Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Takeguru » #193477

Bottom post of the previous page:

On vacation, stuck in the bathroom with the runs

God damn it

Better finding out now than after shutting down a pool though
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #193498

They screw me. And by extension screwed my father. The last thing I did in person with him was tell him my plans. Everything I was doing. So he wouldn't worry. These corporate fucks ruined that. I don't even blame my employers. This affront is solely on the client's hands.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Whoisthere » #193639

Wouldn't it be better if papa jones delivered burgers and burger king delivered pizza?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DemonFiren » #193644

They're both plebeian so who cares.

non-lizard things:
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DemonFiren » #193673

Yeah, Americans are plebs.

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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Whoisthere » #193685

I bought Palladium boots like three days ago, wore them for a grand total of 10 hours, and the seam on the back is already loose.
Last pair lasted me 6 months of constant wear, I guess whoever bought them out is making the company even more efficient (tm) (r)

I really hate this trend of "buy out good shit cut costs to 0 milk it until people realize that another one of their favorites is now utter poopoop"
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #193689

capitalism ho
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by EndgamerAzari » #193703

Starting dieting again today because I got fat again. Blarg.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #193704

Going to see Ninja Sex Party play in Toronto late August. So fucking stoked! Starbomb is gonna be playing too
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #193726

Wyzack wrote:Going to see Ninja Sex Party play in Toronto late August. So fucking stoked! Starbomb is gonna be playing too
#jealous #fucku
Will Samurai Abstinence Patrol also be playing? :P
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Wyzack » #193730

Hah well I mean Aaron is going to be there but probably not Barry. I hope they play some stuff from under the covers. I imagine they will since TWRP is gonna be there too
Arthur Thomson says, "Since there are no admins I would loging with another account and kill you"
Caleb Robinson laughs.
Arthur Thomson catches fire!
tusterman11 wrote:Can you stop lying? I just asked you and you are was a piece of shiit on me!!!
Kor wrote:I wish Wyzack was still an admin.
EngamerAzari's real number one fangirl <3
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #193732

Yeah if TWRP are there then they'll be doing their covers for sure.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #193752

Sister's lizard has been sick for over a month, maybe even two.
I'm saying to her and my mum "She's had that discoloured patch for a while and suddenly stopped eating. Take her to a vet", they're like "She's just hibernating, they do that. Fine as long as they don't suddenly drop weight"
Flash forward a few weeks ago, lizard has lost a shit ton of weight. I'm constantly saying to them "Take it to a vet"

Several more weeks later, they finally take her to a vet last monday, 100 quid for the vet to go "Don't know whats wrong, inject her with these antibiotics and feed her this magic food"
Not four days later the fucker is dead.

Also my silly mother left the living room door open, so the dog's gotten upstairs and found the packet of bourbon cremes I bought yesterday - eaten the lot of them the greedy bitch.

Sad day.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #193789

Maybe I'm crazy but I wish there was a way to take revenge on the client without getting fired or arrested.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Remie Richards
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #193792

ThanatosRa wrote:Maybe I'm crazy but I wish there was a way to take revenge on the client without getting fired or arrested.
Please calm down.
You once told me I was one of the good ones, I don't want to see you so flustered.
please go for a bike ride, sit in a park, play that game you like, do something chill, heck just being in this thread is good because you're venting.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #193885

Well the only way to damage them would be to screw them out of business. ANd I have no way of doing that.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by EndgamerAzari » #193909

Goddammit I'm up to almost 230 pounds again.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by 420weedscopes » #193946

Check out Phoenix Bucket!
TheWiznard wrote:jmad you read a book out loud to no one for two hours
original fanart by TheWiznard http://i.imgur.com/TTd3AFt.jpg
MORE http://i.imgur.com/335AGAS.jpg
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by nsos » #194036

ColonicAcid wrote:Whats your major m8
i was too retarded to get into engineering school like i wanted.

so i'm in media production so i can get a nepotism job at a local news affiliate and pay my loans off for the rest of my life 8-)

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #194080

Is there anything more satisfy than a movement after a week of none?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #194091

CosmicScientist wrote:
ThanatosRa wrote:Well the only way to damage them would be to screw them out of business. ANd I have no way of doing that.
It sounds as though the client is being damaged already. They couldn't afford you, so they're getting stuffed with a worse team for an inferior service (or product?) and if where you work has a grapevine between similar places, they could even be marking that company as hazardous to do business with amongst friends.

