The steam vents conceals everything so its impossible to know which have been cleared, and you don't clear vents in "one hit" theyre pretty damn tanky.
Also I only advocate where advocacy is needed - there's a lot I don't like about cult gameplay either.
I'll also repeat what I've pitched before:
1) Remove or massively nerf gazer income. Nerf can be a flat reduction or something that reduces gazer income based on the # of nearby gazers.
2) Buff cog income
3) Limit CC teleportation to a few chiefly public places. Central halls, dorms, bathrooms, maint.
4) Integration cogs will slowly "spread" their corruption to a nearby APC. In turn that APC wlll spread it corruption to another nearby APC while the original goes "dormant" (continues to feed power but doesn't spread).
5) Aside from the public spots mentioned in #3, CC will be able to teleport to places where the APC has been corrupted.
Aside from making power generation sane, it would also move us away from the warcult meta.
@Qbopper: Plenty of people do, but this isn't the forum for "people who like things". I prefer conversion rounds because they never play out the same way twice and conversion gives us wide-scale conflict that traitorling typically doesn't. This was our poll last summer when Clockcult was in its death throes: ... p?poll=169