Stuff To Do

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Remie Richards
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by Remie Richards » #221337

Bottom post of the previous page:

Steelpoint wrote:Don't most 'races' just use Human clothing to begin with?

Based on my extremely limited spriting but doing a large set of sprites for fat clothing would seem to be a highly time consuming task, not necessarily difficult but still a big time sink.

If someone were prepared to do all that spriting work and then upload those sprites, that would go a long way to having the fat sprite feature added.
species torsos would need fat forms, but yes clothing is p.much universal.
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by Lumbermancer » #221338

But if they were removed once already, they could be removed again if need be, right? You only lose if you do nothing.

I think fatsprites would positively affect game flow as well. If sugary vendor/pokkit food made you fat faster, Chef and Botany would become more valued and by extension more enjoyable to play.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Chowder McArthor
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by Chowder McArthor » #221492

Does TG still have that thing where if you eat a mint while fat, it gibs you?
I like to code. PM me if you'd like to talk - I like to talk.
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by PKPenguin321 » #221529

i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by oranges » #221637

Lumbermancer wrote:But if they were removed once already, they could be removed again if need be, right? You only lose if you do nothing.

I think fatsprites would positively affect game flow as well. If sugary vendor/pokkit food made you fat faster, Chef and Botany would become more valued and by extension more enjoyable to play.
literally all still happens, you just don't look fat, despite being fat and having all the downsides of being fat.
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Re: Stuff To Do

Post by Isane » #221654

The autoloom thing sounds wonderful, if it lets me make some of the clothing you can't get anywhere.
The cheerleader outfit seems fun as well, fund it.
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