R&D level remake feedback

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Byond Username: Lati

R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #175737

The big R&D level remake PR

I've taken many of the ideas from forums and by listening to others in science and deadchat. It's hard to get away from the "put these items into DA in the correct order" thing but at least this would make make science more integrated to the entire station instead of being an isolated department. Science could get more items added to the tech list but would get them later in the round and with the help of others, not just by clicking in the same room for 20 minutes to unlock everything. if science is working alone like now this is a nerf to it. If other departments are helping nothing changes but this allows science to get better and more fun items to high levels without having them automatically every round and just for science.
Lumipharon has had similar ideas about the level system I've used here and I've partly taken the ideas from it. I'd need help to do the final decisions for item levels so I hope other science players and coders will help with these.
Please read through the reasons for each point and leave your comments.

Main points:
  • More coherent origin tech levels
    Required tech levels rebalanced
    Time and skill level of doing basic R&D is reduced
    More department co-operation
    Items R&D can make to be limited by mostly tech levels
    Request of new items: items that work as upgrades for existing items
    What I don't want R&D to be

Smaller points:
  • Remove experimentor tech level upgrade thing
    Remove reliability
    Return material efficiency upgrades but balance item costs
    Mineral sheets to 1000 units (will skip this one)
    Update autolathe efficiency
    Origin tech level cannot be higher than required tech level (+1 maybe)
    Possibly add new fun lategame items to high tech levels (?)
    Bluespace crystals > artificial bluespace crystals
    Small changes to DA
    Bugfixes to R&D console

More coherent research levels
Almost all research levels will be remade to fit a new system. All techs will have basic levels from 1 to 5 which are relatively easy to get and can be done without leaving science. Currently it's possible to get nearly everything to 6 without leaving science.

The levels below are the origin tech levels of items which means that they can raise the tech levels one over that level.
  • Level 1 items can be found easily and start inside R&D room. These levels will probably mostly stay as they are at the moment. Example item: wrench

    Level 2 items are easy to make or a bit harder to find. Most level 2 items will probably stay as level 2 items but with some changes. Example item: Mining drill/ high power battery

    Level 3 items are more rare items but can start on the station. They can also be made if some basic research has been done. Example item: Intelicard/most circuit boards.

    Level 4 items are harder to make and cannot be found easily as round start. Difficulty to make these will be about the same as now, not becoming any harder. Example item: Portable chem dispenser, many mech items.
  • Level 5 items will need at least some help from other departments. These items are not hard to make but do need someone doing something somewhere.Example item: slime speed potion/combat shotgun/bluespace tomatoes

    Level 6 items are harder or more expensive to get. Example item: sentience potions, bluespace crystals

    Level 7 items are rare special event items that are only got during long rounds or when something special happens. Example items: Anomalies, nuke op gear, abductor items

    Level 8 is reserved for possible new levels or admin only items. I have no plans giving any items origin tech 8 myself.

Required tech levels rebalanced
The good items are behind levels 6 and 7. Some rare good/fun items can then be added behind level 8 for rare situations.

Time and skill level of doing basic R&D is reduced
Making the basic levels from 6 to 5 reduces the time spent so people wouldn't have to sit there for 20 minutes each round before doing anything. Items will also have a bit more diverse tech level than at the moment. This is partly because plasma levels are only used up to level 3 at the moment.
Skill level:
Items which become buildable at certain tech level will have higher origin tech. This means that new scientists don't need to figure out which item out of the 30 items makes the research levels go up by one. Basically origin tech levels are more likely to be the same as required tech levels on tech levels below 5.

More department co-operation
Currently the only departments that even can do anything to help are cargo with combat shotguns and xenobio with sentience potions. I want to increase these departments. Botany is at least easy to do since they have some progression with mutating plants. Other possible things would be for example an item which spawns after chemistry mixes some hard-to-make chemicals and can (only) be used for R&D. This item could then unlock a level which allows them to make bluespace beakers for example, for chemistry. Problem with this would currently be that science can do all the same things with their chem dispenser. Anyway, give ideas for more departmental co-operation through the station. These can also be added to the game later, they do not need to exist already. For example particle collider for engineering which gives some exotic things that can be used for high R&D levels.