What do you work in? It sounds vaguely like software.
It's an ISP. The service is third party Technical support.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by nsos » #194100

Malkevin wrote:Is there anything more satisfy than a movement after a week of none?
is fiber like illegal in britain that's not healthy
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ColonicAcid » #194106

you need to have a fibre license to be able to eat fibre.
crack is whack but smacks got your back

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #194131

Bosses leaving do was last Saturday. I ate pork ribs.

Lots of pork ribs.

And ale.

And Jaeger.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #194133

my life is harder than anyone elses.

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #194138

Harder than Mel Gibson's PR agent in Israel?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #194146

harder than demonfiren's dick in a pit of vipers
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Takeguru » #194148

So, I get a letter a few weeks back saying my bank is sending a new card my way with that memechip in it instead of a normal card

They cancelled my current card yesterday and the new one didn't arrive until today, which was a bit of a pain in the ass
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #194151

Does it have an RFID tag in it? If so, welcome to the Internet of Things.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #194154

Welcome to getting your card cloned by a passing romanian
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #194155

RFID tags are protected against that.

Or supposed to, anyway.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ColonicAcid » #194366

so due to my top incisors being thin due to acid digestion or whatever i dont really know how it happened i had to get the dentist to fix my shit up.

it involved structural reinforcement of the back of the front teeth using something i dont really know what but its probably a polymer. anyway, it feels weird and like it could fall off any moment and im fucking being super careful with eating everything even though i probably dont need to. the dentist also did a pretty poor job in making the two front incisors even on the back. the left one is thicker and actually goes to the bottom of the tooth whilst the right one ends just slightly before the bottom and doesnt feel as thick.

50 pounds per tooth for THIS???

i also nearly fucking chocked to death when he was putting the shit on my teeth due to his assistant not fucking scooping up the saliva that was being collected in my gob. you know when you swallow and it doesn't quite go right and you really want to cough but you're like in an exam or what have you and you don't want to make any noise but it REALLY, REALLY, fucking hurts and you REALLY REALLY need to cough to the point that it brings tears to your eyes?

yeah i had that for about half the fucking operation fuck my face
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Screemonster » #194528

Ricotez wrote:RFID tags are protected against that.

Or supposed to, anyway.
they're not protected against someone shoving a point-of-sale terminal in a backpack, setting it to a smallish transaction, and walking down a train platform though
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #194534

Screemonster wrote:
Ricotez wrote:RFID tags are protected against that.

Or supposed to, anyway.
they're not protected against someone shoving a point-of-sale terminal in a backpack, setting it to a smallish transaction, and walking down a train platform though
Point-of-sale terminals have a very very small active range, so you'd need to rub the backpack up to people's wallets and then still hope there aren't any other tags interfering. You could mess with the hardware to boost the power (which is extremely hard in itself but doable if you're really good), but a tag can detect when it is being read from a large range... Though not reliably so, especially the cheaper passive tags that are in bank cards.

But once a large number of people notice the strange transactions in their bank records and inform their bank, that bank will naturally launch an investigation. The money has to be transferred somewhere, after all.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Ricotez » #194556

You have blocker tags, which simulate a large number of tags at the same time to cause so much noise that no reader can read any tags on your body... or any other body within several dozen feet of you. You also have RFID proxies, which regulate all communications between your tags and any reader you want to use them on, but you need to 'register' all tags you want to use it with and those tags have to be designed to be used with a proxy. Finally there's the RFID Guardian, a project that was in development for a few years but has been postponed for now, which combined both of these into one device to provide your own personal RFID shield.

