Malkevin wrote:FantasticFwoosh wrote: A bit shit like the now mandatory cuffs in the sec-belts that nobody uses because zip-ties are a direct upgrade and cuffs are a personal safety liability but its nice to know they are there.
Say what?
Cuffs are reusable, zip ties aren't.
If prisoners are pocketing your cuffs that's your own fault
How is it my (/sec players) fault? Zip ties are best applied on assistants and other nobodies because of the exact reason they are disposable (applies to both). Latejoin sec players already start with cuffs, in the pocket and the backpack. And its just obtuse to carry around three pairs of cuffs that are forced onto you and made your responsibility to not lose.
Nobody is at fault but RNG if a shitter gets half a chance to steal your baton simply BECAUSE you have to confiscate the cuffs off them, with disposables they can break out but nobody will care because they can try to rob you (which then is probably your own fault for not putting your baton/taser away), but not humilate or put your life in danger by binding you, 8/10 giving you enough time to beat the shit out of them or log a report for arrest rather than a 100 sec files on greyshirts stealing cuffs for trophies because 'muh validhunt' mentality and petty theft.
Often just bucklecuffing a shitter to a chair or a free bed in brig/public place is good enough since the time taken to restrain out of it will apply to the time you could probably enact in a cell & time taken to drag them there, there are a lot of losers on this station and the zip-tie shortage does not address this.
A traitor or a criminal will likely not be let out of cuffs unless totally nessecary, a greyshirt by space law is only given a small brig time for small crime, and therefore doesn't warrant such excessive means of restraint with such risk attached to it.
Replacing the cuff in the sec belt with a zip tie would be more satisfactory and safe.