Items R&D can make to be limited by mostly tech levels
Partly explained in the first 2 chapters. Minerals shouldn't be the thing restricting things in R&D as much as they currently are. Science needs to be able to give others good gear. Items that would benefit science a lot such as good guns can be put behind those high tech levels.

Request of new items: items that work as upgrades for existing items
Best way to prevent science from being the "build everything, have everything" is to give science upgrade parts instead of giving the full item. This is especially important for low research levels. A good example is the janicart floor buffer upgrade. Science can't make better janicarts than janitor's cart but instead it can make an item which upgrades it. Same kind of things could be used for many other items as well. One great thing would be upgrade parts to a laser gun which make it closer to the old laser cannon, giving it more charge and higher damage. These items are useless without a laser gun from security so they would work well as basic weapon items. Good guns themselves could be then put behind the tech level barriers to high levels.

Point of the upgrades would be that science can help other departments more than it can now which is usually just upgrading medbay and that's it. Best thing would be that science can make something for all departments and all departments can do something to help science (because it's a research station). These upgrade items could, in my opinion, replace some of the machines that are already in the game. Just take the machine out and add an upgrade part to an existing machine.
Ideas of these upgradable parts:
  • More charge for laser guns/tasers/armory guns for security

    More damage for laser guns for security

    Small upgrade part for defib to make the death timer longer and/or damage limit higher

    Upgrade for chemistry's chem dispenser to give more chems (like bluespace-upgraded portable one gives now)

    Upgradable RCDs for Engineering? Hard to differentiate between those and Autolathe-made ones, so maybe just upgradable RCDs. Defibs/chem dispensers for Medical (if we ever get Baymed, upgradable health scanners too!), upgradable guns and maybe armour for Security (DRAGnet when), Service already benefits lots from upgrades (but maybe a better light dispenser that can fabricate its own lights and automatically recycle old ones?), Cargo's a difficult one though - what stuff do they have that can be improved? The console, maybe, to reduce costs? -N

What I don't want R&D to be
Adding some useless RNG would just make R&D more like genetics. With the number of items needed this would just make R&D VERY slow and frustrating.
Putting a time barrier on R&D would make getting levels even slower than now. Making things slower or adding "science points" which slowly add up would make it even more waiting and possibly even reduce departmental co-op.

Smaller points:

Remove experimentor tech level upgrade thing
If the tech level barriers are supposed to work, giving science an easy way to overcome them needs to be removed. Experimentor needs to get reworked anyway but this thing would just unbalance most of these level gates.

Remove reliability
This is just adding some useless RNG to deconning items and basically the only item that's actually affected by this is the adv egun (which is getting its cost raised). Tech levels will get balanced accordingly so perfect success rate with the current items still won't give an easy way to get above those level barriers. It's also easy to do this while changing all the item files at the same time.

Return material efficiency upgrades but balance item costs
See the chapter above for limiting with tech levels. I'll return the nerfed version of the old efficiency upgrades. Science needs to be afford to give miners their mining tools and to have fun with their items. There are many very cheap items which cost like 10 minerals after upgrades. These costs need to get a lot higher. Guns will also get their costs higher.

Mineral sheets to 1000 units. E: Skipping this one. Too much work for one PR.
This is easy to do while I'm balancing all the item costs.

Update autolathe efficiency
I think autolathe still has its 85% price reduction with upgrades. I'll balance this properly and change the item costs accordingly since the number of metal/glass is changing.

