Jembo wrote:I'm completely okay with Flashbangs being a screen wide AoE stun. But I'm completely against sec having complete immunity to them. But as it stands, the weapon is too powerful with no negatives to using it. The alternatives that have been suggested in the thread in how to change flashbangs would also still deal with those large groups of people. I'm not trying to get them removed, I'm trying to get them adjusted to be more than just a one push, you win button.
If you give something too large a downside (i.e. flashbangs have friendly fire) you may as well remove them, because no sec officer is going to use a flashbang that flashbangs him as well as his coworkers. In the game of stuns, you don't win by self stunning.
The suggestions thus far have been,
-Reduce the amount on station.
I wouldn't be wholly opposed to this one *if* more can be obtained elsewhere, preferably cargo as opposed to chemistry. Otherwise there'll be a high temptation from antags/greytiders to steal the limited supply of flashbangs to stop their use against them.
-Change the stun, to a blind, slow, and dizzy drunk like effect.
I'd have to see this one in action to really comment either way. My feeling is that even with a slow, the reaction will be much the same as it is with the AoE use of the flash, where people will mash movement in any direction to avoid the follow up tazer/baton, but this is one I'd be interested to see testmerged and see how it shakes out.
-Let flashbangs run the risk of friendly fire by removing sec immunity to them.
As above, this is as bad as removing them in my opinion, no one will use flashbangs when they have high potential of fucking not only yourself, but your "teammates"
-Buff Teargas, and pepper spray to actually be worth a damn to counter any nerfs to flashbangs.
Teargas as presently stands is quite powerful, but its more a dispersal then a control effect, since the obscuring effect of teargas makes it not as useful for subduing someone you want to bring in. Might work with some ghetto version of thermals for Sec that sees through smoke but not dense objects like walls/etc.
Not certain on pepper spray, but I believe all you need to counter it is internals, which makes it kinda questionable as a subject of buffs, as internals are extremely common.
Also if you're having issues with assistants disarm spamming you, use one of the many options available pepperspray, flash, beepsky.[/quote]