Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #200040

Bottom post of the previous page:

I just kill tiders on the spot. I have absolutely no time for griefing little fucks.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by BeeSting12 » #200083

Reece wrote:I just kill tiders on the spot. I have absolutely no time for griefing little fucks.
If I can get away with an execution on a griffer, I do it, but usually it wouldn't be valid so I have to gulag them for the equivalent of how many minutes they'd be in the brig.
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[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by IcePacks » #200101

why doesn't anyone roleplay anymore
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by InsaneHyena » #200114

Because roleplaying is a good way to get killed. Also, rounds last about an hour.
Bring back papercult.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #200118

IcePacks wrote:why doesn't anyone roleplay anymore
Because shitlers don't roleplay and doing so gets you iced. If I could do a 'cops and robbers' roleplay without it ending with me cable tied and dead in maint while the grey goes through my backpack then I would jump on that shit faster than I jump on the greys who hack into the caps office.

It doesn't happen, I've tried roleplaying, I've even tried being lenient; they respond with stun prods and maint beatdowns. Eventually the greytide will subside under a hail of bullets and harmbatons and maybe I can try a cops and robbers roleplay. But until that day I must take the hard path and perform that hardest of duties: Riddling urist mcgreyshit with illegally modified .357 bullets as he screams about shitsec whilst looting the spare and nuke disk.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheNightingale » #200133

Eventually you learn who's willing to RP and who's constantly packing a stunprod. But I've never seen a greyshirt take the nuke disk, they usually just beeline for the ID, egun and headset key. I kind of wish they'd take the disk more, it lets Sec track them with the pinpointer.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by BeeSting12 » #200818

The station is screwed. The brig is busted open, traitors are running rampant, singulo is loose, half the station has been maxcapped, etc. Then, from common radio: RECALL, WE CAN FIX IT. Just had a round where I BoH bombed the station. ";RECALL"
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
Melanie Flowers, Catgirl
Borgasm, Cyborg
OOC: Hunterh98: to be fair sloan is one of the, if not the, most robust folks on tg

DEAD: Schlomo Gaskin says, "sloan may be a faggot but he gets the job done"

oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #200966

When you have to defend Xeno for the first quarter of your life then defend yourself from a rouge home-made sec officer who (assuming) metas with the very same clown that you were screaming over comms for leg sweeping you and trespassing into xeno with his all access card.

Then you ahelp after you get teleported to lavaland by a joint effort of wordless teamwork only to be forced to come back to the station with literally nothing besides a pickaxe and the clothes on your back after you were begging not to leave.

Afterwards you spend the majority of your time wandering lavaland in a livid stupor threatening the gods you'll tear the station a new asshole only to be threatened back.

Come back and kill the homemade sec's corgi and get gulag'd because you wanted to get back at him for stealing all your shit.

Die next to a shaft miner's jumpship and get brought back to life by the cutest CMO who tells you that the clown is dead and the rouge sec officer can't be found.

more or less things like that amiriteguise
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Comrade Leo » #200975

BeeSting12 wrote: Just had a round where I BoH bombed the station. ";RECALL"
The one calling for it was a traitor who hadn't completed his objective so that was entirely justified.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Falamazeer » #201190

Recall-tards are a blight.

Imagine a group of kids on a playground, they've all elected to play together rather than separately and they won't do another activity until everyone is ready to go,

upon considering their options, they decide to play in the... ahem.. sandbox. they divide the sandbox evenly and start playing.

and after a bit of playing, a portion of the children :thelaw: discover that their sections of the sandbox have been used as a litterbox :honkman: :silentman: so they want to leave to go play on the monkeybars. Not everyone wants to go yet, so the kids with cat-turds either have to choose to pick them out, or wait twiddling their thumbs

A bit later, that kid :unknownman: decides to go and kick down all the sand castles those kids :engie: :igloves: were building, Knowing that there is no point in building sand castles to be kicked down, those kids wanna leave the sandbox, along with the kids with cat-turds, but a few kids still want to stay, so everyone has to stay.