Origin tech level cannot be higher than required tech level
While I want R&D to be easier than it currently is for new people without guides, there shouldn't be those exosuit syringe guns that you can just make 4 at round start and get most levels instantly maxed. With a proper rebalance these kind of items wouldn't be needed anyway. This mostly affects mech parts and mech circuits so if this gets balanced we have to make sure that robo can still do their job and build those fun mechs without waiting for long times for R&D to do something. Normal protolathe items seem to be well balanced in this way.

Possibly add new fun lategame items to high tech levels (?)
Some items can be moved there but some new items could then be added more easily. Level 8 items would be really hard to get and require luck or some rare thing to happen so it would be safe to add items which wouldn't be used every round.

Bluespace crystals > artificial bluespace crystals
Bluespace crystals can be used well as a tech level barrier. I just have to make sure that the roundstart machines start with artificial crystals and not real ones to make this work well. Then the artificial ones can have different tech levels than real ones. Their usage will still be identical though.

Small changes to DA
I'll change the triple "are you sure?" clicking to only require 2 clicks from the console menu to deconstruct an item. I'm planning to add a warning when deconstructing items that don't give any new tech levels though.

Bugfixes to R&D console
I'll fix some bugs while at it.
Last edited by Lati on Fri May 13, 2016 7:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by ShadowDimentio » #175752

Thumbs up
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by WarbossLincoln » #175766

Here's a few ideas:

Ways to get department based research levels:

*Genetics: a disk with super powers on it could provide research levels in something.
*Virology: Blood samples with positive symptoms give some research levels

New ways for R&D to upgrade the station

Reagent dispensers: Upgrades from R&D that unlock new reagents/materials. Like the bartender's drink dispenser could have special drinks that require an upgrade to unlock, kinda like hacking vending machines.

Vending Machines: new items when upgrading, like hacking but with a different set of items. This also would affect most departments.

*Seed Vendor: gets special seeds, maybe even a couple plants that are mutation only normally but if R&D helps out it can give some to the botanists if they don't happen to get them(like living tomatos or mushrooms).

*Chef's Macine: Is it possible for a vending machine to regenerate items inside it over time? If not, why not?. Chef's Kitchen vending machine could, when upgraded, dispense bags of flour and meat, 1 bag/steak in it at a time but could regenerate over time. With that after R&D does some work they could stop bugging the botanists for basic stuff later in the round, leaving them free to experiment more.
Last edited by WarbossLincoln on Wed May 11, 2016 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Gun Hog
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Gun Hog » #175769

I am obviously very concerned about this, especially after reading your design document. That being said, I will reserve judgement until I see some hard numbers. I fear this may become the reality of what I have seen of practically every other attempt to refactor R&D: It is just a huge nerf that does not improve the role for those that play it, and seeks to prevent Science having any significant effect on the round itself. I truly hope that this one will be different from the others.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Durkel » #175777

Gating items behind department cooperation is going to be disaster. It may seem like a good idea on paper, but in practice it's hard to even depend on one department to do their job correctly. That and forcing xenobiology onto a path of "you have to make sentience potions" is pretty shitty. If your goal is to make it so science is ever rarely finished, especially on low pop rounds, then I guess you're on the right path.
Sierra Welbe says, "Tim Ebow fucking threw soap everywhere near the HoP office, like I mean 20 fucking goddamn bars AND I CAN'T STOP SLIPPING"
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Byond Username: Lati

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #175781

I've played a lot of R&D during the last 1.5 years so I'm just trying to make it also more fun for myself, hopefully in this way it'll be more fun for (almost) everyone. Of course there will be some nerfs because all departments aren't always working but in that way science needs some nerfs. All the basic items will still be easily unlocked and time needed to get those levels won't get any longer. Hopefully shorter.

Sentience potions are currently a gate level to high biology and it will stay that way. I won't be adding any more items behind that gate level since that's one of the two currently working gate levels on R&D. The other one being combat shotguns to combat 6.
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Byond Username: Lumipharon

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by lumipharon » #175847

Current science is 'max out absolutely everything and shitout OP shit for days and never leave science ever'.

