Bottom post of the previous page:
Xhuis take time to read what I post man.I said there would be a CV (construction value) limit per lane so that CC defenses would have to be split evenly.
Power needs to have strategic coherence. Right now it simply doesn't. You grab a space suit (almost effortless) and then dump a bunch of stargazers way off station where nobody will find them.
Power should be a resource, gathering and managing it SHOULD matter. When you just act like cancerous cheese strats are all part of the master plan it makes it seem like you have no plan at all. Why not just give the cult infinite power (or just remove the mechanic) if you think it should just be there as a joke to fuck over people who don't abuse it. Because that's the current divide. Either you cheese power with gazer spam in space and have 300k or you try to "play as intended" and have 10k when the crew shows up.
I wanted you to pull this off given what contributors have to go through to get big shit done around here, but then you quickly resort to shit talking a mode I never asked to have back and never finished work on because of coderbus politics (something you should relate to). Gang in poor form when it got removed and I made several critical QOL improvements (no more wallspam, a reasonable influence system).
Then I added a bunch of stuff with the intent of going to no-security version (something Kor strongly believes in) only to get cockblocked because that version took an extraordinary amount of work, was difficult to get tested, and was actively sabotaged by two maintainers and a headmin - when I finally started getting a no-sec version in good shape the server poll shows 2/3'rds in favor of keeping Gang War but they were split between wanting a "classic" version with the new features and a "vigilante" no security version. I tried to weight the mode about 50/50 with each version but neither side was satisfied with that compromise so I just gave up and took a break. The mode was half-finished and it showed, dozens of bugs and several major imbalances were all addressed in my final PR but it was never merged, we got a summer with an unfinished mode, and after I was gone support dipped from 2/3rds to under half, which makes perfect sense - even I couldn't stand playing the incomplete version and wanted it gone until there would be a serious effort to have it updated.
This was all because PKP brought gang back, I was bored and I felt it had potential, and nobody else wanted to touch it. Bloodcult has been my passion for almost 2 years now and it's been one of the SS13 classics, brought back from the dead and its now solidly within my top 3 favorite modes. Aside from Warops it's the only successful mode update we've seen for several years.
I want CC to succeed too but for some reason you want to make this personal. It's got huge issues but Kor has handed you the reins and instead of being proactive you're sitting here trying to balm your ego. The only balance changes you've made in the past 2 weeks were things I explicitly told you to change. It's frustrating playing this mode every day knowing that you have no interest in some of the most appallingly unfun aspects. CC without some serious attention is going to take the exact same trajectory that Gang did when I abandoned it, RIP in Peace.