CosmicScientist wrote:I sort of want to hear some Dutch news actually, Amsterdam sounds nice this time of year.
Then a small selection of Dutch news ... rland.html
"EA warned for misleading lootbox-commercials in Netherlands"
-Advert for lootboxes in Fifa no longer allowed
-EA can appeal and go to a higher court
-Commercial implied that you'd get a super-rare player if you bought a box now, but never outright said it
-Dutch governmental watchdog for misleading commercials is slamming EA
-Small note at the end about lootboxes being gambling. But also not gambling. Because they've not publicly told anyone what the legal definition of gambling is in this country when it comes to lootboxes and have only told the devs of offending games to change it if it actually does count as gambling
-EA insists lootboxes aren't gambling though ... icken.html
"Dangerous bacteria found in 'pulled chicken' sandwich
-Said sandwich is found in most major supermarkets
-The factory where it's made has alerted supermarkets about this, and they've passed it on
-Supermarkets have removed the offending sandwich from the shelves
-Should you have this sandwich of this specific production run that was bad, throw it out and send the package to the factory for a full refund ... allen.html
"Police plans to arrest 12 for DDoS attacks"
-Most didn't happen yet, they're just planning it
-One has been arrested
-He was an idiot who went on a police-run not-even-deepweb website that claimed to sell DDoS attacks and bought one ... vrees.html
"Almost 1 in 4 students has 'exam-fear'(Dutch term)"
-Examfear basically is being afraid or anxious about possibly failing your exams to the point that it causes physical problems or intervenes with your ability to actually do the exams
-Article starts with 'Judgement: We dont know if they do'
-Explains its sources for the original claim of 24% being afraid and links them
-Gives a very basic intro to what it is
-Are there more cases than there used to be?
-No, we're not sure about that either
-Conclusion: We really haven't got a clue
There is a serious deficiency of reliable Dutch news, and every single fucking news site or program is incredibly biased or agenda pushing.
I've found this one with a google but I can't say I know what direction it's biased to just yet