This system requires some level of co-operation - and with the idea of science being able to directly upgrade other departments shit, then they have a pretty damn good reason to help.

Nerfing R&D from it's current situation of being objectively superior to everything else in the game is anything but a bad thing.
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Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Incomptinence » #175848

How will free golems fair under this change? I know they shouldn't be a focus but it would be nice if they weren't stuffed when they got their legacy.
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Byond Username: Lati

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #175859

Most of the high level toys like implants and guns aren't usable to golems anyway so they're not missing out on much even without the really high levels. In that sense this might be a buff to golems if I manage to reduce the time to get the basic levels up. And I'll make sure that mining tools can be made with levels gained from minerals only. It wouldn't make sense for miners to not get better mining tools just because xenobio/botany/unrelated department isn't working.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by ShadowDimentio » #175863

Splitting rewards into departments would be a good idea.
"Clowns are different you can't trust those shifty fucks you never know what they're doing or if they're willing to eat a dayban for some cheap yuks."

"The amount of people is the amount of times the sound is played... on top of itself. And with sybil populations on the shuttle..."
-Remie Richards

"I just spent all fucking day playing fallen london and sunless sea and obsessing over how creepy the fucking dawn machine is and only just clocked now that your avatar is the fucking dawn machine. Nobody vote for this disgusting new sequence blasphemer he wants to kill the gods"

"Drank a cocktail of orange Gatorade and mint mouthwash on accident. Pretty sure I'm going to die, I am on the verge of vomit. It was nice knowing you guys"

"You're too late, you will have to fetch them from the top of my tower, built by zombies, slaves, zombie slaves and garitho's will to live!"

"This is like being cooked alive in a microwave oven which utilises the autistic end of the light spectrum to cook you."

"Penguins are the second race to realise 2D>3D"

"Paul Blart mall cops if they all had ambitions of joining the Waffen-SS"

"These logs could kill a dragon much less a man"

">7 8 6

"We didn't kick one goofball out only to have another one come in like a fucking revolving door"

"There's a difference between fucking faggots and being a fucking faggot."

"You guys splitting the 20 bucks cost to hire your ex again?"

"Wew. Congrats. It's been actual years since anyone tried to make fun of me for being divorced. You caught me, I'm tilted. Here is your trophy."

"I prefer my coffees to run dry too *snorts a line of maxwell house*"
-Super Aggro Crag

"You don't have an evil bone in your body, unless togopal comes for a sleepover"

">Paying over a $1000 for a lump of silicon and plastic

"Then why did you get that boob job?"

"You take that back you colonial mongrel"

"I don't care whether or not someone with an IQ 3 standard deviations below my own thinks they enjoy Wizard rounds."
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Byond Username: Incomptinence

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Incomptinence » #175873

Golems really want mining tools, parts upgrades, basic mesons, maybe a civilian mech if they have the time and a potential combatl mech if you are feeling generous they can pilot just fine.

Hell maybe they should be able to make a tribal mech out of bones goliath hide and some tech but that's a suggestion for another pull.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by lumipharon » #175890

I wouldn't worry about golem balance - their situation should be balanced around R&D, not the other way around.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by TheNightingale » #176093

I gave my feedback on the original piratepad, but all things considered, this looks pretty good. It's not altogether a nerf, but it's not a buff either - it's a remake, and it's a remake R&D needs. Let's make it happen.
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Byond Username: Lati