As the day progresses that kid :unknownman: grows even more desperate to glean a bit of satisfaction from the sandbox, and throws sand in random peoples eyes, seeing this, and the apparent glee from that kid those who can no longer build sand castles, or play in their own section of the sand due to cat turds, decide to invade other territories to alleviate their boredom from waiting to go play in the monkeybars, this causes many other kids to want to leave to either the nurses office, or the monkey bars

this cycle continues until only little suzy wants to stay, but because suzy wants to stay, none of the kids can play on the monkey bars... One cannot fathom why suzy wants to stay in the sandbox at this point, perhaps her part of the sandbox is still intact, perhaps she's malicious and doesn't care that some kids want to rinse their eyes out, or don't want to play with cat turds, perhaps little suzy is on a sodium restricted diet, and salty tears are her only source of satisfaction :salt:

but eventually ater some time, the metaphor finally breaks down along with the containment field and the singularity eats the majority of the sandbox along with many of the children. the parts of the sandbox that are still around are nearly worthless from the damage, but there is always ALWAYS One little kid, who still won't agree to just go play on the motherfucking monkeybars
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by AnonymousNow » #201223

It was time for a family day out at the local swimming baths.

Everyone was playing in the pool. Lots of people were swimming unassisted, but many of them liked to play with or actually relied on inflatable toys, rubber rings, water wings etc. to swim. All the inflatables had been unpacked, and finally, through a group effort, most of them were already being used or getting blown up, ready to go. They even had the big inflatable "castle" on the electric pump.

There was mum and dad, who were keeping an eye on the kids, happy to finally get them all out to an activity they all enjoyed. There was David, the eldest, who'd taken on inflatable duty with gusto and was increasingly satisfied with a job well done. Charlie was posturing to the girls at the poolside. Emily was timing her laps, since she wanted to be an Olympic swimmer when she grew up. Laura was playing with her friends on the largest of the inflatables out in the water, a giant banana.

Cue Henry.

Henry was the youngest in the family, and he was not happy. Though his family didn't go swimming very often, as they didn't really get the chance to go together, he usually enjoyed it very much. But that day he was bored, and he could think of nothing to do in the pool.

The family liked to visit the kids' grandparents on the way to the pool, since they lived en route, and sometimes grandma slipped Henry a chocolate bar when her daughter wasn't paying attention (she told her mother that the sugar makes him hyperactive and that he was likely to take it out on the other kids, but she couldn't resist that widdle face!).

That day, grandma didn't give Henry a chocolate bar. And they were in the wrong pool! Henry MUCH preferred the other pool, for reasons he couldn't quite articulate ("I think it's because it's shallower", mused dad one day), but that day it was closed for cleaning, so they had to swim here.

Henry decided that he didn't want to be at the pool anymore. He liked swimming at the pool, but he didn't want to stay there that day. And the quicker he went home, the quicker he could come back the next day, maybe with a chocolate bar, and maybe in the other pool! And if they left the inflatables here, then they wouldn't have to blow them up tomorrow!

So, first, he asked his dad if they could leave. Dad frowned, and looked out to all his other children - they were having fun, doing their own thing. He turned to Henry and said "Sorry, kiddo - if we leave, I'll have to drive everyone else home at the same time, and they're all enjoying themselves. I thought you liked swimming, anyway? C'mon, I'll play with you, if you like. And I can get David to join in!"

Henry liked playing with his brothers in the pool. They'd water joust on each others' shoulders, or race across the pool on rubber rings, or play keep-up with the beachball. But for some reason, he didn't want to play today, and he said as such.

"Hmm," said dad. "Well, how about you and I go hang out in the poolside cafe, away from the water? I'll get you a slushie."

Henry liked slushies. Dad knew that they gave him almost as much of a sugar rush as chocolate, but if it made him happy and let the other kids carry on having fun, then he'd keep it quiet from his mother. But for some reason, he didn't want a slushie today, and he said as such.

His father shrugged. "I'm sorry, kiddo - I can't just cut it short for everyone just because you want to go."

Henry protested. "But they're not saying that they want to stay!"

Dad pointed at them. "That's because they're busy playing, Henry. They're absorbed in their own fun, and in playing with each other... heck, I don't think most of them know that we're having this conversation!" He cast a meaningful glance at David, who was listening in and was starting to look just a little bit upset, but kept on blowing up the inflatables.

Henry was very cross indeed. He swam out into the water, away from his family, and sulked. How was he going to get to go home, so that tomorrow could come sooner?

Then he got an idea. A very naughty, but very effective idea.

