Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

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Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DrPillzRedux » #219107

Dungeon of the Endless is a single and multiplayer dungeon crawler roguelike permadeath etc. Up to 4 people try to get through an increasingly difficult dungeon. You must manage resources to build towers, defenses, research items and weapons, and level up your character. Can you make it to the end?


It's a great fucking game for $3. At launch it had severe multiplayer issues which have since been fixed.

Here's some tips.

- Enemies spawn in unpowered rooms each time you open a door. If someone stands in an unpowered room, enemies won't spawn.
- To unlock new characters you must find them in the dungeon, recruit them, and keep them alive through 3 floors.
- Have one person manage industry and science. Give your resources to them.
- Use food to heal if needed. Press the green medic icon on your character emblem.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
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a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by captain sawrge » #219108

This game is pretty cool. The multiplayer can sometimes get kind of screwy but in the latest versions it's usually pretty stable.

It's hard as balls though and kinda poorly documented. Fun to play with a couple friends assuming they have the patience to play what is essentially a turn-based tower defense.
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DrPillzRedux » #219117

Oh yeah forgot to say how each floor works.

>start game in first room of floor, which has a crystal you must protect during the floor
>open doors trying to find the exit
>when you find it you have one person slowly carry the crystal to the exit to activate it
>this causes all unopened doors to open, continuously spawning infinite enemies from unpowered rooms until the crystal is at the exit

I also forgot to mention that the soundtrack is spectacular. The game over theme is one of the most depressing I've heard since often you'll spend hours planning this shit out, get close to the end, then lose.

thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by onleavedontatme » #219121

Fun game, never actually tried it singleplayer though.
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DemonFiren » #219139

Fuck me, I'm following a Pillz recommendation.

This game better have lizards.

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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DrPillzRedux » #219141

It does have a ligger unfortunately, but she's dlc.

thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DemonFiren » #219145

50 cents for a lizard.
Perfectly acceptable.

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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by Lumbermancer » #219149

I have 6 hours on Steam and I don't think I've ever finished a single run. I found it to be too schematic for my tastes.

-Find exit. Not even explore. You want to movie in a straight path to not fuck yourself over later, especially on lower levels.
-Build buildings, chiefly resource gathering ones. Make sure to count how many turns you have left so you won't overdo it!
-Build turrits along the escape route.
-Take your worse combat character to move the power crystal to the exit, as you shuffle behind him fending off monsters.
-Rinse and repeat.

Somewhat of a disappointment.
aka Schlomo Gaskin aka Guru Meditation aka Copyright Alright aka Topkek McHonk aka Le Rouge
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by DemonFiren » #219171

Oh great.
This thing tracks my deaths.
Time to uninstall and reinstall every time I lose a hero.

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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by onleavedontatme » #219185

I don't think I've ever finished a single run.
-Find exit. Not even explore. You want to movie in a straight path to not fuck yourself over later, especially on lower levels.
This might be why. You very much need to explore if you want to get enough resources to finish the game.

It is kinda formulaic though, it's why we stopped after we beat it a couple times.
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by ManyBones » #219594

Kor wrote:
I don't think I've ever finished a single run.
-Find exit. Not even explore. You want to movie in a straight path to not fuck yourself over later, especially on lower levels.
This might be why. You very much need to explore if you want to get enough resources to finish the game.

It is kinda formulaic though, it's why we stopped after we beat it a couple times.
Yep. As Kor says you need to explore the enterity of the floor to get cool loot, research done, and the most of your buildings. You should only get out early if you think that you have too many rooms unpowered in later levels.

And this game is awesome, I was running out of roguelikes lately and needed it
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Re: Dungeon of the Endless - It's $3, just get it

Post by dezzmont » #219644

Some advice from someone who has beaten it a few times:

You honestly should explore even if you are going to have a lot of unpowered rooms. If you manage your shit properly it is easy to survive the onslaught. Most people are just very timid early on with their resources and it screws them later when they fall behind. You need to spam industry really hard during the first and second floors, you need to get to the point where industry is so abundant you can just constantly build very early to stand a chance. Industry feeds into all of the other resources. Each floor is bigger than the last, but the first floor is often surprisingly big and you can get away with building anywhere from 3-4 industry modules depending on layout, though sometimes you get stuck with only 2. It doesn't matter as long as you can learn to get a feel for how much time you have left. Always place industry first, maybe even twice, and then food and science. Science is more important than food but you generally need less of it, having enough to constantly research any time there is an open artifact is critical but after that you only need enough to re-roll the artifact. Basically if you can't build on every module slot and research 100% of the time by the 3rd or 4th floor you messed up and are going to be playing catch up.