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #176106

I'll post the current efficiency changes here too for possible feedback.
  • Protolathe old efficiency 1 -> 0.75 -> 0.5 -> 0.375
    Protolathe new efficiency 1 -> 0.8 -> 0.6 -> 0.4
    I'll be raising the cost of several items later to bring them to better balance with this. Mainly guns and some very cheap but important items.
  • Imprinter materials won't be affected by its upgrades. The material costs of circuits are so small anyway and this way I don't have to change their costs. Acid usage stays unchanged, meaning it's still 20, 10, 5, 2.5, but the visual bug got fixed.
  • Exosuit fabricator gets its laser coeff back
    Levels affecting costs stays gone, having two different things making things cheaper is too complicated
    Old laser coeff 1 -> 0.88 -> 0.75 -> 0.63
    New laser coeff 1 -> 0.85 -> 0.7 -> 0.55
    This is slightly better than the old laser coeff but without levels affecting these too the overall costs are still more expensive than they used to be. These can be changed to 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 or other values easily if requested.
  • Autolathe old efficiency: 1 -> 0.5 -> 0.25 -> 0.125 (Costs drop down to 12.5%!!)
    Autolathe new efficiency: 1 -> 0.8 -> 0.6 -> 0.4
    These new numbers still seem high but at least they make sense now
How have science players got used to the new "no efficiency" system? Is returning to these 40% cost reductions too much? Should I make the efficiency upgrades even less powerful?
Please note that tier 3 parts are the most commonly used and tier 4 is supposed to be strong and special anyway. And with laser upgrades for exosuit fabricator tier 2 is the most common one since tier 3 laser requires uranium.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by lumipharon » #176112

The system for most of the years WAS a no efficiency system, and everything was fine.
Then upgrades got added, which gave like x2 efficiency, then ORM got added, then later made upgradable, for x3 efficiency, then t4 upgraded got added to everything, for a ultimate efficiency of x12 or something.

The ORM was never intended to be upgradable, and for that matter neither were the other machines.
Doubling your efficiency overall is a big deal - we don't need these rediculous efficiencies from progressive powercreep.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by srifenbyxp » #183714

I normally don't like to play link tag and I should really check feedback more often but:

https://www.tgstation13.org/phpBB/viewt ... f=2&t=6860

In short, this update for research is plain terrible.
To be robust is not about combat prowess, it is the state of readiness for the situation at hand.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Zilenan91 » #183734

Yeah people nerfed research because they got sick of scientists spewing out a billion guns every round
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Takeguru » #183817

Oh boy, science now needs more than one department doing their job to get anything fun

RIP lowpop science
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Bombadil » #183884

R&D was already fucking tedious.


We have to fucking rob other departments and secure storage just to get engineering 5.

All for some "Codependence"

what the fuck happens when there are no botanists? How about genetics which never gets research done so how am i supposed to get engineering 6?


This whole fucking update is retarded.

The only way to get bags of holding now is to make a fucking phazon torso after sacrificing the stations resources to research
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Saegrimr » #183898

Bombadil wrote:what the fuck happens when there are no botanists?
Is it a specific plant you need, or just any plant?
Go fucking grab the shit out of greyshirt hydroponics. There's always fruit just sitting on the table there.

Im not sure what you'd need to decon from Genetics. A powers syringe? A disk? How does this even work?
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Takeguru » #183899

You need deathnettles, ghost chilis, and bluespace tomatoes
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Saegrimr » #183902

All three? That's pretty fucking intense.
tedward1337 wrote:Sae is like the racist grandad who everyone laughs at for being racist, but deep down we all know he's right.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by PKPenguin321 » #183904

Bombadil wrote:R&D was already fucking tedious.


We have to fucking rob other departments and secure storage just to get engineering 5.

All for some "Codependence"

what the fuck happens when there are no botanists? How about genetics which never gets research done so how am i supposed to get engineering 6?


This whole fucking update is retarded.

