Steelpoint wrote:When you have antagonists picking slipping with water over guns, you might see something wrong. Maybe.
Oh, I always wondered when the nerfcrew were going to nerf slips to the point of uselessness like they nerfed everything else. Especially anything else non-sec can get. They're balanced, they're fucking visible for christ sake and are hardcountered by WALKING, or moving around it of all things. Make it so they don't last enough to cuff? Great, you didn't solve the 'problem' but instead you just removed the last territory-denial getaway weapon non-sec even has left, and instead of slip -> cuff it'll be slip -> stun cuff, further requiring a stunprod to do anything markedly vaguely resembling murder in this game. It was even nerfed not that long ago to have a sizeable deployment delay and a really really loud sound on the level of an esword that it always had.
Chemistry? Grenades were nerfed severely, foam and smoke is pretty much useless and the only viable grenade combinations that are worthwhile are clf3 and phlog variations. Thermite was nerfed but still viable, lube is still unnerfed but probably not for long. Genetics? So many crap blocks were added you'd be lucky if you get a power or two in a half hour, especially with DNAIDS gone, and there's that prospective nerf in the works on git. Science? Unreliable, but all the guns were gated behind the armory or a trillion points in cargo unless you're a traitor and you purchase an emag, instead of simply an armory-access ID. Probably the next target with the nerfbat since bombs are actually viable for mass-destruction, and no one seems to care that everything is gated behind minerals that mining doesn't come with half the time, and R&D takes more than half the round to get to levels where you, as an antag, can do things with it predicated on acquiring firing pins. You can no longer perform self-surgery, so yes, no self-augging and instead you, as an unallied antagonist, have to trust your life to random folks to do a time consuming process. I mean, when was the last time you saw someone augged? Augs were nerfed fairly severely anyways.
Mining can't even get stims that work in their hardsuits any more for christ sake because apparently being rewarded for mining with a limited use item that made the work more bearable and had viable antagonist usage was OP. Even the
mining mobs were nerfed, the goliath no longer stuns if you walk over a tentatcle.
Sec on the other hand, had their taser cap slashed to 5 and ridiculously unbalanced disablers with nigh infinite ammo added in their place, which render juking a security guard's shots outright impossible, even if they blindfire. Flashbangs were buffed to rely on ear and eye protection, missing one still nets a long stun (I believe it used to only stun without eye protection since we didn't have bowmen's until recently), and eye cover and ear cover are hard to find and usually come with massive downsides (earmuffs make you deaf, welding goggles/helmet makes you partially blind). Flashes were made spammable in an AoE and disorients (the latter may have been reverted), so anyone without active eye protection can, out of nowhere, be blinded forever with no counterplay in combat. Sec received the massive buff of having an armory of 20-bullet autorifles with 2 extra mags per rifle, hardcountering any on-station antagonist relying on melee (read: almost all of them until they get that sweet, sweet sec gear with a mandatory stunprod), and making flashbang -> massacre 4-5 people very easy to accomplish as they are extremely spammable.
only untouched major sectors are cargo and engineering, but engineering doesn't have much in the way of lethal instruments sans stunprods in the first place, only utility, and the former.
We have inverse power creep, ESPECIALLY for non-sec. Everything gets weaker all the time. The game used to be 'everything is scary and lethal, be afraid', and now I don't even give a fuck if a random blood-covered assistant comes after me in my office because there's
nothing he can do to me before I can shut him down. Stun combat was OK, but it worked. Removing stuns
won't and doesn't work, and seriously, after all these nerfs the only reason I still play here is because I'm addicted.
Note: Slips also rely on the targets to move toward you and chase, whilst being close enough to follow you, which also means they're close enough to hear water being sprayed before it's actually deployed. If they don't dodge or start walking, that's their fault. Same with if they run over an obvious, previously-wet tile in the middle of the hall - they get a good 10 tiles of reaction there to stop. The counterplay to slips is *gasp*
dodging the slip. What you want is for sec to be able to make multiple mistakes in combat and
still win against an antag that does everything right. Your sec bias is showing.