He looked around for the lifeguard, who was carefully looking out onto the water, barely a corner left from her steely gaze. He swam up to a section of the pool that was right in front of the lifeguard. And then, once he knew he'd caught her attention, he stopped.

He looked the lifeguard in the eye, and pushed out the biggest log his body could muster.

It bobbed to the surface. Henry couldn't help but think of its resemblance to the chocolate bars his grandmother would give him.

The lifeguard's horrified reaction was immediate. She stood, and let out a piercing whistle that reverberated throughout the public baths, before nudging her junior assistant at her side, pointing to the errant waste and stating, "We've got a Code Brown. See to it."

Then she brought out a microphone connected to the loudhailer system, and echoed throughout the building. "Will all swimmers please evacuate the pool as soon as possible via the nearest exit... all swimmers, evacuate the pool. Thank you."

There was a chorus of dissatisfied groans, but the people in the pool dutifully filed out of it towards the changing rooms. Dad, however, did stop to ask the lifeguard why the pool was being evacuated.

"To be honest, sir, someone did something, er, signficant at the far end of the pool from you." She wrinkled her nose a bit. "One of your kids, I think."

Dad looked over at Henry for a moment, and then to the end of the pool in question, where there was a flurry of activity. A junior poolhand had acquired a long-handled net and had dutifully fished out what looked, from this distance, like a chocolate bar. He then turned back to the lifeguard and spoke again.

"Well, you've got it out now... and I know it's a little bit disgusting, but surely you have plans for this kind of thing other than shutting the whole pool? I mean, the water's full of chlorine for a reason, and it is at the far end from where the majority of the people were. No bacteria could still be alive in there right now, surely."

But the lifeguard shook her head. "Sorry, sir," she said, "We have to evacuate the pool when someone does something like that to it. It's the law."

And so the family got ready to leave. Laura said goodbye to her friends, and Charlie stopped chatting up the girls who were lounging on the poolside; Emily was disappointed that she didn't reach marathon distance in the short time that they were there. David fished out the inflatables, and dejectedly began to flatten them out again - Henry ran up to him as he was doing so.

"Why are you doing that? We can leave them here, all puffed up, and use them next time!"

David winced, but spoke up. "Sorry, Henry - we're not allowed to leave them here. We have to take them with us, and we need to get all the air outta 'em before they'll fit into mum's car."

Henry huffed, but there was nothing he could do about it. As everyone got dressed and loaded into the car, though, he got really excited. He was going to come back tomorrow, and he was going to use the other pool, and he was going to get a chocolate bar! He couldn't wait, and he chimed happily about this to his family.

The temperature in the car dropped a few degrees. After what seemed like an hour of silence, his mother spoke.

"Sweetie," she said, "We're going to be busy tomorrow. I'm working late, your father needs to drop Emily off at athletics club and Laura is going to be at her friend's house. We won't have time to drive you to the pool, so you can't go unless Charlie walks you there." She clicked her teeth and spoke under her breath, "Kinda surprised they didn't ban you from the pool, really..."

Henry was horrified. He wanted to go swimming with his family! He could think of some good things, though. "At least we'll have all our inflatable stuff, right?"

Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Henry, I couldn't carry all of that by myself. Maybe some of it, yeah, but you're definitely not getting the castle. You wanna play with anything else, you're gonna have to hope that strangers come along with 'em and share their stuff with you."

Henry was getting upset. Now he wasn't going to swim with most of his family tomorrow, OR with his inflatables! But at least he could probably get a chocolate bar tomorrow, right?

"Can we go see grandma tomorrow?" He said to Charlie. His brother looked at him strangely, saying "Well, it's a big detour if we're walking, but grandma goes shopping Monday afternoons, and if we get there after she turns up, then by the time we reach the pool, it'll be really busy and we probably won't have much time there..."

Henry realised with a pang of grief that Charlie was right - when the pool got busy, people had much less time to swim.

It hit him all at once, the fact that he'd stopped himself and his family from having fun, just because he didn't get chocolate or the pool he liked more! If he'd just tried to get into the activities around him, they'd still be at the pool right now, enjoying themselves.

As he was sobbing quietly into the back of his father's seat, his mother sighed, and then started to speak. "I'm really sorry about this, David. I know how much you've been looking forward to going swimming with us again."

David looked blank for a moment, but managed a dim smile. "It's okay, mum. I'm back from deployment September next year. I'm sure we can all go swimming again then."