The only way to get bags of holding now is to make a fucking phazon torso after sacrificing the stations resources to research
yeah dude R&D was so hard before man it was so difficult my whole 5-10 minutes of putting a thing in and pushing a button man it was so hard man
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Incomptinence » #183914

Hrrm I might play RND again now its no longer fairly competent me being pushed aside because OMG GOTTA MAX TECH NOW FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN! Like I remember that RD who demoted some chick because she had the nerve to print out a single fucking super matter bin to literally double her efficiency in xenobio because GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAAAAAX!
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by PKPenguin321 » #183928

Incomptinence wrote:Hrrm I might play RND again now its no longer fairly competent me being pushed aside because OMG GOTTA MAX TECH NOW FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN! Like I remember that RD who demoted some chick because she had the nerve to print out a single fucking super matter bin to literally double her efficiency in xenobio because GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAAAAAX!
yeah that too

hardest part of old R&D was finding a good pastebin guide to follow
i play Lauser McMauligan. clown name is Cold-Ass Honkey
i have three other top secret characters as well.
tell the best admin how good he is
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Incomptinence » #183933

Literally more robotic game play than playing an actual robot.

Given though it still is that way, maybe once they entice the other departments to dump things their way as slavishly as mining things might just go back to normal.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by lumipharon » #183935

Wait, so is there any complaint about this other than 'R&D now requires a small amount of effort and potential player interaction"?

Shit like items giving origin tech levels that don't really make logical sense, and encouraging people to decon traitor objectives is dumb, but that's not a problem with the overall system, just a few specific items/levels.

Edit: The only real issue is botany having high origin tech items, which because they can easily mass produce them, makes botany superior to most other ways of getting certain levels up.
The logical solution to that, would be to get the power 6 mcguffin from botany, botany first needs a power 5 mcguffin from R&D to be able to mutate it or whatever. That will stop a good botanist being able to power level R&D, and actively encourage the 2 departments to help each other.
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Byond Username: Lati

Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #183951

I'm taking those "my guide doesn't work anymore!", "I have to do things now!" and "I have to leave the room and talk to others!" complaints as positive feedback, that's how it should be. Now science is less robotic sit-in-a-room-for-20-minutes-and-have-everything and more interaction and helping.

There's already a PR up in which I'm removing the traitor item origin techs. I'll replace them with something else. Botany is also a bit too strong at the moment but mostly it's working well. Xenobio has about the same number of things they can give and you don't even have to leave science to get those.

People used to be fine without getting combat shotguns and sentience potions every round but now it's suddenly a big problem to get items which are even easier to get. You don't need death nettles if you just order one crate of combat shotguns. You don't need bluespace tomatoes if the miners just bring a bluespace crystal. And you don't even need all these levels up to make some certain items. Almost all high tech items just need a single level to be high.

E: There was just now a round during lowpop in which a single golem in lavaland mined enough to get R&D boards and got the research up to hyper kinetics along with other items completely alone. Seems like golems are fine, at least after BoH reqs have been changed.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Pilgrim » #183966

You know, maybe a good way to make R&D less pastebin-y would be to turn it into a series of achievements that you need to unlock in order to get more research levels. The scientist could equip a toggleable scanner that analyzes bodily reactions to certain events, i.e. being eaten by a slime. This could be done to yourself or scanned from other people.

The key to fixing research, I think, is making it less bland. Doing menial tasks is alright if they expose the player to potentially fucked up situations. Instead of making it a treasure hunt it can be made into an achievement hunt. Required tasks would be randomized and revealed through something like standard R&D.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Super Aggro Crag » #184228

Its harder to get mining equipment now so there's even less of an incentive to mine for minerals
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Bombadil » #184246

>wait 20 minutes after bringing materials to science

Finally get a hyper still no night vision mesons.

Fucking hell Latd. Every scientist i talk to ingame says they hate the new research
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Bombadil » #184249

Incomptinence wrote:Hrrm I might play RND again now its no longer fairly competent me being pushed aside because OMG GOTTA MAX TECH NOW FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN FOLLOW THE PASTE BIN! Like I remember that RD who demoted some chick because she had the nerve to print out a single fucking super matter bin to literally double her efficiency in xenobio because GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAAAAAX!

