender uses that as an excuse to hunt me down and murder me with his shotgun and a fork
>Everyone watches him go to town on my body with a fork
>No one stops him
>HoP asks what happened
>Bartender lies
>Everyone else lies
>wait 5 minutes, body still lying there - looted
>Wait another 5
>My body gets dragged to robotics
>Brain gets MMI'd
>Decide I won't put up with that and leave the server

I sure do love top quality RP
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Armhulen » #375519

Anonmare wrote:>Go to Terry
>Play Chaplain
>Retarded Chaplain because memes
>Go to bar to drown out my sorrows
>Accidentally break a glass
>Bartender uses that as an excuse to hunt me down and murder me with his shotgun and a fork
>Everyone watches him go to town on my body with a fork
>No one stops him
>HoP asks what happened
>Bartender lies
>Everyone else lies
>wait 5 minutes, body still lying there - looted
>Wait another 5
>My body gets dragged to robotics
>Brain gets MMI'd
>Decide I won't put up with that and leave the server

I sure do love top quality RP
ahelp stupid
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Anonmare » #375531

Armhulen wrote:
Anonmare wrote:>Go to Terry
>Play Chaplain
>Retarded Chaplain because memes
>Go to bar to drown out my sorrows
>Accidentally break a glass
>Bartender uses that as an excuse to hunt me down and murder me with his shotgun and a fork
>Everyone watches him go to town on my body with a fork
>No one stops him
>HoP asks what happened
>Bartender lies
>Everyone else lies
>wait 5 minutes, body still lying there - looted
>Wait another 5
>My body gets dragged to robotics
>Brain gets MMI'd
>Decide I won't put up with that and leave the server

I sure do love top quality RP
ahelp stupid
You're not my Dad, Mom
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Durkel » #376931

>join as detective.
>start scoping out maint and such for any activity.
>Some dark skinned fellow whips out a tele baton and starts to chase me.
>run my ass off thinking it's a nightmare.
>it follows me to the entrance of the mainhall, but stops short of it.
>turn around and pump it full of lead.
>it's dead.

And that lads, is the story of how I ruined the very first round of the new shadowling. Who would have known that bullets are its greatest weakness.
Sierra Welbe says, "Tim Ebow fucking threw soap everywhere near the HoP office, like I mean 20 fucking goddamn bars AND I CAN'T STOP SLIPPING"
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Byond Username: EagleWiz

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by EagleWiz » #376971

>Be clown, wandering around looking for something clowny to do
>Notice RD has a agent ID. I could do a lot of clowny things with that ID
>Break into R&D, slip RD
>RD has a taser. RD has the captains sword
>Suddenly sec bursts in
>Assistant with all access runs in to join the fray on the RDs side
>RD gets away
>RD still has taser, get dragged off
>Guy dressed as captain shows up, attaches c4 to shoes
>C4 explodes, lose arms again, destroys shoes, at like 10 HP
>RD returns to finish the job
>Sec bursts in again
>RD gets taken to jail, get new arms, go to jail to see whats up
>Scorch marks, dead body, RDs stuff all over the place, officer says RD exploded
>Grab his ID, its not a traitor ID, go check if he hid the fun one somewhere in sci
>Suddenly RD again
>Guy with captains armor shows up to blow me up with C4 again
>Crits and kills me this time
>MFW guy with captains armor was the real captain this whole time and RD just got the stuff off some traitor he killed
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DemonFiren » #376997

and to think there's people who want this shit gone

non-lizard things:
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Selea » #378140

I've set up dough production line for several times.
1 bot to take care of wheat.
1 bot to make dough.
1 to collect all the dough and shove it into specially built disposal ,which leads to kitchen.

And there wasn't any chef to use all this dough.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #378203

>Get HOPling using my secret exploit of the occupation system
>walk through halls
>suddenly get gibbed
>someone put shield generators on the halls and is randomly turning them on and off
> :salt:
This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Nabski » #378218

Xango wrote:>Get HOPling using my secret exploit of the occupation system
>walk through halls
>suddenly get gibbed
>someone put shield generators on the halls and is randomly turning them on and off
> :salt:
Had you given a scientist teleporter access slightly before that and it was right by botany on meta?

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by huehuehue » #378264

Xango wrote:>Get HOPling using my secret exploit of the occupation system
Xango wrote:secret exploit of the occupation system
Xango wrote:secret exploit
OwO what's this
feem wrote:wtf i like fwooshposts now
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #378272

Nabski wrote:
Xango wrote:>Get HOPling using my secret exploit of the occupation system
>walk through halls
>suddenly get gibbed
>someone put shield generators on the halls and is randomly turning them on and off
> :salt:
Had you given a scientist teleporter access slightly before that and it was right by botany on meta?

