Banning admin: Shaps
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Job Ban (AI, Cyborg)
Ban reason and length: Killed a few clock-cultist humans as a borg because of a law they had saying that "all traitors are non-human", which while a shitty law, is still making a massive leap in logic to connect "men holding culty-looking objects" to "TRAITORS KILL THEM". Discussion with them cemented the impression that they're more interested in killing antags than following his laws.
Time ban was placed (including time zone): Ended ~7:00CST 6/30/16
Your side of the story:
So began as the round-start borg, picked the wrong module, got a reset from robotics, and (at the suggestion of the AI) became a miner borg (though poorly timed, as the other new borg ended up picking the same module almost at the exact same time.
Before I go further, let's stop to appreciate what it means to be a "traitor."
Merriam-Webster defines a "traitor" as "a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. : a person who betrays a country or group of people by helping or supporting an enemy" and "one who commits treason." In order for there to be the aforementioned betrayal, one must be (at least initially) a member of the group that is at the receiving end of aggression. "Traitor" thus encompasses any group that is strictly antagonist within the confines of the existing crew, be that Syndicate agents, revs, gangs, changelings, or cults. If an assistant is dragged into maint with broken legs while another crewmember is bashing his skull open with a toolbox, the usual tagline is "X is a TRAITOR" because there is ambiguity as to the TYPE of traitor that individual is. Traitor in that case becomes synonymous with "internally-produced (official) antagonist."
Conversely, outside forces such as Nuclear Operatives, Wizards, etc would NOT be considered "traitors," as they are incapable of betrayal towards institutions and groups they had no loyalty to at the start.
Moving on, after I think a little over 30 min of mining, I take my ore crate and head back to the mining station to deliver my goods to the main station. Not a terrible lot seemed to have been different during my time away minus a broken internal window. I proceed through the main doors at the north-east side and step over a disabling rune.
At this point, I realize that I'm not getting past without being ambushed. I can't access the other entrances due to lava barriers, so my options are either bust through a window (potentially endangering non-traitorous players also in the main foyer area) or figure out some way of disabling the cultist. Cyrus Eridan reveals himself around this time, and is seen utilizing cult chat like Armando Sommer. I can't venture back outside, as a storm has started. I'm trapped inside with two cultists, both of which in the same room as me and converging on me. Under law 4, due to having been directly witnessed undeniably outing themselves as cultists, they are no longer considered human, but I'd still rather not have to kill them. Unfortunately, if I do get trapped again and they do convert me, it will result in being obliged to violate the first and second laws (much in the same way a borg should resist being emagged so as not to unlawfully upset the ability to function under the core Asimov laws). Thus, seeing as escape in either direction is not possible, a confrontation was necessary. Combat ensues.
tldr; I won.
Towards the end of the fighting, Shaps steps in to begin questioning. If I had to guess, the now dispatched antags were probably thoroughly taken aback by the sudden outburst of violence after initial pacifism. It's starts off fairly cordial.
Now the SECOND comment is where it gets interesting. I've already gone into a bit of detail about how his definitions of "traitor" are not concretely tied to what I assume he means "Syndicate Agents," but its where he starts making threats that it becomes problematic. Rather than commit to investigation of the situation, as is part of his job, he demands that I yield any further concerns on threat of ban: ignoring any possible logical arguments that were to be made on my behalf.
While this situation is going on, Shaps revives the people that were just killed, and they IMMEDIATELY take to trying to kill me, preventing immediate continuation of the discussion. I eventually bolt myself into a room to continue my case.
The "traitor" semantics issue comes up again, but I've already covered that.
The ban goes through with the reason listed earlier in the thread.
Why you think you should be unbanned:
I followed my laws as they were spelled out (even if they were admittedly poorly written), and actually went out of my way to try and prevent the scenario that ended up transpiring. Yet despite this, the banning admin in question seems to have entirely overlooked this AND the entire rest of the round with me being in mining isolation to try and sell my actions as valid hunting. Perhaps they were simply overwhelmed with other issues going on in the round where they felt they couldn't devote the time: I'll probably never know. Perhaps if there had been a recent history of me getting involved in antag-hunting as a silicon, I might understand the sentiments behind my words being taken with a grain of salt. However, as far as I can remember, most of the silicon roles I've taken recently have been benig (janitors, engineer, peacekeeper) and I'd stayed out of antagonist issues. So I'm at a bit of a loss why it seemed that I got a hostile reception in the face of this contested issue.
I realize this is poor form to submit a ban appeal on the same day as the ban, but I feel that my case was not fairly assessed within the confines of the round of contest.