How is this going to be any different? Once the fastest path is figured out there will be a new pastenbin with GOTTA MAX GOTTA MAX
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Wyzack » #184258

I already said this in the non-official feedback thread, but I really do think RnD needed to be a little bit harder. Obviously this will rustle some jimmies but that is more or less unavoidable'

What I do really take issue with is completely nonsensical tech requirements, such as needing genetics powers for engineering research. I think this is a perfect example of straying so far from realism for the sake of gameplay that it starts to become to dumb to deal with. Surely there is some other less dumb way of changing these techs?
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Sidon » #184293

Super Aggro Crag wrote:Its harder to get mining equipment now so there's even less of an incentive to mine for minerals
Might as well give your minerals to the smarter golems and hunt for better loot now.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Takeguru » #184316


The golems are usually close to the outpost, they have an ORM right there and their vendor has more stuff to pick from

Given the choice, I think I'd just support them over RnD proper, they'd be more likely to give you stuff in return
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by lumipharon » #184446

To add to my last post, that idea can also be extended to other departments/tech trees.

ie: R&D makes singuloscanner9000 (say req tech engineering and EMP 4) that engineering have to park near the engine for a while until it pops out with some SCIENCE that can be deconned for engineering/EM 5, that in turn lets R&D make RCD's that work remotely like the mech version, or some shit.

Basically, at tech level X, R&D can make an item that another department can use to help you get tech level X + 1, which in turn let R&D make something specifically useful for that department.

Yes or yes?
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by oranges » #184452

well at least it drives some player v player engagement
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Actionb » #184892

The more I look at it... the less are active botanists required.
Xenobiology, Mining and robotics can provide most of the research items:
plasma 6: phazon torso (robo)
power 6: slime cell (xeno)
BS 7: crystal (xeno or mining)
bio 7: sent potion (xeno)
combat 7: shottie (cargo)
EMP 7: lazarus (mining)
data 7: bot AI upgrade (mining)

Odd one out is engineering tech requiring 4+ powers in an injector. Maybe lower the necessary powers for engi 5 to ~3 and for engi 6 to 4?
For most rounds, you don't really need tech levels higher than 6 (engi, power, magnets) or even 5 anyway:
Engi 6 required: notably BoH, most NVGs, sonic jackhammer
Engi 7 required: thruster implant, mech medibeam

plasma 6: portal gun, xray implant
plasma 7: decloner

power 6: BS cell, jackhammer + hyper KA, quad capacitor
power 7: mech medibeam

bluespace 6: phazon stuff, BS beaker
bluespace 7: portal gun, BoH

bio 6: end game implants, mech medibeam
bio 7: xray & reviver implant

combat 6: some imlants, mech weapons
combat 7: xray gun

EMP 6: top tier scanning and laser parts
EMP 7: nothing

data 6: antidrop, AI modules, phazon stuff
data 7: nothing
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by InsaneHyena » #184903

I hate this change, since it forces me to rely on botanist hippies that never grow anything other than weed, and beg other departments to PLEASE give me something (no, I don't have anything to reward you with, hey, hey, where are you going?!), but there's nothing I can really do about it. The divide is absolute. Is there a good pastebin for new RnD already?
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Wyzack » #184971

Since the creator still has not addressed this please PLEASE come up with an alternative material requirement for engineering. Needing genetics injectors is absolutely retarded. Would make sense for bio, but not engineering in the slightest
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Bombadil » #185150

Genetics for engineering is retarded.

Solely because Genetics is so fucking RNG bullshit that 50 minutes into round genetics fully upgraded didn't find 5 superpowers yet.

Oh and the geneticist went braindead and we had 4 powers but it was only engi 3.

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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Lati » #185167

Engineering is a bit broken at the moment since there are no good items for that on the station. I'm soon adding another way of getting engineering and later hopefully more, there's one PR up for that already. If someone wants to add a good item to engineering department that requires progression to get, I'll gladly add it to engineering tech as well.

I tested playing genetics first time in a year a few days ago and went through all the blocks and got all the powers with unupgraded machines in about 10-15 minutes so it's mostly a problem of that tech level being only available through genetics at the moment since the geneticists are often doing something else.