This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #378275

huehuehue wrote:
Xango wrote:>Get HOPling using my secret exploit of the occupation system
Xango wrote:secret exploit of the occupation system
Xango wrote:secret exploit
OwO what's this
It wouldn't be a secret exploit if I told you would it
This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Byond Username: Xango

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #378286

Happened a while ago but still worth sharing I guess

>work my ass off all shift as scientist to get rainbow
>finally get it
>some other scientist created a ton of gold slime monsters
>I scream for help to the HOS who just passed by xenobio
>arrests me
>I try to explain the situation but he beats me to crit
>then throws me outside of the brig in crit
>I die before I could even use the fucking mindswap potion in my inventory
>ahelp because I'm salty as shit
>"HOS didn't know I would die"
>admin tries to make it better by making me ling and teleporting me to the escape shuttle which has departed
>nothing but spiders on the shuttle
> :salt:
This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by bman » #378297

uh xango the popo are after you now good job
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #378315

bman wrote:uh xango the popo are after you now good job
the what are after me now
This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Byond Username: Evsey9

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by DrWoofington » #381873

>be chemist
>captain subverts AI because of some stupid valentine's heartbreak gimmick
>want to make skewium
>all doors shocked
>mime bursts into chem
>kills other chemist with fingerguns
>about to make rotatium...
>just gotta add some black powder...
>"Sparks fly all around the black powder!"
>"oh no"
>stand still in horror
>black powder explodes

fuck this
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by bman » #389168

>be wiz
>name self medusa
>trade with atlanta-ned
>he makes my flesh to stone robeless, on the condition i choose flesh to stone and ONLY flesh to stone as my spell
>he also gives me a ligger tongue
>go to station
>find assistant uniform and start turning assistants, engineers, and even security officers to statues
>hissSsSSSS into the radio momentarily
>people start demanding the shuttle among other shit
>eventually while running away from sec i bump into a lawyer and he offers to give me a trial
>let's make this meme golden
>go to court
>people come and sit down without trying to valid me
>door opens
>caroline dupont walks in with a flashbang
>seinfeld theme starts playing

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Byond Username: Xango

Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Xango » #392421

can we necro this thread please
This server is a rotting carcass and we are feasting on its remains
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Nabski » #392426

A 53 page thread is never truely dead.


I bought a traitor crate the other day and it had romerol, implants and a red hardsuit. I was the virologist with hijack the shuttle so zombie plague was kinda the only real answer here. Spent the first five minute braindead because reasons, whip up a deadly virus, get everything mixed and go to leave my lab when surprise surprise: Shuttle called due to lings. I guess that means I'll have to be a little more aggressive about this. The mix is giving people just enough to infect them and get them six, with a little extra toxin damage for good flavor. A few people manage to get cured and I get lynched and stomped right as the first set of zombies are raising from the grave. We have enough initial zombies starting all at once from medbay to wipe out anything that isn't a ling or blob but I decide to go try to take on the brig. Turns out you can gulag zombies with the console, and me and 5 others end up on lavaland for the rest of the shift because no-ones alive enough to move the shuttle.

The shuttle had two ERTs on it to prevent it from being boarded, and I got to play as a xenobiology megashark with fugugland. Not biting myself was an adventure, so I mostly just ate walls.
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by RiskySikh » #392522

>Be me
>Get assigned as Nuke Ops
>Lucky day as I played Traitor before
>Gets gear ready hyped and shit
>Goes into space
>Forgets oxygen tank
>Flies into space dying from lack of oxygen
>Commits Suicide
>Another Nuke Ops dies becasue he forgot internals
>50 percent of Nuke Ops die
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Deitus » #394772

>get malf ai
>chill for a while getting apc's
>decide fuck it ill meme
>announce to the crew that i have a gift that i'll leave in escape
>plop down an autoborger
>peanut gallery comes and looks but most dont care
>tell borgs to only stun/autoborg those who attack the machine
>validhunters get dunked
>hos and others come to my sat to try and kill me
>dunk em
>despite efforts autoborger is destroyed, but i got a good 5 or so borgs out of it
>borgbros and i repel a bunch more attacks while i eventually decide to just doomsday since they destroyed my gift
>repel more attackers as borgbros and i dance to captain jack
>suddenly hear teleport sound
>get weldered to death
>mfw lavaland miner pride mirror'd themself into a runic golem to nothin perssonel themselves into my sat
>RIP captain jack

somethingsomething NURF LABERLAN REEEe!!11!
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by MrAlphonzo » #400034