Mum nodded vaguely, keeping her eyes on the road. She looked at the clock - ten past four, about an hour and a half since they arrived at the pool. She mused back on simpler times, when everybody seemed to get into the spirit of things and enjoy themselves more.

Those days were long gone, it seemed.
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Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reyn » #201239

People dropping bars of soap and then dragging your ass onto it. I've had a WARDEN do that to me before
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #201277

Reyn wrote:People dropping bars of soap and then dragging your ass onto it. I've had a WARDEN do that to me before
acquire good
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #201346

People who write giant fucking word wall analogies.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by tetracobalt » #201387

Please people, learn how to do CPR. It is one the easiest ways to save someone's life.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #201409

tetracobalt wrote:Please people, learn how to do CPR. It is one the easiest ways to save someone's life.
Do people even gasp anymore while they're unconscious?
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by confused rock » #201415

cpr isn't good when thereres bleeding tho and its not like it fixes a thing it just delays it
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #201416

this thread and more specifically the mindset of the CMO behind it who ahelped the whole thing

like, one guy throws one punch, he swings back one time, but then breaks the fuck down sobbing and typing into ahelp "Oh no please help me there is conflict! My health doll is no longer all blue and the person responsible might not be a traitor! Bwuuuuuhuhuhhhh admiiiins please ban heeeee bwuuuhuhuuuu"

like jesus fucking christ you didn't even go into crit and i healed you back to full health not four seconds later

grow the fuck up you spineless faggot
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Wyzack » #201419

Literally everything wrong with this fucking game
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Screemonster » #201515

And saeg charges in on his golden steed like REEE REEE REEEEEEE REE REEEEE and wonders why icepacks is on the defensive when someone bwoinks him out of fucking nowhere over a complete non-issue

hell, I don't think even Bay would ban him for that
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #201517

Jesus christ, as a detective I amputated a mans hand as punishment for hacking a door, then when he disarmed me led a stationwide manhunt after him, culminating in me emptying my revolver into his chest when I realised he couldn't be cuffed.

Didn't even get a note, the admin (alpha-something?) just told me it was a dumb move and far too over the top a punishment.
But you punch a dude and get banned, what a crock of shit.

Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Malkevin » #201519

Changing someone's appearance through face surgery/gender change/genetics has a precedence of making the fiddler valid.

So yeah, complete fuck up on Smegma's part.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Davidchan » #201521

Law 0: Secborg din do nuffin.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheColdTurtle » #201646

Pls no bully, I did not ahelp for punishment, just wondering what that was to hear his side of the story.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #201683

TheColdTurtle wrote:Pls no bully, I did not ahelp for punishment, just wondering what that was to hear his side of the story.
What were you exact words in the ahelp, assuming you're the CMO.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reyn » #201686

When everyone complains about me being a shitty HoP when I actually do my job well, not giving every random bloke all access, and decide to break up fights infront of my desk... Not to mention that I'm the only damn person who doesn't have HoP set to low priority on Bagil apparently
I play Trevor Fea on Bagil, And Giorno Giovanna on terry. Yes, I'm THAT raging asshole. Sorry for being such a cunt.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PlaugeWalker » #201810

Basically, shitty wardens looking for an excuse to execute people instead of using the fucking gulag. Honestly, if there's no heads and the crime was a minor case of assualt then just gulag not fucking at the drop of a hat execute someone.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by AnonymousNow » #201836

PlaugeWalker wrote:Basically, shitty wardens looking for an excuse to execute people instead of using the fucking gulag. Honestly, if there's no heads and the crime was a minor case of assualt then just gulag not fucking at the drop of a hat execute someone.
They're REALLY not supposed to be killing people over minor crimes. Adminhelp that shit.
Hornygranny wrote:It's not your codebase. It's our codebase. You can imply soft power as much as you want, but you don't have it. Division between the server and project is absolute. I'm not interested in reading dezzmont platitudes for the billionth time and won't be checking back in this thread.

~Simplified for the sake of Wyzack's delicate feelings~
Fuck anti-roleplay suggestions and fuck Bay.