I'm soon tuning some other lategame items as well like removing the hated ghost chili. I'm accepting item ideas for especially engineering tech and electromagnets tech.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Bombadil » #185197

How about making the Particle Acclerator actually buildable using R&D and make some new parts solely for Particle accelerator that have their own tiers
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by ShadowDimentio » #185212

I haven't heard a single person say they like it, everyone hates it. This is what reverts are for, if nobody likes a change you don't keep it.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Drynwyn » #185362

Decent in theory, but either some useful items need to be moved to TL <5, or Botany needs to be more codependent with R&D. As-is doing R&D is pissing into the wind and praying it doesn't blow back into your face (that is, you do it and the other departments never come through.)
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Zilenan91 » #185363

Something that requires scientists to get into engineering for wouldn't incentivize players interacting with each other. Every single engineer fucks off after setting up the engine since there's nothing left to do so why would they ever come back to engineering to let you in.
Zilenan91 wrote:
Just replace both their arms with chainsaws.

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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Yakumo_Chen » #185442

I really hate this. Encouraging cooperation is nice but the required items are so abysmally high in tech that you will never ever ever max out research in any round now. If it's high pop the round is guaranteed to be too short to max research (or chaos will unfold too quick), and in low pop there's not enough players to actually do the jobs to max research, if the round even lasts long enough.

Worse yet some of the most useful items in the game are gated behind ridiculous tech levels. You can't get any of the nightvision HUDs now unless you max out genetics, which is completely fucking ridiculous. PHAZONS are absolutely impossible to build now because of the reliance on a huge amount of tech levels. You can't build X-ray lasers without botany's ghost peppers, which means blobs should never lose a round. Miners can't get their Hyper-Kinetic Accelerators which means they'll be stuck with pleb-tier mining tools like drills. The fact that you need like 4 different botany plants to max research is also shit and stupid. Unless fucking Daisy Holmes is playing I shouldn't ever expect to get anything useful out of R&D now.
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Actionb » #185480

Yakumo_Chen wrote:You can't get any of the nightvision HUDs now unless you max out genetics, which is completely fucking ridiculous.
Engineering tech really needs an alternative. Sadly, there aren't any late-game engineering items or machines.
Yakumo_Chen wrote: PHAZONS are absolutely impossible to build now because of the reliance on a huge amount of tech levels.
Phazons are more limited by getting an anomaly core, anyway.
Other than that, the boards really only need data 6, most other required tech levels have been reduced.
Yakumo_Chen wrote: You can't build X-ray lasers without botany's ghost peppers, which means blobs should never lose a round.
Combat shotguns are now origin tech 6, meaning you can get to combat 7 (xray) with those.
Yakumo_Chen wrote: Miners can't get their Hyper-Kinetic Accelerators which means they'll be stuck with pleb-tier mining tools like drills.
Hyper KAs are actually easier to get:
before: req_tech = list("materials" = 6, "powerstorage" = 6, "engineering" = 5, "magnets" = 6, "combat" = 4)
after: req_tech = list("materials" = 7, "powerstorage" = 5, "engineering" = 5, "magnets" = 5, "combat" = 4)

Again... you can really do without a botanist - you just need to extort the miners to give you some vendor goodies (lazarus, bot upgrade, bluespace crystal). Everything else - you don't have to MAX all the tech anyhow - can be provided by robotics and xenobio (... and genetics, but that just simply needs alternatives).
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Takeguru » #185492

Yeah, genetics
The job purely based on RNG now
That's why miners can't get Hyper-KAs

Add brute-force options to RnD
They cost an absurd amount of minerals, but it's an alternative if another department that you're expected to work with decides not to work
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Re: R&D level remake feedback

Post by Actionb » #185499

Takeguru wrote:Yeah, genetics
The job purely based on RNG now
That's why miners can't get Hyper-KAs
Hyper KAs don't need engi 6. Its requirements are in the post above yours...
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