>Go Captain
>5 minutes in, hear talks about some guy running around with the spare ID
>I have both IDs
>I ask the HoP what happened
>"I accidentally put the ID on the table and he took it"
>Okay, breathe, breathe, he's raiding the brig, sec can take him down
>Sec could not take him down
>Too busy saving the nearly dead cops to bother fighting him
>Round two
>Back in the brig, knock him down
>He has adrenals, and the det's .38. He's out of ammo, though. Guess it's hand to hand once I get back up.
>Two other people show up
>They aren't helping
>It's three teamboning lings with traitor shit isn't it
>Yes, yes it is
>Witnessing this alone, gave me cancer
>Fake my own death, warden brings me back up
>Round three
>I get him down, lagspike hits and I slip on soap, warden gets him anyways while I get healed up
>Round four
>Three lings shooting up the brig
>Save the officers, and, once again, don't even get the chance to fight
>Round five
>In my quarters, I finally kill the fucking ling
>The AI locked me in
>I can't get out in time
>He comes back to life
>I'm dead
>AI was asimov
>Get lectured by the AI on silicon policy
>Lectured on silicon policy
>"Changelings count as human because they look human that's why I locked you in"
>"You're a former admin for a reason"
>Put me back in the bus
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by InsaneHyena » #400055

That's super rough.
Bring back papercult.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Kel-the-Oblivious » #400056

MrAlphonzo wrote: >"Changelings count as human because they look human that's why I locked you in"
What? No. Just no. I've crushed confirmed changelings with doors and didn't get so much as a bwoink before. That AI is a SHIT player, absolute shit. If you know they are a changeling, the AI is allowed to go full fucking murderboner on them. Normally it takes them sprouting an arm blade, or a borg confirming they just rose from the dead.
The master splicer, the bitch queen of mining, and some crazy ligger peddling you medicinal marijuana.
Super Aggro Crag wrote:Kel is a genuine Cool Oldfag
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Doctor Pork » #400072

Kel-the-Oblivious wrote:
MrAlphonzo wrote: >"Changelings count as human because they look human that's why I locked you in"
What? No. Just no. I've crushed confirmed changelings with doors and didn't get so much as a bwoink before. That AI is a SHIT player, absolute shit. If you know they are a changeling, the AI is allowed to go full fucking murderboner on them. Normally it takes them sprouting an arm blade, or a borg confirming they just rose from the dead.
yeah tbh if you can confirm ling then it shouldnt have been an issue
oranges wrote:pork, the nondescript, commoner king, literally so stealth you could just your normal name in OOC and nobody would know, long may he reign as the secret commander
Deitus wrote:If your signature is scrollable it's too long and fucking obnoxious and you should feel bad
Link to my feedback thread. Go there.
PKPenguin321 wrote:I've been had by yet another tg boondoggle
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by MrAlphonzo » #400142

>Spyroshark teaches me how to properly loot the pirateship battle
>Spend like 15 minutes fighting all the pirates and gathering all the loot
>Loot it
>Get back to the station
>Get all access
>Haul the crate full of guns to the brig
>Dreamseeker crashes
>In the middle of central hallway
>During a cult round where they're going loud and winning
>Carrying a crate full of the most powerful guns you can find in the game
>With all access
>My client chooses to crash right then and there
>in the middle of central
>during cult
>Reconnect right when I'm getting restrained just to put salt in the wound
>Spyroshark, of all people, is the cultist that's capturing me
>Just why
wesoda25 wrote: i love alphonzo and he can be a lot of fun but bro you need to get laid come on
oranges wrote:
Misdoubtful wrote:We're all friends here.
What fucking planet are you living on
oranges wrote: i'm not taking advice from a bottom bitch
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by legoscape » #400929

>Is cargo tech.
>Is traitor.
>Grabs the good old' e-sword and bow.
>Runs around cutting down three-quarters of the station.
>Kills HOP and gets all access.
>Gives clown all access, Honk.
>Runs into brig and kills four heavily armed crew members at the same time.
>Clown attacks me.
>Cuts the head off of the clown and burns his body.
>Runs into medbay to stop cloner
>Gets shot by Naked Dick McGee with his trusty .38.
>Stuns me with his .38
>Crew sees me weak and vulnerable.
>Kills me.
>Rd takes my body and stuffs it into the locker.
>Shuttle Arrives, Ce traitor bombs the 99% of the remaining crew.
>Mfw I get killed by Dick McGee
mfw.PNG (80.42 KiB) Viewed 15775 times
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by InsaneHyena » #400992

I've thought you were rightfully perma'd.
Bring back papercult.

