Bottom post of the previous page:
You mean JLP, Kevin and literally whoever else.Alipheese wrote:>not franz, kevinz and rinkevinz000 wrote:OOC: Francinum: There are three types of HoS
OOC: Francinum: Adolf Hitler, Police Chief, and Kevinz
Bottom post of the previous page:
You mean JLP, Kevin and literally whoever else.Alipheese wrote:>not franz, kevinz and rinkevinz000 wrote:OOC: Francinum: There are three types of HoS
OOC: Francinum: Adolf Hitler, Police Chief, and Kevinz
This is the memorable quotes thread not the incorrect statements threadkevinz000 wrote:[21:33] <+KorPhaeron> mekhi is pure
My current favourite wayto root out valid hunters is with the Syndicate Trader 'event'. Here's an 'npc' that trades rare goods for generally, cash only; so right off the bat it's not easy to get a lot of stuff, and weapons are very expensive. Most often, people end up walking away with a Mulligan, a syndie dufflebag, cigarettes or if they scrounge enough, a stetchkin without extra ammo. (which is acquirable elsewhere).DemonFiren wrote:Ah, the cancer that is killing /tg/.
Please, a macrobomb and a few syndiecores in their backpack. Nobody gets the goods.DemonFiren wrote:You are giving the trader a macrobomb implant just in case, right?
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: ↑Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please.![]()
so a murderous traitors good to go, rightkevinz000 wrote:[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
Read security policy discussion thread for full storyIcePacks wrote:so a murderous traitors good to go, rightkevinz000 wrote:[10:32:05]SAY: Hawk Blackman/Dart Cartier : When the law gives you grounds to kill, only a traitor would not kill.
I thought I was a shitty validhunter.
tl;dr ran into science just to shoot a golem doing science and nearly executed them but I stopped them, gigantic piece of shit who should not be allowed anywhere near security or the servers.IcePacks wrote:i don't have the time to scroll through malkevin idealogically masturbating to facism can you give me the abridged version
there is literally no other way this could endMimicFaux wrote:Shenzi Brouwers is trying to put handcuffs on Santa Claus!
No fun allowed.
this angers me in many waysKjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
I know, right?Armhulen wrote:this angers me in many waysKjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
IS IT [MODE TYPE HERE]Armhulen wrote:this angers me in many waysKjolstet wrote:Bredden Butter says, "Come"
Aiden says, "How do i konw your not one of them"
Bredden Butter says, "I'm the CE retard"
Aiden says, "And"
Bredden Butter says, "CE is a head"
Bredden Butter says, "CE cant be rev"
Aiden says, "You can be the rev head"
I laughed so hard I had to stop playing for a bit and during the same round I hastily created this:[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift was pretty long"
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift hasbeen about an hour and five minutes"
[Common] Braids Grenades says, "AN HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES HE SAYS"
PKPenguin321 wrote:So this one is actually memorable because I have it memorized completely and it's one of my personal favorite Lauser moments. It requires some context.
It was a rev round and I was an assistant that got converted. I quickly built a baseball bat from wood in the library and saw the captain alone in the kitchen trying to cook. I hopped the desk and assured him I was a professional chef and announced a cooking show over the radio. I was completely bullshiting and improvising, and was planning on beating the captain over the head with the bat as soon as he started to even remotely believe it. I placed the bat on the table to calm his nerves and carefully made a bun. At this point a crowd had formed at the desk to watch my cooking show so the pressure was high. I started getting nervous once the warden and some sec officers showed up to watch the commotion and put the bun on top of the bat on the table, and declared the brilliant new invention: The home run baseball burger. The captain was confused and as he started to question my hastily improvised weapon, I quickly grabbed the bat and beat the shit out of him in front of most of sec and other various crew.
I narrowly survived a horrible beating from the captain's sword and sec's everything, and much later in the round this exchange happenedI laughed so hard I had to stop playing for a bit and during the same round I hastily created this:[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift was pretty long"
[Common] Lauser McMauligan says, "This shift hasbeen about an hour and five minutes"
[Common] Braids Grenades says, "AN HOUR AND FIVE MINUTES HE SAYS"
It's seriously one of my fondest memories of this game because I just can't deal with the absolute absurdity of a professional cooking show just being a guy putting a bat on a bun and beating up the confused onlooker
I love this game
honkconfused rock wrote:This is how to be funny on spacemens, not saying honk over and over
honkDemonFiren wrote:honkconfused rock wrote:This is how to be funny on spacemens, not saying honk over and over
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
confused rock wrote:DemonFiren wrote:>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Yeah...that's the only reason he should be deadminedArmhulen wrote:confused rock wrote:DemonFiren wrote:>posting your own quotes
deadmin already
Super Aggro Crag wrote: The best shitpost youll ever be responsible for will be your obituary.
Quality debate brought to you by ColonicAcid wrote:imagine having this little empathy
do you have autism bud? does your brain not see these people as humans? are they just a faceless statistic to you?
context: i told OOC to ahelp "MEKHI GET ON THE TABLE" if they wanted mekhi to fuck a table
lifting shadow's forum ban was a good idea and you cannot denyShadowDimentio wrote:Nobody plays sec because it's a thankless job. The only reason I play it is because I've managed to create a opioid-like drug extracted from the salty tears of dunked antags, and am addicted.
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