Byond account and character name: Douk, Brody Mason
Banning admin: Ikkarus
Ban reason and length: 1440 min
Time ban was placed (including time zone): 1:50AM CST, 9/28/14
Your side of the story: Was playing detective that round, and managed to out 2 traitors, as well as attempting to pursue a third (Dee Hawking). The shuttle arrives, and I board along with everyone else, dancing around the hulks who are destroying every piece of glass they can find. Among the crowd though, I spot someone with a black jumpsuit, hat, and gas mask: it's Dee Hawking. I run in after them, but they flee past the crowds faster than I can until they are on the other side of the shuttle. At this point, they switch IDs, which I might not have caught them doing was I not wearing thermal goggles. I run over and try to investigate, try and get them to speak (now under the name Osama bin Aladdin). I try and get them to speak, which they do, but they will not take the mask off, willingly or by force. Can't use my revolver in such a confined space, but I do eventually get some cable cuffs on them and try and drag them to brig for a clean search and questioning. Just one problem: the officers inside brig are not responding (probably went braindead) and I don't have access to that door. Between this, trying to contain my prisoner due to random transitions into hulk form, and the HoS being too busy to deal with me down in the medbay area, I'm left with only a few seconds left in the round before we dock at Centcomm. We at this point know that Dee Hawking was a traitor, and I knew that the person I held was under that alias, and needed to be removed before they docked at centcomm with a victory. In the final seconds of our flight, I space my prisoner as an absolute last resort.
Round-end greentext for Dee Hawking. Apparently they were still on the shuttle in a different disguise, but Osama decided to pull that alias anyways despite the risk. A bit of a redface moment for me that I was expecting to get an ahelp about, but before any explainations can be made: instant ban.
Why you think you should be unbanned: While I suppose an execution was not authorized, the fact that the rest of the security force was basically non-responsive and there was not enough time for any other action, there was no other choice to remove a traitor. While Osama proved not to have been the person in question, we did know that the alias of Dee Hawking was that of a confirmed traitor. That could have been Dee as the actual person, or Dee as a disguise that the true murderer took from their victim. When this is the first time we see Dee appear in a while, and there's an attempt at switching identities again upon security inquiry, that's obviously raising red flags all over the place.
[Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimination
- Douk
- Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 7:39 pm
- Byond Username: Douk
- Ikarrus
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Re: [Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimina
You did not have the confirmation nor the authorization and still opted for a last minute call which turned out to be wrong. For what reason? Just to stop someone from getting green text at all costs? What happened here was unacceptable. I'm sorry but the ban is going to run it's course.
3. This is a roleplaying game. The purpose of the game is to have fun roleplaying. Being an asshole, who ruins other player’s roleplay experience, just to win, is considered a ‘play-to-win’ style of playing. You can and will be banned for this playstyle. Be considerate of other players’ experience.
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- Douk
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Re: [Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimina
I'm sorry to say, but if gameplay and roleplay are as reflective as the rules often suggest, than my actions were justified.
If you have a problem with the fact that such circumstances would lead to a deadly outcome like this, then I suggest you deal with the issue of cuffed and dragged prisoners not being considered "apprehended" when on the shuttle. Maybe it's because they will easily escape once they reach Centcomm. Maybe it's because Centcomm has stricter policies on prisoner management in such a way that they don't tolerate them not being held in a secure area when arriving. Who knows, but the whole game and it's RP is based on assumptions like this which are rooted in the game's own rules layed out before the round even begins. It's not play to win when you operate within the given mechanics of the game in such a way that fits the tone of the IC interactions. Dumping him out the shuttle doors was CLEARLY not a first option, but a last resort in accordance with server security policy.
So we have a dangerous criminal on the shuttle, one that we know has committed murder and could lash out in any number of ways. Only after a struggle is this criminal subdued, and because the mechanics of the game shape the RP, simply having a traitor cuffed when they are wheeled into Centcomm is unacceptable. They either need to be dead, stranded on the station for the later recovery crews to deal with, or secured in the shuttle brig. There is no middle ground, and as a member of the security force, I have to abide by such regulations.Security reserve the right to carry out executions, without authorization, in the case of potential significant risk or extraordinary circumstances.
I see a painful amount of hindsight in this comment, which you as an admin should be well aware is only half of a story. If someone decides to disguise as a known traitor, then they accept burden of their disguise if they are caught, unless they can absolutely prove their innocence to the contrary. If someone decides to bloody themselves up with self harm and run around with an esword they swiped off a dead traitor, they have no right to complain when security comes down on them like a hammer. There is no way they could be unaware of the implications that it would have on onlookers, and are accepting the fact that they are going to be branded a traitor for it. Same case here, especially when an attempt at fleeing was made.Ikarrus wrote:opted for a last minute call which turned out to be wrong.
If you have a problem with the fact that such circumstances would lead to a deadly outcome like this, then I suggest you deal with the issue of cuffed and dragged prisoners not being considered "apprehended" when on the shuttle. Maybe it's because they will easily escape once they reach Centcomm. Maybe it's because Centcomm has stricter policies on prisoner management in such a way that they don't tolerate them not being held in a secure area when arriving. Who knows, but the whole game and it's RP is based on assumptions like this which are rooted in the game's own rules layed out before the round even begins. It's not play to win when you operate within the given mechanics of the game in such a way that fits the tone of the IC interactions. Dumping him out the shuttle doors was CLEARLY not a first option, but a last resort in accordance with server security policy.
- Ikarrus
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Re: [Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimina
Sorry, I don't consider "Because the antagonist might win because the metaround is going to end soon" to be an extraordinary circumstance that requires you to summarily execute someone without authorization. That line is referring more to a threat of a massive loss of life or damage to the station.
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- Douk
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Re: [Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimina
Then perhaps you may wish to specify in the rules themselves. The current definitions are vague at best, and leave a lot of room for admins to arbitrarily pass judgements as to what's acceptable and what's not after the fact to justify a ban.Ikarrus wrote:That line is referring more to a threat of a massive loss of life or damage to the station.
On top of that, since you enjoy throwing around IC consideration for actions, leaving a non-secure traitor in the middle of the main shuttle IS a threat on it's own for the new arrivals and for Centcomm. Additionally, due to the disease that was whirling around the escape shuttle, my captive was repeatedly turning into a hulk and attempting to escape every time. Given the fact that there was increasingly less movement space to continue dragging him to prevent him from breaking the cable cuffs, he was going to get out.
- Ikarrus
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Re: [Ikkarus] Brody Mason - Say Dee For Die or Autoincrimina
The ban has expired, if you still have an issue with the way it was carried out please file a complaint.
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