[Niknakflak] Rookwood - CID Randomizer

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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:56 am
Byond Username: Rookwood

[Niknakflak] Rookwood - CID Randomizer

Post by Rookwood » #187168

Byond account and character name: Rookwood / Daniel J. Seabrooke IV
Banning admin: Niknakflak
Ban type (What are you banned from?): Basil
Ban reason and length: (MANUAL BAN) DLL usage, Randomizer CID. Please come to the forums and explain you are using this. (CUSTOM IP) (CUSTOM CID)
Time ban was placed (including time zone):2016-06-16 01:39:24
Your side of the story:Whilst I was banned for a day from the server, I have not used the CID randomizer to attempt to evade a ban from any /tg/ server, I originally got the randomizer to attempt to reconnect to Yogstation after getting permanently banned from there because the admin refused to even investigate my side of the story, not that it's your problem.
In short, I forgot to uninstall the CID Randomizer and connected to your server a couple times on my main account while having it still there and was banned for having it, I understand why you would ban me for having this and have since then removed it from my computer.
Why you think you should be unbanned: It was a misconception, atleast in my opinion, for I have not used the randomizer to attempt to by pass any ban given to me on /TG/ and was only left on my computer due to me forgetting I had it installed.
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Re: [Niknakflak] Rookwood - CID Randomizer

Post by NikNakFlak » #187219

I'll unban you but if the CID randomizer pops up again, the perma is being applied straight away again. Your story with Yog checks out and we don't really mirror bans from Yog usually. Consider this your only warning though. You aren't the best player and the only reason you are getting unbanned at all is because you did use to have a static CID. Thin ice, last change, all that.

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