You have 4 general types of characters: Pointmen who can move fast to open a door and scram back to safety, defenders who can hold a chokepoint better than a room with 20 turrets as long as they have good support modules, operators who boost resources as well as providing utility effects either globally or to the room they are in to act as a seperate lower impact chokepoint, and support characters who are not fast enough to be the pointman, can't defend as hard as a pointman, and don't have operation early or the ability to boost the defense of their room or globally.

Every comp needs at least 1 defender. You should always explore in a way that allows you to create a really strong chokepoint that all rooms will filter into, especially in the first half of the floors. Later on your defenses get so strong that a few rooms that are defended only by modules is fine, but you need a defender taking the brunt of the assault. Pointmen are extremely useful because eventually it becomes impossible to filter perfectly, so you need someone who can zip to a room to protect a major module, and they often have some good support abilities that help the team later in the game when they stop being able to hold chokepoints. They also tend to handle the science points because they can move around at will, but are directed by whoever is handling the industry, which is probably the operator. The operator is in most team comps simply because extra resources are nice and an extra static defender helpful. They almost always manage industry because otherwise the role gets crazy boring. Support types are strictly optional, and generally are selected based on need.

You should attempt to research bio-organic transference module at all costs. It is the most important module in the game, as it basically determines if having a chokepoint will be viable at all. Teargas is another critical support module. The Claymoar mine is the preferred offensive module, but prisoner pods are also important and will be used throughout the game to round out defenses and weaken enemies moving through powered rooms. If you can't obtain a Claymoar a tesla, smoking gun, or KIP is also a decent substitute, and KIP becomes very strong if you find it early and plan your game around it. Place Bio-transfer modules and a dust field generator on the front lines surrounded by Claymoars to support your defender, and scatter some claymoars around your other areas while filling out any area monsters are going to travel through with prisoner prods. Prisoner pods cost nothing besides a minor slot, and deal strong single target damage, treat them as free.

Skip mechanical pal, viral injectors, seblasters. They are never good. Beware of holo heroes, pepperspray, and surpessive firebots. They have uses but are generally not worth it unless you are rolling very deep in research points. Autodoc shards are useful but absolutely not for your chokepoints, bio-organic transference is for active combat zones, you place a few autodoc shards in a room for a hero to heal up in mid wave once you have a ridiculous amount of industry.

On Specific heroes:

Support: Nanor, Kreyang, and Pat are good, Max is amazing, and Kasper and Denna are below average but work, and Opbot is just plain old bad.

Defenders: Gork is too slow to the point it is actively dangerous and has little other defenders don't offer. Ken is literally the strongest hero in the game when he has bio-transference and can actually move to defend other rooms exceptionally well. Other than that most of the other heavy immobile fighters totally get the job done and come down to preference and the team. Skroig is the most popular dedicated explorer, with

Pointmen: This is the smallest category by far, you essentially have 3 choices for this role, or will have to put a support oriented character on it. Many teams skip a dedicated pointman and use more supportive characters. Max is very popular for this because he boosts early game science when it matters most, while also being very effective at combat. Hikensha is a mixed bag but gets the job done with minimal trouble. Sara is horrifyingly fragile, and I don't actually recommend her use despite her being good, as she needs a lot of support to reach her awesome potential and dies the second you stop micromanaging her. If you don't take any of these characters just make sure to have a character who can move relatively fast: A team with Nes, Grok, Zugma, and Misha are screwed the second any crystal attacker slips by.

Operators: The primary job of the operator is to be a second tier defender. The bonus resources from high wit are nice but generally become totally irrelevant as time goes on. This means you should select an operator on the things they give you besides an early game operate, and later game you shouldn't feel terrible about having to move an operator. Higher wit operators accelerate the early game as their primary benefit, but most offer something nice. The exception is Dell, who is comically terrible in most setups. Rakya is probably the strongest operator.

Finally if you want to unlock heroes just trade control of heroes with someone who has them all. If we ever end up playing I am down to help people get unlocks, I had my saves wiped out but I still have everyone except Hikensha.
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