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #201843

Yeah, Saudi Arabai, not ISIS, take off a hand, gender change and then a beating, fun stuff like that. Not murder.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by TheColdTurtle » #202494

When people kill instead of convert in a conversion round
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PlaugeWalker » #202502

TheColdTurtle wrote:When people kill instead of convert in a conversion round
Got me there this is one thing that pisses me off, i mean shit get any straglers that weren't converted yet and convert them to your side.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #202505

Botanists stealing the chem dispenser. I can and will shoot you with my most hellish deahtmix if I catch you pulling that shit and display your body on my table as a trophy.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PlaugeWalker » #202507

Reece wrote:Botanists stealing the chem dispenser. I can and will shoot you with my most hellish deahtmix if I catch you pulling that shit and display your body on my table as a trophy.
Done it before to you mate. :honk: :honkman:
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #202515

I know. I was going to Ackbar botany but then you gave it back. Wasted a perfectly good chance to throw your life away.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #202574

I'm actually getting to that point where I want to steal them since I rarely find any chemists in the fucking chemistry room.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by A3STH3T1CS » #202583

also "ahelps go t-to adminbus g-guys! i s-swear!"
banned consecutively from multiple communities
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by D&B » #202649

-When miners don't take a GPS

-When miners don't deliver materials to RnD

-When people expect miners to deliver a shipment of materials roundstart when they just got to the mining station

-When miners deliver and RnD is never done because everyone is too busy sticking their dicks in a plasma canister or in a slime

-When you warn fellow miners that a monster of class Keter that can potentially rape you with just a glance is nearby and to not go near it, only for them to never check their GPS and run into it, dragging it closer to the station so now you have to play splinter cell to survive ash storms and be able to do your deliveries without getting gibbed
[20:26:02]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Welp. It was just a prank bro isn't a very good excuse when it comes to unprovoked nonantag murder, but since this is your first time doing it and you seem to understand the problem instead of a bannu I'm just going to leave you with a warning. Please PLEASE don't do this again in the future, as funny as crackhead broken bottle memes can be. Alrighty? Do you have any input on this?
[20:26:39]ADMIN: PM: [censored]->[censored admin]: Alright, no problem. I have some input. Fuck my boy pussy.
[20:27:06]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Okay then. Have fun.
[20:31:29]ADMIN: PM: [censored admin]->[censored]: Excuse me?
J_Madison wrote: that's a stupid fucking stat
you don't play, you've never played
lying little shit with your bullshit stat
fuck you
ColonicAcid wrote:and with enough practise i too could blow my own dick so well that only the gods know how it feels.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by DemonFiren » #202696

Last point sounds fucking hilarious.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PlaugeWalker » #202698

DemonFiren wrote:Last point sounds fucking hilarious.
Honestly, I'll agree with rep there. His points are spot on when I play shaft miner, i've had the lase one happen because a newfag decided to randomly robust a bubblegum instantly aggro'ing me near by had to fucking abandoned the idiot to his fate and kite the fucker further away from the outpost had to navigate blindly using the gps. Killed four tendrils got some good loot, made my way back idiot miner vaporized, and no chance of the station getting fucked, miners need to learn to take gps's so that way 1.)We can medivac you if some of us bought the the fulton kit, and 2.) helps us recover your gear so that way your not fucked.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Varnesy » #203412

When fools playing sec leave their lockers unlocked and get pissed when some poundsand assistant has stunbatons and flashbangs.
When two players become a pair and one just drags around the other not doing their jobs and jawing all shift.
When MOTHERFUCKERS presume the AI is rogue because it's tied up with 99 other problems at the moment and doesn't have time to open the door to medbay.
People breaking into EVA and Teleporter without asking, I mean come on people. 70% of the time heads don't care if you're going to space.
Clowns and other nonantags that act above the law.
Lane Stewart
People who call for catgirl destruction
Cancerous recallers
The abscence of blob rounds
Wizard rounds.
People who think that just because the admins aren't on that they have a free pass to fuck up the entire round.
Waifu Wars

I could go on forever with things that annoy me in SS13. But I actually have to play it now.
When I am being a faggot online I play as Varnes Mironov, Jean LeBlanc and Farely Brooks

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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #203417

when somebody has their intent set to not-help and keeps bumping into you in a 1 tile wide corridor. then you say "intent" or something and instead of fixing their intent they skip escalation and start relentlessly punching you to death.
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by tetracobalt » #203427

