Bottom post of the previous page:
Lies and statisticsSame thing, really
It was mostly the media interpreting things wrong. You may say polls are not that much off, but many polls were reported as if Texas would be a battleground state and Trump had no chance even at the most favourable of error margins in many swing states. Regardless of intent, thanks to the media many have lost faith in these polls. Just like with Brexit. Blame the tool when the user makes a mistake
I could go into detail with things, but yeah. You are correct on pretty much all of that. It is within the margins of many polls, and the media pretty much decided to fuck it all up.
Oversampling things is a legit way to find out, for example, how a minority feels about it by oversampling them. Or one could oversample to make it more closely fit the population(Such as a california poll oversampling democrats. It makes sense not to 1:1 them in places where they aren't present 1:1. But you can't take such a poll as being representative of the whole country like the media was doing in places)