Bottom post of the previous page:
We have DIY Torches but the recipe is awful. It is also not included in the tablecrafting menu list anywhere, please fix this.Now, speaking of this particular recipe as it is, is dried wheat/ambrosia and a log. Ok, nice start but five pieces of paper, some stacks of Cloth, jumpsuits, etc. should be just as applicable with a log/improvised Rod (like how you make spears). Needing dried wheat or weed to make a damn torch is imo one of the larger reasons these are never even bothered with.
Secondly, Sconces. A creatable item just like light fixtures, except it holds Torches and Mining Lanterns, illumating the area via unpowered light source.
Make mining lanterns give off more light but run off plasma ore you feed directly into it, or alternatively just add this function to lanterns and they give off normal flashlight amounts when not running on ore.
Normal Flashlights are dynamos with a potato-battery inside it. When its empty, 'use' in hand and begin charging the potato-battery. Should last very reasonable time, and with potato-battery capacity, has limited uses but does have some in emergency situations....
Flashlight and Lantern crafting recipes to tablecrafting.