The technology exists for a large part and in theory it is possible. It just has to be actually developed.
MimicFaux wrote:I remember my first time, full of wonderment and excitement playing this game I had heard so many stories about.
on the arrival shuttle, I saw the iconic toolbox on the ground. I clubbed myself in the head with it trying to figure out the controls.
Setting the tool box, now bloodied, back on the table; I went to heal myself with a medkit. I clubbed myself in the head with that too.
I've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
#coderbus wrote:<MrPerson> How many coders does it take to make a lightbulb? Three, one to make it, one to pull the pull request, and one to fix the bugs
Kor wrote:The lifeweb playerbase is primarily old server 2 players so technically its our cancer that invaded them
peoplearestrange wrote:Scared of shadows whispers in their final breath, "/tg/station... goes on the tabl..."
DemonFiren wrote:Please, an Engineer's first response to a problem is "throw it into the singulo".
tedward1337 wrote:Donald Trump is literally what /pol/ would look like as a person
CrunchyCHEEZIT wrote:why does everything on this server have to be a federal fucking issue.
Saegrimr wrote:One guy was running around popping hand tele portals down in the halls before OPs even showed up and got several stranded out on lavaland.
The HoP just toolboxes someone to death out of nowhere, then gets speared by a chemist who saw him murder a guy, then the chemist gets beaten to death because someone else saw him kill the HoP.
Tele-man somehow dies and gets its looted by an atmos tech who managed to use it to send two nuke ops to lavaland, who were then surrounded by several very angry people from earlier and some extra golems on top of it.
Captain dies, gets cloned/revived, lasers the guy holding the disk into crit to take it back.
Some idiot tries to welderbomb the AI hiding out at mining for no discernible reason.
Two permabans and a dayban, i'm expecting a snarky appeal from one of them soon. What the fuck.
ShadowDimentio wrote:I am the problem
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DrPillzRedux » #194563

I'm so fucking hungry right now, I want this damn shift to end so I can stuff myself, go home and sleep.

Not even gonna cook food today. Carls Jr breakfast burger baby. Clog my shit up.
thot_slayer wrote:don't be a degenerate online if you don't want people to treat you like a degenerate morty
bandit wrote:what is this

a correct post by pillz
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Jacough » #194786

Found out from my dad my mom's been drinking heavily as fuck and mixing ambient with it. My dad doesn't want me to but I'm thinking I might need to confront her about it. I've been down that road a few times with painkillers, booze, benzos, and ambient and the only place its ever lead me is a psyche ward after I tried to blow my brains out. I don't want to see her make the same mistakes I did.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DemonFiren » #194795

Jesus fuck.

Pretty much same happened to my sister about one, two years ago.
Keep a close eye, and good luck.

non-lizard things:

Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Malkevin » #194800

And I thought my mum's drinking problem was bad enough with her brewing her own wine.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Screemonster » #194885

Don't be dissing homebrew.
'kay, mine isn't great but I can't argue with 40 pints for a tenner's worth of ingredients.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ThanatosRa » #194958

Now while we joke about it and see many examples in fiction, the quest for Artificial Intelligence is a very real thing.

With how things are today we're reaching a point where we may finally discover how to create such a thing. However, as a layman, I've come to the conclusion that we may not be responsible enough as a species to have this new life and have it Not immediately want to kill us.
my forum gimmick is that no one knows who i am

gender is irrelevant NO UR IRRELEVANT
u a bish
y u heff 2 b med
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #194962

ThanatosRa wrote:Now while we joke about it and see many examples in fiction, the quest for Artificial Intelligence is a very real thing.

With how things are today we're reaching a point where we may finally discover how to create such a thing. However, as a layman, I've come to the conclusion that we may not be responsible enough as a species to have this new life and have it Not immediately want to kill us.

