I can definitely see why that would make you feel awful
I've done the same on Unity, the tutorials for it are utter garbage and they don't actually help you one bit.
As for the rest, yeah. That sounds to me like actual depression if it's been going for longer than a few days/weeks. The antidepressants they offer for it are a crapshot, really. Most of the time the doctors just get paid to push those and they neglect to add the therapy part of treatment. The pills alone don't work. They merely make people who are otherwise unreceptive to therapy more receptive to it. Or they cause a complete loss of sexual function and make you okay with staring at a wall for 6 hours a day. Their effects are still poorly understood and the brain still mysterious as far as that goes, and as everyone has a different brain there is no single pill that works on everyone. Generally it's worth trying IF you have the therapy to back it up, but be mindful of side effects.
In ye olden days people tried to cure depression with religion, but that only works on some people, and certainly not everyone. Personally I recommend meditation, though that doesn't solve it either. It just helps you deal with it better(Feel free to message me if you need some basics on it). It's a difficult situation but it's not one you're in alone, I'm very certain that on this forum alone you can find a significant amount of people who have the same issues, or at least some of them
And they will support you, as best you can support someone through the internet.
At the least, you can find friends here, even if we can't come over and hang out
I hope that helps a bit
(Picture vaguely related)