Juniper Breeze says, "oh man..."
Shame Pug barks, "Look at you."
Juniper Breeze says, "You're making me feel like shit."
Shame Pug barks, "Good."
Shame Pug barks, "I'm a shame pug"
Juniper Breeze says, "Fuck..."
Shame Pug woofs, "breaking and entering"
Juniper Breeze asks, "I'll... I'll fix it. Will that make this better?"
Shame Pug woofs, "this is like deja vu or some shit"
Juniper Breeze says, "Fuck..."
Juniper Breeze says, "Lemme fix it. We can be cool, man."
Shame Pug glares at Juniper in shame.
Juniper Breeze knocks on the reinforced window.
Juniper Breeze knocks on the reinforced window.
Shame Pug barks, "Sad"
Shame Pug barks, "Sad Sad"
Juniper Breeze asks, "Why am I so bad!?"
Shame Pug barks, "Stealing the ID at shift start"
Shame Pug woofs, "shameful"
Juniper Breeze exclaims, "I just wanted to be a hero!"
Juniper Breeze says, "I just..."
Juniper Breeze sniffles.
Juniper Breeze says, "I just wanted to be a hero... Pug."
Shame Pug barks, "ew"
Shame Pug barks, "you ate the meta meat"
Juniper Breeze exclaims, "I deserved that!"
Shame Pug woofs, "thats been up so many filthy butts"
Shame Pug barks, "gross"
Juniper Breeze says, "I am a butt."
Shame Pug woofs, "have fun with ecoli"
Juniper Breeze says, "My ecoli is the ecoli of sha- Oh my gosh you are adorable when you chase your tail..."
Shame Pug woofs, "Stop dodging the conversation"
Shame Pug barks, "SHAMEFUL"
Shame Pug barks, "I AM A SHAME PUG"
Juniper Breeze says, "So..."
Juniper Breeze says, "I guess I'll just go... Not set up the engine with my access, I guess."
Juniper Breeze says, "Listen pugsly."
Shame Pug woofs, "and your hair looks like snot."
Shame Pug woofs, "GET THE KELATONE"
Juniper Breeze says, "That's pretty fair."
Juniper Breeze asks, "Are you in my mind or are you real?"
Shame Pug barks, "uh"
Shame Pug woofs, "real?"
Shame Pug barks, "maybe?"
Juniper Breeze says, "Oh, good..."
Juniper Breeze says, "Mind if I uh..."
Juniper Breeze asks, "Can I give you a cuddle?"
Shame Pug woofs, "Look lady, I'm not interested in sexual favors"
Juniper Breeze exclaims, "Oh, hey, no!"
Juniper Breeze says, "I didn't mean uh... Well..."
Juniper Breeze says, "I don't think this station even has peanut butter."
Shame Pug barks, "what"
Shame Pug barks, "the actual"
Shame Pug barks, "fuck"
Juniper Breeze asks, "I know, right?"
Shame Pug woofs, "you know"
Juniper Breeze says, "No fucking peanut butter."
Shame Pug woofs, "that comment"
Shame Pug barks, "nope"
Shame Pug woofs, "go ahead and steal the ID"
Shame Pug barks, "I am fucking out"
Juniper Breeze asks, "Oh man, really?"
Shame Pug woofs, "I can't even"
Juniper Breeze asks, "I can do that?"
Shame Pug barks, "Peanut butter..."
Shame Pug barks, "what the fuck"
Shame Pug barks, "is wrong with you."
Shame Pug woofs, "That is so messed up, have fun with the access"
Shame pug fades from existence
Juniper Breeze says, "Someone once put mentally retarded dick allergic lesbian on my medical record."
Juniper Breeze says, "They weren't too far off, I think."
Juniper Breeze [145.9] says, "Guys..."
Juniper Breeze [145.9] says, "I think I'm fucked up in the head..."
Zeke Matthews [145.9] asks, "Howso?"
Juniper Breeze [145.9] says, "Like... Seriously. I'm getting judged by a pug."
Jonah Gray asks, "Nothing a nice cold drink won't fix, right Junpier?"
ADMIN LOG: DirectNarrate: to (Juniper Breeze): The shame pug fades from reality at your peanut butter comments.