Gulagging for crimes less than 5 minutes. I always just break the top window, stick the oxygen canister in the doorway, and throw myself in to lava with all the mining equipment.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reyn » #203431

TheColdTurtle wrote:When people kill instead of convert in a conversion round
... This shit fills me with the hate of a thousand suns
I play Trevor Fea on Bagil, And Giorno Giovanna on terry. Yes, I'm THAT raging asshole. Sorry for being such a cunt.
Have I told you how much I hate engineering, by the way?
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Screemonster » #203455

PKPenguin321 wrote:when somebody has their intent set to not-help and keeps bumping into you in a 1 tile wide corridor. then you say "intent" or something and instead of fixing their intent they skip escalation and start relentlessly punching you to death.
tbh if I bump into someone in a hallway or something and they're not on help I shove them all the way to the end on general principle
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Not-Dorsidarf » #203460

Reece wrote:I know. I was going to Ackbar botany but then you gave it back. Wasted a perfectly good chance to throw your life away.
I'm pretty sure this was me, actually.
kieth4 wrote: infrequently shitting yourself is fine imo
There is a lot of very bizarre nonsense being talked on this forum. I shall now remain silent and logoff until my points are vindicated.
Player who complainted over being killed for looting cap office wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 1:33 am Hey there, I'm Virescent, the super evil person who made the stupid appeal and didn't think it through enough. Just came here to say: screech, retards. Screech and writhe like the worms you are. Your pathetic little cries will keep echoing around for a while before quietting down. There is one great outcome from this: I rised up the blood pressure of some of you shitheads and lowered your lifespan. I'm honestly tempted to do this more often just to see you screech and writhe more, but that wouldn't be cool of me. So come on haters, show me some more of your high blood pressure please. 🖕🖕🖕
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #203462

Not-Dorsidarf wrote:
Reece wrote:I know. I was going to Ackbar botany but then you gave it back. Wasted a perfectly good chance to throw your life away.
I'm pretty sure this was me, actually.
Then you also wasted a perfectly good opportunity to throw your life away.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by MimicFaux » #203470

Varnesy wrote:The abscence of blob rounds.
I got you, fam.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by PKPenguin321 » #203692

sec arresting you for actually quite literally no reason on the shuttle, then ignoring you and going silent robocop mode for the next two minutes as you ask why you were arrested
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by BeeSting12 » #203702

People who act terrible as an assistant and then feel like because you're security, you're not allowed to brig/execute them because they technically didn't break space law. Nope, out the airlock you go.
Edward Sloan, THE LAW
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oranges wrote:Bee sting is honestly the nicest admin, I look forward to seeing him as a headmin one day
[2020-05-21 01:21:48.923] SAY: Crippo/(Impala Chainee) "Shaggy Voice - She like... wants to get Eiffel Towered bro!!" (Brig (125, 166, 2))
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Reece » #203782

BeeSting12 wrote:People who act terrible as an assistant and then feel like because you're security, you're not allowed to brig/execute them because they technically didn't break space law. Nope, out the airlock you go.
Honestly If they're breaking into secure areas then I kill them, caps office, armoury and engine room contain a lot of real risky shit, if they lack agood explanation why they're in there then they're getting spaced.
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Re: Pet Peeves Thread - Little things that REALLY annoy you

Post by Laharl Monthy » #203798

Science Pet Peeves :

- When people try to get on the RnD Terminal when you are already on it. Goddamn it, people, don't you see I'm trying to do research here?! Hell, I don't even have the thing researched sometime, give it time! It's the kind of thing that makes me think about just setting up a secondary RnD Terminal...

- When I see new blood showing up in Science, saying "I don't know how to do X". If you want to science, you gotta be willing to learn how to handle at least one section of the lab : RnD is just a bleeding shopping list, Xenobio is just a matter of getting red slimes ASAP for easy mutation (and hope you get upgraded by RnD), and Toxins...Well, okay, Toxins can take a bit for newcomers. Telescience to a lesser extent, it is fairly rare to see this department being setup.

- How Remote Xenobio is on Meta. It's a low maintenance job, so I can work on RnD while the slimes are munching monkeys - but goddamn you have to go through so many doors on Meta between the Lab and the Xenobio section, it's not even funny.

- In case of blob, stop pressuring the bloody scientist for research, they're doing their best : as long as they get mats and shotguns, they'll be fine, they don't need you breathing down their neck.
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