TheWiznard wrote:For example I was playing a round last night and it was obvious some people from sybil were on (no server wars shit going on, just new names) and like 15-20 minutes into the round a good chunk of the station is blown up. The traitor wound up killing himself and we decided to fix up the station instead of calling the shuttle. This guy from sybil (not trying to be meme, just trying to prove my point) keeps calling over the radio "man this looks really bad" "man are you sure you don't wanna call the shuttle?" "man this looks like a lot of work" etc. People tell him over the radio it's not that bad and we can do it (like all 17 people are working on fixing the station except this guy). He winds up suicide because "it looked like too much work and I can't help out." This guy was an atmos tech, he coulda been laying pipe w/ an rpd or anything else, but just chooses to suicide cause we won't reset the round over over some minor explosions.
We actually fixed almost all of it in the end (and I think the atmos tech suicided because they'd been fixing bombs for the past four rounds and got tired). Only the disposals network was still damaged (and nobody likes disposals pipes anyway). Six maxcap bombs went off, and we fixed it. (Then the adminspiders came and we did a nice, orderly evacuation with lots of screaming.)
Currently, you see something like this:
Sybil: 50/50 ||| Basil: 25/50.
The thing is, though, Basil isn't the overflow server, as Anonmare says. We have a different approach to SS13 than Sybil does, and
that's not inherently a bad thing. For rounds that end in twenty minutes with no satisfying conclusion, go to Sybil. For rounds that stretch on for four hours where everyone goes braindead, go to Basil. And either way is fine -- but it's important not to try and force one playstyle on another.
How about this:
Raise the Sybil popcap to 70.