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Nilons » #400999

InsaneHyena wrote:I've thought you were rightfully perma'd.
Hes apparently unbanned but hes still a massive shitter
I play Ostrava of Nanotrasen (good name) and Rolls-The-Bones (Crag Given name god bless)
Signature Memes

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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by SpaceInaba » #401059

>be me
>spending all my time saving the failing SM as lings keep breaking shit
>scientist is trying to kill/steal me
>borg drags me off to gateway
>gateway is ok nobody tries to kill me
>time passes, asher kills people in the hallways on stims and I cant really stop him
>I finally fully salvage the sm
>rd found me and is beating me with a wrench
>its erwin snowden the smartest box of rocks on station
>he drags me to robotics
>why did you ruin xenobio
>cards me
>"looks like I'm gonna have to grind you"
>takes me to his office
>scream for help over silicon channels
>borg comes in with the cluch and bucklecuffs him to a chair
I want to die
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by huehuehue » #401183

SpaceInaba wrote:>be me
>spending all my time saving the failing SM as lings keep breaking shit
>scientist is trying to kill/steal me
>borg drags me off to gateway
>gateway is ok nobody tries to kill me
>time passes, asher kills people in the hallways on stims and I cant really stop him
>I finally fully salvage the sm
>rd found me and is beating me with a wrench
>its erwin snowden the smartest box of rocks on station
>he drags me to robotics
>why did you ruin xenobio
>cards me
>"looks like I'm gonna have to grind you"
>takes me to his office
>scream for help over silicon channels
>borg comes in with the cluch and bucklecuffs him to a chair
I want to die
please tell me that guy was a traitor
otherwise he is a true brainlet
feem wrote:wtf i like fwooshposts now
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Deitus » #401636

>chillin in discord
>round on sybil ends so people start talking about it
>one person notes how they were bwoinked for removing a person's cat ears
>person who had cat ears removed said it wasnt them and they were wearing them ironically
>turns out the ahelp came from a bystander that had nothing to do with the situation

why are catpeople and catpeople sympathizers such absolute faggots?
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by cinder1992 » #401680

> Playing sec
> Shit goes down, end up having to evac
> Sec piles into sec pod
> A wild engineer appears!
> He got into sec by deconstructing the exterior airlock in the pod bay
> Tries to enter pod
> HoS: "Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, Your stolen goods are now forfeit!"
> HoS harmbatons engineer, who's the only person in a 50 foot radius in a hardsuit.
> Did I mention the hole in the wall? And the unconsious engineer holding open the pod door?
> ALL of sec, detective included, are screaming for the HoS to stop and close the pod door
> Hos doesn't listen, kills engineer, engineer's body wedges door open
> Air peaces out like it do when there's a hole in the wall.
> Everyone in pod dies, including Hos
> Pod arrives at centcom, just a pile of bodies and extreme :salt: in deadchat.
> Dead Engineer: "Maybe I should have constructed an external airlock first"

who was at fault, the HoS or the engie?
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Re: Stories of rage, tears and regret

Post by Doctor Pork » #401690

cinder1992 wrote:> Playing sec
> Shit goes down, end up having to evac
> Sec piles into sec pod
> A wild engineer appears!
> He got into sec by deconstructing the exterior airlock in the pod bay
> Tries to enter pod
> HoS: "Stop right there criminal scum, pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, Your stolen goods are now forfeit!"
> HoS harmbatons engineer, who's the only person in a 50 foot radius in a hardsuit.
> Did I mention the hole in the wall? And the unconsious engineer holding open the pod door?
> ALL of sec, detective included, are screaming for the HoS to stop and close the pod door
> Hos doesn't listen, kills engineer, engineer's body wedges door open
> Air peaces out like it do when there's a hole in the wall.
> Everyone in pod dies, including Hos
> Pod arrives at centcom, just a pile of bodies and extreme :salt: in deadchat.
> Dead Engineer: "Maybe I should have constructed an external airlock first"

who was at fault, the HoS or the engie?

Edit: nope just the hos I change my answer
oranges wrote:pork, the nondescript, commoner king, literally so stealth you could just your normal name in OOC and nobody would know, long may he reign as the secret commander
Deitus wrote:If your signature is scrollable it's too long and fucking obnoxious and you should feel bad
Link to my feedback thread. Go there.
PKPenguin321 wrote:I've been had by yet another tg boondoggle
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