Also I had a fight with my mum today.
not great.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by ColonicAcid » #194967

AI is probably one of the most dangerous things that we can develop and I hope, dear fucking LORD I hope that governments actually get their shit together and regulate it because right now it's the fucking wild west and anything and everything can and will happen.

crack is whack but smacks got your back
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by DemonFiren » #195010

Soon as it's out we're all gonna be dead within a month.
But that's okay.

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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by 420weedscopes » #195038

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TheWiznard wrote:jmad you read a book out loud to no one for two hours
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #195044

Just applied for my first job.
am I an adult yet?
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by EndgamerAzari » #195045

Not until you apply for over 100, never hear anything back, and have your parents accuse you of not trying hard enough.

Then you become a fat alcoholic.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Remie Richards
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #195046

EndgamerAzari wrote:Not until you apply for over 100
EndgamerAzari wrote:never hear anything back
EndgamerAzari wrote: have your parents accuse you of not trying hard enough.
Already happened lol.
EndgamerAzari wrote:Then you become a fat alcoholic.
I don't drink and I've got a great metabolism so I should be ok on this front ;)
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by EndgamerAzari » #195047

Ehhhh I don't mean to be a depressive shitter, I'm just tired today. Well, more tired than usual.
Shaps wrote:I never thought I'd see the day where someone tried claiming the moral high ground on drinking a bottle of cough syrup
TechnoAlchemist wrote:dumb baby boo boo "i wish I enlisted then mom would be proud" ballistics.
Saegrimr wrote:
Wyzack wrote:Remove players 2016, they ruin everything they touch
Saegrimr wrote:
yackemflam wrote:It's like dish washing, someone has to do it.
FantasticFwoosh wrote:Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both).
An0n3 wrote:Azari for headmin 2015
He's an admin you can trust because nobody remembers to involve him in their conspiracies.
Drynwyn wrote:hbrahlrlahrlharlahr FEATURE CREEP
ShadowDimentio wrote:Instructions too complex, spaced the clown
Akkryls wrote:I mean, we are rightfully pissed off, but let's be pissed off for the correct reasons.
Falamazeer wrote:I am sufficiently outraged for you
Maccus wrote:You look like the dad every teenage boy doesn't look forward to meeting at his girlfriend's house
nsos wrote:When I was a teen and did the inevitable trying to suck your own dick thing I managed to get the head in my mouth and I feel like the rest of my life is me being punished for that
miggles wrote:is that supposed to be a trick question or just a dumb one
cedarbridge wrote:My first idea is that everyone just stops being faggots to each other but that's not going to happen, obviously.
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:Most soap operas could be improved if every scene had a greyshirt in the background hooting "GIBE DE POOSIE BOSS" all the time
Not-Dorsidarf wrote:classic style is "shit on everyone from the greatest heights, so they cannot climb high enough to shit on you"
Super Aggro Crag wrote:you can't just use meme to mean "thing I don't like" you goatherd
Saegrimr wrote:"lel just go explore make YOUR OWN fun wow do you have NO IMAGINATION back in MY DAY we used to shove twigs in our urethras and PRETENDED WE WERE KNIGHTS"
An0n3 wrote:Fucking crystal ass wind chime lookin' bitch.
Saegrimr wrote:It should be common sense but this is /tg/.
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Remie Richards
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by Remie Richards » #195048

Nah I took it comically, 's funny.
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Re: Watercooler/Slowchat 2: Son of Watercooler

Post by THE MIGHTY GALVATRON » #195050

Remie Richards wrote:
EndgamerAzari wrote:Then you become a fat alcoholic.
I don't drink and I've got a great metabolism so I should be ok on this front ;)

Just remember that metabolism slows down with age!

I'm starting to think that adulthood is a lie anyway, the kids just get bigger and get to make up the rules because who's going to stop them?
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